Sunday, April 30, 2017
China taking over Amazon
I follow this channel strictly for better learning about Chinese culture esp in the context of business. They're just vloggers that live in china and have for 10 years or so, so I thought their perspective was interesting.
- China has a competitive edge when it comes to sourcing and selling on amazon and Chinese sellers are selling all over the world on Amazon, not just
- European Amazon has a rule that requires sellers to show...
China taking over Amazon
from China taking over Amazon
Weight Loss App creation
Question- is anyone familiar with what it might cost to create a very simple app that has weight loss tracker, diet journal, workout journal features?
Really just need a basic app with these functions that we can build off of but trying to bootstrap and get this built for as cheap as we can and redesign later with...
Weight Loss App creation
from Weight Loss App creation
Can I make real estate Fastlane at 21?
Do you guys think that I should start somewhere else?
from Can I make real estate Fastlane at 21?
Life advice upon turning age 30, from the president of Y Combinator
I turned 30 last week and a friend asked me if I’d figured out any life advice in the past decade worth passing on. I’m somewhat hesitant to publish this because I think these lists usually seem hollow, but here is a cleaned up version of my answer:
The days are long but the decades are short
1) Never put your family, friends, or significant other low on your priority list. Prefer a handful of truly close...
Life advice upon turning age 30, from the president of Y Combinator
from Life advice upon turning age 30, from the president of Y Combinator
I've built a tech affiliate site with 150k Pageviews and 50k Users. How to I better monetize it?
I've got one semester left until graduation, and I've got a problem.
The Numbers
My affiliate site Tech Under 10 has been doing well the past few months. A combination of high sharability (thanks to the nature of the site,) and great SEO ranking have provided me a constant source of traffic. Since launch in mid-2016, I've hit almost 150k pageviews and 50k users in nine months- many of which are males between 18-35....
I've built a tech affiliate site with 150k Pageviews and 50k Users. How to I better monetize it?
from I've built a tech affiliate site with 150k Pageviews and 50k Users. How to I better monetize it?
How do i run a php script on my WordPress website
from How do i run a php script on my WordPress website
SPI 263: Laddering Up: How to Build a 7-Figure Business by Building a $7K per Month Business
Clay Collins of LeadPages returns to the Smart Passive Income Podcast for another incredible, value-packed (and potentially record-breaking) episode. This time, Clay is dropping serious knowledge on building a seven-figure business, step by step.
During his time as CEO and co-founder of LeadPages, Clay has watched his business grow from a humble blog to a seven-figure company with a sprawling array of product offerings. He’s got his process for scaling a successful business down to a science, and that’s what he’s sharing here today.
Clay’s got big plans for this episode: He wants to break his own record for the most downloads of an SPI Podcast episode (Episode 78). He wants to pack hundreds of dollars of value—the equivalent of an online course—into one interview. And he wants you to walk away with a framework you can implement today to turn your business into a million-dollar operation.
Sound good? Listen in, and hear just how much Clay delivers!
Thanks for Listening!
To share your thoughts:
- Leave a note in the comment section below.
- Ask a question over on
- Share this show on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest.
To help out the show:
- Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.
- Subscribe on iTunes or download our mobile app.
Special thanks to Clay for joining me this week. Until next time!
You'll Learn
- The three "ladder rungs" of building a seven-figure business.
- The definition of a "minimum viable audience," and why it's your key to business success.
- The Five Commandments of growing your online business.
- Why a loyal audience is your best marketing tool.
- The Rule of Five Ones, a simple guide to focusing your business growth.
- How your passions will inform your target audience and ideal product.
- The strategy behind taking your business from six to seven figures.
- Advice for selling confidently.
- What a company like Netflix can teach you about "laddering up."
- Why and how Clay grew LeadPages into the success it is today.
- The chance to win a lifetime subscription to LeadPages, and more!
- Clay's free course download: How To Build A $2.5M/Month Business By Building A $10K/Month Business
- Leadpages
- Smart Passive Income Podcast Episode 78: Rapid Audience Building for Accelerated Hypergrowth (from Scratch)—Landing Pages and Conversion Optimization
- 1,000 True Fans
- The One Thing
- Calendly
- Pat on Facebook
from SPI 263: Laddering Up: How to Build a 7-Figure Business by Building a $7K per Month Business
What's a fair price for writing a research paper for someone?
from What's a fair price for writing a research paper for someone?
Just Another Progress Thread
I've decided to pursue a big idea. This isn't your typical Amazon sales business. My business is in the same vein as homeadvisor, angieslist, thumbtack in terms of target audience and style.
Little background on me - Internet marketer. 32 yrs old. Got lazy for a few years due to $$ and freedom. Determined to create something big of my own and provide value.
And so we begin...
To date,...
Just Another Progress Thread
from Just Another Progress Thread
Aduramus (v. first person plural, active subjunctive) let's set ablaze.
Hello everyone!
I find posting a progress thread here more relevant than posting on my own Wordpress account - so let's roll.
Why am I doing this - who knows. Hopefully something good comes out of it.
Let me introduce myself and my previous successes. Hi - I'm Dillon!
I'm a young guy presently trapped in DFW with my girlfriend. I love espresso and recently found the best doppio...
from Aduramus
Investment Banker or Entrepreneur?
As some of you may know, I am young, and I haven't been on the forum for very long, however I have tried to share some of my millennial knowledge with regards to internet & social media marketing - and have picked up a lot of value from the members of this forum. You know who you are, thanks!
I am now at a point in my life, where I have to decide which path I should take, whether I should aim for the stars in the future or aim towards building something as big as possible from where...
Investment Banker or Entrepreneur?
from Investment Banker or Entrepreneur?
AndyTalks with Nico about Goal-Setting and moving from Freelancer through Agency
This was a call from Jan-2017 that has been queued for editing and publishing for a few months!
Myself and Nico had been working together for about 3 months, and we discuss how our business(es) are evolving and how we do and don't set goals.
AndyTalks with Nico about Goal-Setting and moving from Freelancer through Agency
from AndyTalks with Nico about Goal-Setting and moving from Freelancer through Agency
General Q's about Filing LLC for e-commerce site
- Live and work in California
- Business is e-commerce, selling products manufactured abroad through my own website
- Goods are received and shipped from warehouse in California
- Sales can come in from any of the states, and let's pretend...
