Monday, April 30, 2018


I graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in 2014 with a BA in English and am looking to do some freelance work. Depending on what you're looking for, I can.


Andy's AdWords Course - Get found by the people already looking for you

The AdWords Jumpstart

Want to get found by the people ALREADY looking for you?

There could be someone looking for your business on Google right now, and they are not finding you.

Google AdWords can help you get those people to your website. It’s a great tool for generating high quality leads, but it can be complicated to learn and easy to lose your shirt.

You could learn AdWords by reading a 400 page book or going through 18 hours of videos, but...

Andy's AdWords Course - Get found by the people already looking for you

from Andy's AdWords Course - Get found by the people already looking for you

$55,000 in One Month - How I've Risen and Fallen Over & Over

In 2016 I made $55,000 in one month.

I did over $200,000 in 9 months. This was the lowest paying company in that industry as well. If I worked for a different company, that would have been around $750,000 in 9 months.

Then I lost everything.

My Story: Grew up with a poor mindset, very limited people, and lots of trauma. I was raised in Bountiful, Utah, where 98% of everyone else was Mormon. My parents divorced and my older brother died, after...

$55,000 in One Month - How I've Risen and Fallen Over & Over

from $55,000 in One Month - How I've Risen and Fallen Over & Over

Need some solid critiquing! Why are people leaving our website?

Calling all critiques, my name is David and I run a web design company called Bluesoft Design. We started about a year ago and we're working on lead generation to build our clientele. Right now we've been making SEO a primary focus and we've been getting visitors but people are coming into the site ...

from Need some solid critiquing! Why are people leaving our website?

Expired Domain Expert Wanted

We are looking to aquire a few expired/expiring domains with existing authority/links with TLDs of : .de .es .fr .it .nl Would be great if they were.

from Expired Domain Expert Wanted

Accuracy of VWO

Was running a split test on life insurance landing page with a form only, but since I started desktop campaign on VWO I am seeing drop in co.

from Accuracy of VWO


My story is not as intricate or exciting as the other ones on here and I'm nowhere near the $1M range yet. But, after reading the other ones I felt compelled to write mine. It's actually pretty boring and normal and it's not the fastlane or slowlane. I'd call it driving in regular traffic and luckily catching all the green lights. :)

I had a normal education at the University of Illinois which ultimately ended with a Master's in Engineering. I knew that I was in college to get the degree...


from SUCCESS STORY: Biophase

How to Kill Apathy and Excuses...

The Cancer Corollary as described in Unscripted.

When you have a serious problem that needs a solution ... focus and perspective is no longer a problem.

When you have the cure to cancer, no one is going to care that you want to own a Ferrari.

from How to Kill Apathy and Excuses...

Business planning for accidental death?

Hey All,

I was hoping someone might have some insight into this topic. My business is ran 100% by me with no employees, I do about $13K a month and I have four or five large clients who depend on my services. Although it is not crucial to their day-to-day, it would be a large pain if the service stopped working. It is a tech business so the server, code, etc is all password protected by me and the code, as well as setup, although can be deciphered by other coders, is typically difficult to...

Business planning for accidental death?

from Business planning for accidental death?

Dropshipping To UK Shipping Times

Hi all, I am just posting this thread to see if anyone has any advice on drastically cutting down shipping times from China to the UK. currently so ship something it will take 20-40 days (unless I spend a massive amount on shipping fees). I don't plan on drop shipping anything to expensive as I want to try ...

from Dropshipping To UK Shipping Times

How To Get Free Leads Every Day

How To Get Free Leads Every Day Lead Lightning Review - YouTube

from How To Get Free Leads Every Day

Selling my product on from Canada

Hey guys, I'm pretty new around here so let me start off by introducing myself, my name is Austin and I live in Alberta, Canada. I have come up with a product idea I'd like to develop and am in the process of ironing out the gritty details so I can approach a Chinese supplier in the near future.

I was wondering if there are many fastlaners on here that are from Canada and what your experience has been selling on I have been reading like crazy on fastlane forum these past few...

Selling my product on from Canada

from Selling my product on from Canada

Biophase - 2018 Ecommerce/Amazon Business Coaching Program

I have decided to do the coaching program again in 2018

I was on the fence for the past month, but seeing a bunch of last year's clients doing well and even selling out their products during the holiday season made me decide to do this next year!

Below are results from four of my 2017 clients. Keep in mind that mpst of these numbers are from just 3-4 months of selling.

View attachment 17234

The format will be the same as last years....

Biophase - 2018 Ecommerce/Amazon Business Coaching Program

from Biophase - 2018 Ecommerce/Amazon Business Coaching Program

Hello! My name is Ken

I read the first book years ago and I have been on this forum for quite a while, but never really introduced myself and today is the day when I will.

My story began when I went to primary school and I absolutely hated it. I was young, born into a world without asking and had all these people around me telling me what to do and who to become. I just didnt get it. I still dont. I have always hated the rules and only now years later I have started to understand what they are for. I only...

