Sunday, December 31, 2017
The 7 Deadly Sins Translated for Wealth and Success
Deadly Sin #6: ENVY
In the movie, Wall Street, Money Never Sleeps, Shia Lebouf asks the rich financier, Josh Brolin “How much money is enough? What number is enough for you?” His answer?
I believe MORE is ENVY.
Envy is a prescription for unhappiness because there will always be someone...
The 7 Deadly Sins Translated for Wealth and Success
from The 7 Deadly Sins Translated for Wealth and Success
Looking forward to being a fastlaner
I have made and lost money in the cattle business, trucking business and oil business. Fortunately, I have made more than I lost. Currently...
Looking forward to being a fastlaner
from Looking forward to being a fastlaner
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
from Perception..
Here's How You Can Get More Leads From Forum For Free
from Here's How You Can Get More Leads From Forum For Free
are you preparing for the unexpected?
are you preparing for the unexpected?
from are you preparing for the unexpected?
Can I rename Wordpress
from Can I rename Wordpress
Running a php script from another web page
from Running a php script from another web page
People keep saying to read more
from People keep saying to read more
One Trick Pony
It did not take long for me to get into the fastlane once I had decided to invest in apartments. I focused all my effort and research on defining how I could maximize my returns and continued to refine this process as I went along.
Where I ran into difficulties was when I thought...
One Trick Pony
from One Trick Pony
The Psychology of Entrepreneurship
First, let me tell you how I came across the article. It was posted by a former mentor/boss of mine. He had started one of the highest flying retail businesses in the early 1980's doing direct response marketing before that was even a thing. His life took a turn for the worst with the loss of a child. Through that turmoil, he turned to philanthropy to heal the void left by the loss of his child. In that window, the business went to shit. He reinvented...
The Psychology of Entrepreneurship
from The Psychology of Entrepreneurship
Just Another Progress Thread
I've decided to pursue a big idea. This isn't your typical Amazon sales business. My business is in the same vein as homeadvisor, angieslist, thumbtack in terms of target audience and style.
Little background on me - Internet marketer. 32 yrs old. Got lazy for a few years due to $$ and freedom. Determined to create something big of my own and provide value.
And so we begin...
To date,...
Just Another Progress Thread
from Just Another Progress Thread
Is Anyone Else Intermittent Fasting?
I basically fast 5:2 and really feel great right for the new couple of days.
Also have lost about 20lbs in the last couple of months since I've started it though that isn't really the main goal I had in mind. I just wanted to be more healthy and have changed my diet along with fasting.
Just curious if anyone else has been IF for any period of time.
If so, what days and how do you fast, ie water only, juice,...
Is Anyone Else Intermittent Fasting?
from Is Anyone Else Intermittent Fasting?
How I spend $50 per MONTH on GROCERIES

So to those who have been asking what do i eat, how do I do it...etc etc ... I decided to go to the grocery store today to give you an exact idea of what my shopping cart looks like ...(This is out of my regime since I usually do grocery shopping...
How I spend $50 per MONTH on GROCERIES
from How I spend $50 per MONTH on GROCERIES
When did you realize the system is rigged?
In many ways, I can defend the pharmaceutical industry in good faith. But there are days when I know thegood things we do don't outweigh the reality of it all.
I was so enamored by my job.
I was a rock star.
Walk into an office with Starbucks in one hand and a briefcase full of drugs in the other hand. Cute receptionists smiling big and waving at me. A nurse gives me a big hug and grabs her venti skinny soymilk...
When did you realize the system is rigged?
from When did you realize the system is rigged?
Entering the Fastlane in 2018! Happy New Year!
Since it's Fast Lane, Rev Up Your Engines, and get ready for a wild ride!
A new year always means new beginnings, new projects, a new life, a new chance to reach your goal. It takes one project, one book, one invention to make it to the top.
Perfectionism can get the best of us, and we can worry too much about having everything perfect. We can find ourselves doing things over and over again trying to perfect things, waste time by thinking...
Entering the Fastlane in 2018! Happy New Year!
from Entering the Fastlane in 2018! Happy New Year!
What Conferences are you attending 2018?
What conferences do you plan to attend in 2018?
For myself I only have Traffic&Conversion Summit and Social Media Marketing World in San Diego on my schedule so far.
Would love to hear your suggestions!
Happy new year to all!
from What Conferences are you attending 2018?
Need to register as AliExpress affiliate to sell its products?
from Need to register as AliExpress affiliate to sell its products?
Greetings from Cork, Ireland
I've never done this sort of thing before so apologies if I ramble around a bit.
I'm 38, married, lovely wife, 3 great boys, great family, neighbours, job, work colleagues, house, financially comfortable but won't be free for 25 years once the house is paid for!
How did I get here?
I scraped through college back in 2002 with a degree in Manufacturing Eng. (hot course to do back then) When I graduated I started my own stonemasonry company as I had worked building walls...
