Saturday, July 31, 2021

How to start a new online business ?

Hi, I am a young hustler at age of 20 and I am planning to start a new business called TYDO(Take Your Date Out) which will help to finalize your next date easily. I have done the pre-market research and confirmed that it has potential by conducting surveys with a landing page. Also, I have started reaching out to the restaurants for tie-ups.
But now, I am stuck with a problem of whether to make a website or outsource it to someone who knows it better than me?
Please add your valuable...

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from How to start a new online business ?

happy to find this forum

Hello all, my name is Adam Bowers and I am new to the Millionaire Fastlane Forum and extremely happy to be here. I have both TMF and Unscripted on audible and have listened to them each multiple times over, any chance I get and I can't express enough how much these books speak to me. Both books have helped me see the path I was currently on (the slow lane) and make the necessary adjustments to become an entrepreneur. The books have transformed my thought processes and I plan on using this...

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from happy to find this forum

Lights, camera, action!

Hi everybody. I'm new to this forum and thought I'd take the opportunity to briefly introduce myself. Thank you, @MJ DeMarco, for accepting me. They say that you become like the people you hang around so, hopefully, I'll acquire some of the traits and habits of the successful men and women here. I've read all three of MJ's books, just recently finishing The Great Rat Race Escape. I've been a rat for most of my forty-eight years on this earth. I'm planning to make...

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from Lights, camera, action!

Just beginning

Hi everybody,

I figured I may as well leave some record of what I am doing so far. Over the past nine days, I have been working every day as much as my time will allow on my business project while holding down a full-time job. Which has amounted to about 15 hours so far. The reason that I am posting is that I just hit a major milestone in my prototype development and wanted to leave a record.

One thing that I have always heard from everyone who has taken the entrepreneurship journey, is...

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from Just beginning

How can a college student set himself up for life of freedom after undergrad?

Gonna go to university this year, which i will attend for the next 4 years- until 2025.
And i want to become financially independent by the time i graduate. 4 years is a lot of time to do a lot of stuff.
I don't have to pay for university either. So i do consider myself quite lucky right now. But time passes quickly, and i already wasted 2020.
Last year i tried copywriting, web design but didnt really get far.

So what does the fastlane recommend those who will attend university but don't...

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from How can a college student set himself up for life of freedom after undergrad?

The progress of Visionz

Hi guys,

this is the progress thread of Visionz.

Visionz is a webdesign agency my business partner (@Ole1) and I launched in November of 2019.

The current state of the business is, that we are both working full time at it and are earning enough money to cover our living expenses. Last month (December 2020) was our first month to make more than 10k in sales (A big success for us).

But it should not stay like this. These are the goals for 2021:

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from The progress of Visionz

Cold calling (phone vs face to face)

So i am going to start cold calling small businesses. Specifically barber shops. Would it be better to call them or visit them in person?

from Cold calling (phone vs face to face)

Progress Log: Investing for Passive Income

Hi, my name is Colton and I’m a dividend growth investor.

It’s been a long time since I posted on this forum and I’m starting this thread to create an additional layer of accountability for myself.

It would also be nice to provide some value to others on the forum, as well as engage in conversation with other people who are interested in passive income. I don’t discuss my investments with friends or family, so this is my chance to share this journey and show what I’m doing.

(I don’t know...

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from Progress Log: Investing for Passive Income

Natural remedies against acne?

Hi guys, I’m currently struggling with acne (pimples) right now. Seems that everything I do, eat, exercise etc. the situation doesn’t change and even becomes worse.

do you know any natural remedies/ everything that helped you against this problem?


from Natural remedies against acne?

AMA Health Optimisation lessons learned over 10 years of Coaching and Study

I recently had a thread about growing my online coaching business, now that my coaching is delivering consistent high level results I feel confident to give back and add some value to the guys on this forum. From obsessive neurotic study of human optimisation, I've accumulated some actionable knowledge over the years.

I'll post consistently some of the most valuable lessons/heuristics I've learnt from people way smarter than me, trial and error, academic and empirical study.

Please ask...

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from AMA Health Optimisation lessons learned over 10 years of Coaching and Study

providing additional help and value worth of 1000 € per month by 31.12.2021

Hello from Finland!

Read the books and decided to do introduction post with specific challenge laid out.
I'm 28 years old and have family with two young kids. Started out the usual slow lane way - school, university, secure job. Two years ago switched career from auditing related to data-analytics and coding. But I am still an employee.

Currently going through an identity shift. Previously did not consider myself as entrepreneur. Even though I started my personal investment company this...

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from providing additional help and value worth of 1000 € per month by 31.12.2021

Using bundling to create value - how do you go about sourcing items that need to be bundled?

Hi all,
I'm trying to learn a bit about e-commerce right now (my main business is pressure washing which is mainly in season around here from March-June). I found a product I'd like to source for FBA, and I'm working on fixing the flaws in a current product to provide more value. One thing I noticed was that this product was "frequently bought with" 2 other products -- none of which currently exist as a bundle. I'm wondering how do I go about bundling them? Should I try and find a...

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from Using bundling to create value - how do you go about sourcing items that need to be bundled?

I start my idea today (eCommerce + POD)

Hey !

So, I was wandering online, searching for a business idea for weeks, when I found a cool ad this morning. Basically, it's some kind of POD (Print on Demand), with additional value.
The ad was in english, the website too, and in USD. Since I'm French, I quickly checked if there was any existing business like this one in France, and found none.
For obvious reason, I'm not disclosing anything about it yet, but once it will be implemented (if it works), I guess talking about it won't be a...

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from I start my idea today (eCommerce + POD)

What should I say to rude sales manager?

About 2 weeks ago a sales manager of large company contacted me and said they had inventory they wanted to move. They asked if I knew anyone that might have interest. I told them I had a prospect, a small distributor. The distributor said yesterday they would buy the inventory and would issue a PO today. I let the sales manager of the large company know the good news. But today the owner of the distributor called me and said they had some additional questions before they issue a purchase...

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from What should I say to rude sales manager?

0 - Billionaire Without Creating Anything

I have an interest in mergers & acquisitions, investing, real estate. More buying, improving and growing vs starting. I

have been looking into the stories of how these guys go from ZERO-10 figures. A quick look at Forbes and you will see a huge number of fortunes derived from "Investments" and "Diversified"

Taveta Investments
was started with a 20000£ loan by Phillip Greene, he started selling jeans and eventually ended up buying retail chains like Topman and Selfridges...

