Sunday, March 31, 2019

Affiliate Marking or Freelancing

Hello Everyone, Hope you all are doing great, Currently, I am working with an MNC and I am planning to start my own company within one a.

from Affiliate Marking or Freelancing

#1736 I interview EasyBroker founder as we walk around and explore Mexico City

I usually interview founders from my office in San Francisco but this year I want to interview entrepreneurs all over the world in their own countries. So here’s what I did: I flew to Texas, ran 26.2 miles over the border into Mexico and I’m here interviewing entrepreneurs including Eric Northam who I know from when we were both living in Argentina. He’s got a company called EasyBroker which is a management and collaboration platform for real estate agents.

Eric Northam is the founder of EasyBroker, a management and collaboration platform that enables you to easily create market studies and share your listings with your clients.

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ActiveCampaign – Improve your marketing & sales processes by upgrading to an automated platform. Start sending follow-up that adapts to your customers’ behavior so you are sending the perfect message at the perfect time. You’ll have happier customers and higher conversions. See why over 150,000 marketers use ActiveCampaign to create intelligent marketing that gets better results.

If you’re with one of their confusing competitors and you want something new, you owe it to your business to check out ActiveCampaign.

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from #1736 I interview EasyBroker founder as we walk around and explore Mexico City

Friday, March 29, 2019

How Can I Use Facebook To Generate Free Homeowner Motivated Seller & House Buyer Leads

Hey guys, i promote web hosting via seo and it is turning out good. i was just wondering, if i were to send ppc traffic (to promote hostgator) to a .

from How Can I Use Facebook To Generate Free Homeowner Motivated Seller & House Buyer Leads

Discounts. How To Absolutely Never Lower Your Price, And Still Get The Sale

A few days ago, I called to order some supplies from a company I've dealt with before. I happened to ask "Can you give me a better price?". And the ...

from Discounts. How To Absolutely Never Lower Your Price, And Still Get The Sale




How To Get Featured On Warrior Forum

I think many members might be interested in basics of drop shipping or sourcing products, building your first blog or website and perhaps a series (is ...

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Recommended Traffic Sources

From the look of things, it appears CPA is a totally different ball game and I would appreciate any pointers, please. Like, what traffic source you would ...

from Recommended Traffic Sources

Affiliate marketing course

Hello, can someone recommend me a good step by step affiliate marketing course for a beginner?

from Affiliate marketing course

Affordable Complete Link Building + On-page Optimization Service

Interested to get a review copy if available. ... best Internet Marketing Content, Copywriting Growth Hacking, Digital Marketing Product and a lot more!

from Affordable Complete Link Building + On-page Optimization Service

#1735 Jason Davis sold his company to Etsy. Here’s how working there gave him the next big idea

Joining me today is someone I remember reading about on TechCrunch when he sold his company to Etsy. Well he had another idea which partially came from his time at Etsy and seeing how much data they had to manage. He came up with a new company that would help companies like Etsy make use of all their data and better serve customers. I invited him here to talk about how he did it. Jason Davis is the co-founder of Simon Data, which builds data tools for modern marketing.

Jason Davis is the co-founder of Simon Data, which builds data tools for modern marketing.

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Toptal – If you’re having trouble finding developers, Toptal is a network of elite pre-vetted software developers. You tell Toptal what you’re looking for, they search their network for the best people, they test the candidates, and then they present you with only the candidates who meet your individual needs. Once you pick someone you can start work with them the next day. They offer a no-risk trial period. Go to Get the best of the best right now.

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from #1735 Jason Davis sold his company to Etsy. Here’s how working there gave him the next big idea

Digital Marketing

I want to learn that how can i boost product sale of an online shopping site i have little knowledge of digital marketing not lika a pro.

from Digital Marketing

Thursday, March 28, 2019

How do you combine your marketing lists?

Everyone says the money is in the list. They say in order to be in marketing you must have a list. I agree with all of this, however I have.

from How do you combine your marketing lists?

Uber & Lyft Marketing for Physical Stores

Never seen anything like it Uber drivers may like the fact to make a few extra dollars. You get the idea up and running. You may make out very well if ...

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Nearly there

Posted a gig on Fiverr, gonna post 3 more today. Found low CPC niches on WWB and made accounts, studied PPC and Audience insights, all this ...

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Is this possible?

Hi all. I'm not a web designer, at all, but I have come across a task that I'd like to complete. I'm pretty savvy with WordPress and I'd l.

from Is this possible?

4 Steps To Avoid Fizzling Out After Your Launch

Launching just about anything online is one of the most rewarding, yet challenging things you can ever undertake.

It can be an extremely lucrative way to make money online too, when you do it right.

For example:

You create a valuable course on a topic people really want to learn about. You price it right, and set up a great marketing funnel to attract people to it, and if all goes according to your plan, that course will bring in a consistent stream of recurring revenue for you.  


You decide on doing a one-off launch, where you put months of planning and energy into a five to seven day window where you open your course for enrollment. During that time, if your launch went well, you’d potentially make an entire year’s salary in a matter of months.

Creating online courses and offerings is one way to build a successful online business that scales, because there’s no limit to how many online courses or offerings you can sell, once you’ve created them.