General Q's about Filing LLC for e-commerce site
from General Q's about Filing LLC for e-commerce site
21 year old living with parents and going to college - needing advice
My struggle is that my parents are VERY angry, frustrated, flustered with me for not having a job. I don't hear the end of it. At first it was about money, but then when I started making money, it became about me not being social enough and too introverted. I've applied to a lot of places, had some...
21 year old living with parents and going to college - needing advice
from 21 year old living with parents and going to college - needing advice
Source for an Industry's Avg. Valuation Multiplier (for Selling a Business)?
One thing I am fascinated by is a very brief section in Fastlane where @MJ DeMarco talks about the average valuation multiplier applied to your annual margins to determine the sale price of your business. (In other...
Source for an Industry's Avg. Valuation Multiplier (for Selling a Business)?
from Source for an Industry's Avg. Valuation Multiplier (for Selling a Business)?
Hello from El Salvador.
I was defeated. I didn´t have the guts to start a new business again. I was too afraid. I live in a country where the minimum wage is $300 a month. Making $1K is close to be "Very well paid". Until.... 2 years ago when I got fired. I fell...
Hello from El Salvador.
from Hello from El Salvador.
"It Takes Five Closing Attempts Before You Get A Sale".
from "It Takes Five Closing Attempts Before You Get A Sale".
How I grow a student savings facebook page?
from How I grow a student savings facebook page?
The more I read the dumber I feel
I'm struggeling with a couple of things and I hope you guys can help me out a bit.
Everytime I've read a book or article or listen to a podcasts etc about building a business, I get the feeling that I have to look for some golden triangle or a home run idea. But there seems to be a lot of factors that play a role in having a product/service that will lead me to the Fastlane.
My struggle is that I feel like, the more I read, the dumber I become and that I'm not getting any...
The more I read the dumber I feel
from The more I read the dumber I feel
Beating/ Managing Anxiety
Is there anyone here fighting or who has beaten anxiety?
I not so much talking about the anxiety of starting a new business or going out of your comfort zone as this is perfectly rational.
I'm more talking about anxiety that is constantly eating you from the inside out. That just makes you want to do nothing, cripples you at the thought of taking action and just doesn't seem to f@#k off. The kind of anxiety that you go see...
Beating/ Managing Anxiety
from Beating/ Managing Anxiety
Set up to Fail, Driven to Succeed - Journey from 0 to Serial Entrepreneur
I've been on a hiatus from here for about a year - a year of executing, and mostly a year of failure (I don't like the term failure, to be honest - sometimes you win, sometimes you learn, so i've been learning)
I'm going to keep this thread updated on a daily basis until I have reached the milestones I'm aiming for - and then I will retire this thread as a testament to all of those who come on here and look for advice on where to start and how to get from A to B.
I'm going to...
Set up to Fail, Driven to Succeed - Journey from 0 to Serial Entrepreneur
from Set up to Fail, Driven to Succeed - Journey from 0 to Serial Entrepreneur
The best decision you ever made ?
What is the single best decision you have ever made related to business?
Was it starting a business with your high school buddy? Or creating a blog that now serves as your primary source of income? Or was it just a commitment that you made to yourself that you would never stop learning/growing & taking action until you reached all your financial goals?
I'm interested in knowing what everyone owes part of their success to. I understand that hard work & consistency...
The best decision you ever made ?
from The best decision you ever made ?
How do you deal with Haters?
Hater's including but not limited to: anyone that verbally talks shit about you/your product
Discuss please.
from How do you deal with Haters?
CHALLENGE: Join me in a little mental exercise.
With storytellers (we’re all storytellers), authors and copywriters we can be loquacious (<- see?) in our writing. So I thought the following challenge would exercise our brains in a more concentrated way.
Challenge: Tell your TMF story in six words.
Ernest Hemingway is often attributed to the six-word-story challenge. It was reported that while eating lunch with friends he...
CHALLENGE: Join me in a little mental exercise.
from CHALLENGE: Join me in a little mental exercise.
Taxes - Software or Brick and Mortar
I made the mistake of trying to do my taxes on my own using TurboTax Business. I ended up having to go to HR Block to get help because I did not understand all of the requirements. I thought gee this is going to be simple since I am a super early stage company with no income and mostly deductions.
My question for you all is, do you do your own taxes using some software or do you go to a brick and mortar? I am wondering if you liked your experience with HR Block and think that...
Taxes - Software or Brick and Mortar
from Taxes - Software or Brick and Mortar
How make $50 a day?
from How make $50 a day?
Collect phone numbers from existing subscribers on Mailchimp
from Collect phone numbers from existing subscribers on Mailchimp
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Have a large targeted email list that want to convert into sales
from Have a large targeted email list that want to convert into sales
pros/cons of using a subdomain for your blog
from pros/cons of using a subdomain for your blog
Quick Question for Those with Supplement/FDA Business Experience
Now it seems the FDA is relatively lax with supplements, but they do require a hard copy of a letter sent to them with a list of all the health and structure claims you make on your label, website, etc.. with scientific sources and clinical trials backing up those claims.
I found sources for all of my claims pretty much since i'm not lying in my advertising haha, but does anyone have any experience with submitting...
Quick Question for Those with Supplement/FDA Business Experience
from Quick Question for Those with Supplement/FDA Business Experience
The margin is the margin for a reason
You guys don't see the big picture. There is a reason the wholesale AND the retail prices are where they are. You NEED to understand that SHIPPING and DUTIES and HANDLING and EASE OF SELLING are all calculated into the profit margin of a product.
This is why the prices are where they...
The margin is the margin for a reason
from The margin is the margin for a reason
How to waste time and money playing entrepreneur
Here's what you should do to guarantee wasting two years and money. I've quantified both elements for you
- Form an Llc before you have paying customers $500 + 4 hours
- Hire someone on elance to conduct industry research: $450 + 2 hours
- Build a killer website: $2,000 + 2 weeks of tuning
- Design and order...
How to waste time and money playing entrepreneur
from How to waste time and money playing entrepreneur
What does your writing style say about you?
I generally break writing online (so, e-mail, forum posts, etc.) down into two buckets: those with punctuation and those without. It's that simple. I'm not the grammar police and couldn't be if I tried but a lack of punctuation kills me.
