Today’s guest is a San Francisco entrepreneur who discovered a problem that maybe you have. I know when I go to conferences, sometimes they want to do add me to a Slack group for everyone at the conference. It’s fun for the first day, and then it becomes a distraction from the other stuff I do in Slack. It doesn’t really work for me. Other times, they create their own app and I forget to go check their app or it’s not written very well. They’re trying to connect with the people at the event, send updates, last-minute issues or changes, and also allow attendees to get to know each other. Slack doesn’t really work for that. Facebook doesn’t really work for that. There hasn’t really been a product that works. Today’s guest said, “How about if we create something better?” And she did. Sharon Savariego is the founder of Mobilize, a software that allows communities to get organized. It allows you to reach your community members via email, if that’s how they prefer, text if that’s how they prefer. The whole idea is to make it easy for community managers to grow their communities and community members to participate without a big distraction to their day.

Sharon Savariego is the founder of Mobilize, a software that allows communities to get organized.
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#1539 Solving the problem of community organization
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