This is why so many people have been lured into the world of online course creation and the hope of making a living from selling their knowledge.

In fact, according to Industry Forecasts, by the year 2025, online learning will be a $331 billion industry!

It’s exploding.

But here’s the thing I’ve noticed, poorly planned launches, that don’t have a clear strategy or plan, can be a huge waste of time, money and energy.

What’s more, without a long term aim, they can really knock the wind out of your sales and leave you wondering if launching several times a year is sustainable.

So let’s look at ways to make sure that you feel motivated and energized by your launch and ready to take on the next challenge.

Step 1. Focus On Your Health

Another big reason why you may feel deflated, even after a successful launch, is that due to the intensity of the launch period, you probably didn’t look after yourself well enough and now you’re paying for it.

As I’ve stated already, launching anything online is super rewarding, yet also, no matter how much of a seasoned pro you become, it’s still challenging.

I see way too many peers burning the candles at both ends, pulling all nighters, working 24/7 – whatever you wish to call it, in order to hit the launch goals they have.

They stop exercising, eat poorly, stay sedentary and do nothing to release the stress and tension that’s building up each day.

It’s like they almost enjoy running on the smell of an oily rag, because it makes them feel like they’re really doing something special. I know because I’ve been there!

Initially those tight deadlines you need to hit (because you set them!) work in your favour, propelling you on, making you work on all the moving parts of your launch like a boss.

But within days, or weeks, too much of that intensity can leave you feeling exhausted, unfocused, irritable and indecisive – pretty much the last way you need to feel in the most critical periods of your launch.

The number one concern you have is not your sales page, your copy, your email sequence, the module you’re building or your payment gateway setup. It’s YOU.

So do me a favor and make sure you schedule in ‘YOU’ time before, during and after a launch.

Your energy, your peace of mind, your focus, your health and your happiness are key.

If you’re not enjoying every moment of it, even the stressful parts, you’re not going to want to launch ever again!

Step 2. Get Help

This last one is so often overlooked. You get into superhero mode thinking you can rock this launch by yourself.

Newsflash! You can’t do this alone, nor should you want to.

It’s so much more fun working on a launch with a small team, even if that’s just one other person helping you out and making you feel like you’re not going insane.

If you’ve already done a launch or or thirteen, you know just how many moving parts there are to juggle. Too many for one person.

Each time I launch, my small but nimble team are always surprised and a bit overwhelmed, if I’m honest, with the launch plan I share with them, because they can see all the different phases and tasks that need to happen sequentially to pull it all off.  

I often bring in 2-3 specialists to help me out at the very least, just for the launch period, like an expert in paid advertising, copywriting or design.

Basically anything that’s not in my zone of genius, or that I can do, but will take me too much time to do, or take me away from what I do best, I outsource.

It works wonders. It works even better if you have those people on your team before launch time so that you don’t get stuck in operations or managing your team.

The more you get to know each other and how you work, and your rhthyms, the smoother and less stressful the launch period is going to be,

Note to the person reading this who thinks they can’t afford a team…


An ads expert who knows their stuff should be giving you a 2-10X return on investment on what you’re paying them and the money you spend on ads.

On one of my launches we got a 5X return on investment which was completely worth it!

A talented copywriter can do the same. A friend of mine recently paid $20,000 to a copywriter to do her sales page and emails. That investment right there returned her half a million in sales from her launch.

A systems expert who can deal with your tech set up, integrations and testing is going to save you a ton of heartache.

If you believe in your product or course, have priced it right, know your audience are going to love it, and have done your launch financials, you should be able to factor in the cost to hire the right people to help make your launch a success, and to help you scale it again and again.

Step 3. Launch Reflection and Review

After the huge high of getting through a launch and closing your cart, one of the first things you should schedule in is a full review and analysis of your launch.

It may sound a bit ‘meh’ but it’s best to do it while everything is fresh in your mind.

The real reason behind this, and why it’s so beneficial to do it right away, is it gives you a true picture on what really happened, and let’s you gain perspective on how you really went, versus what you ‘saw’ happen or ‘felt’ went on.

For example, in my main launch last year, I felt like it was the biggest failure I’d ever had. It hit me really hard, as in the past, I’ve had multiple six figure launches that all went to plan and exceeded my expectations.

I would have continued to think it was an epic fail if I hadn’t looked at the stats from Google Analytics and Facebook ads, or run the numbers to get the true picture of what happened.

Even though I didn’t hit any of my goals, and actually made a loss, it wasn’t related to the marketing or the content of my course, but to the execution, and getting too caught up in the operations.

The actual facts showed the conversion rate of people who went through my video series to my sales page and bought, was actually above average and that had we targeted the right audience and built a better funnel, we would have had better results.

When I looked back over my launch strategy, I could see where things could have been timed differently or what steps I may have overcomplicated or missed.

This made me get out of my funk, and get my big girl panties back on!

I was able to look at it with a fresh pair of eyes and look at options to make the most of the outcome, salvage what I could, and then focus on areas I could improve on for next time.

Remember, the only time you truly fail is when you don’t learn the lesson!

Step 4. Plan Your Escape Vacation

The best thing you can do when you’re planning a launch is to plan your escape when it ends and give yourself a well-earned break – particularly if this was a launch over several months.