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from 0 - Billionaire Without Creating Anything

Is A Services Business Considered Fastlane ?

Between vegan soup and selling widgets ... I chose to start a 'services' business.

In which we are solving a very specific problem by rendering a very specific service.

The service is so specialized you cannot hope to automate it down the line - the only thing I can hope for is to add productized services or a software to the array of offerings.
No matter what the exact service is I'm selling - can you scale this type of business in the future? Are there examples of wildly successful...

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from Is A Services Business Considered Fastlane ?

Friday, July 30, 2021

Would you go to Harvard Business School For Free?

See title.

Also, swap in whatever [X] elite business school (or even include law school, since lots of powerful people, including entrepreneurs and major investors, seem to have studied law).

Why would you take that opportunity, or why would you decline it?

What might change your decision?

Do these programs unlock anything in your life's journey as a businessman, fastlaner, etc? Or just a waste of time?

from Would you go to Harvard Business School For Free?

Is a market crash coming? Or massive hyper-inflation?

Hi All,

Recently I have been doing a lot of reading around historic market crashes, current state of affairs across a myriad of industries and economics in general.

I am interested in discussing with my fellow Fastlaners their views on the state of the economy both nationally and globally and their future predictions of what they see unfolding. I am writing from the perspective of someone based from the UK.

My research to date has highlighted the following:
  1. It is clear...

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from Is a market crash coming? Or massive hyper-inflation?

Amazon <> Facebook Ads | Looking for feedbacks from Amazon Sellers | Would you agree people paying for your ads?

Amazon recently released their Amazon Attribution beta solution - combined with Pixelme | allowing to track and postback pixel events to external trafic sources.
In simple terms: We can now track on Facebook Ads the sales made on Amazon, by redirecting Facebook trafic directly to Amazon.

We spent more than 50m during the past few years on Shopify-based websites, on Facebook Ads.
We strongly think that the conversion rate of Amazon, and the fact that most of Amazon Sellers will struggle to...

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from Amazon <> Facebook Ads | Looking for feedbacks from Amazon Sellers | Would you agree people paying for your ads?

kinda stuck with picking a market

Im going to be honest ive been looking around for a niche so I can start some brand and found one that seemed promising until you have to get a licensing to sell depending on the type and potency . after doing research on that market im now back to square one looking for another niche/market or at least trying to make pool of a few which I have a few already written down. im feel like I just can't see it exactly but I know its somewhere there(like finding the need/problem ), and its...

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from kinda stuck with picking a market

Ask Me Anything About Amazon!

Hi Everyone! My name is AmazonDon.

While I've lurked The Fastlane Forum for some time, I've regrettably fallen out of touch with the community and the mindset while chasing slowlane pursuits. I'm ready to shift gears, get back in the fastlane, and chronicle my journey here on this forum. While I do so I want to add value to those who have given me so much and leave you with any knowledge that you may find useful.

For the past 8 years I have worked for companies, agencies, and...

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from Ask Me Anything About Amazon!

Need Help - Someone offered to buy my business domain (6-figs!)

Someone through Godaddy's domain broker service offered to buy my business's domain and I am indecisive on if I should consider it.

Their initial offer was only for $1000, and I told them they would need to pay a lot more than that as I use this domain for my business.

They said the buyer is very interested even if the price is a lot higher.

I wouldn't be willing to change my business name, but I could just buy a variation of my business name domain and continue using the same business...

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from Need Help - Someone offered to buy my business domain (6-figs!)

Growing A Youtube Channel To 100k

Hi everyone.

I always wanted to give youtube a serious try but never got round to it. I've created a few videos in past, so I feel fairly competent in my video editing skills. However, i think where I struggle the most is being held accountable in pumping out consistent content. Hopefully, that's about to change.

I plan on dedicating the channel to mindset and psychology, and topics surrounding those two areas.

My goal is to create educational/opinion/instructional content on these...

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from Growing A Youtube Channel To 100k

Mowing lawns, washing cars, and cleaning houses(to fill the snowy winter months). All rolled into a business?

In my area it doesn't seem all that much demand to mow lawns, and the winter months there any demand to mow lawns or wash cars. I need to diversify to thrive in this area. So, the idea I have is to have employees and myself offer all 3 services. Some are dedicated house cleaners only, and others can mow and clean cars. I was thinking $28 to $35+ depending on the service to cut lawns. $28+ to do a basic wash cars inside and out, and $65+ to clean a house in under an hour. I believe it is...

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from Mowing lawns, washing cars, and cleaning houses(to fill the snowy winter months). All rolled into a business?


Hello guys
After nearly four months of translating MJ's unscripted book, I am nearing the end of it. And I want to print it. It was very difficult because I was not a translator and I was only fluent in English. I learned a lot while translating and became somewhat familiar with the culture of the American people. I also became more professional in translating. During these four months, I locked myself in a...

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from Perseverance

Help! Trapped on the second step: Specialised Skill

I taught myself to code and have been offering website design services. I watched this video and I think I'm trapped on the second step.

I have many ideas for creating my own 'specialised unit', but to pay the bills I take on client projects. The problem is, when I take on a client project I become obsessed - every project, no matter how low the quote, becomes a major production.

I can't help myself. I never charge...

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from Help! Trapped on the second step: Specialised Skill

Dismissal from work

About three months ago I was fired and I was very upset. I had no income and was going to commit suicide. Suddenly I saw a movie on YouTube talking about the MJś book. Suddenly I decided to make the book and read it, and then I came up with ideas that I decided to do them. The first idea I had was to translate this book for the youth of my country so that they also know that company managers only care about themselves and should not waste their lives for them. Yes, I live in a country...

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from Dismissal from work

I'm lost and discouraged about my Ad Agency even though I got results. Any advice?

I spent thousands of dollars of unemployment benefits during the COVID pandemic on courses that teaches you how to start a digital marketing agency so I wouldn't have to go back to the assembly line earning $8.00 per hour. I have no degree and really no marketable skills and even worse I have to head back to the assembly line. AND Facebook restricted one my business managers for about 70 days now...

I did managed to bring 7 new clients to a nail salon and got a video testimonial from a...