Hello! My name is Ken

from Hello! My name is Ken

Family Man in Family Business

Hey everyone. I just read Fastlane and was excited to hear many of my own theories validated. I started a family business several years ago in order to get off the slow lane. Every day is equal parts exciting and frustrating; rewarding and disappointing. I'm happy to be on the Fastlane, just need to upgrade my engine.

from Family Man in Family Business

Your favourite CPA network in 2018?

Hi all, I'm just wondering who your favourite CPA network is in 2018 and the reason for why? There are 500+ networks out there, so plenty of choice! There are lots of mainstream ones, but also a few gems hidden away that many people haven't heard of. Let me know your favourites below! #2018 #cpa ...

from Your favourite CPA network in 2018?

Should I trust on MOZ?

If so, it's probably not a good link. Are the pages of the site well-written? If not, it might not be a good neighborhood. Are other websites that the site links to high quality? If not, you may not want to be associated with the website. You should read Rand Fishkin's article about the tool that was written when it ...

from Should I trust on MOZ?

Building a new social network

After reading both of the books I have always thought how I could help the most people possible and I have pondered about this for years. Few months ago I had this idea about this platform where people could lend other people whatever they needed, but I couldnt figure out how to make it happen and like with all the other projects the passion disappeared and I didnt get further than telling my friends about it.

About 1 and half months ago it finally dawned to me what I want to do and the...

Building a new social network

from Building a new social network

Nomad Capitalist Offer

For those of you interested in offshoring &/or second citizenships &/or living abroad, Nomad Capitalist Andrew Henderson has just launched his first book on that stuff, & is doing an offer to help launch sales figures. I have absolutely zero affiliation with this, I'm just putting it here cause I know some of you might be interested. Part of the offer (besides I think a lower opening book price) is attending a free online masterclass, & as someone who's been subscribed to his stuff for a...

Nomad Capitalist Offer

from Nomad Capitalist Offer

Data on how my habit building app improves several motivational variables (Scientific Study)

Hey fellows,

As promised in my intro - you might want to check it - here is some data of my yet unpublished psychological long term study on habit building.

15 months ago, I had...basically nothing but an idea for a study for my doctoral thesis: I wanted to help people build study habits to reduce motivational interference while studying. Motivational interference is a phenomenon that occurs when you basically want to do something else than the current action - we all know that. You study...

Data on how my habit building app improves several motivational variables (Scientific Study)

from Data on how my habit building app improves several motivational variables (Scientific Study)

Hello! My name is Ken Kauksi

I read the first book years ago and I have been on this forum for quite a while, but never really introduced myself and today is the day when I will.

My story began when I went to primary school and I absolutely hated it. I was young, born into a world without asking and had all these people around me telling me what to do and who to become. I just didnt get it. I still dont. I have always hated the rules and only now years later I have started to understand what they are for. I only...

Hello! My name is Ken Kauksi

from Hello! My name is Ken Kauksi

Sourcing from India

Looks like I am moving permanently to India.. my future wife is pregnant, and as she is Indian national we decided to call Mumbai home for the coming months and probably years.

It will be a completely different world for me, and now I have a pressure to come up with the income for the family, but anyways I am looking forward to the challenge.

Will be relocating there in the late April, and by that time I need to do as much preparation and research as I can, so I would appreciate any advice...

Sourcing from India

from Sourcing from India

So you want to know the EXACT steps on how to import and sell products on Amazon? Here you go:

Alright, so I have no idea how to start this thread so I will just hop right into the process without much background information. It’s a long yet detailed read, so if you’re just about to start your importing/ecommerce business you might get some valuable lessons out of it or at least I hope so.

In February 2017, after a lot of struggles and failures, I was again up and ready to roll. After learning as much as possible about the whole process of importing and selling physical...

So you want to know the EXACT steps on how to import and sell products on Amazon? Here you go:

from So you want to know the EXACT steps on how to import and sell products on Amazon? Here you go:

Is Marriage Part of the Script?

I've been pondering this question for a while now, and recently had a conversation with a group of friends.

Is Marriage Part of the Script?

Most of the people in my group are millennials, with a mix of entrepreneurs as well as slow laners. We had a very interesting conversation on our views about being married and the whole marriage system.

All of us have grown up in a society where ever since we were born, marriage is a goal. The origins and history of marriage...

Is Marriage Part of the Script?

from Is Marriage Part of the Script?

Adsense Not Making Any Sense

Hi Guys I have a website that creates about 1000+ traffic a day for a few keywords over a few different articles. I have adsense on the sit.

from Adsense Not Making Any Sense

Designing a membership area on my website

So here's my situation. I hired a guy to build me a WordPress website for my home inspection business. One of the things I needed on my site.

from Designing a membership area on my website

Applying FastLane Principles to Finding Love?