This may seem counterintuitive to you, but you have to factor in a celebration period, no matter what your launch result is, and rest and recharge, mentally and physically.

Part of the fun of launches is that you can use the momentum and energy you have during your launch to get an incredible amount of work done and achieve more than ever.

But that can take its toll. And you have probably underestimated the importance of escaping all that momentum and stress, by rolling straight into the next project.

STOP. Don’t do that. Take a freakin break.

You are not designed to do launch after launch after launch – unless it’s a fully automated launch funnel which means you don’t have to do anything after running it live a few times and testing it.

Even after the smoothest launches I’ve done, I always factor in time out to celebrate and reward myself no matter what the outcome.

This really matters as it keeps you motivated!

I truly hope these tips will help you in your next launch, because every single launch is different and you have to embrace this fact or you will find yourself struggling.

Instead I want you to truly make the most of your time, money and energy and have FUN on each and every single launch.

We are living in such an incredible time where it’s possible to sit at a laptop, and use tools, technology and a remote team, to make an impact in thousands of peoples’ lives by simply sharing your knowledge through your online products and courses.

That’s one heck of a privilege right there!

Natalie Sisson is driven by what most value so highly but few achieve – uncapping your true potential. She’s an entrepreneur, No #1 Bestselling author, speaker, triathlete and lifelong learner, who’s on a mission to show you how to tap into your true potential to optimize your life, business and mindset.

With a laptop and a smartphone, she built a six-figure education business The Suitcase Entrepreneur, that she ran from anywhere in the world. Now she’s on a mission to show other entrepreneurs how to tap into their potential to design a life and business they love at

Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

The post 4 Steps To Avoid Fizzling Out After Your Launch appeared first on Fizzle.

from 4 Steps To Avoid Fizzling Out After Your Launch

Episode 42: An Expert’s Take on the Wild World of Influencer Marketing with Pat Killoren

This week we’re talking influencer marketing and why brands want to work with micro-influencers over larger influencers.

Garett and Pat Killoren, VP of Sales at Tagger Media, explain how influencer marketing stacks up to other digital marketing strategies. Pat also talks about what to look for from micro-influencers to know if they are a good fit to sponsor your products, and discusses how to figure out (and avoid) the influencers who have gamed the system with fake followers and engagement.


  • How micro-influencing can help you get higher engagement than choosing one influencer with 500,000+ followers
  • Why you should be looking into top-of-funnel campaigns with link tracking and trackable discount codes
  • The DigitalMarketer grass-roots approach to growing our Instagram from 10k to 60k
  • What benefits came from merging 2 media companies together and how Pat and his team integrated the 2 messages of each company together (with help from team members at VaynerMedia)


Pat on LinkedIn
Tagger Media

Thanks so much for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to The DigitalMarketer Podcast? Have some feedback you’d like to share? Connect with us on iTunes and leave us a review!

iTunes not your thing? Find us on Spotify, Stitcher, or TuneIn.

The post Episode 42: An Expert’s Take on the Wild World of Influencer Marketing with Pat Killoren appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

from Episode 42: An Expert’s Take on the Wild World of Influencer Marketing with Pat Killoren

The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace - Search Results

Warrior Plus seems to be easier to set up because on JVZoo there are so many rules to comply with before launching a product.

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The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace - Search Results

Re: Best SEO audit tools? If we want to have a look at a particular site not all which you see in result set of google then i prefer MagesticSEO.

from The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace - Search Results

How to Install WordPress in 5 Minutes or Less (2019)

How to Get Moving Again When You Feel Stuck

The post How to Get Moving Again When You Feel Stuck appeared first on ProBlogger.

How to get moving again when you feel stuck

This post is based on episode 158 of the ProBlogger podcast.

Do you ever feel stuck in your blogging or your business?

I think many of us can relate to feeling paralysed at times – not just with blogging or business, but in other areas of life as well.

You might feel stuck and unable to move forward because:

  • You’re a perfectionist, and can’t move on from one thing until you’re convinced it’s just right.
  • You’re caught up in ‘analysis paralysis’. You keep looking at the different options, but you can’t pick one and move forward.
  • You don’t have a clear idea of where you’re going. And you can’t make progress without knowing your destination.
  • You always feel you need to know or have something more (develop a particular skill or more confidence, meet more people, have more money, etc.) before taking a particular action.
  • You compare yourself with other people. It feels like everything you want to do has already been done, or that everyone else is doing it better.
  • You feel overwhelmed by all the advice out there, and don’t know what to do first.

I can certainly relate to a lot of things on that list. I can get stuck when I have so many ideas that I can’t decide what to do first. Fear is also a big one for me. I worry what other people will think of me, how I’ll sound, how I’ll come across, what might happen if I make a mistake, and so on.

Perfectionism is a struggle for me. I imagine what I want to accomplish, and create the perfect picture of it in my mind. But then taking action seems risky, because whatever I do will never measure up to the way I imagined it. And so I’m tempted to do nothing at all.

But whatever the reason, being stuck will hold you back in any kind of business – especially in the online world where you need to keep active and keep moving.