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from I'm lost and discouraged about my Ad Agency even though I got results. Any advice?

FAILURE? "How to Be a Firefighter" Teachable Course

Hey All,
My name is Chris and I'm a Firefighter Paramedic in Southern California.


For the past 4 months I've been making a Teachable online course called "How To Be Chosen to Be a Firefighter: Real Talk, Truth Bombs, and a Secret Game Plan to Get You Hired at Your Dream Department". Becoming a firefighter is esoteric, competitive, and difficult so I wanted...

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from FAILURE? "How to Be a Firefighter" Teachable Course

21 Years Old , $7K + Cashflow Business - How I kicked my a$$ into gear after years of action faking

Wow, it's been a long time since I've been on this forum.

Hey guys, I'm Xolorr. I'm 21 Y/O from South Africa, and here's my story of how I kicked my a$$ into gear, finally started making some bread, and have some actionable advice that won't be fun but has helped me go from a broke-a$$ 21 y/o to now having $7k pm in MRR.



So, if you go back in my profile it'll be a picture-perfect display of action faking. I first found out about MJ and TMF when I was like...

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from 21 Years Old , $7K + Cashflow Business - How I kicked my a$$ into gear after years of action faking

Mechanical Engineering services for individual


I am interested in mechanical engineering services for my self. I have an Idea for a fitness equipment which I am not sure if it will work. Hence I need engineers to provide a proof of concept. Ideally the proof of concept should consist of a miniature physical model of my Idea compared against the original way of doing it. I tried upwork and other freelance sites, but the engineers on those sites specialize in doing CAD designs and Product design. If there is a way to proof my idea...

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from Mechanical Engineering services for individual

South Africa's riots, and Potential threats

I think it is about time we discuss Jurisdictional risk, and how financial markets can bleed into survival risk. Jurisdictional risk is defined as risk that arises when operating in a foreign jurisdiction. This risk can come by simply doing business or by lending money in another country (Understanding Jurisdiction Risk). I would use Sovereign risk, but Jurisdictional risk is more important to point out since this issue...

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from South Africa's riots, and Potential threats

#2115 OurCrowd, the Biggest Crowdfunded VC You Don’t Know Yet

One of the popular dinner topics here in San Francisco is who invested in what. And it’s one of those things that can easily feel exclusive because you have to spend time to build relationships, you have to have access, you have to have opportunity. And that’s where today’s guest comes in. Jon Medved is the founder of OurCrowd, which enables investments in pre-vetted startups and exclusive venture funds.

Jon Medved is the founder of OurCrowd, which enables investments in pre-vetted startups and exclusive venture funds.

More interviews ->
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from #2115 OurCrowd, the Biggest Crowdfunded VC You Don’t Know Yet

My road to create the new ISP America needs

This will be my first execution thread. No more dicking around, no more idea contemplating, no more bullshit. It is time I pick my self up by the bootstrap and get rich.

Posts labeled (process) will be a documentation of the steps I take to get there.

from My road to create the new ISP America needs

Need a mentor to get my income off the ground ?

So here, under the recommendations of @Fox whom I thank very much, I open this topic and I take action. Like everyone here, my dearest wish is to be financially free, I read books, followed training, some that I have not finished, but in the end I still do not live on what I earn, so I say to myself: could having a mentor help me?

from Need a mentor to get my income off the ground ?

Getting Unscripted while having small kids

Hi everyone,

I've just finished reading the Great Rat Race Escape a few days ago (again, a masterclass from MJ !).

One of the major takeaways for me is related to my situation: getting unscripted while having small kids.
As I am in this situation right now, I read the book through this paradigm and I found it interesting.

My situation is: I am married and have 2 kids (4 y.o. and 6 months old). I am working at a 40 h / week job while my wife stopped working when we welcomed our first kid...

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from Getting Unscripted while having small kids

Hola! I'm Shreyas. An Author, Engineer and an Entrepreneur.

Glad to be a part of this community. I am currently near the end of The Millionaire Fastlane and it's proving to be a truly transformative read for me. I usually read two to three books a month but seldom does a book leave a long-lasting impact on you. TMF is indubitably one of them.
A little about me: I'm Shreyas Mogal and I'm from Mumbai, India. I am the author of a crime fiction and a short fiction. Furthermore, I have a digital marketing agency and a content services organization. I'm...

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from Hola! I'm Shreyas. An Author, Engineer and an Entrepreneur.

Audiobooks - Reclaiming your time

One of the things I love about The Millionaire Fastlane is that it's the book MJ said he would have wanted to be handed that day at the ice cream shop.

One of the many things I wish I had stumbled upon earlier in life is audiobooks.

I've been trying to read a book a week for the last ten years. I've done pretty well at that, but it's hard. You have to find the time to read. I would try and read with my head hunched over into my phone while reading a book on kindle...

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from Audiobooks - Reclaiming your time

THE DISCOUNTED TIME PRINCIPLE: Trading Good Time for Bad is a Terrible Life Strategy

I just looked at an excerpt of MJ's new book and it contained this line below:

"It’s time to stop trading our time just for money, our time needs to earn both money AND time"

I've posted the chapter concepts summary below - but that's the chapter done. Theres not much more I can get to really implementing it in my life.

I wanted to ask if there was anything actually more on this principle, or is it just that a general principle?

how can we make our time earn both time AND money...

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from THE DISCOUNTED TIME PRINCIPLE: Trading Good Time for Bad is a Terrible Life Strategy

Figuring Out Twitter

Quick background:
  • I've been on Twitter since 2011 but barely used it. When I did log in it was to half-heartedly post a quote I liked and it was invariably to tumbleweeds.
  • Twitter recently acquired Revue as @MTF mentioned here (thanks @MTF).
  • I like paid email newsletters as a business model...

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from Figuring Out Twitter

Thursday, July 29, 2021

WooCommerce Vulnerability Affects Millions of WordPress Sites | Warrior Forum - The #1 Digital ...

A new article on Search Engine Journal reports that WooCommerece just announced a patch for a critical vulnerability that is rolling out as.

from WooCommerce Vulnerability Affects Millions of WordPress Sites | Warrior Forum - The #1 Digital ...

Yelp just launched a new platform: Yelp Audiences | Warrior Forum - The #1 Digital Marketing ...