It's probably not fair, but when I see a post that says: "hey is my idea fastlane thx", I immediately skip it, and not even because of...
What does your writing style say about you?
from What does your writing style say about you?
How to find someone for a custom website (geography-based)
I prefer iterative development to some grand waterfall scheme that gets me a "finished" product a year from now. I also want to meet in person and I'm near a metro area so that should be no problem.
How to find someone for a custom website (geography-based)
from How to find someone for a custom website (geography-based)
NYC/NJ Metro Area Meetup - May 12, 2017
I am trying to gauge how many people are interested and where everyone would like to meet.
Please use the poll
NYC - Mid-town Manhattan
NYC - Lower Manhattan
NJ - Hoboken or Jersey City
from NYC/NJ Metro Area Meetup - May 12, 2017
0-10k in 60 days, Building a Unsellable Business
I basically just listed some of the cool vape pens I knew I could get and at...
0-10k in 60 days, Building a Unsellable Business
from 0-10k in 60 days, Building a Unsellable Business
Monetizing a 60K/month site on Alcoholism/Addiction Recovery?
from Monetizing a 60K/month site on Alcoholism/Addiction Recovery?
Hi everyone
Hi everyone
from Hi everyone
Writing a good fb post
from Writing a good fb post
5 SEO Tips So Easy a Child Can Do It
from 5 SEO Tips So Easy a Child Can Do It
Introduction - Hi Everybody!
I just finished reading The Millionaire Fastlane! It's funny, I'm definitely one of those guys who overthinks everything, and I'm very "book-smart" but not very "street smart". I'm very bad at jumping into uncomfortable situations without trying to learn everything beforehand, and it's definitely a weakness I'm well aware of and need to work on. I have two Bachelor's (physics + comp sci), a Master's (physics), and recently completed a data science bootcamp. So I'm...
Introduction - Hi Everybody!
from Introduction - Hi Everybody!
Happiness and Freedom. Stoicism and Entrepreneurship, the Parallel.
Not long ago, my college-old interest in philosophy had been rekindled. With a specific focus on Stoicism. This occurred about the same time I started becoming interested in entrepreneurship. Was this a coincidence? I think not. I would venture to guess that the same thing happend to you when you started your expedition into the Fastlane.
Many business, motivational, and self-help books...
Happiness and Freedom. Stoicism and Entrepreneurship, the Parallel.
from Happiness and Freedom. Stoicism and Entrepreneurship, the Parallel.
Day Trading
Im looking to add more cashflow aside from my e commerce business and since Im on the computer all day, why not?
I've seen from Timothy Sykes but im not sure if thats a decent course or not.
from Day Trading
Fucked up our SEO by mistake - Any tips?
So, we had a site with more than 1.000 pages indexed, this pages used a url structure like /state/city/something/name
One of our engineers changed a part of the url structure, something like /city/ to /city-1/, he also updated the sitemap with the new url's.
He didn't put any 301 redirection so now all the old url's started throwing 404 to google, we didn't knew about this and the engineer didn't told us because he didn't even knew the mistake he...
Fucked up our SEO by mistake - Any tips?
from Fucked up our SEO by mistake - Any tips?
Hello from Denver - self publishing success

I joined here yesterday but was first introduced to the MFL in December of 2011. I am A LOT older than most here (42) and certainly not a millionaire by any stretch of the imagination.
In fact, until the past several months I have never earned enough from any business I have started to support myself completely from that business. I have always worked for others in one fashion or another until recently. But, as of...
Hello from Denver - self publishing success
from Hello from Denver - self publishing success
Absolute Beginners Guide to TMF & TFLF
Per @MJ DeMarco request here's a definitive guide on The Millionaire Fastlane & The Fastlane Forum
What is it?
The Millionaire Fastlane is a book written by MJ, you can get a copy here: Download The Millionaire Fastlane, FREE
The Fastlane Forum is a community built around the book
The Fastlane
The Fastlane means creating a business model that follows...
Absolute Beginners Guide to TMF & TFLF
from Absolute Beginners Guide to TMF & TFLF
looking for where to find an android and ios programmer
Where would you guys look for a freelancer like this would is not gonna try and rip me off
from looking for where to find an android and ios programmer
SinisterLex's - I Deleted My Upwork Account...
You can still go from $0.00 to $1,000+ per month or more and get your first taste of sales...
SinisterLex's - I Deleted My Upwork Account...
from SinisterLex's - I Deleted My Upwork Account...
How to promote a specific country's CPA offer?
from How to promote a specific country's CPA offer?
Journey of the German - Building a web design agency
I am starting this progress thread as some sort of diary for me and for you. Despite having not very much to offer at the beginning of my journey, I hope that I can contribute some value to this forum in the future.
The Past:
I am living in Germany, where I am enrolled in my first year in economics at university. I turned 20 a few days ago, realizing that I haven't "accomplished" a lot in my life until now. I want to change that.
For more background, feel free...
Journey of the German - Building a web design agency
from Journey of the German - Building a web design agency
Friday, April 28, 2017
10000 a month from one client easily
from 10000 a month from one client easily
What to do with customers who've already purchased?
from What to do with customers who've already purchased?
Infographic: exciting stats from all major social media platforms
from Infographic: exciting stats from all major social media platforms
Amazon hosting best solution for on demand scalability?
from Amazon hosting best solution for on demand scalability?
Big Frank Almost Died
from Big Frank Almost Died
A 21 Year Old Ad Rep Called Me For My Best Advice. Here It Is
from A 21 Year Old Ad Rep Called Me For My Best Advice. Here It Is
Amusing PM with a freelancer
Finally found what I was looking for
I'll keep it short but suffice to say that I had an epiphany this year which, after reading TMF, makes me feel like I was the only one who didn't know.
The story goes like this: I was listening to an individual at an investor meeting who asked "if I had $100,000 to spend or invest wisely,...
Finally found what I was looking for
from Finally found what I was looking for
Hi all.. glad I found this place
from Hi all.. glad I found this place
Need a proper ERP with comprehensive inventory management system
Of course, firstly, started digging through google, and found a ton of articles like this on the first pages:
But those don`t seem legit to me, as nearly all...