Hi Everyone, I am 40, female and still single. I have posted elsewhere that I am a lawyer, working on my side hustle (until it becomes my full time thing). However, for the last 3 years I have tried everything I can think of to maximise my chances of meeting someone. I want to have my family. For obvious reasons, I need to prioritise this over and above the side hustle. I have tried hiring a coach (Law of Attraction principles, well-known in the media, said it worked for her, did all the...

Applying FastLane Principles to Finding Love?

from Applying FastLane Principles to Finding Love?

Ideas and Non Disclosure Agrements

Hi Guys,

I am in the process of finding a manufacturer for a product idea/concept in the US. Should you be worried about getting an NDA before showing your concept to manufacturers?

Thanks in advance

from Ideas and Non Disclosure Agrements

Is selling ebook still profitable?

Hello experts, My name is Rommel and I am from the Philippines. I'd like to start an online business and I was thinking to use affiliate marketing as my business model but I guess it's not a good choice for me at this moment in time as I am just starting out. I'd like to know if online publishing is still a good ...

from Is selling ebook still profitable?

SSL Certificate

Hi experts, What is the importance of h t t p s for a website? Is there any particular websites which especially requires these certificate.

from SSL Certificate

I will help you with your PPC campaigns for your SAAS product

Preg_Match_All help · hometutor 4 hours ago in Programming. I'm trying to get all the strings between the strings below in $textall Code: preg_match_all('/<span itemprop="name">(.*)<span itemprop="name">/', $textall, $matches); I'm still getting used to preg_match, but it looks like a ... [read more].

from I will help you with your PPC campaigns for your SAAS product

Changing your environment

It took me 28 years to realise I'm a miserable bastard over this shitty Irish climate so I've decided that I'm going to move to Spain in a few months to the glorious heat and sunshine that I crave. I'm currently learning Spanish and hoping to set up a landscaping or cleaning company when I'm over there (my first real business venture?).

Has anyone else changed country/state and reaped the benefits or was it a big mistake?

from Changing your environment

Time To Start The Fastlane Journey

Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum that was suggested by a friend of mine.

I might not be as old as most of the fastlaners here (currently 18 years old) but i want to be a fastlaner too. I'm in the process of reading TFM (currently at 55%) and to be honest this book introduced me to new ways of thinking. It also opened my mind to the reality and.. I don't want to be a slowlaner.

Obviously, I don't have a college degree. Though, i'll use the knowledge i've got and the skills i've got to...

Time To Start The Fastlane Journey

from Time To Start The Fastlane Journey

#1591 How does a guy who has no attachment to money make so much money?

Today’s guest is someone who said, “I have no attachment to money.” And still, when I look at his revenue online, he’s doing tens of millions of dollars in revenue, and he did it by bootstrapping his company. So how does a guy who says he has no attachment to money make so much money? Robert Gryn is the founder of Codewise, which specializes in advertising technology. They have two big software brands. The first is called Voluum. It’s an ad performance tracker. And the second is called Zeropark. It’s an ad buying network. I’m going to find out how he built up this business and I almost feel like almost rip him apart.

Robert Gryn is the founder of Codewise, which specializes in advertising technology.

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from #1591 How does a guy who has no attachment to money make so much money?

Shopping cart staff

I want to set up a new shopping e-commerce site with about 500 products. What are people called who spend all those hours entering each prod.

from Shopping cart staff

Amazon Video Direct: how to use it for Marketing?

I see the new Amazon Video Prime Direct: it seems they wanna be the new competitor of youtube and adsense. But... how use it for marketing and lead generation purpose? I see they have a strong emphasis on monetization: they ask where to put the money, etc, tax form without enabling the ...

from Amazon Video Direct: how to use it for Marketing?

One Month, One Hundred People

I don't even know where to begin.

One month ago, I was trying to figure out a way to start providing massive value for many people. To give freely and make the world a little bit better for them, somehow there had to be a way (if you haven't read The Go-Giver yet, you should, I highly recommend it)
Somehow there had to be a way to start something that made C.E.N.T.S, and I have officially found a way to do it.

After asking a certain community if they would like a game developed, many...

One Month, One Hundred People

from One Month, One Hundred People

Sole proprietor vs. LLC

Hey guys, love the forum. I am curious, after reading the book. I am still trying to figure out the benefits of an LLC or other type of corporation vs. sole proprietor? Is it the legal protection or are there some tax benefits I missed?

from Sole proprietor vs. LLC

Paying Yourself First

So I have recently finished TMF, and I have a question that is getting to me. As an entrepreneur in order to pay myself I would be taking money from my start up. So I looked into a few ideas and one is to pay yourself a salary like any employer would, but the way the book approaches this topic makes it seem like my bank account should be synonymous with my company's account. Does anyone have any input?

from Paying Yourself First

Looking for Partner/Launch Manager

Hey All, So I am about to launch my first big WSO. Its been weeks in the making and 100% works, a method that gives instant paypal cash int.

from Looking for Partner/Launch Manager

Am I misunderstanding MJ's "pay yourself first" statement?

