Friday, January 31, 2020

Getting Fulfillment through Content

Hey Fastlane Family,

I currently run a digital agency that's focused on marketing analytics and Digital Training.

Both are great products but with long lead times for gaining sales.

The marketing analytics service has an average lead time of about 2 months to convert strangers into customers, mostly targeting CEO's and Founders on LinkedIn.

The training also has a similar lead time as well, targeting HR Managers of different companies.

I mostly use LinkedIn as my major prospecting...

Getting Fulfillment through Content

from Getting Fulfillment through Content

There are 117 new emojis for launch this year

Microsoft published a study which aims to identify the most important marketing trends this year. The study also has a section about marketing skills, ...

from There are 117 new emojis for launch this year

Download Unlimited Themes , Plugins , Graphics & Request any item

Stay up-to-date with the best Internet Marketing Content, Copywriting Growth Hacking, Digital Marketing Product and a lot more! Warrior Forum is the ...

from Download Unlimited Themes , Plugins , Graphics & Request any item

Thought Experiment: WWYD in Your Post Powerball Euphoria?

Interesting thought experiment...

Assume you won $1,000,000,000 (1 Billion!) in the Powerball.

What would you do in your post Powerball euphoria?

I'm talking about your daily day AFTER you reveled for a couple of years in riches...

I'm talking about AFTER you bought 10 exotic cars and drove them to death...
I'm talking about AFTER you traveled the world and saw everything to see...
I'm talking about AFTER you bought the dream houses speckled about the world...

Thought Experiment: WWYD in Your Post Powerball Euphoria?

from Thought Experiment: WWYD in Your Post Powerball Euphoria?

Self-Promotion: Post Your Offer, Biz, Links to The Forum (February 2020)


Have something to sell?

:checkbox: Like to post a video from your YouTube channel?

:checkbox: Want to promote your design service?

:checkbox: Like to link to a company who you'd like to recommend?

:checkbox: Have a book to promote?

:checkbox: Blog or a landing page you'd like to mention?

:checkbox: Amazon product you'd like to link and sell?

SELL-ME SATURDAY is your opportunity to self-promote whatever you'd like on one central...

Self-Promotion: Post Your Offer, Biz, Links to The Forum (February 2020)

from Self-Promotion: Post Your Offer, Biz, Links to The Forum (February 2020)

Cal Newport podcast: Digital Minimalism

Kinda scary what we’re doing to ourselves and our kids:

What’s your biggest takeaways?

What will you do differently going forward?

from Cal Newport podcast: Digital Minimalism

Looking for opinions on Unscripted

Hi everyone!

I just read Millionaire Fastlane and really enjoyed it!! Is it worth purchasing unscripted also? Does it cover new ideas and concepts from millionaire fastlane or is it quite similar?

Thank you

from Looking for opinions on Unscripted

2020 Fastlane Summit, Ticket Information and Sales

The 2020 Fastlane Summit, Ticket Information
Friday/Saturday February 7 and 8th, 2020, (8AM - 5:30PM) Talking Stick Resort, Scottsdale Arizona
Ticket includes (minimally) lunch and all-day coffee. Depending on event attendance numbers, other food perks could be added. For a complete list of speakers, please visit the 2020 Speaker Thread.


2020 Fastlane Summit, Ticket Information and Sales

from 2020 Fastlane Summit, Ticket Information and Sales

Valuing stocks and option's/?

So I know what an intrinsic value is
Market cap ÷ by market shares available
But what about options I can quite understand them for what they are there any math equations to with that

from Valuing stocks and option's/?

Project: BellaPippin | Real Estate, Social entrepreneurship, Art and YouTube, and who knows what else

Today is 11/12 and 12 is my favorite number

Either I paid more attention or it just felt like we got an influx of new people and lots of intro threads, and I got curious and went back and read my own, when I joined in 2015 : INTRO - The struggle for freedom

Unintentionally I went on a "BellaPippin...

Project: BellaPippin | Real Estate, Social entrepreneurship, Art and YouTube, and who knows what else

from Project: BellaPippin | Real Estate, Social entrepreneurship, Art and YouTube, and who knows what else

Best way to take health pills?

Hi guys,

Been taking vitamin pills for years, mainly Multivitamins, Ginkgo, Omega 3, Zinc Chelate and Hair Food.

I take them without much discipline, taking em when I remember. My idea was that so long I am taking it, it's good, but hey maybe it's not that way?

Hence I wonder how do you guys take your pills? And what pills do you take? I am late 30s male, active lifestyle.

from Best way to take health pills?

Today is my 1 year TMF anniversary

So today is a milestone for me. I year of applying what I have learned from the TMF and the great people of this forum. To @MJ DeMarco and all of you that have helped me along my path - a big Thank You!

In just 1 year I have started 4 new businesses, attended B&P, attended C&B, joined a mastermind, spent countless hours and $ on improving myself, joined a gym, changed my diet, studied business psychology extensively, learned how to build and market websites from...

Today is my 1 year TMF anniversary

from Today is my 1 year TMF anniversary

Is there a way to pre-sell to an Amazon product that hasn't been made yet

I design and manufacture my own product.

Is there a way to get pre-sales going for a product that hasn't been made yet, but soon will be available on amazon?

I'd like to minimize the risk, see how many sales I can get - and use that money to get stock.

Can I use that money later and enter shipping details of each buyer into amazon and let the system fulfill it?

How could that possibly work?

from Is there a way to pre-sell to an Amazon product that hasn't been made yet

Income Store, Legit? (Passive Income Websites)

These posts have been extracted from another thread into its own thread and slightly modified for discussion.