Greetings from Cork, Ireland
from Greetings from Cork, Ireland
My manufacturer posted my product to order on their site
I am freaked out because I just ordered 1500pcs and after checking on my manufacturer's site I just saw that they posted it with an MOQ of 500. It has my logo on the front and everything... but how can I stop people from distributing it as if it's their own?
I asked them to take it down, but it is too late over there for a prompt reply....
My manufacturer posted my product to order on their site
from My manufacturer posted my product to order on their site
Book review/summaries = plagiarism ?
Say I give a long review of The Millionaire Fastlane for instance, and tell people the most important concepts I learned from it, then put it on my site which has advertisements on it (=I'm making money off The Millionaire Fastlane) then shouldn't that be considered copyright infringement ?
What if I actually sell 'Review/Summary of The Millionaire Fastlane' for $2 ?...
Book review/summaries = plagiarism ?
from Book review/summaries = plagiarism ?
It really is 100% mindset. How 2017 blew it out of the water, and will look like nothing vs. 2018
All the successful people chime in with just how true that is. Then all the people who are still struggling chime in with comments like this (I know because this was me, at least on the inside):
- "you don't know you are talking about, you just say that because you already made it big"
- "easy for you to say, it's so much easier to make deals when you are already...
It really is 100% mindset. How 2017 blew it out of the water, and will look like nothing vs. 2018
from It really is 100% mindset. How 2017 blew it out of the water, and will look like nothing vs. 2018
(Entrepreneur Vlog) My Amazon FBA Journey + Beyond!
Here's the story so far:
Episode 1-
Episode 2-
(Entrepreneur Vlog) My Amazon FBA Journey + Beyond!
from (Entrepreneur Vlog) My Amazon FBA Journey + Beyond!
Path to creating a digital product
I realized I've been trying to start businesses with incredibly low entry barriers and when I did, I did nothing to add more value. I spent a few days brainstorming and came up with three solutions to problems, all of them working best as an app.
1. In the mental health niche, easiest to monetize, most difficult to make. Highest entry barriers but with the potential to help a lot of people.
2. Food/nutrition niche. Initially...
Path to creating a digital product
from Path to creating a digital product
What Are The Best Altcoins To Look Out For In Cryptocurrencies?
I felt having a thread where we can point these out to each other might be quite useful. Ideally the coins would be under $10 or out of the top 20 for market cap and have something different about them.
Anybody got any on their radar?
from What Are The Best Altcoins To Look Out For In Cryptocurrencies?
New Member - Marketing music in 2018
from New Member - Marketing music in 2018
Tshirt Designs - Will they sell?
It was about tshirt selling or creating a clothing line.
I've had an idea for creating shirts for a while now and took some time today to finally get something done.
- Created 4 - 5 t-shirt mockups using the Threadless template
- Set up a new Instagram account for the business
- Set up a new Twitter account for the...
Tshirt Designs - Will they sell?
from Tshirt Designs - Will they sell?
Paid Traffic For Creatives
intern > employee > freelancer > consultant > services > products
After a rough start and a sudden take-off, the summer break has shaken up my revenues a bit and I started looking for ways to create consistent streams of outbound leads.
One of these ways I chose is paid traffic.
I'll document my journey along the way while I'll be moving...
Paid Traffic For Creatives
from Paid Traffic For Creatives
How important is to have a mentor?
How important is to have a mentor? Did MJ have one? i can't remember from the book, so i'm guessing they will get you to the Fastlane life quicker discuss...
from How important is to have a mentor?
Any place to get free ebooks for distribution on website
from Any place to get free ebooks for distribution on website
My Facebook account got disabled and every new account I try to create gets disabled too!
from My Facebook account got disabled and every new account I try to create gets disabled too!
Ads Manager, median session length 0.6 seconds for 252 link clicks
from Ads Manager, median session length 0.6 seconds for 252 link clicks
PPC ads and link tracking.
from PPC ads and link tracking.
How did you get started?
I will start this thread with the word "Ambition". So this thread is about My ambition just like every other entrepreneur here on this forum. This is a really crazy feeling that makes you hungry for new ideas, brainstorming processes, evaluations, market surveys, swot analysis blah blah blah a never-ending process which will lead us to our final destination; success if done right, lesson if done wrong.
I would really love to know how did you guys feel when you started off? Was...
How did you get started?
from How did you get started?
You're from where??
I have now linked this on google maps. It has public access, but please only edit your own dot if need be. I put the dots in the closest frame of reference you gave me....
You're from where??
from You're from where??
Richard Branson: Be Happy
CPA Networks with Pet Offers
from CPA Networks with Pet Offers
Richard Brandon: Be Happy
September 2017 | Onwards & Upwards
Reading TMF has opened up a cobweb-covered box of dreams I shelved a long time ago.
I am going to re-read TMF, read Unscripted, make a plan and get going.