Hey All,

I know the rates are different, depending on region - however I am having trouble understanding, which system is favoured in FastLane entrepreneurship, Payroll or Dividends?

With payroll, I am only being taxed once. However, on dividends I am being taxed on corporate profits and then again personally for the dividend. So clearly, Payroll is the way to go?

I do have an accountant I meet with once a month and plan to speak to about this when it is time, however am just curious...

Am I misunderstanding MJ's "pay yourself first" statement?

from Am I misunderstanding MJ's "pay yourself first" statement?

Somebody who wants to be nobody. 'I'm so great' lalalala la... just kidding.

Abstract title - Check! Just something that came to mind.... Who am I, somebody? nobody? hell, I don't know. All I know is that 'I AM' - that's my mantra.... but I digress.

Hi there... I've been a member for a while but haven't been very actively involved as of yet but I want to change that so I can learn from people here & also help where I can.

I'm a 31 yr old (when did that happen!?) self-thought web developer from Ireland. Got sucked into the standard 'go to college, get a degree,...

Somebody who wants to be nobody. 'I'm so great' lalalala la... just kidding.

from Somebody who wants to be nobody. 'I'm so great' lalalala la... just kidding.

245: Why Shiny Object Syndrome Is Sometimes a Good Thing

Preg_Match_All help

. I'm trying to get all the strings between the strings below in $textall. Code: preg_match_all('/<span itemprop="name">(.*)<span itemprop="name">/', $textall, $matches);. I'm still getting used to preg_match, but it looks like a huge time saver to avoid looping for my ...

from Preg_Match_All help

Describe your first sale

I love reading stories of how people got started, especially the turning point where people make their first sale and get hooked.

Let’s see if we can inspire other forum members to make their first sale.

What’s the story of your first sale?

How did you feel in that moment?

What changed from that moment onwards?

What has it lead to?

In hindsight:

What would you have done LESS of?

What would you have done MORE of?

What one piece of advice would you give someone about making that...

Describe your first sale

from Describe your first sale

Woohoo, it’s Monday!

Woohoo it’s Monday! My favourite day of the week. It’s like New Years Day - every week.

Come Sunday, when you look back on this week, what needs to have happened for you to be happy with progress this week?

What will you do to make a sale this week?

from Woohoo, it’s Monday!


"We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable."

A lot of the new guys on this board come to me to ask questions and then are upset with my answers. This is because most of you are living a lie, a delusion, a fantasy that you are currently powerless too for which make your entrepreneurial dreams unmanageable and destined to never come true.

It is only when you accept the fact that you are currently not as successful as you wish to be (most likely not...



payment gateway Does Not allowed my business

Hi Everybody thanks for giving me from your priceless time and I've the honor of being asking you about a solution of a problem of mine ! h.

from payment gateway Does Not allowed my business

TMF pushed me to start my own lingerie brand

Hi! I just finished The Millionaire Fastlane. And before I introduce myself I want to thank @MJDeMarco for putting in the effort and publishing the book. It is truly lifechanging. Thank you for changing my view on education and reading, thank you for sharing the truth that had to be told about finances and business and most of all - thank you for writing the most motivating and inspiring book I've ever read!

I'm a 23-year-old girl living in a small country named Estonia. I have a BSc in...

TMF pushed me to start my own lingerie brand

from TMF pushed me to start my own lingerie brand

Sunday, April 29, 2018

I've sold over $1,000,000 in products - Cool right?

Hey guys!

I joined this forum a few years ago and have never contributed or even stuck around for more than 5 minutes to make a post. Don't ask me why. I have no idea.

First things first I'm not a guru, I despise them and I can only assume I chose that username in 2015 because I was drunk or a comedian for a day.

Anyway, Here's my short story.

I'm in my late twenties and based in Western Australia - Moving to the East Coast soon.

-I've been involved in eCommerce (not Amazon) for about 8...

I've sold over $1,000,000 in products - Cool right?

from I've sold over $1,000,000 in products - Cool right?

Anyone use FitShipper for Cubic Rates to save on shipping?

Other than just signing up for a membership, I have no affiliation with FitShipper. I am just passing this along to see if anyone has experience with this or is interested in it. It seems like a great deal.

I was looking for ways to save money on shipping and found this video:
It is an interview with the founder of FitShipper and...

Anyone use FitShipper for Cubic Rates to save on shipping?

from Anyone use FitShipper for Cubic Rates to save on shipping?

Late Bloomer's intro

What brings me to the forum today? This one's a long post. Buckle up and hang on.

As I mentioned in my first post, to "I've read The Millionaire Fastlane," I'm in my late 40's... thus the user name. I worked a long time in the corporate world. I then took a long time off to be a caregiver for my long-term sweetheart (we didn't have kids) through her difficult, increasingly complicated, and progressively worse, battle with cancer.

And then when I suddenly became a widower, I took some more...

Late Bloomer's intro

from Late Bloomer's intro

Earning $2,000,000 a day. Fastlane?