Why You Should Take Imperfect Action

‘Imperfect action’ is always better than ‘perfect inaction’.

In fact, imperfect action is really the only kind there is. No-one ever takes perfect action.

Imperfect action gets things done. It’s what separates the dreamers from those who accomplish great things.

Here are some of the key benefits.

#1: Imperfect Action Creates Momentum

When you take one small, imperfect action, the next steps often reveal themselves.

As I mentioned earlier, some people don’t take action because they can’t see the big picture. But you may never see that big picture until you start taking steps forward.

I sometimes find that taking that first step towards a fuzzy goal makes it clearer for me. And starting to move gives me the energy to carry on.

#2: Imperfect Action Builds Confidence and Courage

I love this quote from Dale Carnegie:

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.

Taking one small action can help give you the confidence to take the next, slightly bigger action. Keep moving a little bit further outside your comfort zone, and your comfort zone will expand.

#3: Imperfect Action Teaches You to Learn by Doing

Do you feel you don’t have the skills to tackle what lies ahead? Take imperfect action, and you’ll learn a lot – fast.

The day I started my first blog was probably the day I learned the most about blogging – ever. I learned so many new skills, and understood so much more than the day before.

#4: Imperfect Action Leads to Self-Discovery and Self-Improvement

As well as learning new skills, you’ll learn so much about yourself by taking action. Stepping out of your comfort zone will help you think about who you are and how you react in these situations.

For me, starting my blog helped me develop my ideas, and discover passions I wouldn’t have otherwise known I had.

#5: Imperfect Action is Relatable

This is something I think a lot of bloggers, podcasters and online entrepreneurs should understand. We’re often tempted to make our posts, products and sales materials perfect. But if we make things too perfect they’re not as relatable because they’ve lost some of their ‘humanness’.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t aim for excellence. (For instance, your posts should always be edited well.) But don’t feel you need to eliminate every imperfection. Humanness, vulnerability and imperfection help others relate to us and feel a connection.

Today, I encourage you take your next best step. You don’t necessarily need to reach your destination. You just need to take the next best step that will move you towards it.

What if You’re Really Stuck?

But what if you don’t think taking your next step will be enough to help you regain your momentum? That happened to me at one point with ProBlogger, when I realised I’d been putting off several different tasks. They were on my ‘someday’ list, but never quite made it to my ‘today’ list.

To get moving again, I set aside an entire week to get things done. I came up with a list of ten things I needed to do – things I’d been avoiding – that I could achieve in a week. Each one took half a day or less.

I also turned off a lot of the input in my life. No blog posts, no podcasts, no social media, no Netflix, and very limited email. I stopped consuming for a week, and started creating instead.

It turned out to be a really great week.

Putting that week aside and creating those boundaries meant I not only got a lot done, but also got my momentum back. And the following week was really productive too because I was in ‘creating’ mode.

Could you take one ‘next best step’ towards your goals today? Could you look ahead in your calendar and block out a week to really focus on moving forward and building your momentum? Let us know what you’ll be doing in the comments.

Image credit: Erda Estremera

The post How to Get Moving Again When You Feel Stuck appeared first on ProBlogger.


from How to Get Moving Again When You Feel Stuck

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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

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Our Favorite Keyword Research Tools (17 Tools Every SEO Needs)

Whether you’re trying to drive traffic or conversions, your campaigns need to start with strategic keyword research. Which tools should you rely on to give you the best keywords?

We asked ourselves the same question—and after researching dozens of tools, we settled on 17 keyword research tools that can give you good insight, regardless of your budget.

Why We Consider These the Best Keyword Research Tools

The best keyword research tools give you enough data to make good decisions—things like search volume, keyword difficulty, and click rate. They should also suggest keywords to help you find good variants and related keywords.

Beyond that, the keyword research tool that’s best is the one that’s best for you. It’s within your budget, has related tools that help you with all your SEO needs, or supports the type of projects you do most.

To help you find your best tool, we’ve taken all our favorites and ranked them according to price and features.

Here they are: the 17 best keyword research tools every SEO needs.

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Paid | $$$

keyword research tool Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Ahref’s Keyword Explorer is one of the best keyword research tools on the market. Their database contains more than 33 billion keywords, updated with fresh data every month, so you get up-to-date search volume numbers, as well as the advanced metrics you need to make smart decisions: keyword difficulty, return rate, clicks per search, % of clicks, and more.

Finding the right keywords for your project is easy with this tool. You can generate keyword ideas in one of 4 ways:

  1. Phrase match
  2. Having same terms
  3. Also rank for
  4. Search suggestions

Rank Tracker from SEO PowerSuite

Paid | $$$

Keyword Research Tool Rank Tracker from SEO PowerSuite

Rank Tracker is part of SEO PowerSuite’s collection of tools. It gives you accurate ranking data to track your SEO campaigns, and 18 keyword-suggestion tools to help you find the best keyword variants.

With this tool, you get all the keyword data you need:

  • KEI (keyword efficiency index)
  • Competition
  • Search volume
  • And more

As part of this tool, you’ll also get ranking reports, scheduled tasks, and search safety features such as proxy rotation, human emulation, and user agents.