But right now I am going to sleep because I've been up two nights with a sick toddler and I've been over far too much old mental ground from the past today,...
September 2017 | Onwards & Upwards
from September 2017 | Onwards & Upwards
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Have you had your "FTE"? (Or Was it an FTM?!)
A "f*ck this event" is an incident in your life that pushes you over the ledge of a SCRIPTED existence. It is a pejorative "I've had it!" or a "I can't live like this!" moment that screams it's time for you to change.
Interest moves to commitment. Thinking moves to action. Desire moves to obsession.
I described mine in both books -- getting stranded in a limousine on the side of...
Have you had your "FTE"? (Or Was it an FTM?!)
from Have you had your "FTE"? (Or Was it an FTM?!)
Some Business Models Are No Longer Viable
from Some Business Models Are No Longer Viable
Does MJ have a wife?
Do you have a wife and kids?
I am just curious if entrepreneurship has been limiting for you in that regard.
from Does MJ have a wife?
Your 2017 Year in Review
1. Did you learn something new that resulted in...
Your 2017 Year in Review
from Your 2017 Year in Review
How I got my first check ($2800) and what's to come
As a recap from my old posts,
--i made a relatively successful youtube channel that's lead to tons of adventures and opportunities,
--i've had small roles in a major show, and a less major movie that recently came out,
--and along the way i've traveled a ton and tried businesses here and there.
--Public spoke in front of a MAJOR if not the biggest prosthetic company in iceland and later in front of a CEO...
How I got my first check ($2800) and what's to come
from How I got my first check ($2800) and what's to come
Trying to break free from a slavish and mediocre lifestyle
It is with great pleasure that I write this forum post to introduce myself and also get your take on my current situation.
I wish I had read the Millionaire Fastlane 3 years ago when I graduated from college; or even before then.
I was born and raised in Ivory Coast, a beautiful French-speaking country located in West Africa. I immigrated to the USA to join my dad who has been here for more than 20 years.
I then went to college to study engineering, following the advice of...
Trying to break free from a slavish and mediocre lifestyle
from Trying to break free from a slavish and mediocre lifestyle
Take Your Computer Security Seriously! YOU Are At Risk!
A few days ago, I woke up with about ~$1200 USD (in different currencies) taken from various bank accounts via Paypal transactions I didn't make.
Upon calling Paypal to rectify the solution, they told me that those transactions were properly authorized by me, from my computer (!), from my IP address.
That's impossible, I said. I wouldn't do that. I would know!
"Sorry, you're out of luck. Call your bank and have them stop the transactions. That's all...
Take Your Computer Security Seriously! YOU Are At Risk!
from Take Your Computer Security Seriously! YOU Are At Risk!
Successes/Failures of 2017

This year I tried a number of things which were failures for one reason or another but I will stick to talking about what I think will be most helpful, my little Amazon business.
Amazon FBA
Product 1- I spent ages...
Successes/Failures of 2017
from Successes/Failures of 2017
Looking for a good price on A dedicated Server.
from Looking for a good price on A dedicated Server.
Launching my motivational membership site
You can read a bit about my background in my Intro thread here:
Introduction - Hi, medical doctor from a tropical African country
The summary of it is that I'm a medical doctor from a developing country (Nigeria). I've been a classic textbook Slowlaner all my career life, though always yearned for the Fastlane pathway all through. However I've been limited all...
Launching my motivational membership site
from Launching my motivational membership site
Link building for personal website
from Link building for personal website
Need help with a website (feedback)
from Need help with a website (feedback)
Entering the Fast Lane in 2018! HappY New yEars!
Since it's Fast Lane, Rev Up Your Engines, and get ready for a wild ride!
A new year always means new beginnings, new projects, a new life, a new chance to reach your goal. It takes one project, one book, one invention to make it to the top.
Perfectionism can get the best of us, and we can worry too much about having everything perfect. We can find ourselves doing things over and over again trying to perfect things, waste time by thinking...
Entering the Fast Lane in 2018! HappY New yEars!
from Entering the Fast Lane in 2018! HappY New yEars!
Having an App designed and built by outsourcing
from Having an App designed and built by outsourcing
Is your content marketing strategy converting?
from Is your content marketing strategy converting?
Cold Calling VS Building A Business. Cattle Rustlers VS Owning A Ranch.
from Cold Calling VS Building A Business. Cattle Rustlers VS Owning A Ranch.
Grabbing Life by the horns
I have my grown up job as an engineer, but I started my adult life as a musician, this is something I’ve kept going ever since I started, over 26 years ago now. While I eventually got my electrical engineering degree at 30 after working a lot of dumb jobs, ever since getting my “real” job, I’ve constantly been thinking, “When are you going to grow up and do something with your life?”
I have a fairly...
Grabbing Life by the horns
from Grabbing Life by the horns
Hi Team!