A viable option to Windows hedgemony...Linux apps on ChromeOS

Apparently Google is working on making native Linux apps run on ChromeOS. Suddenly all those Chromebooks out there might be able to run native apps, just like Windows. This would allow programmers to use more mainstream languages like C/C++, instead of having to write everything in Flutter (assuming Fuscia is still coming).

I have a Chromebook, and I do like it's form-factor, though I dislike its many software limitations. Being able to run high-performance native apps on $200...

A viable option to Windows hedgemony...Linux apps on ChromeOS

from A viable option to Windows hedgemony...Linux apps on ChromeOS

The "Remember When" Thread...

The other night I was watching a movie from the late 90's and I couldn't believe how much things have changed since then, and heck, the late 90's wasn't too long ago.

It brought on a conversation of "remember when" as we tried to remember all the things we used to do in the past, that now seem to ancient history and forgotten.


Remember when you answered your cell-phone by flipping it open?

Remember when you went to a store to rent a movie?...

The "Remember When" Thread...

from The "Remember When" Thread...

Getting results is all that matters

I'm starting this thread for a number of reasons.

The first one is to document my progress of building up my business. My business is within the mobile AR world, and still in its very early stages. It's a B2B marketing tool essentially. I personally developed a beta version of my app which I put in the Play Store. Using that concept app I was able to create some videos of it in action which I put on my socials and sent to a few people that I thought might be interested. Luckily, a few...

Getting results is all that matters

from Getting results is all that matters

Turn Any Protein Powder into an Ice Cream Like Dessert - Need Feedback on FREEZINda™

Hey guys,

I know self promotion is not highly regarded around here. But, I need feedback on my concept and new company. I came up with a way to turn any protein powder into an ice cream like dessert. The concept is similar to making Jell-O, but you would place in the freezer instead of the refrigerator. I don't have the final product yet, I'm simply just asking for feedback on the website & concept. Thanks for your time :)

Protein Powder Ice Cream Like...

Turn Any Protein Powder into an Ice Cream Like Dessert - Need Feedback on FREEZINda™

from Turn Any Protein Powder into an Ice Cream Like Dessert - Need Feedback on FREEZINda™

What books do i read

i read the millionaire fastlane last year and you told me to read about finance and economics. i read a personal finance book for dummies and a economics books for dummies. but i didn't get the most out of those books. i still don't know what taxable and non-taxable yields are and i still don't know how to balance a check book or even do my own taxes. Do you know anyone or have any book recommendations for finance and economics

from What books do i read

How much money do you have to have in order to be considered a millionaire?

Hi everyone, I'm Lisandro from Argentina.
I have read TMF and i will try to learn from you guys and maybe post some new information if it isn't already here.

I have a quick question for you, i been doing some math and I want to know how much money per month do i need to earn to become a millionaire.
so the question is, how much money do you have to have in order to be considered a millionaire?​

thanks in advance and thanks @MJ DeMarco for writing this book

from How much money do you have to have in order to be considered a millionaire?

Why YOU Are Not Growing On YouTube

I get asked this over and over and over again by friends, my comment section and my clients.


But then you look at their channel and they are just not being the basics right. Its like a blind spot and sometimes I feel that direct brutal honesty can help shake that brain fuzz.

Maybe this video can help members of the Fastlane Forum. ALSO please tell me your pet peeves when it comes to people whinging about their...

Why YOU Are Not Growing On YouTube

from Why YOU Are Not Growing On YouTube


Just saying...

Guess I'm the early adopter here.

I've deleted Facebook from my minds-eye a couple years ago. I still have the accounts, but me visiting Facebook is like me going to the Mutual Fund retirement conference.

And if you want to help me out besides the ten dollars you spent on my book(s), visiting THE FORUM and contributing HERE over Facebook helps me tremendously.

Mark Zuckerberg don't give a sh*t about you.

I do. ;)

from #DeleteFacebook

Achieve Laser FOCUS + PRODUCTIVITY With The System Legendary Fastlaners Use...

Do you constantly struggle to stay on task throughout the day?

Are you overwhelmed by the amount of things you need to do with your business or the launch process?

Have you tried "productivity" systems but fail to keep up with them or use them over time?

*Note: I am not selling you sh*t, so don't hit the back button yet; you WILL regret it.*

Background: You are a producer. You are working on creating something amazing...

Achieve Laser FOCUS + PRODUCTIVITY With The System Legendary Fastlaners Use...

from Achieve Laser FOCUS + PRODUCTIVITY With The System Legendary Fastlaners Use...

A Student Looking for His Way Through Life

Hi there! My name is Andrew, and I found this forum through Reddit (I believe). I have gone through plenty of self-help books trying to take everything I could from them. It wasn't until I found this forum, however, that I found actual, usable information. Most of the things you find in books is theory, how to "theoretically" start a successful startup. How to "theoretically" become a millionaire. Theory is good, it shows us how to think which is a very useful thing when striving to become...