Moz Keyword Explorer

Free to Paid | $$$

Keyword Research Tool Moz Keyword Explorer

You can get 10 free queries per month with Moz’s Keyword Explorer. But to find your best keywords, you’ll want to upgrade to their paid version.

This tool is easy to use and gives you the data you need:

  • Search volume
  • Keyword difficulty
  • Organic click-through rate
  • Priority

It also gives you a score, telling you how valuable this keyword would be for your campaign.


Paid | $$

keyword research tool SEMrush

SEMrush gives you all the information you need on the keywords you’re researching. The overview gives you data on organic vs. paid search, CPC distribution, and search trends.

Their Keyword Magic Tool was recently named the Best Digital Tool in PubCon’s 2019 Interactive Marketing Awards. It gives you the keywords you need to build your most profitable campaign.

SEMrush winning an award


Paid | $

keyword research tool LongTailPro

With LongTailPro, you enter the seed keyword and get hundreds of long-tail suggestions—less competitive keywords that you have a real chance of ranking for. You can also run keyword and competitor analysis, identify the keyword difficulty of your keywords, and track your rankings.

KWFinder by Mangools

Paid | $

KWFinder gives you many of the same features you get with the top-of-the-line keyword research tools, but at a price that fits into any budget. You’ll get:

  • Keyword difficulty
  • The keywords your competitors are missing
  • Search volume for variant keywords
  • Local keywords

You also get the full SEO suite of tools, including SERP analysis, rank tracking, backlink analysis, and website analysis.

(NOTE: Need a helping hand with your digital marketing efforts? Or maybe you just want proven, actionable marketing tools, tactics, and templates to implement in your business? Check out the latest deal from DigitalMarketer, and you will be on your way to helping your business grow.)


Paid | $

keyword research tool SpyFu

For competitor research, SpyFu is your go-to tool. With this one, you get every resource you need to spy on your competitor’s Adwords and SEO campaigns:

  • Adwords competitor keywords
  • Competitor Adwords campaign and ad test history
  • And SpyFu’s Adwords advisor

In case you’re uncomfortable with spying on your competitors, be aware, it’s a useful (and common) approach to SEO strategy. If you know what your competitors are doing, you can learn what’s working for them, which means you can boost traffic and generate leads with less guesswork. The key, of course, is to use your powers for good, not evil.


Paid | $

keyword research tool Jaaxy

Developed by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers, Jaaxy helps you manage all aspects of keyword, website, competition, and market research. Data is pulled from Google, Bing, and Yahoo, giving you 99.7% search engine coverage.

We’re not sure you need to be an affiliate marketer to get value from this tool. Keyword research is keyword research, after all.

Market Samurai

Paid | $

keyword research tool Market Samurai

Market Samurai is a simple, intuitive keyword research tool that fits into any budget. Simply type in your seed keyword and click “Generate.” You’ll get a list of keywords that have high traffic, high profit potential, and suitable phrase match competition.

We like this tool because once you have your keywords chosen, it will help you do competitive research, publish high-quality content that drives traffic, and monetize your traffic. An all-in-one package at a reasonable price.

Keyword Snatcher

Paid | $

keyword research tool Keyword Snatcher

Keyword Snatcher generates thousands of keywords for your campaigns by pulling data from Google, Yahoo, Bing, Amazon, eBay, and YouTube. Users love how easy it is, and they appreciate having such a comprehensive list of keywords to target in their content.

With this tool, you’re just getting keyword suggestions. There’s no data about search volume or keyword difficulty. But for a comprehensive list of keywords you could be targeting in your content, this is the tool of choice.


Paid | $

keyword research tool SERPStat

With SERPstat, you can find long-tail keywords and keyword variations while exploring trends and keyword suggestions. You’ll also get performance indicators, such as search volume, cost-per-click, and competition level. All plans give you access to 230 Google and 9 Yandex databases.



keyword research tool Ubersuggest

Getting started with Ubersuggest is easy. Just type in a domain or seed keyword to get started. You’ll get a domain overview, top SEO pages, keyword suggestions, content ideas, and backlink data—similar to a paid tool, but completely free. This one is definitely worth checking out.

(NOTE: Need a helping hand with your digital marketing efforts? Or maybe you just want proven, actionable marketing tools, tactics, and templates to implement in your business? Check out the latest deal from DigitalMarketer, and you will be on your way to helping your business grow.)

Answer the Public


keyword research tool Answer the Public

As part of your keyword research, you need to figure out what people are asking when searching for your keyword. Answer the Public doesn’t just list the questions people are typing into search engines, it organizes them by the type of question.

The results will give you a good understanding of the search intent related to your keyword, and the information you need to include on your pages to rank well for that intent.



keyword research tool FAQfox

Like Answer the Public, FAQfox helps you get a better handle on user intent, so it’s easier to find your best keywords. This tool does that by identifying your customers’ core wants and needs, so you can choose the keywords that are most likely to resonate with them.

Google Keyword Planner


keyword research tool Google Keyword Planner

Google’s Keyword Planner is the original keyword research tool. It helps you discover new keywords, figure out how often keywords are searched, and how those searches have changed over time. That helps you identify the keywords that are most likely to give you the best traffic and conversions.