I use those two words on multiple conference calls each day. Of course I’m referring to my day job, but it seems like an appropriate phrase to introduce myself here as well. The FLF community strikes me as real team, and I’m just here to learn and share insights with like-minded people.
A bit of background:
I’m 29 and live in NY, but plan to relocate in Q1 2018.
I’ve taken a few business ventures to date, none wildly successful in monetary terms, but each taught me some great...
Hi Team!
from Hi Team!
Is it okay to launch my motivational membership site under a pseudonym?
I'm a medical doctor in a developing country.
I really value my anonymity because I like to be quiet and relatively unknown (core introvert and by default not active on most social media), and also for professional reasons cos I want it to be that when my name is searched online, its professional articles and research papers that come up and not my business side.
But I also have a product you want...
Is it okay to launch my motivational membership site under a pseudonym?
from Is it okay to launch my motivational membership site under a pseudonym?
Side-project: WordPress plugins - lessons learned
It's the end of a year, so I thought it's a good time to write some short summary of 2017 for myself. Not sure if it will be beneficial for many people, as my results are not really impressive, but you never know.
TLDR: A short overview of my side project (yes, I have a day job, shame on me

Side-project: WordPress plugins - lessons learned
from Side-project: WordPress plugins - lessons learned
How can dropshipping be sucessful if shipping takes so long?
from How can dropshipping be sucessful if shipping takes so long?
Any recommendations for Facebook Ads experts on this forum?
I definitely want to do Facebook ads. However, my earlier attempts at using it when I attempted to launch this site 6 months ago was very unencouraging.
Besides Facebook ads seem to be notoriously unpredictable, (judging from threads I've browsed on this forum in my research), and I don't have a really large pile of cash to burn in trying to find out which ads work.
Do you have any recommendations for any Facebook ad...
Any recommendations for Facebook Ads experts on this forum?
from Any recommendations for Facebook Ads experts on this forum?
Stock Market Trading Rotation System
Basically, the premise of the book is to buy top-performing stocks and sell them when they cease to be top-performing stocks and then use the cash generated from the sales to buy the now current top-performing stocks. Investing in this manner will align your portfolio with the macro trends and hot sectors in the...
Stock Market Trading Rotation System
from Stock Market Trading Rotation System
A step into Virtual Reality
A little background for those who don't know me and/or do know me and want an update.
I came on here in 2014 when I was trying to rapidly grow my web development company. Since then we've expanded into software development, app development, and digital marketing services. Everything is fairly successful for a "1" (2 other contract employees) man show. I have several clients, acquire news one...
A step into Virtual Reality
from A step into Virtual Reality
Amazon Associates and Twitter
from Amazon Associates and Twitter
So, Have You Already Written Your New Year's Resolution?
from So, Have You Already Written Your New Year's Resolution?
What products make the most money in telesales if youve got the skills?
from What products make the most money in telesales if youve got the skills?
Back bigger and better than ever.
from Back bigger and better than ever.
What do you do when you have no ideas
I feel guilty not spending every free minute of my time researching new ideas or learning to make a website.
Do you think it will burn me out or do you think it's okay to read books and do other stuff too?
I do want to work hard but I have no direction to put my effort into.
from What do you do when you have no ideas
2018 Fastlane Summit - Ticket Swaps
If you bought a TICKET for the Summit and suddenly cannot make it, please follow these instructions:
A) Message the forum and get authorization to swap your ticket.
B) Post here that your ticket is for sale. Please sell at face value or lower. ($399 or less)
C) Arrange for payment with someone who wants to take your ticket.
D) Send a message to forum with receipt of ticket transfer and its new owner.
Typically every year we have 5 or 6 swaps so if...
2018 Fastlane Summit - Ticket Swaps
from 2018 Fastlane Summit - Ticket Swaps
Greetings from Finland
My name is Antti and I come from Finland. Thank you for accepting me as a member.
Around 2010 or 2011 I got interested in online entrepreneurship. I already hated my job with a passion although I had only graduated and entered work life five years earlier. The book "4-hour work week" + warrior forum and some other internet forums were probably the main inspirations for me in the beginning. I have always loved traveling so the idea of being location independent was also a huge...
Greetings from Finland
from Greetings from Finland
how can i send message to warrior forun member
from how can i send message to warrior forun member
Back links for adult blog
from Back links for adult blog
About the Design of my Trump Tshirt 2018
from About the Design of my Trump Tshirt 2018
How long does it take for a website to get ranked?
from How long does it take for a website to get ranked?
Fastlane Insiders - Is it worth it?
Neglecting the fact that it supports the forum, does the rest of the benefits make it worth it to you? And why?
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
from Fastlane Insiders - Is it worth it?
Instagram Marketing Services - Journey to $10,000 Per Month
I am new to FLF but I have been surfing around for quite a few days now. I made an account so I could engage with this community and learn more about Instagram (read through a couple of threads).