Did a ton of study on it. Decided that I would rather make a guaranteed 15% a year @ Income Store with virtually unlimited upside than to make 16% a year with almost no long term upside.

If you have about 100k+ to invest I’ve got something that I did that’s “guaranteed” 15% a year as a minimum. (Guaranteed contractually but of...

Income Store, Legit? (Passive Income Websites)

from Income Store, Legit? (Passive Income Websites)

14 Things Great Content Writers Do That Average Writers Do Not

No one said becoming a great content writer would be easy!

Your writing is not getting the attention you had hoped for.

You are getting discouraged. You are considering giving up.

This is the dilemma every content writer faces.

Some days the words flow easily. Other days it is a struggle.

You question the process. What are you to do?

There is a solution…

Discover how the best content writers create informative, entertaining and engaging content that readers love to read and share.

Great Content Writer

14 of the most important skills the average writer needs to develop in order to become a great content writer

#1 The Best Writers Deliver Actionable Content

It was Seth Godin who said…

“Why waste a sentence saying nothing?”

If only more content writers understood that!

Too many so called content writers are paid by the word rather than the quality of their article. This is why there is so much nonsensical content that is “wordy” and mind numbing.

Even good writers (yours truly included) sometimes make the mistake of “rambling” and not being on message.

Actionable content is content that is easy to implement. It is content that readers find educational, relevant, entertaining and unique. One of the best examples of this is ‘how-to’ posts.

In the case of a Blog having actionable content will give your visitors a reason to subscribe to your email list. Actionable content will inspire readers to bookmark your page and return.

In the case of an eCommerce store actionable content persuades the reader to buy your product.

#2 Great Content Writers are Great Storytellers

high quality content writers tell stories

Who doesn’t love a good story?

Storytelling has helped brands around the world communicate with their customers and improve brand loyalty.

But don’t confuse a good story with fiction.

In my opinion the best stories are TRUE.

As content writers one of the best places to demonstrate this is the About Us page.

Take for example this page on the Warby Parker website:

great content writers are great story tellers

The Three Essentials of Story Telling for Business…

=> Define Your Audience

Create a customer avatar or detailed profile of your ideal customer.

What matters to them? What are their values?

=> Set your intentions

What’s your purpose in telling a story?

=> Tell people your why

When you explain your ‘why’, you’re sharing your values and beliefs.

Recommended: The 12 Secrets To Influencing With Story (FREE report)

#3 Use Short Words, Short Sentences and Short Paragraphs.

We live in an era of limited attention span.

With some much content available to read it is natural for readers to skim your content first to determine if it is worth their while to read the whole article.

Using short paragraphs along with appropriate and engaging headings makes it easier for a reader to initially skim.

The same applies to sentences. Two sentences is almost always better than one long sentence.

If a sentence is longer than it would be comfortable for you to speak, then it’s probably too long.

Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs. Get to the point without wasting words.

content writer skills

#4 Do Extensive Keyword Research

Keyword research is the bread and butter for any content marketing campaign. Only when you choose the right keywords you can reach the right people.

Our favorite keyword tool is provided by SEMrush.

Their Keyword Tool allows you to track long-tail keywords, which represents about 70% of all search traffic. 

But not all traffic and keywords are equal…

Let’s say you have an eCommerce store selling TV’s.

In this instance, when a web visitor searches for a particular model number of TV or a product review of that TV there is a good chance they are active BUYERS looking to purchase right now! These are top level keywords that demonstrate buying intent and are the most valuable keywords.

But these are not the only keywords you can focus on. There are secondary keywords that demonstrate a more general interest. In these instances, there is a good chance that the potential buyer is still in the research stage and not yet decided on brand or model.

These are still valuable keywords – but not quite as valuable as the top level keywords.

And finally, there are the broader types of keywords. These keywords often bring the most traffic, but it is traffic that is less targeted.

Going back to the eCommerce store example.

Here they are:

  • Hot traffic: Has buying intent (for example: “XYZ brand TV best price”)
  • Warm traffic: Considering to buy (for example: “XYZ brand TV review”)
  • Cold traffic: No buying intent (for example: “How does a TV work?” or even just plain “TV“)

Assuming you have a marketing funnel you will treat the traffic from these keywords differently.

For example the hot traffic could got to a product description page that lists the features and benefits along with a Buy Now Button while the colder traffic may be offered the opportunity to join your mailing list with the offer of a Newsletter, Lead Magnet or PDF Report. This colder traffic can then be “warmed up” over the coming months with free information and offers.

Below we have an example of Hot Traffic you will see a search for an LG TV.

Clearly anyone who searches for “LG oled55b9pla best price” is likely to be a buyer and therefore a valuable search term that a content writer will want to target.

Great Content Writers

A search term like [Product + Model Number + best price] is a transactional keyword.

Transactional keywords are keywords or keyword phrases potential customers will use to find the services or product they are looking to buy. In the case of an eCommerce site you will want to add content (blog posts and article descriptions) that target these Transactional keywords.

#5 Great Content Writers Create A Marketing Funnel

Bringing the visitors to your website is an important step.

However, It’s only one piece of the equation.

Too many writers have no real plan once they have visitors on their website.

Sure, they “hope” the visitor will take action but “hope” is not a plan!

When it comes to pure lead generation, Landing Page software from companies like Clickfunnels and Instapage do a great job of getting visitors to take action, but what if they are not appropriate for your product or service?

You can’t leave the fate of our business to chance.

You need a solid plan that will convert those visitors into revenue and profit!

This starts with understanding why people are visiting our website in the first place.

If your content writing is providing the information your visitor wanted then you are well on the way to building rapport and trust with that visitor.