A Student Looking for His Way Through Life

from A Student Looking for His Way Through Life

How does one find a mentor?

I see people talking about how they found a mentor and they help they got from them. How do you find a mentor? When you find a mentor how do you stay in contact with them?

from How does one find a mentor?

Real Estate Brokering to Fund Fastlane

It’s taken me a long time to figure out how to compound my time and energy after being squashed by the Recession. I first read TFM in 2011 and have been referring back to it ever since. The years of 2010-2016 were unusually difficult - I can’t even put a finger on why other than my crappy mindset from being distracted by health and family issues.

Two books that got me out of my funk were You Are A Badass and Ninja Selling (Ninja Selling can be...

Real Estate Brokering to Fund Fastlane

from Real Estate Brokering to Fund Fastlane

Launch WSO issues

Hello I would like to make a suggestion about all the launch WSO buttons and sections for managing a WSO. Multiple times I have had to con.

from Launch WSO issues

Targeting right Facebook audience for website/e-commerce agency

Hi, I build websites and online stores for a living (from design to fully working and seo optimized sites with WordPress and OpenCart), and.

from Targeting right Facebook audience for website/e-commerce agency

What's the best way to monetize blog traffic efficiently?

So I have this blog in the dating/seduction/how-to-be-successful-with-women niche that's more or less a passion project of mine. I just write content there from time to time to help people and I wasn't expecting it to get big or anything, nor to make money from it. I'm posting around once or twice a month ...

from What's the best way to monetize blog traffic efficiently?

amd ryzen 5 1400 and ASUS Prime A320M-K Motherboard its ok to buy in 2018?

Did you try a google search and see any results ? Wasn't hard to find these reviews - [ 0 ] Thank this user; Reply. Signature. Long time Warrior HeySal is fighting for her life. Click here to help her out: ...

from amd ryzen 5 1400 and ASUS Prime A320M-K Motherboard its ok to buy in 2018?

Seeing a Whole New World

I find it remarkable how we are taught to be close minded from the start. Dedicate your life to school to get good grades, to get a job, to get that $0.75 raise that is just flat out demeaning. I live in a small town in Southern Illinois. After reading less than half of TMF, I started to notice how complacent everyone is who lives in my town. They're okay with working that 9-5 job and 5:2 ratio between work and freedom. They never questioned , or thought deeper about, whether or not there...

Seeing a Whole New World

from Seeing a Whole New World

Let's Build a Spec House!

With my new found freedom (see Anniversary post for background) my mind has been working overtime on something fun (and fastlane) to do. I evidently don't handle boredom well. So I started another business building a spec home(s). Since there isn't much real estate talk here I thought you might enjoy watching the roller coaster that has just begun. I'll try to give you the ups and downs...

Let's Build a Spec House!

from Let's Build a Spec House!

[Help] Starting digital marketing business

Starting digital marketing company Hello, Recently I graduated from college. I was a property appraisal but decided it wasn't for me. I sta.

from [Help] Starting digital marketing business

Who are you using for Managed VPS 2018

Hey everyone, Just interested to know, who you are using for managed VPS these days and why? Read a few of these threads, when i say now I.

from Who are you using for Managed VPS 2018

USPS Priority Mail Boxes while trying to build a brand.

I am in the very early stages of starting a business that will rely extensively on shipping. (Insiders only progress thread here:

In order to keep costs low, especially as I start out, I am thinking of using the free USPS Priority Mail boxes with a custom made cardboard insert to hold my items.

Has anyone had any success building a brand or subscription company...

USPS Priority Mail Boxes while trying to build a brand.

from USPS Priority Mail Boxes while trying to build a brand.

The Process of Creating A Real Product

One of the best parts of this forum, and pretty much the backbone of what makes The Millionaire Fastlane so powerful, is the fact that you get people speaking from their experience.

Some of the threads on here from guys like @MJ DeMarco, @biophase , @JackEdwards , @AllenCrawley , @SteveO , and so many others can change the trajectory of your life – all from sharing the things they have done and learned along...

The Process of Creating A Real Product

from The Process of Creating A Real Product

The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace - Search Results

Looking for 2-3 Warriors for Product Challenge Hi There I have a new project coming up and will be looking for some new Warriors to for this challenge. The Challenge is about LIST Building and a never before way to make money and build a.

from The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace - Search Results

$500,000 Side Revenue By 2019 Or Bust - A Crypto Follow Along

I decided to start this thread purely for me.

Sorry, but at least I'm honest. right?

I wanted to hold myself accountable because I told myself I would do $X outside normal "business" setups ( selling online, flipping homes, etc ) this year. Unless I make this thread where I have the chance of having egg all over my face and looking stupid, I might not hit my goal.

My $X goal? Let's wing it and call it an extra $500k this year.

I also started this as a way to test all the crazy ass ideas...

$500,000 Side Revenue By 2019 Or Bust - A Crypto Follow Along

from $500,000 Side Revenue By 2019 Or Bust - A Crypto Follow Along

Best Wordpress Multi Vendor Marketplace Set Up?