Seed Keywords


keyword research tool Seed Keywords

Seed Keywords helps you find keyword ideas when you’re just starting a campaign, trying to figure out which search terms to optimize for. It lets you create a scenario, such as “When looking for the best pizza in your town, what do you search for?” Seed Keywords then gives you a link you can send to your friends, so you can get their input.

The concept is simple: to discover what real people are searching for, ask real people.



keyword research tool Soovle

Soovle pulls data from a wide range of search engines to tell you what people are searching for related to your keyword. Just type it into the search bar, and “Soovle it.” The results aren’t pretty, but for free research, it’s a good option.

Back to You

Effective SEO depends on strategic keyword research. The best tools are often the most expensive, but as you can see, there are plenty of keyword research tools available for every budget and need.

Whether you’re trying to understand what your market is searching for, find the keywords that are the easiest to rank for, or identify your most profitable keywords, there’s a tool that’s right for you.

(NOTE: Need a helping hand with your digital marketing efforts? Or maybe you just want proven, actionable marketing tools, tactics, and templates to implement in your business? Check out the latest deal from DigitalMarketer, and you will be on your way to helping your business grow.)

The post Our Favorite Keyword Research Tools (17 Tools Every SEO Needs) appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

from Our Favorite Keyword Research Tools (17 Tools Every SEO Needs)

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johnmsinger is a New Warrior Member of Warrior Forum. Check to see what johnmsinger is saying about Internet Marketing.

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sending messages direct to the recipients mail box

Hello fellow warrior people, I'm trying to grow a YouTube channel organically through SEO and keyword targetting. I'm aware of techniques for ...

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#1734 A marketing company designed for local businesses

Today’s guest is so non-technical that he had issues plugging in the mic we sent him. He discovered online marketing a few years back and gave it a shot but it didn’t work out. But instead of quitting he paid attention to what his customers were saying and adjusted his approach. Matt Buchanan is the co-founder of Service Direct, which offers online advertising, local lead generation and call tracking.

Matt Buchanan is the co-founder of Service Direct, which offers online advertising, local lead generation and call tracking.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

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Episode 194: The Google Ad Profit Curve with Mike Rhodes, Live from T&C 2019

This week is all about Google ads, as Ralph talks to Mike Rhodes, Founder and CEO at WebSavvy, live from the 2019 Traffic & Conversion Summit.

Mike explains his Google Ads Profit Curve and how you can use it to narrow down your cost per acquisition (CPA) and make sure you aren’t spending more money than you’re making. He also gives you his best ecommerce advice for selling more products, and his trick for getting Google to choose you over the competition.


  • How to use the Profit Curve to find the CPA range that keeps you profitable
  • Real examples of the Profit Curve at work
  • How the Profit Curve helps you test 2x faster than your competitor and gets Google to choose you over them


Mike on LinkedIn
Mike on Twitter

Thanks for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to The Perpetual Traffic Podcast? Connect with us on iTunes and leave us a review.

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from Episode 194: The Google Ad Profit Curve with Mike Rhodes, Live from T&C 2019

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Monday, March 25, 2019

How To Keep Your Momentum After A (Good or Bad) Launch (FS312)

How do we manage the all important task of launching? What are the most important aspects on which we need to focus? How do we prepare and reflect in order to keep improving and learning?

The topic of launching is something that all entrepreneurs, no matter how experienced, should be very familiar with. It is the birthing of your ideas into the real world, the conversion of plans into an actual business. So we are giving you the run down of how to make this process and particularly your reactions to it, that much more meaningful, rewarding and enjoyable.

In this episode, we discuss the ideas of expectations, mindsets, goals and preparation. We also get into the major contributing factors to your experience of a launch, unpacking community, tools and attitude.

Today on the show we are joined by Sarah Peck, founder of Startup Pregnant, a New York City based company dedicated to enlarging the voices of women in business. She shares loads of wisdom, learned in her own career and recent endeavors that inform her attitude towards launches.

For all of this and more, be sure to join us, today!

Listen to the episode:

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Key Points From This Episode:

  • A little about Sarah’s work, philosophy and company. [0:06:04.4]
  • Launching and the feeling of birthing something new into the world. [0:08:36.8]
  • Expectations, hopes and mindsets and the effects of these. [0:12:55.6]
  • Grounding yourself and realistic goal setting. [0:18:45.3]
  • The vital importance of your scene and the minds around you. [0:25:01.8]
  • Healthy and stable ways of dealing with the results of a launch. [0:29:25.2]
  • Some of Sarah’s recent experiences launching. [0:33:35.7]
  • Sarah’s fundamental goals for her business in aiding her calling. [0:41:15.1]
  • Careful selection of the variable elements of your business. [0:44:32.7]
  • Interesting reflections from Sarah’s latest signup process. [0:48:50.4]
  • The hopeful entrepreneurial spirit and eternal space for improvement. [0:51:46.5]
  • Community, platforms and tools for getting your ideas out into the world. [0:55:14.5]
  • And much more!

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

The post How To Keep Your Momentum After A (Good or Bad) Launch (FS312) appeared first on Fizzle.

from How To Keep Your Momentum After A (Good or Bad) Launch (FS312)

Content Writing Tips to Write Better Content (This 7-Step Process Can Work for Anyone)

Looking for smart content writing tips? Aren’t we all!