In some instances the next step will be for the visitor to opt-in to a mailing list while at other times it will be more appropriate to take them to a sales page.

The point is to have a plan. If you are doing your job right, you will be providing a lot of easy to understand information, which naturally warms the visitor up for the next step.


=> Learn How To Create a Sales Funnel (Pinterest collection of of sales funnels that you can swipe and use for your own business)

=> Check Out The No Leakage Rule (step 5 of guide on how to make money online)

Remember, all the best businesses start with solving a problem!

#6 Great Content Writers Stay On Topic

A lot of writers, myself included, will on occasion, go “off topic”.

Just because something is mildly related to the topic you are writing about does not mean you need to include it in your article.

The best way to keep ON TOPIC is to do an outline before you start.

What is the main point you want to make? What do you need to say to support that point?

If it doesn’t make your message clearer, keep it out!

Keep your content fluent, concise and straight to the point at all times.

Remove any redundant words or sentences from your content.

Redundancy not only lowers the user experience but harms your SEO rankings. Google can algorithmically detect how relevant your content is by using certain data points together with your headlines and user engagement metrics.

#7 Establish Credibility

top content writers are credible

To come across as a credible writer and an expert there are a few basic rules you should always follow:

=> When you provide information that includes numbers, and statistical data…

Always refer to the original source by linking to it.

=> If you make a claim (quote a report for example)

Again, link to that resource or supporting material.

Too many writers regurgitate thoughts and ideas as though it was their own. I have seen this with my own writing, people copy it but don’t link to the source.

Failing to give credit when your write damages your credibility not only with the reader but with the search engines.

=> Cut back on the hyperbole.

There is enough hot air and inflated egos on the internet already. It might get you noticed but in the long run it is a fail.

=> Use testimonials.

Feedback from happy customers is one of the best selling tools you can use.

=> Be honest

Yes, this is stating the obvious, but far too many writers elaborate on their success and some even tell outright lies.

=> Show, don’t tell.

Will a video or a graphic communicate your message better than the written word? If it will, then use it! Today content marketing is not just about writing good copy, it is about demonstrating  your offering – and the more modalities you use the better.

Of course as you improve upon your writing skills you will also improve upon your credibility.

#8 Write In A Conversational Manner

If you want to build credibility and trust with your audience, you need to write in a conversational tone.

In other words, “write as you talk”.

Conversational writing is writing that sounds more like a conversation between two people.

Often, sentences will start with pronouns and end with verbs. They may even begin with “and,” “but,” and “yet.”

Remember in school being told no sentence should ever start with “and”? Forget that rule!

In short conversational writing often breaks the rules of grammar – but despite that this type of writing is becoming increasingly popular.

#9 Use Appropriate Tonality

content writing skills

When we talk with people in real life, we use tone of voice, facial expressions and body language to  communicate.

But when you write words on a screen or paper, unless the reader is aware of your tonality it is easy to be misunderstood.

Sure, you can use emojis, but as a professional content writer I try to avoid that.

So, how do you create the right tone for you and your brand?

Here are a few things to consider:

=> Make sure you understand your audience and how they relate to your business. 

Audience surveys and questionnaires are a good way to do that.

When you write, address their concerns and worries. Speak their language.

Ask yourself this: If I was the readers position, what would I want to know?

My obligation as a content writer is to help my reader, no matter if they are a potential customer or someone just researching.

=> Be respectful of the opinion of others

Not everyone is going to agree with what you write. This is especially the case if you are involved in political content writing.

Their will be haters. Don’t let it get to you.

The “tone” you set should always be respectful. But of course this is just my opinion!

=> Encourage and Inspire

As a Blogger that targets the make money online niche and entrepreneurs generally I strive to strike a tone that offers encouragement and inspires.

But even out side that niche there are plenty of areas in which you can encourage and inspire. As an example, if your in the travel niche then there are plenty of ways your writing can inspire readers to take the vacation of a lifetime.

Very few writers become successful by discouraging and demotivating their readers.

#10 Ask Questions

I often use questions to start an article.

Asking questions improves engagement, arises curiosity, and encourages thinking.

To become a great content writer you need to encourage a dialogue with your reader.

If your content only has statements, and a one way flow of information, readers will not be engaging with our content.

Using questions pulls your reader in.

Not only that, asking questions, makes your writing more conversational. [#7 above]

But becoming a successful content writer is not just about asking your readers questions. There are also questions you should ask yourself before writing any article.

Recommended: Ann Gynn has written a particularly good article on Questions Every Writer Should Be Asking Themselves over at the Content Marketing Institute.

I especially like how Ann started her article by saying: I don’t want you to read this:

great content writers ask questions

#11 Write Using An Active Voice

Active voice means that a sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb. Passive voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verb’s action. You may have learned that the passive voice is weak and incorrect, but it isn’t that simple.

A quick example of an active voice:

I am drinking coffee.

A quick example of an passive voice:

Coffee is being drunk by me.

When you write using the “active voice” it is easier to understand. Using active voice keeps your content more concise and straightforward.

Keep in mind, many of your readers speak English as a second language. To understand a passive sentence requires a higher level of reading skills.

The active voice conveys a strong, clearer tone while generally speaking the passive voice is subtler and weaker.

#12 Use Multimedia

Articles that consist of blocks of text without any multimedia is a big turn off. Add images, add video, use diagrams!

Content with images are more likely to get more shares and engagement. However, do take the time to source images that genuinely complement your article. Stock images are fine but make sure they are on topic and if necessary purchase the image rather that relying on “free” images.