Hi, does anyone here have any experience with this? I have a large list of internet marketers who need a variety of services - graphics, writing, editing, video, etc. Too much for me to provide personally, but I figured I could source good suppliers for them - then I had the idea of setting up a marketplace ...

from Best Wordpress Multi Vendor Marketplace Set Up?

German motivational psychologist specialized in habit building

Hey fellows,

you get a short version of my journey so far here. If you think I can help you with any field of my expertise (especially habit building), I'm glad to help.

I'm German and 30 years old.

Current Projects: Develop habit building app; write research paper for doctoral thesis

When some slowlaner or sidewalker asks, I always just say "I'm a psychologist.". End of story - they would not understand my real approach to life. When an entrepreneurial minded person asks, I tell the...

German motivational psychologist specialized in habit building

from German motivational psychologist specialized in habit building

How to make leads through cold traffic?

I am new to this forum and a begginer .I am promoting a product related to health and fitness on clickbank. Per tweet i get 5-10 clicks depe.

from How to make leads through cold traffic?

Can you recommend a course?

In some week I will release a sharing economy application.

Now i use time to learn how to do marketing.
There are many BS marketers out there.
So I would really appreciate if you can give me course / books recommendations.
Especially when for promoting an application.

Unfortunately my experience isn't very high and I have no partner who can join me, but I am very very willing to learn. If you have any recommendation, where you can say "yes this helped me"
I kindly ask you to share it.


Can you recommend a course?

from Can you recommend a course?

I have finish reading book The Unscripted.

I have finish reading book The Unscripted.
It is my new bible for business.
Pack full of great information and wisdom.
A Must read for the entrepreneur.

from I have finish reading book The Unscripted.

How to monetise an astrology website?

Hello everyone! I've been passionate about astrology for 10 years now and recently started a blog about it in Feb,2018. Few of my articles.

from How to monetise an astrology website?

I wanted to run my offer for one time

I wanted to run my offer at one time, but another payment came out.. How do I get a refund? I already closed offer though.

from I wanted to run my offer for one time

Niche on Pinterest ?! [Help!!]

Hello, Can you guys help me in finding a good niche that is just starting out in Pinterest 2017-2018 ? (so obviously I mean not the very fa.

from Niche on Pinterest ?! [Help!!]

How Optimising For Multiple Locations!

Lightbulb How Optimising For Multiple Locations! Let's say I am a plumber based in NYC. I do Provide services in Queens, Brooklyn, Elmont, a.

from How Optimising For Multiple Locations!

Anyone here taken a course?

NLP. com is in Toronto next month doing a Practitioner's course.
I know alot of people here have done NLP training and swear by it.
Has anyone done it with NLP. com? If so, how did you like it and would you recommend it?

I'd like to stay away from spammy upsell-focused programs. The low price of this course is making me suspicious of the content quality.

from Anyone here taken a course?

How to get rid of obeseness now

Hello Fastlaners,

i have seen here thread and question about loosing weight. It seems to be an important topic.
In the last year I lost over 35kg. Yes I mean kilogram not pounds! Today people ask me how I did and now I will tell you too.
But before I start, I want you to understand some things, without you won't be able to lose weight.

First: I often hear loosing weight, but is it really your goal to lose weight or would you like to lose fat? I have started learning about food and...

How to get rid of obeseness now

from How to get rid of obeseness now

Saturday, April 28, 2018

password [ 0 ] Thank this user; Reply. Signature. “To do it right, you need to be willing to be wrong. But search marketing done right is all about being wrong. Experimentation is the only way.â– Mike Moran ...

from password

Pixel tracking?

Hello, I am trying to set up facebook pixel tracking to my woocommerce store and Im not sure where do I need to put it. I have made a test.

from Pixel tracking?

Web 3.0 (Ethereum) is happening, and most people have no idea what it even is.

Blockchain technology has been around since 2009. When most people think about blockchains, they think about bitcoin, a slow, expensive antiquated technology that is hard to scale, and is not innovating. Every now and again you will hear about bitcoin reaching new all time highs, yet nothing has really changed with the technology in years.

Then there are alt coins. Coins things like litecoin or dogecoin that are basically carbon copies of bitcoin, and coins like monero that are similar to...

Web 3.0 (Ethereum) is happening, and most people have no idea what it even is.

from Web 3.0 (Ethereum) is happening, and most people have no idea what it even is.

This is my story so far

Hi everybody

So I was never really good at school, I got mostly bad grades from everything except English (I'm Finnish), mathematics and philosophy. I never found the passion to study hard, I was more interested in doing the stuff I want to do. And as I have got older (27 now) I notice all my friends who did better at school are now going up in the corporate world. Seems like everyone has finished studies in a university and landed a professional job, at least judging by their Linkedin...

This is my story so far

from This is my story so far

You're from where??