A new article on reports that Yelp has launched Yelp Audiences to connect national and regional advertisers with consumers based.

from Yelp just launched a new platform: Yelp Audiences | Warrior Forum - The #1 Digital Marketing ...

Area with the Most Demand?

I've dabbled in several programming languages (HTML, CSS, Java, C++) over the years, and I had two questions.

The first, and I think I will probably get a lot of different answers, but which language gives you the most bang for your buck? Is there one that is absolutely worth taking a Udemy course and absorbing as much as you can? I was reading an old Graycode Gold thread that mentioned HTML, CSS and RoR. But what are you building with that? Don't you need Java these days for web...

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from Area with the Most Demand?

Growing a business and the trials and tribulations that go with it

Hey guys, I wanted to share my story and wanted to get some perspective.

I built and currently run a low 7 fig service based company in Australia for the past 2 years. It was great in the beginning and I was excited everyday to get to work, hustle hard, and fell in love with the idea of building a massive empire with 100s of employees and to go national and sell it for millions of dollars. Oh naive me.

I hustled, recruited great people and things were exciting. People were energetic and...

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from Growing a business and the trials and tribulations that go with it


Hi, my first post here and I've been eager to dive into this community.
I wanted to express my sincere thanks for this work and if I may offload my backstory, please oblige me.

From the age of sweet 16 I was once upon a time in the slow lane, steady job, steady pay cheque, steady life. There I stayed until after having my babies when I flung myself into providing the best possible life for them (meaning I needed serious money) and discovered entrepreneurship.

I knew that entrepreneurship...

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from Gratitude

Tell Me I'm Wrong - Crypto Simplicity

Tell me I'm crazy to think this and why.......

I can borrow money at about 5% right now against my mortgage.

Bitcoin/Ethereum have a decade performance record of about 200% per year on average.....

Why should I not borrow as much money as possible and buy all Bitcoin and Ethereum?

Is it not a ridiculously simple business plan with low risk when you consider the historical performance of Bitcoin/Ethereum?

Why am I wrong?

from Tell Me I'm Wrong - Crypto Simplicity

What I Learned Operating A Commercial Cleaning Company

I hope this helps someone, somewhere...

A little background…I owned and operated a non-franchise commercial cleaning business for almost 10 years and sold it recently (New role will be business development as a 1099 (only way I would) with an upfront commission and backend reoccurring/residual component that survives the company even if the new owner sells it. (“I built this city!”) FU MONEY! =)

Previously to owning a cleaning business, I have been in sales and/or marketing in some form...

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from What I Learned Operating A Commercial Cleaning Company


Hope you are doing well.
l've Just joined this fourm today. :smile2:

from Hello

Had my cheese, saved my cheese, time to become the scientist

Hi, I’m Hagi, a new started problemologist

I like to take this opportunity to introduce myself on this forum.

I’m 36 years old, have two kids and an awesome girlfriend. Living in the Netherlands, in a new build great house, 2 nice cars and we both have respectable management positions. I even have my own mancave with build in gym and gaming corner. Yes people, we are living the dream… not really.

Working as an employee is slowly killing me from the inside. I had my FTE some years ago...

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from Had my cheese, saved my cheese, time to become the scientist

Need help with cold outreach

Hello everyone,

I built a good website for a construction company and they said that they got good leads from the website. So, I guess I did a good job.

I spent the last 2 weeks searching for leads and I got some email addresses and LinkedIn accounts.

I'm sending them messages but most of the ignore me or tell me they're not interested. Here's how I'm doing this:

Hello X.

I recently completed a project for a company very similar to yours that helped them increase their clientele...

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from Need help with cold outreach

Experience with Instagram Pages?

I was thinking about small side hustles I could start (<4h per week) and was wondering if anyone has experience with growing an instagram page.
The focus would be on self-improvement/productivity and I would post daily.
For monetization, I thought about basic amazon affiliate marketing and the occasional ad post/story.
My goal would be to grow it to 500$ a month.

How likely is that and how long do you think it would take me to get to that level of income?
Or would it make more sense to look...

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from Experience with Instagram Pages?

Finding a Manufacturer

Hello All,

It's been a while since I've posted but happy to be back at it!

I am working on a product design, I just had a 3D CAD Model created and I am in contact with one manufacturer to create a prototype, however, I am finding it difficult to locate more than one manufacturer for my prototype.

Does anyone have any recommendations on locating local manufacturers for prototypes or even have advice on how to convince a manufacturer to create one of your designs?

P.S. My product would...

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from Finding a Manufacturer

Your landing page conversion will never increase if you are making these mistakes.

#1. Swipe Blog Ideas
This one is the most popular method among new startup's. They just google "how to increase conversion rate of the website" and start to follow those ideas presented in the blog.

Most blogs are from content writers, not CRO(conversion optimizer) veterans.

Most case studies are skewed and won't work for you. They are made to impress the client only(like you).

If you are really serious about implementing those given techniques, make sure you know the science...

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from Your landing page conversion will never increase if you are making these mistakes.

Do you sometimes feel like there is too much noise in the forum?

This forum is so so valuable. But sometimes, There is too much noise. One could be this thread . When you visit the forum to find value, you get distracted by shitposts and get into a rabbit hole. For example, arguing with someone. Trying to teach someone who is just looking for a get rich quick method, it's just a waste of time. What are your opinions? And suggestions? I tried to IGNORE based on prefixes but it doesn't work.

from Do you sometimes feel like there is too much noise in the forum?

What are your thoughts on spending money on vacation?

I know the question is vague and it depends on each person. But I am wondering what your guys thoughts are on vacation. Me and my girlfriend love to travel, and we try to do so frugally while also enjoying our time. The reason that I ask this forum this question today is because we hve a trip planned soon for a few days, and while I love spending time going on a trip I keep thinking that my money would be better spent, that I should save my money etc. Does anybody have any advice when it...

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from What are your thoughts on spending money on vacation?



from Deleted.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


As I read posts on the forum it is often apparent that the post is referring to obsolete information that has probably come for some “expert’s” blog.

I have seen one heavily promoted blog that invites questions, but they are never answered and the information prompting those questions is years old.

Possibly the worst one I found had dated their blog Nov. 2020, and in explaining “How to be safe” on Alibaba, they referred to supplier rating icons that have not been used for over two years...