#13 Proofread Your Copy

top content writers always double spelling and grammar

Triple check your spelling and grammar.

It is easy to miss an error, I do it all the time.

Reading content out loud is one of the best ways to spot errors.

Or ask a friend or partner to read your copy.

Not only may they spot an error but they may also point out room for improvement.

I regularly find grammatical errors in blog posts I first published a year or more ago.

That is why as boring as it may appear you should read that article you are just about to publish, one more time!

Our Contact Us page has an option to select “Website Error or Bug” and from time to time some kindly folks take the time to point out spelling mistakes etc. I don’t see many blogs doing this. It is something I recommend.

Related: 15 Editing & Proofreading Tips Every Blogger Should Know

#14 Make Sure Your Introduction Grabs The Readers Attention

I have deliberately left what I consider the most important part of a great content writer to the end;


Remember what we said earlier about readers attention spans getting shorter while at the same time there is more information being shared?

Frankly if you are no prepared to take the time to research and produce an article of outstanding quality you shouldn’t be a content writer.

In the world of sales there an acronym with the initials: AIDA

AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

The same can easily be applied to article writing. If you don’t get the readers ATTENTION with a strong INTRODUCTION, you will never create the interest to read the rest of your article. This in turn means you will not create any desire on the part of the reader to take action.


=> How To Write An Irresistible Intro To Your Blog Post

=> Convert Your Skimming Visitors to Addicted Blog Readers


Content marketing and being a content writer is not a new idea. It is just an Internet Age term for business writers and copywriters.

The Internet Age has made the need for such writers even greater.

Which of course raises a question that I am asked a lot…

How Do I Get Started As A Content Writer

My usual rather flippant answer is… with a lot of practice!

But if I want to be more practical I would say that the best writers of any type (fiction, non-fiction and content) do one thing in particular…

They Write Every Day.

Even if you only write a single paragraph, consistently writing something will make you a better writer. Writing is like a muscle, you have to exercise it regularly to develop and keep it in shape.

So set aside some time each day, even if only just 15 minutes to start with — to write.

Becoming a great content writer does not happen by accident, it requires a plan!

Many writers, myself included, find that writing early in the morning works best. Between 6 am and 8am is some of my most productive writing time. I often accomplish 50 – 70% of my daily writing target in that period.

For you it may be different and of course if you are being employed to write you will be expected to write more than a couple of hours per day! In time, each of us find our own natural writing rhythm.

Right now the most important thing to do is to get started and develop that writing habit.

Perhaps the greatest reward for a successful content writer who is also a blogger, is that is you choose the correct evergreen topic you can write a blog post that quite literally pay you for years. Many of our most successful blog posts still produce significant income years later!

That is why despite the attractions of eCommerce and selling a physical product here at IncomeDiary we have stuck with publishing articles that answer the type of questions fellow bloggers and entrepreneurs are likely to ask.

Related Articles:

17 Writing Tips For Bloggers Who Think They Can’t Write!

And for a contrarian view on the writing every day, you may enjoy this post by Cal Newport

Author Bio:
“BarryBarry Dunlop is a lifelong Entrepreneur, Business Coach and Sales Turnaround Expert who is passionate about helping business owners to grow their businesses and make a positive difference in the world. You can contact Barry HERE or connect with Barry on LinkedIn

The post 14 Things Great Content Writers Do That Average Writers Do Not appeared first on How To Make Money Online.

from 14 Things Great Content Writers Do That Average Writers Do Not

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As entrepreneurs, many of us spend the large majority of our days sitting down in front of our computers. Of course this self-inflicted affliction effects more than just entrepreneurs, half the western world are suffering - or will suffer - from back pain brought on by bad posture habits which are rooted in sitting incorrectly.

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Today’s guest was working for a company called California Closets which was an unbelievable entrepreneurial story. It was created by a 17 years old kid who ended up on Oprah talking about how successful he was. He ultimately sold the company to Williams-Sonoma and I remember reading a bunch of articles about how it didn’t do so well for them. Well, today’s guest ended up buying it from Williams-Sonoma and turning the company around. We’ll hear that story in this interview.

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Thursday, January 30, 2020


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Atlas Shrugged Week 14: Ch 7-10

Ch 7-10
Dagny and Galt carry out a plan to defy the looters and survive. They succeed. The End.

We made it. Limping.. bewildered.. yawning.. but we made it.

Congratulations to all of you who boldly contributed your thoughts, hopes, dreams, philosophies and humor to this discussion.

It has been my pleasure to share with you all.

What did you think of the book?

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Today you will learn how to knock that problem to the ground.


We’re going to sell used stuff for a profit.

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Alright, let’s start here.

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Get started! Keep it simple and start.


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Grammarly Review: Is it the Best Grammar Checker in 2020?

So reading a Grammarly review is now a priority after that embarrassment.

The one that made you realize “yeah, getting a grammar checker might be a good idea.”

You reviewed your email carefully.

Then you hit send.

And only then did you see it. The error your eyes skimmed right by. Buried in the middle of your text, you missed it, but now it flashes out at you, and it is all you can see.

Grammarly (affiliate link) could prevent the pain of those mistakes.

It’s the secret weapon smart writers use every single day to make their writing error-free, polished, and clean as a whistle.

Let’s jump in and learn more.

Grammarly Review: Is it the Best Grammar Checker?

What is Grammarly (and How Does it Work)?

Grammarly is an “AI-powered writing assistant” that helps you improve your writing.

It goes well beyond a basic spell checker. It uses the latest in artificial intelligence to apply English language conventions and grammar rules to your work.

Grammarly proofreads your beautiful words and alerts you to errors that can detract from your message.