Need a proper ERP with comprehensive inventory management system
from Need a proper ERP with comprehensive inventory management system
How do I go from a wish to burning desire?
Its frustrating me because I want a better life (money freedom etc etc)
Logically I want it, but emotionally i'm indifferent.
It doesn't make sense to me. I don't enjoy getting up at 6 everyday and working a job I don't like,
yet I'm unable to raise my wishes to a burning desire to get out of the rat race!!
Is there professional help that would work(Hypnosis,...
How do I go from a wish to burning desire?
from How do I go from a wish to burning desire?
Self-Publishing Resources and Websites
Kristine Kathryn Rusch - hands down, BEST blog for writers about writing and writing business from bestselling author, read The Business Rush section. Amazing insight because she writes, has run a Publishing company, Distribution company and has most understanding about these thing as a writer. No one comes close probably..
A Blog Pertaining to Health | My...
Self-Publishing Resources and Websites
from Self-Publishing Resources and Websites
Entrepreneur from Eastern Europe

I'm a 23 year old entrepreneur from Eastern Europe! I've been keeping an eye on this forum and I really like what I'm seeing. I first got here a few years ago (but didn't join back then, it was 2012 or so from memory) when I first read MJ's book. My hopes out of this forum is that my story and knowledge (as much as it has accumulated till now) can motivate a few people, and that I can learn from my interactions with other members here.
Work Experience
I started my...
Entrepreneur from Eastern Europe
from Entrepreneur from Eastern Europe
How to promote a specific country's CPA offer?
from How to promote a specific country's CPA offer?
PBN for thin niche site
from PBN for thin niche site
MJ's Recommended Bookshelf
These are the books I recommend and their topical breakdown. If you notice, general wealth really doesn't have many recommendations -- this is one of the reasons why I wrote TMF!
There are other books I will add as I go through my bookshelf and I will update this thread accordingly.
from MJ's Recommended Bookshelf
I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!
If you read the book, post here and you will get an icon under your screenname and...
I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!
from I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!
What the HECK is wrong with my landing page?
from What the HECK is wrong with my landing page?
Are Upwork Tests A Good Indicator Of Developer Skill
from Are Upwork Tests A Good Indicator Of Developer Skill
Hosting in the US which company to choose
from Hosting in the US which company to choose
Why do people give their personal data to Facebook?
from Why do people give their personal data to Facebook?
Big Frank Almost Died
from Big Frank Almost Died
What is the best thing you have ever said in an interview?
from What is the best thing you have ever said in an interview?
money site write-ups starting at only 3$/100words!!! turn your unsuspecting readers into customers!
from money site write-ups starting at only 3$/100words!!! turn your unsuspecting readers into customers!
from Introduction!
Distress signal!
Distress signal!
from Distress signal!
Hi from Jersey
I've been self-employed for 5+ years and live in NJ. I write full-time. My husband works a corporate job and is looking to venture into his own business. My kids are grown, and we're looking at the second half of our lives at this point, figuring out which direction we'll be headed in.
from Hi from Jersey
Kids, time management and business
I just wanted to ask forum members with kids about how they made their business work. How did you manage your time? What would you recommend in terms of balancing your life, kids, family and business at the same time?
I am 29 and currently have a decent job that pays the bills (although it's obviously still slow-lane). My son was just born recently and I keep on thinking about how I can manage everything. This force/my heart is pulling me into starting something of my own the...
Kids, time management and business
from Kids, time management and business
Facebook Ads - benefits of sharing ad directly
from Facebook Ads - benefits of sharing ad directly
CDN with FTP or SSH access?
from CDN with FTP or SSH access?
Ask me anything about eCommerce (2015+)
- Google Shopping is now at the top of your search results, so ranking #1 for a specific term is not as valuable as before. I don't do anymore SEO.
- Big box stores like Amazon, Walmart and Target now dominate the...
Ask me anything about eCommerce (2015+)
from Ask me anything about eCommerce (2015+)
Why the 30 Day Copywriting Challenge Doesn't Work. Secrets from OZ and Narnia.
You've read 10 expert books on copywriting. You've handwritten 30 sales letters. You haven't made a cent copywriting. Here's why....
These ten books on copywriting go into detail about benefits vs. features. They give you secret sales tactics that have made millions. They give you everything you need to know about writing advertisements, sales letters, emails, etc.
They do not take...
Why the 30 Day Copywriting Challenge Doesn't Work. Secrets from OZ and Narnia.
from Why the 30 Day Copywriting Challenge Doesn't Work. Secrets from OZ and Narnia.
SteveO: From Employee to RE Investor to Golf Course Owner...
Our first featured user is @SteveO -- one of our longest standing members and known around here as our resident philosopher. When you see STEVE's posts here at the forum, make sure to pass him some REP and THANKS.
Here's his story:
I left the...
SteveO: From Employee to RE Investor to Golf Course Owner...
from SteveO: From Employee to RE Investor to Golf Course Owner...
If you could wish for a WordPress plugin, what would it be?
from If you could wish for a WordPress plugin, what would it be?
Need some advice on a content idea I have
from Need some advice on a content idea I have
A winner is not the one who never fails.
In 1944, Emmeline Snively, director of the Blue Book Modelling Agency told Norma Jeane Mortenson, "You'd...
A winner is not the one who never fails.
from A winner is not the one who never fails.
Who knows how to buy shares online
from Who knows how to buy shares online
I've only done one of these 10 things...
from I've only done one of these 10 things...
Toronto MeetUp
I've met a few people here on FL, and the general mindset is to get a real meetup going.
I suggest possibly the weekend of the 23rd or 30th.
Any suggestions?
P.s. I assume general is where this thread belongs.
from Toronto MeetUp
I have a problem with MJ DeMarco (Follow your passion gets a beatdown)
I respect MJ Demarco and his work but since the the first time I read his book I can't get over the fact that he says that money is more important than your passion. That doing what you love will not make you rich.
Imagine you're on your deathbed sweaty, nervous, trying your best to stay awake because you know...
I have a problem with MJ DeMarco (Follow your passion gets a beatdown)
from I have a problem with MJ DeMarco (Follow your passion gets a beatdown)
Evaluating link quality, Google Combats Fake News & Seismic Shift In Top Companies – Weekly Forum Update
This week members asked tough questions about how to evaluate the quality of your links.