It doesn’t matter what type of campaign you’re building, you need content to make it successful.

The truth is, we digital marketers depend on content, which means we need to be able to churn out valuable blog posts, lead magnets, videos, landing pages, and more—all of them well-written, and all of them delivering real value.

95% of digital marketers don’t consider themselves writers…

Trouble is, 95% of digital marketers don’t consider themselves writers. They start sweating bullets at the mere thought of writing content.

If that’s you, I’ve got you covered.

Because today, I’m going to give you my proprietary system for writing content that gets real results.

Mind you, these aren’t just content writing tips. Tips don’t help you put words on the page. What I’m giving you is better: the simple 7-step content writing process I use for every piece of content I write.

Don’t worry…

This is Better Than Content Writing Tips

I get it. You’ve probably read a hundred posts offering content writing tips that didn’t help at all. And a 7-step writing process may sound like overkill. But stay with me. It’s not.

In reality, there are just 3 stages of writing:

  1. Pre-writing, where you gather your ideas
  2. Writing, where you put your ideas into words
  3. Post-writing, where you edit and optimize your words

The 7 steps I’m about to give you are the tasks that fit into these 3 stages. And every writer worth their salt uses them (consciously or unconsciously). I’ve just broken it down for you, so you don’t accidentally skip any of them.

Besides, they get easier the more you practice. The first few times you use my content writing system, you may feel like you’re working through 7 distinct steps.

But it won’t take long for them to become second nature. When that happens, you won’t think of them as separate steps. They’ll blur together seamlessly, until 7 steps become just 1 simple writing process.

So forget content writing tips! Here’s the 7-step writing process you really need.

The Pre-Writing Stage

1. Know Your Goal

Content should never be produced for its own sake. In other words, “I have to publish 3 articles a week” isn’t the best reason to write a blog post. Any content you create should help you achieve a specific business goal, like traffic, leads, sales, or thought leadership.

Why does that matter?

Because you’ll be making a million creative decisions as you create your content—things like:

Content should never be produced for its own sake.

  • Tone
  • Writing style
  • How in-depth you go
  • Whether you provide solutions or just educate your readers about a problem

If you know the goal for your project, you’ll make decisions that will help you get the end result you’re looking for.

So start with your goal. What do you want this piece of content to do for you?

2. Pick Your Topic

Your topic is the general subject of your content piece. A good topic will help you achieve your goal, but it should also be something your audience is already interested in.

To find your best ideas, look in these 3 places:

Customer questions. If one customer asks a question, you can bet others have the same question. Your answer can make an informative piece of content.

Use this approach to come up with content for every stage of the funnel. Short, simple questions make good blog posts or FAQs. More complicated questions are suitable for longer pieces of content, like lead magnets, reports, advanced guides, or ebooks.

You can find these questions (if you don’t already know them) by doing a quick Google search.

Google search for Content writing tips that shows related keywords and questions

Tools like Keywords Everywhere will also show you related searches and keywords, so you have a jumping off point for your own piece.

Related searches to content writing tips

Trending topics. Sometimes a discussion goes viral—everyone in your industry is talking about 1 idea. When that happens, you know people are looking for more information. It could make sense to join in and create an article, video, or social media post with your unique perspective.

Trending content can be valuable in the short term, but it’s usually got a short shelf life. In most cases, you won’t develop long-form content around trends. But if you consistently tackle trending topics in your blog, and if your ideas get people thinking, this can be a great way to build traffic.

(NOTE: Need a helping hand with your digital marketing efforts? Or maybe you just want proven, actionable marketing tools, tactics, and templates to implement in your business? Check out the latest deal from DigitalMarketer, and you will be on your way to helping your business grow.)

Keyword research. This is a smart approach for creating evergreen content that helps you rank in search engines and attract new organic traffic.

For this approach, you want to find long-tail keywords with decent search volume and a relatively low keyword difficulty score. In other words, you want to target keywords that people are searching for that few brands are targeting.

image explaining what long-tail keywords are

3. Research

Research helps you refine your idea and find evidence and proof that support whatever claims you make in your content.

At this point, you’ve found the topic you’re going to write about. Now you need to narrow the scope:

  • What’s the take-away you’d like people to remember after reading your content?
  • What are the main points you’d like to make?
  • What’s your angle on the subject?
  • What are you saying that’s new and unique?

Ideally, you want to take a stand: are you for or against something? Do you have a solution? But before you finalize your idea, you need to look at what other brands are saying.

To find out, do a Google search on the idea you’re considering. Read the top 5–10 articles to see what other blogs are saying.

Search for content writing tips that shows top results

For this post, I queried “content marketing tips” and read through these posts.

Keep in mind, you’re not researching to find information you can recycle in your content. Research is about finding the informational gaps that exist in other content, so yours will be more useful than anything else out there.

It’s also about finding proof elements that will back up everything you’re going to say in your content—things like stories, case studies, quotes, and statistics. As you do your initial research, you’ll find some of these proof elements. Make note of them, so it’s easy to find them when you start writing.

4. Create Your Framework

By now, you know the type of content you’re going to write, the topic, and the information you want to include. So it’s time to organize your ideas into a rough outline.