As you type, Grammarly provides real-time feedback, informing you of mistakes, and makes suggestions to fix them. You can quickly correct issues as you create your messages.

Real-time feedback

The best part of this?

Grammarly gives you an explanation of the reasons behind the correction. This allows you to learn from your grammar errors, so you stop making them.

Simply click on the three-dot ellipse to reveal the explanation:

Grammarly Review: explanation example

This explanation can be invaluable. And if you need to brush up on your grammar skills, Grammarly provides a handbook of grammar rules for easy reference.

In each case, you make the decision whether or not to accept the correction. You remain in control of your writing.

True, Grammarly can’t replace a human proofreader, but it will catch a wide range of mistakes and errors. It isn’t perfect, so you always want to use your own judgment and think through the suggestions. Don’t blindly accept them.

Where Can I Use Grammarly?

Grammarly works almost everywhere you do — you can use it on your computer or your mobile devices. Whether you want to text, post on Facebook, tweet, comment on blogs, or write a blog post, it can be there for you.

To do this, Grammarly is available as both an app and as a browser extension in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

Here are a few of the platforms it works on:

  • Email (Gmail, Outlook)
  • Documents & Projects (Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Slack, Salesforce)
  • Social media posts (Facebook, Medium, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • Websites (including backend web pages in WordPress)

So How much Does it Cost to Use Grammarly?

The free version of Grammarly won’t cost you a penny. It’s completely free.

But if you need more features, here are the prices for Grammarly Premium (as of this writing):

  • A monthly subscription is $29.95 per month
  • A quarterly subscription is $19.98 per month (billed as one payment of $59.95)
  • An annual subscription is $11.66 per month (billed as one payment of $139.95)

Grammarly Review: breakdown of prices

Is the premium version of Grammarly worth the upgrade?

Let’s take a look…

What are the Differences Between Grammarly Premium and the Free Version?

The free version of Grammarly offers corrections for spelling errors and basic grammar mistakes. It does a great job of preventing typos.

The premium version offers advanced writing feedback.

It watches for advanced grammar mistakes and contextual spelling errors. It also suggests improvements in sentence structure, word choice, and style.

Grammarly Review: example of suggestions

Overall, the free version is okay for casual writing. But for longer-form or professional content that you need to be its absolute best, you’ll want to consider Grammarly Premium.

Here’s Grammarly’s side-by-side comparison:

Grammarly Review: free vs. premium comparison

Let’s go over the extra features you get with Grammarly Premium:

Advanced Grammar and Punctuation Checks

The premium version offers additional grammar and punctuation functionality. A few examples are:

  • Punctuation errors such as either missing or unnecessary commas, or comma splices.
  • Sentence structure issues like missing verbs, incorrect adverb placement, or faulty parallelism.
  • Style errors, for example, using the passive voice, or colloquial phrases in a formal document.

Grammarly Premium says it runs 400+ checks on your writing!

“Readability” (Or, What Are You Trying To Tell Me?)

Readability is the difference between a reader enjoying your writing or quitting in frustration.

A high readability score means a piece of writing is easier for a reader to understand — the higher the score, the easier it is to read. It’s important because you don’t want to exhaust your reader with lengthy sentences and lots of complex words.

Grammarly uses the Flesch reading-ease test to measure readability. For most writing, you want to aim for a score of 60 or higher. This means that people with at least an eighth-grade education would find it easy to read.

Grammarly provides a handy report to provide this readability score along with your average word and sentence length.

Readability example

To help you improve the numbers on this report, the premium version of Grammarly will flag overly long sentences. It will also suggest simpler words where appropriate.

“Vocabulary Enhancement Suggestions” (Or, Improve Your Vocabulary)

Grammarly Premium will offer you alternatives for either overused words or weak adjectives.

It will alert you if you use a particular word over and over again, and it will offer substitutions to keep your writing engaging.

Grammarly Review: subsitutions

If you use a weak adjective like “fine,” it will suggest you replace it with something more dynamic.

Grammarly Review: example of a suggestion

“Genre-specific Writing Style Checks” (Or, Set Writing Goals)

Are you looking for an inexpensive writing coach? Then use Grammarly Premium to get “tailored writing suggestions based on your goals and audience.”

Here are some of the goals you can set for each piece of writing:

Audience (General, Knowledgeable, or Expert)

You want to write for the level of your audience, and you can set this goal to reflect that.

For example, for a general audience, anyone should be able to read your work. At the expert level, you can use longer sentences and words (like medical or technical terms).

Formality (Informal, Neutral, or Formal)

As an example, in blog writing, you can begin sentences with a preposition. But if you are writing a paper for a more formal audience, you’ll want to use by-the-book grammar rules. This allows you to toggle between sets of grammar rules.

Domain (Academic, Business, General, Technical, Casual, or Creative)

The domain you select will have to match the options in Formality. For example, if you choose Academic, the Informal option is unavailable.

Formality example

The next two goals for Tone and Intent are experimental but fun to use:

Tone example

Plagiarism Checker

One of the main benefits of Grammarly Premium? There are unlimited plagiarism checks. You can check your text as obsessively as you’d like, no extra charge.

If you read a lot and have a decent memory, you are in danger of accidental plagiarism. You may write what you believe to be an original thought, but nope, it isn’t. Using a plagiarism checker is vital!

You might inadvertently plagiarize by copying and pasting research text into your document, intending to label it properly later. Then the doorbell or phone rings. Life happens.

You come back to your writing and use the snippets of text, forgetting that it isn’t yours and failing to give credit to its creators. A giant oops.

One precaution is to never copy and paste research text into your final document. Always keep it separate and clearly labeled.