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Reality catches up. (Rant about healthcare system)

Came across this and it reminded me of the reality and why I’m on this journey. It showed me why not to give in to the dogma.

from Reality catches up. (Rant about healthcare system)

Newbie From Tasmania !

Greetings. I've just joined and am super excited about the value that I can see in this group! I'm in several facebook groups, including paid ones, and the noise and messiness of the platform is a real downer. Dedicated forums are so much better.

I live in Tasmania with my wife and twin 8 y.o. boys. I've been building my local rock band school here for the last 5.5yrs and it has been moderately successful but I haven't been able to scale it (and no longer want to try - the model is too...

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from Newbie From Tasmania !

(Audio) Who have you helped?

I had a chat with Tony who describes how:
  • One simple question got him unstuck.
  • He's only been on Quora for 30 days helping people.
  • He's only posted 29 times but is now top ranked for his subject matter.
  • His bio sends people to a survey where he asks opened ended questions (as per the Ask book by Ryan Levesque).
  • He's had 300 surveys and email addresses.
  • He's done 5 free 30 minute coaching calls.
  • One free coaching call converted on the spot to a $400 coaching...

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from (Audio) Who have you helped?

CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days

I've been meaning to write this post for a long time. It's basically the story of how I started a digital marketing agency to be able to do cool stuff. And I would like to give you a nice little checklist that you could use as well if it interests you.

I started my business in 2010. Since then, I reduced my own work load to less than 10 hours a month, lived in Mexico for 4 1/2 years, traveled to 15 countries, and am prepping to head to Scotland for 6 months in Sept - all...

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from CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days

What book are you reading? Right now. Post up!

I've got a stack of books by my bed that I'm working through:

Awaken the Giant Within
- Tony Robbins (read it before, but recently started reading it again).

An Introduction to Psychology (can't remember by whom, but its the university type handbooks, so it often succeeds in putting me asleep - the theory bits that is).

How life imitates chess - Gary Kasparov (I'm about halfway through this one - was wondering how to become great in chess/life, and this book seemed...

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from What book are you reading? Right now. Post up!

How to Learn Code, Start a Web Company, $15k+ per month within 9 months

It has taken me a long time to have time to create this thread and for that I apologize. I have been getting PMs for months and while I helped a lot of you out with detailed responses I wanted to start a thread so everyone would have access to the same information.

*** This isn't exact Fastlane, at least not in the beginning, but its a great way to earn 5 figures a month, learn the skills to create and run your own FL business while building a network of top business people***

Back at the...

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from How to Learn Code, Start a Web Company, $15k+ per month within 9 months

Job and business together?

Can I work targetting to startup my own business beside 8 hour job? ( as I need to meet my financial needs and my family)

from Job and business together?

Solving the need for presents

Basically people need gifts, everywhere, on christmas on birthdays, but there is almost no competition on selling those and people have to waste time searching for a period of websites untill they find something similar at a of course big price. So i tought why not make a website in which a chooses a set of selected tiers of items and it gets randomized thru inventory so it would satisfy the value they paid or if needed i could lower the price and had people advertise for me. but, figure...

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from Solving the need for presents

The Etsy MEGA Thread... Best Practices, Use, Etc.

Good Morning everyone,

While perusing the forum, I've seen a few smaller threads that mention Etsy but not a specific Etsy thread. I didn't know how many of you are selling on Etsy or use it at all. I thought this might be a good place to post any tips for Etsy for sellers and any other feedback that buyers can offer.

I personally do not have an Etsy shop but my mom does. I do all the backend stuff for her since she just figured out how to use email about 2 months ago. I take the...

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from The Etsy MEGA Thread... Best Practices, Use, Etc.

Stupid question: can I change / update the title of an old thread?

Sorry, but I really had no clue where else to put this.

I am journalling my journey in my intro thread.

Is there a way I can adjust the title myself somehow?

Thanks in advance.

from Stupid question: can I change / update the title of an old thread?

My 3 Illegal Storefronts.

I built a total of 2 profiles on eBay and 1 on Mercari (I got banned several times), selling replica designer sourced from (China).

Most of my replicas looked exactly like the real thing, or the difference was very hard to tell.

I would get a Gucci belt, for say $20 and flip it for $200.

This wasn't sustainable, as my listings were taken down before I was permanently banned from selling on Mercari.

I know I want to sell products on eBay and Mercari. But am having trouble...

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from My 3 Illegal Storefronts.

Great apps, tools, software... What do you use?

Inspired by @Andy Black mentioning in some other thread and it looking like a fantastic solution...

I thought we'd put all these recommendations and suggestions into one thread?

Easier to find and share.

Here are some I've heard good things about/used myself:


    Others who have used can describe it better, but from the looks of it, it makes editing videos and podcasts easier.

  • Streak

    Apparently it's a...

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from Great apps, tools, software... What do you use?

New, Newbie, wannabee

Hello All! Pleased to be here.

from New, Newbie, wannabee

New to town..

Saying Hello to all!

from New to town..


I am Sehej Sharma, I am 15 years old, I live in India. I am aspiring to be a Fastlane millionaire as soon as possible. I am finding new ideas daily and trying to start a business as soon as possible. Please if you have any idea you need help do not hesitate to contact me.

from Introduction

My Journey from Sidelane to Fastlane - Ongoing

I posted Looking for a way to achieve my dreams and Now, I have decided to work on it.
I'll be updating my journey here and will try to document it here.

I have around 1 Lakh debt right now and started working on my mental issues.

1) I have started reading "Personality Isn't Permanent by Hardy" as suggested by MJ DeMarco.
2) Trying to take out my PF to finish off all my...

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from My Journey from Sidelane to Fastlane - Ongoing

Reading millionaire fast lane multiple times

Hey there,

Ive read alot of business books but when I read the millionaire fast lane I knew it was the real deal. I'm in the process with my current business which I began prior to finding the material and have been continually listening to the audiobook, on my third listen planning to listen 10-15 times to ingrain the knowledge. What was initially incredibly insightful in the book is already beginning to feel like common sense.

I haven't read unscripted yet and my question is should I...

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from Reading millionaire fast lane multiple times

What is the freest state in the USA?

From what I've read, it sounds like if there is a vaccine mandate on the general population(in the USA) then it will more than likely be at the state level.

What is everyone's thoughts on this? How would a mandate even be enforced? Pay a fine?