I've been in the Instagram game for a couple of years. I ran 100 accounts but most of them got banned/deleted. I made a come back a couple of months ago. Thorough testing allowed me to realize what Insta's limits are and how to grow accounts more effectively.
I decided to offer my...
Instagram Marketing Services - Journey to $10,000 Per Month
from Instagram Marketing Services - Journey to $10,000 Per Month
Simple tactic to stay focused for Q1
One of my immediate take-always from his book is to use "buffers". He describes how the buffers on the sides of the lanes at a bowling alley help you knock your targets down. So he sets up a simple buffer in his business which is to deal with any new opportunity by saying he'll look into it at the start of the next quarter.
I've had the tactical concept of...
Simple tactic to stay focused for Q1
from Simple tactic to stay focused for Q1
Personal Challenge: 1 Month To Impossible Success
I am new here, but I am am not new to investing, entrepreneurship and doing hard things. I love a good challenge. I love impossible challenges. So I am giving myself Until Oct. 28th to hit $120,000 with a new business. I am not sure what it is, but I have a few really good ideas. I probably won't hit the goal, but I am going for it.
Why Am I Doing It?
Because I can. Well because I want to but also because there is a reason to do it. Being the Entrepreneur I...
Personal Challenge: 1 Month To Impossible Success
from Personal Challenge: 1 Month To Impossible Success
Friday, December 29, 2017
24 Year Old Makes $345,000 in 2 Months..
Here's the article... This 24-year-old made $345,000 in 2 months by beating Kickstarters to market
As an inventor this boils my blood especially if you put in hundreds of hours of blood, sweat, and tears into the project just to have someone else just swoop in and steal your customers with a knockoff.
This isn't the first product he's done this to either. IMO...
24 Year Old Makes $345,000 in 2 Months..
from 24 Year Old Makes $345,000 in 2 Months..
My Nephew Ask Me How To Profit With Her Smartphone - Here's My Answer!
from My Nephew Ask Me How To Profit With Her Smartphone - Here's My Answer!
Blockchain/Crypto Business Models!
Some say the "dot-com" of our generation.
Say what you want about Bitcoin, but Blockchain/AltCoins are the future.
Food for thought: Crypto ATMs, online exchanges, ICO platforms, etc are some business models to have popped up to serve the Crypto/Blockchain craze.
In your opinion, what is a good business model to launch during this boom period to "sell shovels during the gold rush"?
from Blockchain/Crypto Business Models!
Where I have been this time... and why I'm famous at Wells Fargo
First of all, I got married back in April to a...
Where I have been this time... and why I'm famous at Wells Fargo
from Where I have been this time... and why I'm famous at Wells Fargo
I love my Job!
Because this work is mindless, I am free to focus on things that actually matter to me. I spend much of my day listening to Audio Books,...
I love my Job!
from I love my Job!
Employee turned Full Time Freelancer... turned Entrepreneur?
I'm igorrr and I've just joined this community.
My story: I had been looking for years to escape being employed, but I just couldn't find a way or bring up the courage to do it. Then I switched jobs, started a role in online marketing and became savvy with Google AdWords and a few more skills relevant to ecommerce. That's when I realized where my strenghts and weaknesses are. My employer was great, but it was a regular 9-5 job with always the same working hours, the same...
Employee turned Full Time Freelancer... turned Entrepreneur?
from Employee turned Full Time Freelancer... turned Entrepreneur?
So its starts right here. Right now. Long Post.
I'm 28 years old. This is my progress thread. Beginning 12/7/2017
After receiving my weekly $600 paychecks for the last 6 months from my "job", I...
So its starts right here. Right now. Long Post.
from So its starts right here. Right now. Long Post.
Ask Me Anything About App Business (100+ Apps, 10M+ Downloads, 1 Liquidity Event)
Been back on here for a few months now and I've been fairly quiet... listening much more than I talk (aside from fantasy football, haha. Shout out to you guys)
However, @eliquid's awesome SaaS AMA thread has inspired me to contribute a little more value. I've seen the topic of apps/app business come up a number of times, and that is an area I can speak on a little bit
Most of you probably do not know that over the past ~5 years I have built over 100 apps...
Ask Me Anything About App Business (100+ Apps, 10M+ Downloads, 1 Liquidity Event)
from Ask Me Anything About App Business (100+ Apps, 10M+ Downloads, 1 Liquidity Event)
Help moving forward with eCommerce
So I have the idea and know how to contact manufacturers. But I felt I was getting too ahead of myself. I do not have an LLC yet. I also do not have much/any market validation for my product. I have no instagram or facebook account for my product/business. I guess I am struggling with what step to do next. I feel I should get the LLC ASAP and perhaps make some social media accounts. I guess I am looking for advice on how to move forward. I don't want to get ahead of myself. Also, does...
Help moving forward with eCommerce
from Help moving forward with eCommerce
Everything big, starts small.