If you want to create a citation for a chunk of text, Grammarly provides the options to cite it using either MLA, APA, or Chicago Manual of Style.

Select the convention you want to use, and it will generate the citation for you and add it to your document.

Grammarly also provides links to the appropriate citation generator website if it can’t automatically generate a citation on its own.

In short:

Before you hit publish or submit a new document to your editor, you should run a plagiarism detector to verify your text is truly original.

And Grammarly Premium makes this possible.

Vital Feedback To Improve Your Writing

The best reason for paying for Grammarly Premium is it helps you to become a better writer by telling you why it is flagging an error. It gives you the reasons for your mistakes so you can learn and improve your writing skills.

You cannot become a better writer without feedback.

For example:

Grammarly Review: feedback example

Click the three dots on the correction card to learn more about why this is being flagged as an error, and you’ll see this:

Grammarly Review: error example

I was the queen of forgetting the Oxford comma, a grammar convention that can help prevent ambiguity. After months of fixing it, guess what, I finally have it drilled into my head to use it!

If you pay attention to the reasons for your errors, over time, both your grammar and your writing ability will improve.

Again, always use your judgment. Look things up if something doesn’t look or sound correct. Use this as a learning tool, but remember there is no replacement for brushing up on your grammar.

Which Grammar Checker is the Best?

There are numerous grammar checker options out there for writers — Gingerly, Hemingway, After the Deadline, WhiteSmoke, LanguageTool, and ProWritingAid among them.

Here are a few reasons we believe Grammarly is the best:

Grammarly is Fast and Accurate

Grammarly can process large amounts of text quickly and accurately. For example, it took only a few seconds to run through a 7,000-word post.

It is also known for catching the highest quantity of errors compared to its competitors.

Grammarly is Super Easy To Use

Grammarly reduces the friction in using grammar checking software by making it as easy and as accessible as possible.

Take a minute or so to install the browser extension, and you are off and running. Almost everywhere you communicate on the web, Grammarly will help you keep your writing mistake-free.

If you create longer text for review, no problem. Log in to use the Grammarly Editor online or download the app to your desktop. Then you have the option to either copy and paste your text or upload it.

Grammarly has a clean, intuitive interface. No need for tutorials, or to waste time learning software. If you have any questions, there are helpful onscreen question marks to click for pop-up answers.

Grammarly is Available in Multiple Formats

Grammarly allows you to work on the web, on your desktop, or on your mobile devices. Here’s a list of the formats:

  • Grammarly Editor is available as a web-based tool. Log into the website and you’re ready to edit.
  • Grammarly’s Web Browser extension (Chrome extension, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Download the Grammarly extension and use Grammarly on your favorite websites.
  • Grammarly’s app for desktops is available for either Windows or Mac. It’s one click to access, and you can either upload or copy and paste a document to check it.
    Grammarly add-in for Microsoft Office on Windows. This add-in allows you to use Grammarly while working with Microsoft Word & Outlook. This plug-in is for PCs only, it isn’t currently available for Mac.
  • Grammarly Keyboard for iOS or Android. Download this app to check your writing on mobile devices.

With a variety of options, you can bring Grammarly’s helpful algorithms with you wherever you write.

Grammarly is Customizable

Being able to customize your writing goals for the type of writing you are doing is a powerful feature.

Grammarly allows you to apply the right set of grammar rules according to the kind of work you are doing. Example: casual writing, which allows the bending of rules not acceptable in formal writing.

Grammarly also gives you a custom dictionary. If your writing contains brand names, jargon, or abbreviations, you can add them to your personal dictionary. This eliminates constant flags for incorrect spelling.

Custom dictionary example

This is a useful feature, but before you add a word to the dictionary, double-check your reasoning. Adding slang or jargon that works with one piece of writing might not be a good idea to add to your dictionary.


Because then it’s ignored when you work on something a bit more formal.

Grammarly also allows you to customize your English Language preference. It distinguishes between American English, British English, Canadian English, and Australian English.

You don’t want to be told to change the spelling of colour to color if you are writing in British English, right?

Grammarly Review: language preference

Grammarly: Frequently Asked Questions

Is Grammarly Premium Worth It?

If your grammar skills are solid and you keep spelling mistakes to a minimum, the free version of Grammarly could be all you need.

But if your skills are lacking, or if you’re a professional or student whose livelihood depends on written communication, Grammarly Premium is well worth it because it’ll catch mistakes that could damage your credibility (or torpedo your test scores).

Is it Safe to Use Grammarly?

Yes, but it depends on how comfortable you are with your information being transmitted online. According to its privacy policy, Grammarly transmits your writing to its online servers. Your text is stored on those servers while Grammarly runs its AI magic on it.

Similar to the precautions you’d take with email, you should be cautious of highly confidential or sensitive documents. Grammarly has many safeguards in place to protect your data, but no company (whether it’s Grammarly or Google) can promise 100% security.

So if you are an employee, you may want to check with your IT department for your company’s data management policies.

And if you are writing something deeply personal and private, you probably don’t want that anywhere near the internet anyway.

In fact, go analog and write it on paper. Then shred it for the ultimate privacy.

Who Should Use Grammarly?

You don’t need to be a professional writer who is paid to write to use Grammarly — anyone who uses the written word to communicate could benefit from it.

After all, if your message contains glaring errors, it’s hard to focus on the message and not the errors, which detract from the message you are trying to get across.

Grammarly is especially beneficial for writers judged on the quality of their written work, such as:

  • Bloggers
  • Content Marketers
  • Copywriters
  • Authors
  • Students
  • Business people who write emails or reports or create presentations.

