Tuesday, June 30, 2020

️ How To Spend $6,914.70 And Generate $69,691.00 In Revenue With Pinterest Ads!

Hey folks!

Some quick stats on this campaign before I jump right in (scroll down for the screenshot):

CPM = $1.23

CPA = $11.86
ROAS = 10.0
Impressions = 5.7m
Customer average order value (AOV) = $107.36

If you’re running an e-commerce business selling to female buyers - you NEED Pinterest in your advertising arsenal.


I'm someone who’s spent millions & millions running Facebook, Instagram and Google ads and I dismissed Pinterest as nothing more than a ‘fad’.

But then I looked...

️ How To Spend $6,914.70 And Generate $69,691.00 In Revenue With Pinterest Ads!

from ️ How To Spend $6,914.70 And Generate $69,691.00 In Revenue With Pinterest Ads!

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