If that sounds scary, don’t worry…

You don’t need a formal outline, and there’s no right or wrong way to organize your content. You just need to give some structure to your ideas, so your presentation is logically sound and it’s easy to stay on-topic.

I usually do that by jotting down my main idea, then listing my subheads. I might do that in a spreadsheet, where I also do SEO research. I might also just drop them into a Word doc, so I’m ready for Step 5.

For instance, the framework for this post looked like this:

Outline for content writing tips post

Organize your ideas to create a rough outline before you start writing.

The Writing Stage

5a. Write Your Content

Believe it or not, this is the easy part.

You’ve already done the hard work of planning your content. All you have to do now is flesh out your ideas.

Don’t worry about starting at the top and writing straight through the content. You can start writing one section, jump to another, and write it completely out of order.

A first draft is never your best work.

Me? I usually write the body in order—starting with the first subhead. As I’m writing, I may realize my outline doesn’t work, in which case I’ll move things around, remove a subheading, or change it.

Then, once the body is written, I write the conclusion, and then the intro—so I know what my bottom-line point is before I write my intro.

Another thing to keep in mind is this…

Your first draft can be (and usually will be) BAD. Don’t try to write beautifully. Just get your ideas into words.

You’ll usually see me whispering to myself when I’m writing. That’s because I’m dictating to myself, typing the words I’d say to you if we were chatting over a cup of coffee together.

5b. Rewrite and Edit Your Content

You’ve drafted your content. Your ideas are fleshed out. Great!

But you’re not done yet.

A first draft is never your best work. So read over it to be sure you’ve said what you meant to say. Fix any glaring mistakes. Then, set it aside while you work on something else—overnight if possible.

After you’ve cleared your mind, read over your content again with fresh eyes. You’ll be able to read it as your readers will—which means you’ll find it easier to see any faulty logic, poor organization, or just plain boring writing.

At this stage, you’re going to:

  • Make sure your ideas are logically and clearly presented
  • Fix any grammar or spelling mistakes
  • Smooth out your writing, so it leads your readers from the first to the very last word

Don’t be afraid to completely rewrite sections. Delete what doesn’t work. Add transitions and explanations. Move things around. It’s during the rewriting stage that you become a “good” writer.

On a side note, now is the time to use those content writing tips you’ve never found useful. They aren’t for writing better. They’re for rewriting better!)

But be careful not to get bogged down. There’s no such thing as perfect writing, and I’ve never seen a perfect piece of content.

So relax. Enjoy the process. Polish your content, and make it as good as you can in the time you’ve got. Then call it done.

The Post-Writing Stage

6. Add Multimedia

At this point, your content is ready to go. It’s time to think about the graphics, gifs, and videos you could use to add another layer of value and support.

Example of video in blog post from DigitalMarketer blog

This is an example from a recent DigitalMarketer blog post.

Is there a section that’s hard to understand with words alone? Look for a screenshot or video that illustrates your point. Is there a funny meme that could get your readers a quick laugh? By all means, include it.

7. Optimize

Everything’s done now, and in a perfect world, you’d be done. But you need to get eyeballs on your content so it can help you achieve your goals.

So you need to do one final review to make sure your content is optimized for reading, SEO, and your business goal.

To optimize for reading… well, you did that during your rewriting session and when you added interesting media. Good job!

To optimize for SEO… you need to add internal links (backlinks to other pieces of content on your blog) and optimize for your primary keyword. For that:

  • Make sure you’re using the keyword naturally throughout the piece
  • Put it in your headline
  • Add it to your introduction
  • Use it in the alt-tag in your images
  • Use it in your meta-title and meta-description

(RELATED: 5 On-Page SEO Elements (+1 Bonus Tactic) to Optimize in WordPress)

You need to get eyeballs on your content so it can help you achieve your goals.

You don’t have to use all of these options—and you want to avoid keyword-stuffing (using the keyword more often than you would in natural conversation). But you do want to include your keyword and variations of it in at least 3 of these places.

To optimize for your business goal… make sure your content fits smoothly into your funnel or customer value journey. It should flow logically from the previous stage of the funnel, and it should lead smoothly into the next.

Put This Content Writing System to Work for You

That’s it!

This process may sound time consuming, but once you get comfortable with it, it will save hours of time writing content.

Best of all, since you’re following the natural stages of content creation, you can plan content in advance. Try working through the pre-writing stage, then saving the writing and post-writing steps for later. Or give responsibility for the pre-writing, writing, and post-writing stages to different team members.

This system is so flexible, you can easily adapt it your unique writing process.

Like I said, I’m not giving the usual content writing tips, but I am giving you something far better—a simple process for creating all the high-quality content you need.

So what are you waiting for? Give it a try.

(NOTE: Need a helping hand with your digital marketing efforts? Or maybe you just want proven, actionable marketing tools, tactics, and templates to implement in your business? Check out the latest deal from DigitalMarketer, and you will be on your way to helping your business grow.)

The post Content Writing Tips to Write Better Content (This 7-Step Process Can Work for Anyone) appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

from Content Writing Tips to Write Better Content (This 7-Step Process Can Work for Anyone)