Is There Anything Better Than Grammarly?

Possibly. It depends on your needs and your situation.

Here are a few Grammarly competitors that provide better options for some users:


ProWritingAid is the probably best Grammarly alternative. It is a solid grammar checker with similar features.

It offers in-depth feedback on your writing style by providing over 20 different writing reports. As an example, one of the reports will flags cliches in your writing.

ProWritingAid may be a better choice for fiction writers as it offers reports such as pacing checks for your fiction story.

If you use Scrivener as your primary writing tool, ProWritingAid provides Scrivener integration. You can still use Scrivener with Grammarly, but you will need to copy and paste your text into Grammarly’s app.

ProWritingAid may be a better choice for budget-constrained writers. It costs $70 per year (there are discounts on multi-year licenses), and for an additional $10 per year, you get 50 Plagiarism checks.


This online grammar checker may be a better choice if you write in a language other than English. It can translate text between 60 different languages.

The interface is not as easy to use as Grammarly, and it offers fewer features. However, at $89.88 for a yearly subscription, it can work for budget-minded writers.

Hemingway App

The Hemingway App is not a replacement for Grammarly, but it is a useful complement to it. The online version is free, and the desktop app is $19.95 if you’d prefer to work offline (or support the developers).

The goal of this app is to have you write, well, like Hemingway. It provides feedback to help you keep your writing simple and easy to read.

It does this by flagging sentences that are either “hard to read” or “very hard to read.” However, the edits are up to you — it doesn’t provide suggestions to fix the complex sentence structure.

The Hemingway App also flags the use of the passive voice and the use of more than three adverbs in a piece of work. It will alert you to complex phrases and provide a few recommendations for alternatives.

Again, you want to use your own judgment when considering edits. Stay true to your own writing style, as long as it is clear and easy to read.

Does Grammarly Work With Word?

Yes, Grammarly works with Microsoft Word. There is an add-in you can download to your computer (Windows only). Once installed, you can click the Grammarly button on the Home tab, and a Grammarly sidebar will appear.

The sidebar allows you to choose which checks you want to run on your MS Word document.

Grammarly in Microsoft Word

Once enabled, Grammarly checks for errors and suggest fixes.

Grammarly Review: bug fixes in Word

Does Grammarly Work In Google Docs?

Yes, Grammarly works in Google Docs, but as a beta version only.

Gramarly Review: using Google Docs

Even with the Grammarly Premium upgrade, the Google Docs version is limited. For example, it will flag mistakes and provide suggestions for corrections, but it doesn’t give you the reasons for your errors. It’s also missing the suggestions to improve Clarity, Engagement, and Delivery that’s included with the premium version.

It also doesn’t pick up the same amount of “Correctness” errors in Google Docs that it will when you copy and paste the same text to the Grammarly app.

As a workaround, you can make changes to the grammatical errors that are flagged to keep your document as clean as possible. But then you’ll want to copy and paste your work into the web or desktop app to make your final sweep for errors and improvements.

Is Grammarly Really Worth It?

Now that you’ve read this in-depth review of Grammarly, you know the answer.

The free version of Grammarly cleans up typos and prevents embarrassing mistakes. If you are a casual writer who writes mainly for fun, the free version may be enough for you. And for anyone who takes their writing seriously, the premium version is a solid investment.

Grammarly doesn’t replace professional proofreaders. Human proofreaders will catch more than Grammarly can and will pick up contextual errors that Grammarly may miss.

Is Grammarly worth it?


Grammarly can clean up and improve your writing so that when you hand it over to a human editor to proofread, it will require a lot less work. And less work for them means it will cost you less.

If you do your own proofreading and editing, the Grammarly Premium plan offers a valuable writing assistant. It helps you keep your writing clear, engaging, and easy to read.

If you aren’t sure about the premium version, try Grammarly for free (affiliate link) first to see how you like it.

Signing up is easy — you’ll only need your email address to get started.

About the Author: Karen MacKenzie is a freelance writer and Smart Blogger Certified Content Marketer. She blends her business and financial experience with a desire to connect with readers in a warm and friendly manner. Go to if you’d like to hire her for your next project.

The post Grammarly Review: Is it the Best Grammar Checker in 2020? appeared first on Smart Blogger.

from Grammarly Review: Is it the Best Grammar Checker in 2020?

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How to Find Time to Create a Product For Your Blog

The post How to Find Time to Create a Product For Your Blog appeared first on ProBlogger.

How to find time to create a product for your blog

This post is based on episode 118 of the ProBlogger podcast.

Creating and selling products such as ebooks and courses can be a great way to monetize your blog. But where do you find the time to create them?

A lot of bloggers already struggle with finding enough time to write posts, promote them on social media, respond to readers’ comments and emails, and everything else that goes with running a blog. And they often have a full-time job and family commitments as well.

I faced the same dilemma when I wrote the first ProBlogger book. I had numerous blogs at the time, as well as a business. We’d just started a blog network, and I was juggling it all myself. I was also newly married, and I think we’d just had our first baby.

I had no idea how I’d get the book written, and it started keeping me awake at night. (I’d committed to writing the book with the publisher and so I had a contract to get it done.)

And then it dawned on me: my life is completely full. I had no spare time to write the book, and the only way I could get it done was to find time somewhere else.

The good news is I managed to finish the book. And in doing so I learned a few things about creating products for your blog that I want to share with you today.

So here are my tips for finding the time to create a product for your blog.

Tip 1. Don’t abandon your blog while you’re creating your product

Yes, you need to find time to create your product. But you also need to be able to sell it, which means you need to maintain not only the size of your audience, but also the relationship you’ve built with them.