Google released features to help combat fake news and what this may mean for SEOs
Members also discussed to what degree Alphabet, Googles parent company, is a monopoly and how 5 out of the 10 biggest companies are now Internet or computer companies.
How do you find links to boost Google rankings?
Over on Webmasterworld, GoodROI asked about qualifying link opportunities with directory submissions and pagerank being long dead – this is something that many of us in the SEO world have wrestle with. Members joined in with a variety of interesting tactics.
Jestermagic recommended a content marketing approach but caveated it with that it works best for already established sites:
“For the most part I don’t do much to chase down links. What I do is provide useful content that sometimes gets linked to by major media outlets (and others). This approach works for a well establish site that is over a decade old.
It doesn’t work for newer sites that I have which don’t have the backlinks.”
EditoralGuy chimed in about leveraging online PR for link acquisition
“I suspect that public relations is more effective than trolling for links, assuming that you have the type of content that people want to cite as additional resources for whatever they’re writing about.”
On this front, Iamlost included thoughts on his homegrown onlinePR approach
“I also did outreach to niche journalists, initially local (in a great many localities but individually local) whenever there was a news story I could piggyback on. Journalists collect resources, I collect journalists.”
Iamlost also mentioned leveraging third parties to host content, link, and send referral traffic
“I only place 10-15% of slideshows and videos on third parties, i.e. SlideShare, YouTube.”
Can a single backlink affect an entire site?
This question from Halaspike, is definitely one many of us ask ourselves when trying to correlate our linkbuilding efforts to our traffic!
Keyplyr mentions the domain authority factor that can be affected by the links you’re getting
“Backlink juice is a page-by-page type of thing, but if the link if from an authoritative source, there *could* be a Trust factor benefit applied to the site.
On the down side, if the link is from a bad-neighborhood, there *could* be a negative impact to the site.”
Buckworks comments that its theoretically possible but don’t hold your breath
“It can’t be assumed that a link from “a very high quality website” will automatically confer a lot of SEO benefits. There will be some, of course, but the effects might vary a lot depending on what page the link is on. Even on an authoritative site, not every page is a strong page, SEO-wise, so not every link will be a strong one.”
Google talks about its latest search quality improvements
Both Google and Facebook are racing to figure out how to combat offensive and false in the midst of recent criticisms. Engine comments that many of the items mentioned are things that are already known in the SEO community, such as domain authority but Google will begin adding flags to featured rich snippets and user feedback mechanisms for autocomplete and featured rich snippets.
It will be interesting to watch how these changes affect opinion pieces and new publishers, as well as how Google will combat adversarial attempts to manipulate new feedback mechanisms.
As measuring the value of acquired links has become increasingly challenging in recent years, member wygk looks for an alternative. Members state that there is no great alternative but suggest several subscription-based alternatives to provide some rough guidance, including Majestic Flowmetrics and Moz Domain Authority.
The post Evaluating link quality, Google Combats Fake News & Seismic Shift In Top Companies – Weekly Forum Update appeared first on Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog.
from Evaluating link quality, Google Combats Fake News & Seismic Shift In Top Companies – Weekly Forum Update
6 Figures At 18! 1 Year of The Fastlane Forum
I am an 18 year old senior in High School who runs an online eCommerce business . My company was started at the beginning of 2016 when I was 17. My first sale on ebay was on February 7 and my first sale on my own website was on April 24. Revenue since then is getting close to reaching (my Grant Cardone 10x goal from earlier this year) of...
6 Figures At 18! 1 Year of The Fastlane Forum
from 6 Figures At 18! 1 Year of The Fastlane Forum
Solopreneurs Doing $1M or More...
How Bold Entrepreneurs Are Breaking $1 Million In One-Person...
Solopreneurs Doing $1M or More...
from Solopreneurs Doing $1M or More...
CDN with FTP or SSH access?
from CDN with FTP or SSH access?
How do I encourage visitors to interact with each other on my forum
from How do I encourage visitors to interact with each other on my forum
#1441 Case Study: Chat bot grows sales
Ezra Firestone is the creator of Boom by Cindy Joseph, a cosmetics company.
Get Ezra’s Facebook Video Ad Training here.
Sponsored byToptal – If you’re having trouble finding developers, Toptal is a network of elite pre-vetted software developers. You tell Toptal what you’re looking for, they search their network for the best people, they test the candidates, and then they present you with only the candidates who meet your individual needs. Once you pick someone you can start work with them the next day. They offer a no-risk trial period. Go to Get the best of the best right now.
ActiveCampaign – Improve your marketing & sales processes by upgrading to an automated platform. Start sending follow-up that adapts to your customers’ behavior so you are sending the perfect message at the perfect time. You’ll have happier customers and higher conversions. See why over 150,000 marketers use ActiveCampaign to create intelligent marketing that gets better results.
If you’re with one of their confusing competitors and you want something new, you owe it to your business to check out ActiveCampaign.
More interviews ->
Rate this interview ->
from #1441 Case Study: Chat bot grows sales
Evaluating Software Idea
Since this is my first thread, lets introduce myself. I'm a developer and I make WordPress extensions. I have had one big hit: 'Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox', It i'm struggeling to find new plugin ideas (actually I have enough ideas, but evaluating them seems hard).
The problem is that I waste a lot of time developing and then find there isn't realy a demand for it.
So my question is what do you evaluate BEFORE developing a product, what is your process. What are some make...
Evaluating Software Idea
from Evaluating Software Idea
Grant Cardone "Buying a House is for Suckers"
Here's some of his points -
Unless you have 20 million in the bank, in cash, you have no business buying a house.
A house is the worst investment you will ever make. If there is no income don't invest in it. Sell your house and buy rental property. I know this sounds crazy, but rent where you live and own what you can rent to others. This will create amazing wealth for you and your...
Grant Cardone "Buying a House is for Suckers"
from Grant Cardone "Buying a House is for Suckers"
Host Wordpress site on Amazon servers?
from Host Wordpress site on Amazon servers?
Client Dashboard Problem
from Client Dashboard Problem
What Is Mycomeup?
from What Is Mycomeup?