Just wanted to post this to motivate you guys, cause it definitely did motivate me. This is because, these snapshots just show the whole fastlane process. And that...
Everything big, starts small.
from Everything big, starts small.
From PTSD to Product
Not a whole lot of it has been made since I began in August mostly due to the fact I am recovering from severe PTSD that at times prevents me from being able to read more than a few sentences at a time. It took me weeks to finish The Millionaire fast lane but I never gave up and I'm glad I didn't.
So now I am slowly working my way through Unscripted.
A bit about myself (Because ...yay backstory)
I was home schooled in my youth, started college at 15, graduated with an AA at 18...
From PTSD to Product
from From PTSD to Product
Is there a good App for tracking remote employee time?
Anyone have this problem and know of a solution?
from Is there a good App for tracking remote employee time?
Help me think outside the box here
from Help me think outside the box here
What do you think of CPAlead please??
from What do you think of CPAlead please??
Any people from Norway here?
I was living in Norway and I visit it often. My relatives are living in Meldal, I love this place because of its tremendous mountains and fresh air and because I can visit a lot of great and beautiful places around the city.
So I thought I will ask if here are any people from Norway who are doing business there or are working with...
Any people from Norway here?
from Any people from Norway here?
Creating an SaaS startup without being able to code.
I have spent the last 6 month putting plans in place to hopefully start a successful business but the foundation started a little earlier.
2013- The goal was to get 2-3 years with a major corporation, gain experience and save a targeted amount of money.
2015- I finished my slowlane job in Dec 2015 once I had...
Creating an SaaS startup without being able to code.
from Creating an SaaS startup without being able to code.
Where can I find the best quality lists in the personal development/success space?
I'm about launching a product (membership site) in the personal development niche in a few days time.
I'm looking to see if I can find people with quality lists in the space to do a mailing for me and help get the word out, either as affiliates or as paid mailing (solo ads).
I'm aware a few magazines in the niche have their mailing lists, as well as a few blogs, but I'm not sure of their quality.
Where can I find the best quality lists in the personal development/success space?
from Where can I find the best quality lists in the personal development/success space?
New to this eCommerce thing..
My name's Sybastian and I am starting a decal/design business through Print on Demand services, as well as through in-person sales of my decals, iron-on shirts, wall art, etc..
My goal is to be financially independent and to have my business bring in enough profit to be able to do the things in life that I'd like to do - traveling, snowboarding, surfing, and the list goes on and on. I'm trying to diversify my clientele by distributing my artwork and products through sites like...
New to this eCommerce thing..
from New to this eCommerce thing..
Keywords Jump from Page 2 to Page 9
from Keywords Jump from Page 2 to Page 9
The beginnings
I will start this thread with the word "Ambition". So this thread is about My ambition just like every other entrepreneur here on this forum. This is a really crazy feeling that makes you hungry for new ideas, brainstorming processes, evaluations, market surveys, swot analysis blah blah blah a never-ending process which will lead us to our final destination; success if done right, lesson if done wrong.
I would really love to know how did you guys feel when you started off? Was...
The beginnings
from The beginnings
Going for it. Ecommerce.
Here are my why's:
#1. Freedom from going to college for the sake of going to college
#2. To shove it in every person's face that doubted and doubts me
#3. To become free at a young age....
Going for it. Ecommerce.
from Going for it. Ecommerce.
Is mortgage ever a good idea for a fastlaner? [ADVICE NEEDED]
I currently rent my condo with the lease expiring end of year. My girlfriend put the idea in my head that maybe we should purchase a small home ($275k) as I'll be able to make a $25,000 down payment with savings. However i'll...
Is mortgage ever a good idea for a fastlaner? [ADVICE NEEDED]
from Is mortgage ever a good idea for a fastlaner? [ADVICE NEEDED]
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Advise about copyright contents for channel on YouTube
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Starting a writing biz-need direction
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The Fastlane Forum Thread and Rep+ Exchange
I had an idea that may be a good way to expand upon popular threads, encourage rep+ exchanging, and highlight some of the best gold on the forum besides the gold tag. This is more of real-time thing vs seeing recent posts.
What if we had a page on the forum that was similar to a real time stock market price chart. On this page we could have a list of the highest grossing threads, posts, or users, based on the amount of rep money they have generated from both...
The Fastlane Forum Thread and Rep+ Exchange
from The Fastlane Forum Thread and Rep+ Exchange
WTF! Kingsman Golden Circle Merlin's song Made me cry!
from WTF! Kingsman Golden Circle Merlin's song Made me cry!
How to get leads to my website development company
from How to get leads to my website development company
They say "the money is in the list", but what about if they are just members?
from They say "the money is in the list", but what about if they are just members?
Hi, medical doctor from a tropical African country
Been looking around the forum as a guest for a while (I think you guys are a bunch of really great guys), then finally decided to jump in and start getting my feet wet.