It also looks like some states, such as FL, NH, etc, have passed laws to prevent vaccine mandates. That also got me thinking in general about which states are the most free in the USA.

What to do you think is the freest state in the USA?

from What is the freest state in the USA?

I'm AZ - Married With Kids, Looking to Escape The Golden Handcuffs!

Hello All!

I've read unscripted and now I'm going to be rich in 1 year! Just watch!

Just kidding. You can unroll your eyes now. Just wanted to enter with a little joke.

I wanted to introduce myself and get some advice(is that allowed on the intro threads? if not just direct me to the correct place).

A Little About Me
I am 27, married with a 2-year-old with a six-figure job as a software engineer living in the Atlanta area suburbs. Prior to that I grew up as a poor black...

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from I'm AZ - Married With Kids, Looking to Escape The Golden Handcuffs!

Is this a possible fastlane business? Help


I need your opinion. I'm going to launch a business of speech therapy materials.

I know that many people look for this kind of material (several webs have free material available, and this webs have about 10K visits a day).

So my proposition (I got the idea because of my gf, one day she was preparing materials and said it was exhausting to prepare them) is to prepare the material and send it to our costumers. Appart from that, I have other...

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from Is this a possible fastlane business? Help

#2114 “I secretly despised my business.”

My guest today told his customers he didn’t love the business. They were shocked. Admitting it wasn’t working allowed him to create a new business. Today Chris Brisson is the founder of Salesmsg, simple, scalable, two-way business texting.

Chris Brisson is the founder of Salesmsg, simple, scalable, two-way business texting.

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from #2114 “I secretly despised my business.”

Anyone prep for collapse? Your life contingency plans...[Doomsday Prepping]

Curious from the other thread on the QE3 and it's interesting discussion on some people view of collapse.

Do any of you actively or passively prepare or have a contingency plans if things do go south either with violence or financial meltdown.

Before it is brought up, let's let the doom and gloom + politics rest for another discussion. I am not one of "plan for the worst and hope for the best" I am of the " kick a$$ and have a backup plan" crowd.


store food
have a continuity...

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from Anyone prep for collapse? Your life contingency plans...[Doomsday Prepping]

Book publishers

Hi all,

Longtime reader, appreciate al the great info here. I’m working on a new business idea: I’m creating a workbook that relates to a previous job I had. Anyway, it’s about 200 pages and it’s like a planner (but a little more involved). When it’s done, I’ll let you all know what it is and if you’re curious, I’ll send you a link.

What I’m wondering is if anyone knows a good publisher for my book? I started with Amazon, but I’m curious if there is a better priced publisher. I’m fine with...

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from Book publishers

What are the penalties for failing to report FBAR?

FBAR stands for Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts Reporting rule. It is a part of the U.S financial regulation to verify whether the money in your foreign financial account is legitimate.
Failing to file an FBAR when required to do so means facing civil monetary penalties, or even criminal penalties based on how you violate it.

Here is the amount of penalty for each type of FBAR violation:

Negligent Violation
  • The current maximum amount of penalty: $1,078
  • Criminal...

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from What are the penalties for failing to report FBAR?

Anyone owning a studio that rents out classes/rooms for personal trainers?

Looking to rent a facility and divide it into small rooms, equip it and rent it out to personal trainers by the hour. Or even rent out rooms from other facilities that have them spare and rent it to personal trainers (kind of like uber for studios/personal rooms/dancing instructors etc).

Does anyone have any experience with this?

from Anyone owning a studio that rents out classes/rooms for personal trainers?

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Does work ethic really matter?

I know, it sounds ridiculous. But this is the Fastlane forums. Home of the Unscripted so I probably wouldn't post this anywhere else.

I pose this as a question more than a declaration.

I present three scenarios.

X: A father of four. He gets up, takes care of his family. Pays all the bills on time and hasn't been late or missed a day of work his entire life. Lifting, scrubbing, bending, he's an iron worker, building the skyscrapes in the Dubai skyline. Even when he was sick, he went to the...

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from Does work ethic really matter?

Escape Number

Interested in whether when calculating an “escape number” per MJ’s latest book, if anybody makes any allowance for annual inflation in their numbers?

I’d imagine that if not, you might be shooting for a number in whatever time period, only to achieve it but realise you haven’t “escaped”.

Whether or not you do, as MJ mentioned in his book, it’s very eye-opening to realise freedom comes at a cost and it may be higher than you originally thought.

(I try not to mix-up “cost” and ”value”).


from Escape Number

Ask me anything about eCommerce (Ongoing)

Alot has changed since my Ask me about Ecommerce AMA from 2012, so I thought I'd do an updated AMA as some of the answers in the previous thread are now outdated. The online marketplace has shifted greatly in the past couple years. Some examples of what has changed:
  • Google Shopping is now at the top of your search results, so ranking #1 for a specific term is not as valuable as before. I don't do anymore SEO.
  • Big box stores like Amazon, Walmart and Target now dominate the...

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from Ask me anything about eCommerce (Ongoing)

How To Be Happy - Insights From My Twenties

Hey everyone, I wanted to share some insights with you that I had throughout my twenties on the topic of happiness.

I was a very angry, miserable, depressed kid in my younger years, but I managed to overcome it.

Right now, I'm loving life and I almost never have any bad days. Sure they may come every now and then, but they don't last very long. I think my mental and emotional health is one area i really excelled in as I reached my late 20's - early 30s.

I made this post back in 2020 on...

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from How To Be Happy - Insights From My Twenties

Personal challenge - no porn, no coffee, more discipline!

Hi I am chronicling my challenge.

Background: I am a 35 yo entrepreneur in my 7th year of tech-hood, business are going well and expanding, and there is a chance we can be something bigger. Right now, the firm's limit is my own ability to handle the business and myself, and I've come to realize that personal discipline will be most people's demon, at least it is mine. I want to create the ultimate habit of good life.

No Porn (7th day)
This sounds perverted, but it's something...

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from Personal challenge - no porn, no coffee, more discipline!

"Figuratively crossing land and class borders" for economic benefit. Methods?

Countries can be so economically different yet just feet apart. The same with class anywhere. What I propose is sharing "know how" across these borders. That's real education. For example, person in country A contacts manufacturer B and gets pricing X on goods. Person A then contacts company C, D, E, etc., anywhere in the world and takes orders for the goods at X + profit.. This works. I know because I have done it. Now anyone with a computer, internet connection, time and motivation can do...