Invest in Good Technology
If you care about the speed & efficiency in which you do business, you’ll buy Apple.
from Invest in Good Technology
Germany Meetup Opportunities
from Germany Meetup Opportunities
Why not use a disavow tool?
from Why not use a disavow tool?
Host a few wordpress pages on Amazon (for scalability) and the rest of the site on our host servers?
from Host a few wordpress pages on Amazon (for scalability) and the rest of the site on our host servers?
Instagram Influencer Connect: Get a Traffic Storm in 24 Hours!
from Instagram Influencer Connect: Get a Traffic Storm in 24 Hours!
from SHARK ATTACK! [My Bikini]
Thursday, April 27, 2017
I am a 23 Year Old and I started a Bitcoin business in 2014 and failed. Rebuild still in progress
I have always wanted to be a business owner and build for something for myself rather than be stuck in a cubicle wearing out the ctrl + v on my keyboard. I graduated top of my high school class, was an all state 3 sport athlete, partied all the time, and just generally thought I was something...
I am a 23 Year Old and I started a Bitcoin business in 2014 and failed. Rebuild still in progress
from I am a 23 Year Old and I started a Bitcoin business in 2014 and failed. Rebuild still in progress
The Basics of Pricing
I used to consult for a major fastfood chain, and was responsible for pricing with all new franchisee's in the USA. Figure I'd share the knowledge. Of course, I use all this in my B&M too. I...
The Basics of Pricing
from The Basics of Pricing
Throwing my backpack over the fence. My AMZ FBA/Private Label Progress Thread.
I read the book and got to work, and now I am posting my first progress thread. I’m not sure how many people are going to care about what I’m doing, but I’m really posting this to create...
Throwing my backpack over the fence. My AMZ FBA/Private Label Progress Thread.
from Throwing my backpack over the fence. My AMZ FBA/Private Label Progress Thread.
How to Make $1,000 a Week with no Degree, no Feedback, & no Portfolio.
A few weeks ago I pulled back from publishing (progress on the Inside.). It was eating days, draining funds and not really progressing. That’s not the focus of this post, so I’ll just say I scaled back to unplug and regroup.
I kind of felt it coming, but it wasn’t until @tafy asked me where I wanted to be in 5 years that I had to face a harsh reality. A publishing company isn’t in my plan. It sucks because I...
How to Make $1,000 a Week with no Degree, no Feedback, & no Portfolio.
from How to Make $1,000 a Week with no Degree, no Feedback, & no Portfolio.
15 Days to Freedom - Make Money Copywriting in 15 Days or Less
Make money copywriting in 15 days or less.
(Without writing a hundred Gary Halbert letters)
Everything you think you know about the way they’ve taught you to think about the way things are supposed to work…
…is a lie.
Consider what this sentence actually means.
Now think about whatever reasons (excuses) you've been verbally vomiting to yourself about why you’re not getting anywhere and why you’re not making progress. What...
15 Days to Freedom - Make Money Copywriting in 15 Days or Less
from 15 Days to Freedom - Make Money Copywriting in 15 Days or Less
Glad to be here at Fastlane Forum. Love the book!
from Glad to be here at Fastlane Forum. Love the book!
One Page of FREE Copywriting. Limited Slots.
You get a page of copy for FREE.
Need a landing page, product description, about page, sales letter, or email funnel?
Need that same page optimized with secret sales tactics?
Just PM me and we can get started. Limited slots.
Yours Truly,
David Thomas (No not the Wendy's guy).
P.S. I'm backed by a secret society of copywriters so you know it will be good.
from One Page of FREE Copywriting. Limited Slots.
Looking for a good adult dating affiliate network ... any help?
from Looking for a good adult dating affiliate network ... any help?
AndyTalks with Forum Members (Master Thread)
The progress thread that's resulted in these calls is HERE.
Hope it helps.
EDIT: (15-Dec-16)
Ha. It's kinda turning into an accidental podcast!
from AndyTalks with Forum Members (Master Thread)
A chat with a mastermind of budding business owners
4 guys working day jobs and working on side-hustles and doing lots of great things.
First time I've had a chat with a group in this format. It was fun and I hope I added value and helped.
A chat with a mastermind of budding business owners
from A chat with a mastermind of budding business owners
100 Brown Cents To $8000
I don't know what need I'll solve yet, my idea was to build a niche community on social media starting with Instagram and then help producers connect with the community members. I'm unsure as to what sort of niche it would be and...
100 Brown Cents To $8000
from 100 Brown Cents To $8000
How a NEWBIE Makes $100/+ DAY This Week FAST!! [Rave Reviews!]
from How a NEWBIE Makes $100/+ DAY This Week FAST!! [Rave Reviews!]
Startup #3: Feedbackz + Amazio Labs (Amazon FBA Seller Blog)
FEEDBACKZ - Get More Positive Reviews For Your Amazon Product
Why It's Better?
- HotStrike Feature - Schedule follow up emails to buyers who left positive seller feedback but not a product review. If you are private label, you know this is huge cause many buyers leave seller feedback but few leave...
Startup #3: Feedbackz + Amazio Labs (Amazon FBA Seller Blog)
from Startup #3: Feedbackz + Amazio Labs (Amazon FBA Seller Blog)
First Sale! (5 weeks from idea conception!)
- 5 weeks ago, I had an idea.
- 4.5 weeks ago, I was studying the market.
- 4 weeks ago, the business name was registered.
- 3 weeks ago, packaging and stickers had been ordered.
- 2 weeks ago, the domain was purchased and work began on the website.
- 1.5 weeks ago, the website was functioning and the products were on their way.
- Last week, photos were taken of each product.
- Four days ago, the website was 95% ready for launch.
- Two days ago, the...
First Sale! (5 weeks from idea conception!)
from First Sale! (5 weeks from idea conception!)
The ForeverJobless Incubator opens for a 2017 class
I hadn't planned to do another one, but I really enjoy it and have the time available to do one, so I've decided to launch a 2017 class.
I announced this last week on ForeverJobless, and here are the details I've sent out so far:...
The ForeverJobless Incubator opens for a 2017 class
from The ForeverJobless Incubator opens for a 2017 class
Can you name this Supercar?
from Can you name this Supercar?
Mobile Game Progress Thread
The game is currently in beta testing and i've built an audience of over 30k people all directly in the niche of my game. So I am pretty exited.