I'm a medical doctor from Nigeria in my early 30s.
I've been a classic textbook Slowlaner as far as career goes, all my life.
However always had an interest in running businesses from my early days, always had ideas running in and out of my head, but never actually gotten to start something serious.
This has...
Hi, medical doctor from a tropical African country
from Hi, medical doctor from a tropical African country
Messenger Apps, Alternative Education, and More Digital Marketing Predictions for 2018
The digital marketing landscape is changing… again.
At DigitalMarketer we spend a lot of our own money on testing. We are testing tactics in dozens of markets including…
- Education
- Survival and Preparedness
- DIY/Home Improvement
- Beauty
- Finance and Investing
In 2017 we drove millions of clicks from paid traffic, sent 181,177,569 emails and generated 4.7 million unique pageviews to the blog.
(RELATED: The Beginner’s Guide to Digital Marketing)
As a result, we detect new trends in digital marketing months (sometimes years!) before they go mainstream.
Here’s what the DigitalMarketer team and I are seeing as we enter 2018.
I’ll go ahead and kick it off…
Ryan Deiss, CEO & Co-Founder
If the prediction below gives you déjà vu, that’s because you read the exact same prediction last year. It wound up being true in 2017, and will only continue to be even more true in 2018.
See for yourself…
Email will finally get some (more) competition.
Let me be clear… email is NOT dead. Every year some chucklehead proclaims a new app or tactic (Twitter, Facebook, Texting) will kill email. Email isn’t going anywhere just like direct mail is here to stay.
That said, in the same way email was a significant competitor to direct mail, I am seeing some “new kids on the block” (<< you’re welcome anyone over the age of 30) that threaten email’s dominance. Facebook Messenger, in particular, is an application I had my eye on as 2016 came to a close.
Facebook Messenger now gives you the ability to communicate both one-to-one, but also one-to-many. We’ve began testing the building of subscriber lists in Messenger and the upside is big. In the same way we are able to send offers, content and transactional messages (such as “Your order has shipped”) in email, we are now able to send these communications via Messenger.
But here’s the kicker… while these messages can be sent one-to-many, the CONVERSATIONS created by these mass communications can be picked up by you, your customer service team, or your salespeople one-to-one.
Pay close attention to this trend. Just as enormous retargeting lists have been built over the last few years (a prediction I made in 2015), massive subscribers lists will be built on apps like Facebook Messenger in 2018.
Russ Henneberry, Editorial Director
As companies like Creative Live, General Assembly, and yes… DigitalMarketer continue to raise the bar in the world of alternative education — the wheat will continue to separate from the chaff.
While the typical self-identifying “internet marketer” will tolerate content delivery that is poorly organized, poorly produced and poorly delivered — the broader market will gravitate toward the players that take the execution of instruction seriously. Just as commerce, news and social interaction continue to move online to the detriment of incumbent models so too has the delivery of courses, training, certification and instruction.
Those of us in the alternative education business (you might call yourself an ‘information marketer’?) should take caution: To succeed in the mass market we must hold ourselves to the standards set by television, radio, print and yes… the traditional university
Justin Rondeau, Director of Optimization
2017 was the year that ‘Growth Marketer’ became mainstream.
Sure, there were ‘Growth Hackers’ or whatever else you want to call them years before, but now the rest of the marketing (and business community) is on board. Side note: if you put hacker in your title – you’re a tool.
Okay now to get back on point: I think 2018 will be the year where growth strategies and procedures will be put to the test. Most of the strategies out there are being looked at as fact when most of the time it is theory sans execution.
At DigitalMarketer we’ve really started testing out a lot of the different growth strategies out there and we’ve definitely seen that they were created with a ‘perfect world’ mentality. As more people start building their business using these ‘growth’ strategies (really we’re all trying to grow and we should come up with a different label, maybe ‘growth catalyst’ or something) they will begin to see that a lot of the literature out there surrounding growth aren’t as insightful as they thought when they apply it to their business.
The idea of a growth team or a growth marketer is SUPER important for your business, but you need to contextualize it. I feel like 2018 will be a frustrating year for people embracing these types of strategies, but I urge them not to take their foot off the gas (and if you do get frustrated maybe stop listening to the growth charlatans that gave you the ‘PROVEN’ growth silver bullet).
Suzi Nelson, Community Manager
In the opening keynote at this year’s Content & Commerce Summit, Ryan Deiss said something I’ll never forget…
“In the future, the words “brand” and “community” will be interchangeable. And no one will be able to claim they have a brand unless they have a community to go with it.”
As DigitalMarketer’s Lead Community Strategist, I pay close attention to how businesses from a variety of industries are leveraging community to increase leads, sales, and loyalty.
…and I think Ryan is SPOT ON with this prediction.
Building community as part of your brand is going to be essential to providing a unique value to your customers that cannot be replicated by your competition.