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from "Figuratively crossing land and class borders" for economic benefit. Methods?

MJs Latest Book

Just finished your latest book in a week it's excellent.

My only criticism the chapters were too short so it was a bit stopy starty.

Excellent content and it certainly highlighted some major areas I need to look at.

Thanks for a enjoyable read for a week and the distraction from the utter shit on the television!


from MJs Latest Book

How to obtain more appointments by phone

Hi everyone! In this thread, I'd like to ask all experienced entrepreneurs/salespeople here for specific advice. You'll be surprised to see me ask for THIS type of advice, given my past statements on this forum, but I'm convinced I need that advice. Here's the subject:

How to obtain more appointments when prospecting by phone, specifically in the wine sales industry?
(Though I hope others can draw lessons from this thread and apply them to their own industry.)


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from How to obtain more appointments by phone

Starting my own Game Development Studio

Main Goal:
Start my own game indie (small) development studio.
- Create a Hit Game or one that sells decently well
- Hire staff, design and develop another more complicated game (<- This is neverending)

- Before coming back to join this forum I spent hours upon hours learning the C# programming language and a little bit of Unity. Enough to get me started. I figured I just needed to start or I'll enter the tutorial hell loop or "action faking".
- I'll have...

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from Starting my own Game Development Studio

Where to start with investing in stocks ?

Hi everyone,
I wanted to know where to start & your recommendations for courses or books about investing in the stock market. I have no prior experience & want to invest some savings to grow it & generate a passive income ( I'm looking for stable safe investing ).


from Where to start with investing in stocks ?

29 Years old: Just bought my 2nd Lambo (not clickbait)

9 and 1/2 years ago, when I was just 18 years old, I hit the "join" button on a forum that would forever change my life. I was already an entrepreneur at heart - and had tried a few things - but I had now found a like-minded group to share ideas and thoughts with. This catalyst was the equivalent of adding rocket fuel to my entrepreneurial gas tank. While I had to put in thousands (and thousands) of hours of work + critical thinking and trial and error - there is no...

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from 29 Years old: Just bought my 2nd Lambo (not clickbait)

5 things I wish I had known before becoming self-employed

5 things I wish someone had told me before you become 100% self-employed. Hope this helps some of you all.

1. Expect to work anywhere from 50-80 hours a week. No less than 50.

2. Charge the market rate for what you do. You can find your market rate at websites such as

3. Have a vision for what you what to accomplish in the long term. This will provide energy when you are not feeling it.

4. Understand that if you go from being an employee to a full time entrepreneur and you...

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from 5 things I wish I had known before becoming self-employed

Lex DeVille's: 15 Days to Freedom - Make Money Copywriting in 15 Days or Less

15 Days to Freedom
Make money copywriting in 15 days or less.
(Without writing a hundred Gary Halbert letters)​

Everything you think you know about the way they’ve taught you to think about the way things are supposed to work…

…is a lie.

Consider what this sentence actually means.

Now think about whatever reasons (excuses) you've been verbally vomiting to yourself about why you’re not getting anywhere and why you’re not making progress. What...

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from Lex DeVille's: 15 Days to Freedom - Make Money Copywriting in 15 Days or Less

What problems do you have???

Hello you Action Takers,

As Entrepreneurs, we are problem solvers. so what problem do you guys have that you needed to be solved.

for me it is:
1. hair thinning
2. my fitness(I am fat)

so what problems do you have, maybe someone will find a solution to your problem.

from What problems do you have???

How should I finance a business

Hello guys,
I`m 17 year old and have an inovative business idea, but in order to start my own company and create the product, I`m going to need more than 50K. For me that`s a lot of money. What should I do? How can I earn this amount of money to launch the product as soon as possible?

Thank you very much!

from How should I finance a business

I am at my wits end

I wanted to reach out to see if anyone may have an idea about what the issue is with my product.

I launched a skincare brand a week ago, we have received very poor sales. I validated this product by running ads to our mockup product and it was very successful.

I have spent over $50k building the brand And it has caught the eye of some magazines. We are running Facebook and Google ads with multiple add to carts but no purchase. We have streamlined the check out process

If you...

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from I am at my wits end

What is your favorite source of leads?

Hey everyone,

I would like to exchange some idea about how to leadgen the most effective way.

What is your favorite source of leadgen, and why?

My answer: I and my partner have tried letters, cold emails, G Ads. Letters and cold emails were disastrously bad. G Ads was mediocre, but it can be improved in my eyes, our sales funnel was not that good.

My ROI in G Ads was like %125-130, which was not really worth of the time and effort I spent, but at least I did not make a loss on...

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from What is your favorite source of leads?

Growing a successful YouTube animation channel

Hello Fastlaners,
After years of (occasionally, I must say) reading this forum, I am excited to start my execution thread, and share my journey on creating and scaling a successful YouTube channel: I have in fact just started “High Living”, which offers animated videos on a variety of topics revolving around personal development.

Now, this isn’t how I planned on getting my feet wet into entrepreneurship. I always thought I’d start in e-commerce or lead generation/Google Ads. But the fact...

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from Growing a successful YouTube animation channel

The AI Entrepreneurship thread. Code AI? Interested in AI? Data Science? Machine Learning?

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are likely going to be the biggest boons of the 21st century.

Possibly one of the biggest technological boon the world has ever seen.

The Entrepreneurship opportunities are going to be endless.

I wanted to make a space for those pursuing AI or interested in AI to share resources and any type of AI related

So are you pursuing AI? What's your story? What interests you about AI? Have any resources to share?

Or feel free to just talk about...

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from The AI Entrepreneurship thread. Code AI? Interested in AI? Data Science? Machine Learning?

Monday, July 26, 2021

TikTok Announces' Small Biz Block Party' Event Series to Provide Marketing Tips and Insights ...

A new article on Social Media Today reports that TikTok is looking to help small businesses across the US make best use of its platform for.

from TikTok Announces' Small Biz Block Party' Event Series to Provide Marketing Tips and Insights ...

Video game creator

So, I've been struggling with game devolpment for about 2 years now,

For some reason, I'm just restarting and restarting my project over and over again. But I think I know why: Game devolpment is a huge endeavor so I think I was focused to much on the big stuff(even though back then I didnt think it was that big). So, my plan for this time s to start really small and release it for free and then when I have enough content on there I up the price to $3. That way I wont get burned out as well...