I got 20 of my followers from IG and allowed them to beta test and provide feedback. The feedback was great and some of their ideas will actually be taken into consideration.
My monetization strategy for this game in in app purchases, and rewarded video ads....
Mobile Game Progress Thread
from Mobile Game Progress Thread
flyingdev first app progress
I love reading this forum and in general all fastlane related books and articles. But now, I am also executing - its weird feeling but great

I do this project with friend - he is responsible for sales and I am responsible for programming.
So far, since starting...
flyingdev first app progress
from flyingdev first app progress
Get A Job!..Or Not?
After reading the Millionaire fastlane you might want to quit your job immediately to start a business.
Not so fast.
You are getting a lot of business advice from books, but none of these are looking at your personal financial situation at this very moment. This is why a lot of financial advice is confusing.
"You need to own your business."
"Quit your job and become an entrepreneur."
"Take risks, be...
Get A Job!..Or Not?
from Get A Job!..Or Not?
Dead-End Sh*t Jobs ... Yours?
So with that said, what Dead-End *shit* jobs have you had? Do you currently have?
I was thinking back to all the crap jobs I've had and I am amazed I had the fortitude to endure it all.
Dead-End Sh*t Jobs ... Yours?
from Dead-End Sh*t Jobs ... Yours?
How to rank my site on first page google with a few days?
from How to rank my site on first page google with a few days?
Need a simple guide to creating interactive ebooks?
from Need a simple guide to creating interactive ebooks?
A little bit of Irony for the Day!
my name is Mike and I have read TMFL.
I was a "blue pilled" guy.
I was a sidewalker.
I was in love with the comfort of a meaningless life.
I lost a lot of precious time playing videogames and watching tv.
I loved a woman that considered me as an ATM and nothing more.
I am still a nine to five slave (but only until July).
Two years ago, I started learning “game” (aka learned charisma): with that I fixed my sexual life. I started lifting to fix my skinny body. I started reading...
from Unplugging
Looking for an guidance here.
from Looking for an guidance here.
Get MJ's Next Book, UNSCRIPTED in Pre-Release (Limit 500)
(Insiders got first crack and gobbled up most of the invites, but some remain!)
If you want to grab my next book weeks early and at the cheapest cost possible, I plan to release 500 copies before official release (which is May 23rd). I have not announced this anywhere in public (social media, FB, email lists) except on the INSIDE, and now here.
This offer is for registered forum users only.
View attachment 14443
If you...
Get MJ's Next Book, UNSCRIPTED in Pre-Release (Limit 500)
from Get MJ's Next Book, UNSCRIPTED in Pre-Release (Limit 500)
What's stopping you?
What is stopping you from making your first sale?
What is stopping you from making the leap?
If you've already started your business, what's stopping you from quitting your job?
What is stopping from doubling your revenues and profits?
I want to know the answers. We can help you. Go.
from What's stopping you?
Should I constantly worry about about trademark/patent infringement?
I need some serious relief. Every time I want to sell something, in the back of my head I keep thinking I am going to infringe on a trademark or patent without even knowing it. So, I search. So for patents and trademarks I use USPTO and google patent search. Even after I search these I feel uneasy like I didn't do a good search or I could have missed one thing. When I do see a patent similar to mine, its like "Maybe I am infringing? Maybe not?" I can never say for sure....
Should I constantly worry about about trademark/patent infringement?
from Should I constantly worry about about trademark/patent infringement?
Quote of the Day - QOTD
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Friedrich Nietzsche
That's gold.
I figured a "Quote of the Day - QOTD" thread would be a good thing to start. It might...
Quote of the Day - QOTD
from Quote of the Day - QOTD
Google keyword planner blues
The keyword planner really dampened my enthusiasm. There are a bunch of keywords that are in the 1-10 thousand average monthly search volume bracket in my ad group. What it all translates to in the testing tab is 510 views per day, with an average estimate of...
Google keyword planner blues
from Google keyword planner blues
Trading Stocks The Safe Way
I am new to the forum and I have read MJ's book. I naturally gravitated to the investment portion of the forum because it is what I have been learning and studying for for many years.
I read through all of the MJ's and ICK posts on the printing money thread. I commend them for detailing out the strategy they use how successful they are with it. It's really amazing and I encourage anyone who is interested in options to have a look at it. I traded that way for a few years,...
Trading Stocks The Safe Way
from Trading Stocks The Safe Way
Cheapest Solution For Sending USD $$ From Europe/UK to China
Just wondering what my other UK and Euro fastlaners do in this situation?
I'm with Lloyd's by the way.
@MJ DeMarco Sorry, didn't meant to post this to insiders; however I'm getting the "no prefix" error again. I tried putting this in Help, however I'm happy to have it...
Cheapest Solution For Sending USD $$ From Europe/UK to China
from Cheapest Solution For Sending USD $$ From Europe/UK to China
Is it really needed ?
You evaluate the idea against the NECTS commandments and arrive at the conclusion that it mostly fulfills all of them. Your doubt is in the Need commandment. How do you go about getting rid of that doubt?
In other words, how do you know if a product/service is really needed. Do you scratch you own itch? Do you go to forums and try to understand if people complain about something your product/service solves ?
What are your favorite strategies for handling...
Is it really needed ?
from Is it really needed ?
What do you think of my copy?
Some times ago I read Fox's post about web design GOLD - How to Learn Code, Start a Web Company, $15k+ per month within 9 months
After that I deciced to star learning and now i'm pretty good at making simple and professional website. I made some of them just to try this out, and i think they were very good.
So, now...
What do you think of my copy?
from What do you think of my copy?
what is a good website for uploading files and making money through download? | Warrior Forum
from what is a good website for uploading files and making money through download? | Warrior Forum
AMA: Experienced developer will anwser questions about coding
I would like to contribute to this excellent community.
I am experience developer, I have deep Ruby on Rails, Golang, Javascript experience. I also used to teach on Ruby training classes, mentor team members and I am mentor to someone started learning programming from scratch and recently found job as Junior Developer.
So, ask me anything!
from AMA: Experienced developer will anwser questions about coding
Self-Taught "Coder" With 5-Figure MRR SaaS Company
I've been meaning to post this and contribute and bring some value back to the place that planted the entrepreneur enlightenment seed in me. If it wasn't for MJ and a few others; my life path would not have been what it has been for the past 10 years and future...