Over the years I’ve seen numerous bloggers abandon their blog while they created their product. Unfortunately, by the time they were ready to launch it their audience had either gone cold or shrunk significantly (if not disappeared completely).

You need to find a way to create your product while keeping your audience engaged and ideally growing and warming up towards you. Otherwise you’ll be a spending a lot of time and effort getting them back.

Tip 2. Scale back some of your blogging activities

While you shouldn’t abandon your blog completely, you don’t need to keep the pedal to the metal either. You can lift your foot a little. You just need to let your audience know why you’re doing it.

When I was struggling to write the ProBlogger book, I pulled back on writing content for my blogs. At the time I was publishing at least one post a day, and so I pulled that back to two or three posts a week. I told my audience there was a book coming, and so I’d be pulling back a little while I was writing it. And while a couple of people pushed back a little and said, “I want your content,” most of my readers understood.

You could also pull back on your social media posts, or how often you respond to readers’ comments and emails.

One advantage of doing this is that it can build the anticipation for your product. When I told my readers I was writing a book that would bring together all of my best advice, it built up a lot of anticipation as to when I’d be launching it.

Tip 3. Do your content creation and other blog activities in batches

Over the years I’ve talked a lot about batching, and how I try to write several posts or record several podcasts at a time. It means I can focus all my time and attention on them, and then forget about them for a couple of days and focus on something else.

By doing this, I didn’t waste any time switching back and forth from a blogging mindset to a podcasting mindset. I could get into the right frame of mind for what I was doing (blogging, podcasting, writing social media posts, etc.) and churn out piece after piece relatively quickly.

You can do the same, and not just for your blog. Batching is also a great way to focus on the product you’re creating and get the most out of your time.

When I was writing the ProBlogger book, I booked a cheap motel for a couple of weekends. And as soon as I arrived I locked myself in my room and spent the entire weekend writing. It really helped me get through the larger chunks of the book.

Tip 4. Use some of the product you’re creating as blog content

This really helped me when I was writing my book. Some of the content I was writing for the book had already been published on ProBlogger. So I’d occasionally take content from the ProBlogger archives, edited and updated it, and put it into the book.

I was also writing about topics for the book that I’d never explored on the blog. And every now and then I’d publish an excerpt from the book as a blog post. This not only kept the blog ticking over with fresh content, but also built anticipation about the book.

Of course, you don’t want your product to be just a rehash of your blog content. It needs to be something that’s fresh and unique. But chances are delving into your archives can save you some time and effort, and make it easier to get your product finished and ready for launch.

Tip 5. Set yourself some deadlines

You may have heard of Parkinson’s Law, which states that, “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” And as much as we don’t like to think it’s true, it often is.

If you give yourself a year to complete your product, then chances are it will take you a year to complete it. But if you give yourself a month, there’s a good chance you’ll get it done in a month.

Of course, you need to be realistic. If you give yourself a day to get it done you’re destined for failure. But if you give yourself a tight but realistic deadline then you will push yourself to meet it. Committing to the deadline my publisher set in my book contract really helped me get going.

One problem a lot of bloggers face is they only commit to meeting the deadline with themselves, which means there’s little (if any) accountability. One solution is to make the commitment to a partner, family member, friend or fellow blogger. You could also make the commitment to your readers, or even start taking pre-orders for your product. That will create not only create a moral accountability, but also a legal one.

Tip 6. Create a beta version of your product

If the product you’re creating is a big one, it may take some time to get it finished. But you may be able to make some money before it’s finished by creating a beta version and selling it on your blog.

I remember a conversation I had with a blogger who wanted to create her first course. When she showed me the outline, I could see it was going to be massive. She needed to produce more than 50 hours of video content, as well as create numerous written resources. She was even getting software developed to give away as a bonus. Understandably she felt incredibly overwhelmed by it all, to the point where she felt almost paralyzed.

I said to her, “Why don’t you just break it down and release it as ten modules? And why not start by finishing the first module and releasing it?”

And that’s exactly what she did. She got the first module done and got her mini course out the door. It gave her not only some initial income, but also some really valuable feedback. She discovered her readers didn’t want as much content as she’d created. They wanted something a little lighter. And with that knowledge she managed to roll out several more modules more quickly than shoe could have done with her ‘full’ course.

But what if you’re producing an ebook rather than a course? Well, could you make two ebooks out of your content, and then start selling the first while you’re working on the second? Could you produce one version now, and then update it later? (That’s the great thing about ebooks. You can always add more content later.)

Tip 7. Get some help

If you can’t batch, can’t pull back any further on your blog and still need to find more time, then maybe you need to get some help.

Perhaps someone can help you with your product. That’s what I did with the ProBlogger book. Chris Garett co-authored the book with me because I realized very early on that I couldn’t do everything. He also bought other expertise to the book that I didn’t have. I’ve probably taught a lot of what he wrote about, but I couldn’t have thought about it the way he did.

Maybe you need to get a co-author. Or maybe you need help with something else–design, development, or even setting up a shopping cart. Perhaps you need an editor, proofreader or marketer.

You could also get some help keeping your blog ticking over. Perhaps you could publish a guest post once a week while you’re working on your product, or even hire someone as a regular contributor. Maybe you could free up some time by having someone edit or proofread your blog posts. Or maybe they could take on managing your community or social media posts.


I hope these tips help you free up some time so you can work on your first product for your blog. And once that’s done and selling, you may be able to free up even more time to work on your next one.

Image credit: Kevin Ku

The post How to Find Time to Create a Product For Your Blog appeared first on ProBlogger.


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