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from Video game creator

Watering a New Brand - mdot's Hardware Startup and E-Commerce Progress Thread

Hi Fastlane Forum, since the beginning of the year I've been tying up loose ends on my existing projects (mostly hobby projects, no businesses) so that I can focus on my first business venture. I'll talk about the venture itself shortly, but first I'd really like to thank everyone on the forum - I've learned so much in the past year, especially reading the gold and notable threads, progress threads as well as following up on book recommendations that have further expanded my knowledge and...

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from Watering a New Brand - mdot's Hardware Startup and E-Commerce Progress Thread


I plan to start daytrading within a few months. Primarely bull/bear certificates. I know that this has no entry barriers, but still the best traders can make +70% returns a year. Tell me your thoughts about this, and tips are allowed;)

from Trading

Let's Chat Sales

I started a podcast with Brendan McAdams who has years of experience as a sales pro.

Join us in our first episode to learn how we:
  • Figure it out as we go along.
  • Find Product-Market-Fit, one customer at a time.
  • Allow niches to reveal themselves as we engage the market.

We also discuss, among other things:
  • The thought process behind creating the podcast.
  • The tools we'll use.
  • What we'd like to discuss going forward.

Would love your feedback...

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from Let's Chat Sales

Idea to make millions

Hey All,

I am new to this forum and this is my first post.

I own a small business called Life is hard Fighting is Easy. I teach private and semi-private sessions in martial arts, self-defense and Yoga along with wellness and life coaching.

I used to be a mechanical engineer working 9-5 but I saw there was a dead end to that life at and hated every minute of it.

I thought I was going for financial freedom when I transitioned to my business full time until I read Demarco’s books. Man...

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from Idea to make millions

Your business is your child

Have you ever spent time around little kids?

Their energy is infectious, their honesty is palpable and their capacity to dare and dream is inspiring.

Did you know your business is your child?

Not in the literal sense, but in the metaphorical sense.

If you want it to grow, you have to put resources, effort, and discipline into it and make sure it avoids its raging tendency to go off the rails.

You also have to wait a very long time to see what it becomes.

You think your business is the...

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from Your business is your child

Business Plan for Investors


I've been reading about business plans lately, and specifically if there is a difference in what you might include to pitch to an investor. This article about investor business plans seems to indicate there are some tweaks/elements you may adjust to better target an investor vs. a standard business plan. So..

1) Do you think it's worth adjusting a biz plan to match an investor and if so...

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from Business Plan for Investors

What's wrong with this 'FIRE' retirement plan?


Well the elephant in the room is her and her husband are pulling in around 200K to even play at these numbers. But combined with a low cost of living country I can how it's possible. I know the principals of why FIRE isnt wise. But I'd like to learn exactly why this isn't fastlane/a smart path. So looking forward to any input.

from What's wrong with this 'FIRE' retirement plan?

Moving the needle, and readjusting along the way

Hello yet again!

It's been a period of reflection and self-growth for me. I've moved forward, faced fears, got a further understanding of myself, and now it's the time I make this thread.

My end goal is to build and maintain a civil engineering business, while creating value in the sector by getting first-hand domain experience as a licensed civil engineer.

I've been away from forum participation, mostly because I knew I'd use it as an out for action faking. I'd just be around and...

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from Moving the needle, and readjusting along the way

Do you think there's potential to compete with Facebook?

Given the current trends, the giant keeps growing but I'm thinking of the potential at entering the market using a blockchain based descentralized site. Making it focus on promoting growth and businesses like LinkedIn but with focus on organizations rather than individuals.
Only other similar attempt I've found was but it seems its not very big yet and there's an increase on free-speech blockchain based sites such as...

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from Do you think there's potential to compete with Facebook?


Hello, I have started a business of poultry in my hometown in Africa ( Ivory Coast )
I have started with 2 partners because one of them got experiences in this area for 10+ years and the others is also a project engineer. So the issue is the latter is not Almost too focus on The project like he can do a month without participating in our call or even without knowing what area of the business we are at . And the excuse is always the job is busy for him but he’s trying to make himself free...

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from partnership

NEW: The Best School for Going Fastlane (Now open for summer enrollment)

Hey everyone,

I have a big announcement to make about how we are going to be working with several well-known names on these forums and elsewhere to start teaching even more skills/business models and just in general giving a ton of extra value.

But more about that in just a minute.

Before we get into the fine details, let me just say thanks to everyone for the support (especially @MJ DeMarco ) over the last 2 years. We are now over...

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from NEW: The Best School for Going Fastlane (Now open for summer enrollment)

Signed a lease on a shop (Service Shop in the Auto Industry)

I been putting off this thread for a while already. All though I do keep a diary on this business journey, ideas, issues and solutions that comes along mostly everything gets documented in it. It would be nice to also have an execution thread here in TFLF.

If you go back to a few of my threads I have started in the past, none of them got completely followed through till the end. All of them were ideas that I started and gave up along the way. Ever since my last thread here, I have gone...

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from Signed a lease on a shop (Service Shop in the Auto Industry)

Hey MJ & co. Why Is "Everyone Doing It" On NFTs? Is It The Real Deal?

I haven't found this thread in the Forum, and I'm sure many more will ask it again, so here it goes:

No matter what career you have, you'll have probably stumbled with crypto and NFTs. Because they're everywhere, from Gary Vee's channel to Google News.

With curiosity, I started and learned about the pros and cons of this currency. I'm not a fan of art/collecting, but for what I've learned, NFTs are an inflated version of that (easier/faster trade of non-fungible tokens).

Almost every day...

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from Hey MJ & co. Why Is "Everyone Doing It" On NFTs? Is It The Real Deal?

2 Businesses, no Fastlane, what next?

Hi there,

Longtime lurker here. Sorry for the very very long post. Without going into details I find it difficult to go give advices.

To sum it up: I did a Master in Industrial Engineering (majoring in finance) but started helping out in a Catering Business of my girlfriends mum while still studying (2019). There was no business it was mostly selfemployment: No standards, no processes, no system, nothing. I started everything with some sort of microdatabase in...

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from 2 Businesses, no Fastlane, what next?