Anyways; one thing unique about me is that I am what you consider having Unicorn Skills by silicon valley standards. I can code, market, and design and all self-taught.
And so combined with a...
Self-Taught "Coder" With 5-Figure MRR SaaS Company
from Self-Taught "Coder" With 5-Figure MRR SaaS Company
How to Learn Code, Start a Web Company, $15k+ per month within 9 months
*** This isn't exact Fastlane, at least not in the beginning, but its a great way to earn 5 figures a month, learn the skills to create and run your own FL business while building a network of top business people***
Back at the...
How to Learn Code, Start a Web Company, $15k+ per month within 9 months
from How to Learn Code, Start a Web Company, $15k+ per month within 9 months
Customising Woocommerce to test product interest/capturing data
I am currently setting up Woocommerce to test the demand for a product before going “all out”
A process that has been discussed in other threads is to put up a ‘fake’ product drive traffic to it so gauge interest.
I am not sure how to accomplish this customisation with Woocommerce and any suggestions would be much appreciated.
One thought I had was to use Paypal as a checkout and redirect he user to a custom page..The redirect would occur after the checkout form data has been saved to...
Customising Woocommerce to test product interest/capturing data
from Customising Woocommerce to test product interest/capturing data
Importing and selling
So maybe 2 years ago i tried to import stuff from China and sell, it was y a failure, basically because i gave up to fast. Market in Sweden is to small, either i have to find products that sell well or find a way to sell outside Sweden(Hello FBA). One product i found in China i gave to my little sister and she is still importing and selling it. Making her about 200...
Importing and selling
from Importing and selling
What the heck is going on? Am I dying?
What the heck is going on? Am I dying?
from What the heck is going on? Am I dying?

from Hey
It is an assumption or a statement that
It is an assumption or a statement that
from It is an assumption or a statement that
Greeting from across the Pacific
I have been working as a contractor for a long time, a few years ago I took up working full time but I always felt like I was selling my life! I started looking for ways to improve things for my family's future.
One chapter in to the book I realised what I was doing wrong and it set me on a path to look for needs within the industry I am working in.
Although I cannot make a clean break from my existing path I am keen to learn more and change my fate. I am seeking mentorship and...
Greeting from across the Pacific
from Greeting from across the Pacific
Save Yourself Years Of Frustration; It Worked For Me!
Good News!
With “just“ a focused attitude, relatively minor action (in terms of your life), little money, and without any formal qualifications whatsoever….
…(it’s true)….
…. you can set yourself on a verified road to financial freedom that will astound your friends, confound your enemies, and give you a grin to make Will Smith’s pearly white smile look British.
Well hot dang! Ain’t that terrific?
Sure is MustImprove,...
Save Yourself Years Of Frustration; It Worked For Me!
from Save Yourself Years Of Frustration; It Worked For Me!
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Why does my site show up for a keyword that is not in my content?
from Why does my site show up for a keyword that is not in my content?
The Path to Becoming a Real Estate Developer
Whats the best path to becoming a real estate developer?
A. Finding a job with a development company and work my way up to Project Manager or one where I collaborate directly with the developer.
B. Working in the field and get my general contractor's license and a loan officer license or real estate license. (I know the economy sucks now, I'm doing these...
The Path to Becoming a Real Estate Developer
from The Path to Becoming a Real Estate Developer
Clearing your mind and gaining clarity - What do you do?
Who here has some interesting methods of clearing your head and getting focused?
I like to ride a bike at night through suburbs while I listen to binaural beats - you just get an awesome feeling of awe especially if it is a cool night. I also don't mind driving a car at night either.
Feel free to share what you do!
from Clearing your mind and gaining clarity - What do you do?
I'm from Washington State been here all my life.
I learned of T.M.F from Victor Pride of B&D. Everything entrepreneur I first learned from these two sources.
I am currently on the slowlane. I got ways to go to get on the Fastlane.
Responsibility followed by accountability set me straight I was lost before ever getting to that chapter.
Thanks MJ
from Hi.
In The Blink Of An Eye Everything Can Change
I reached him at the hospital.
My call was received a half hour after he had taken his daughter in with the coroner to view her now dead husband... the father of my best friends grandchildren.
A terrible accident had taken his life just a few hours prior.
In the blink of an eye, everything changed. Everything. Permanently, irrevocably changed.
Where does today find you? What if today everything changed for you?
In The Blink Of An Eye Everything Can Change
from In The Blink Of An Eye Everything Can Change
Why did I suddenly get a huge boost in page likes?
from Why did I suddenly get a huge boost in page likes?
Eureka - Insights from Odd Jobs
I know MJ got his from driving limos. I am considering taking some odd part-time night and weekend jobs to get myself out of my comfort zone and normal area of expertise.
- I am executing an idea that I already have, but like getting out of my comfort zone.
- Is a good idea or just a waste of time and my monkey mind running?
- For the people that have made a consistent five figures, are there any good TV...
Eureka - Insights from Odd Jobs
from Eureka - Insights from Odd Jobs
Ever wonder how people end up in dead end jobs at 40?
I stopped in with my kid a...
Ever wonder how people end up in dead end jobs at 40?
from Ever wonder how people end up in dead end jobs at 40?
I want this so bad..
I have been reading the fastlane book and consider it one of the best books i have ever read. The bible. The holy pages that had opened my eyes in such a clear way that no "guru" could explain. The fundamentals are all there and MJ left nothing out. I have absorbed everything in this book.
I am naturally an idea person and want to become the "executioner" slaying task and completing goals. I have to separate my entrepreneur mind with my entrepreneur actions and that is the biggest...
I want this so bad..
from I want this so bad..
Creating Beauty Products
Recently I have stumbled upon a facial recipe which I thought was pretty awesome. I came across the recipe while doing research for a skin care routine for myself. After a few hours learning which ingredients are effective I combined the ones I liked the most and just mixed them up tried it. The end result was pretty good. The facial made my face pulsate and instantly look more vibrant and it felt energized afterwards. All natural ingredients of course.
So , wanting to...
Creating Beauty Products
from Creating Beauty Products