Consider this article from the millenial news company, The Hustle.
In a candid interview with an unnamed employee of Rocket Internet – a company that makes its bread and butter from literally cloning other companies – it’s revealed that a strong combination of community and branding was the reason why copying AirBnB simply didn’t work:
“Community- or technology-focused companies wouldn’t do because it takes too much time and customer trust to make a lot of money. We tried cloning Airbnb, but it didn’t work because it’s so brand- and community-focused. Even though we had a staff of 400 staff in 15 offices within two months, it didn’t work.”
To make a long story short, communities are next to impossible to replicate if they are implementing with the proper strategy.
For example, there are hundreds of online communities for motorcycle enthusiasts.
From Facebook Groups…
…to forums…
But that doesn’t stop a brand like Harley Davidson from building a thriving community around their brand, creating a unique experience for Harley owners to arrange rallies and rides specific to the unique community that Harley has built…
Harley accomplishes this by strategically creating a unique community experience that members simply can’t get anywhere else.
For starters, they made the community exclusive to Harley owners and their friends/family, and charged for access so there is a show of commitment to the community…
Upon joining, members received a membership card and a commemorative badge and pin, so they can easily recognise other members of the same community…
They also get access to Harley-sponsored events, and can arrange their own rides with other members of the community.
That experience is very hard to replicate – and even if you could, the members who have built meaningful relationships with each other through the Harley community can’t be replaced.
You can’t replicate someone’s personal experience with a brand. They own it. It’s theirs forever.
Communities are a powerful way to make that personal experience an emotional bond that can last a lifetime.
So yes, I am stealing the prediction Ryan made earlier this year: branding and community will become so intertwined that it will be impossible to separate them.
Because building a tribe is that important to your business.
(NOTE: Want to become the smartest marketer in the room by mastering the 8 critical core disciples of digital marketing? Check out our DigitalMarketer mastery trainings and become indispensable in any market. Learn more here.)
The post Messenger Apps, Alternative Education, and More Digital Marketing Predictions for 2018 appeared first on DigitalMarketer.
from Messenger Apps, Alternative Education, and More Digital Marketing Predictions for 2018
Question time: Do looks matter for success?
I wanted to create a discussion about a topic that always interested me.
Do you guys think that being good looking is a boost for 'success'?
Or it's just 'additional value'?
I personally think that depends on our concept of success, but it helps.
Good looking people is most likely to be hired, compared to an Igor type.
I kno, sounds pretty childish of a question.
But I want to know how different people thinks .
So, What do you think?
(Sorry for my english,...
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How do you feel about 2017?
How do people on here feel about 2017?
Did you make the changes you wanted to see or will you need to try again?
I felt I made some huge progress in some areas while I will need to readjust in others.
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- Travelled a lot
- Grew FB group and student groups substantially
But I need to fix:
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The Well Defined Man | Authentic Attraction
Regardless whether...
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- You are attracting the right customers, clients, or business associates into your brand.
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Question time!
I wanted to create a discussion about a topic that always interested me.
Do you guys think that being good looking is a boost for 'success'?
Or it's just 'additional value'?
I personally think that depends on our concept of success, but it helps.
Good looking people is most likely to be hired, compared to an Igor type.
I kno, sounds pretty childish of a question.
But I want to know how different people thinks .
So, What do you think?
(Sorry for my english,...
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Blockchain Technology
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#1539 Solving the problem of community organization
Sharon Savariego is the founder of Mobilize, a software that allows communities to get organized.
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If you need anything designed–a new web page, a new landing page, a new logo, DesignCrowd will do it for you. They ask you what you’re looking for, who you are, what your company is like. They will give you lots of options, you pick the one you like, pay for it, and they guarantee results. It’s that simple. Find out how DesignCrowd is different than the other companies and go to
More interviews ->
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Sharing my lifetime experience in export/import. Product sourcing specialist.
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We are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC and MTN
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We deliver with time and precision as sethforth in the agreement. Our terms and Conditions...
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Hii iam apolinary minja from tanzania
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Thursday, December 28, 2017
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15 Week Challenge
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Are there any books available worthwile to read, or is this a "trial and error" thing?
Thanks for your time amigo

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From no product idea and no experience to...
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FICTION: Fiction writing is my main income source. I will continue to produce 4-6 novels in 2018, along with attempting to get a traditional deal for a new series. Book 1 of the new series is finished.
NON-FICTION: After completing @MTF's thread about self-publishing, it's time to jump back into the nonfiction...
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Create a Home Based Web Design Business and Make R$15,000 + Per Month in 9 Months or Less.
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So I've come a long way since I first joined this forum.
At first, I restrained myself from posting on the here because I felt that I had no real value to give. After taking massive amounts of action, I gained a series of life experiences that have allowed me to relate to most people on the forum on a much more deep and personal level.
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I think so.
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Inquiries not leading to sales
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2- pay all your taxes
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