This site is about networking its also nice to know whose in your area. This may help lead to future friendships or business deals. If I can I will try to keep this list updated, want off the list, lemme know as well. I will only put your name on this list if you ask me to in this thread.

I have now linked this on google maps. It has public access, but please only edit your own dot if need be. I put the dots in the closest frame of reference you gave me....

You're from where??

from You're from where??

I lost 5 years in College like a Loser, now What?

Hey everyone, I'm new here and this is a god send gift forum for me.

I've read the MJ de marco's book and I'm still changing my mindset.
I've found this book in a book shop, I had to read that because I was so depressed and confused.

I still feel like a loser, I've lost like 5 years in college, studying electronics engineering, still didn't get the bachelor because I also had health problems so more time passed away and I still didn't finish the damn college and I'm getting crazy about...

I lost 5 years in College like a Loser, now What?

from I lost 5 years in College like a Loser, now What?

Money Can't Buy Happiness!

You've heard it countless times, Money Can't Buy Happiness!

So i guess, poverty does?

This guy gave away his fortune...

Money Can't Buy Happiness, So Man Gives Away Every Penny of His £3 Million Fortune - Neatorama

My take? Money doesn't buy happiness when it is destructive to freedom. Most people use money for material and consumer purposes which is destructive to freedom -- that destruction causes unhappiness.


Money Can't Buy Happiness!

from Money Can't Buy Happiness!

How to Grow a YouTube Channel from Nothing

Hey everyone,

I have been snowed in at a hotel in Kazbegi, Georgia for the last few days with no sign of leaving so I wanted to start a thread I have been thinking of for a while. One regret with my original web design thread is that I didn't start sooner. It is nice when it is possible to see a progress thread from the very early stages.

With that in...

How to Grow a YouTube Channel from Nothing

from How to Grow a YouTube Channel from Nothing

The Importance of Not Going to College

This is aimed towards those of you that didn't obtain a college degree. Over the last few weeks, I have been working on a project that I care deeply about which is titled, “The Importance of Not Going to College”. The purpose of this project is not to do be “anti-college”, but to show young people that there are serious alternatives to attaining a college degree and that college may not be the best path for every individual. Following are three questions which whose answers are hoped to...

The Importance of Not Going to College

from The Importance of Not Going to College

I can't

Hi, Warriors! Longtime lurker, first real post. So I have this blog in the dating/seduction/how-to-be-successful-with-women niche that's more or less a passion project of mine. I just write content there ... [read more] · Reply. Share. 16 16 ...

from I can't

I want to work help me please

There's Affiliate marketing and there's drop shipping or you can sell your own products or services etc. You can search up YouTube there are a lot who are showing you how they do their work and you'll learn then see which one you can start doing faster and start your work right away! It's a growing work ...

from I want to work help me please


Mohm is a Warrior Member of Warrior Forum. Check to see what Mohm is saying about Internet Marketing.

from Mohm

perception of intelligence

Intelligence i always felt eluded me as a child. when I was young i was "diagnosed" with a learning disability after a 20 min "test"
they informed me that it would "take longer for me to do my homework, takes tests, learn information, and read" and guess what, I believed them.
For the next 12 years, I cheated on exams and gave up trying to be any kind of student. They continued to put me in intensive reading classes, even though i had a "reading ability of a college level student"
it wasn't...

perception of intelligence

from perception of intelligence

What do you do when you have no ideas

I've decided I want to be an entrepreneur but I have no ideas yet.

I feel guilty not spending every free minute of my time researching new ideas or learning to make a website.

Do you think it will burn me out or do you think it's okay to read books and do other stuff too?

I do want to work hard but I have no direction to put my effort into.

from What do you do when you have no ideas

Do you really have to solve a problem?

It seems the standard advice is that you have to solve a problem to have a business. I'm not saying that advice is wrong, only that it's inc.

from Do you really have to solve a problem?

paid for wanted thread

I paid for a wanted thread yesterday and its still not live?

from paid for wanted thread

Can Someone Point Me to the WSO Button Info?

Looks like the WSO is pending or something - it was paid. So now what? I don't see any directions and when I used the search box at the top it just pulled up a gazillion WSOs. LOL! I need a tutorial on how (and when and where to find) the buy buttons for WF. Thanks ahead of time! #button #info #point # ...

from Can Someone Point Me to the WSO Button Info?

What kind of mattress do you own?

Our bed is something we spend a third of our life on, it might as well be the best.

A good night’s sleep is essential to having a productive day, healthy lifestyle, & healthy profits.

What kind of mattresses do fastlaners sleep on?

I’m thinking of getting a Sleep Number.

from What kind of mattress do you own?

Explain how this makes sense to me!

Hi all, Back in 2006-2010 I was heavy into internet marketing and made a living off of it. Things changed and I went off into the corporate.

from Explain how this makes sense to me!

The Last "Fat Loss" Advice You'll Ever Need

This is going to be a long post, but here it goes.

I've noticed lots of people giving advice and searching for ways to lose fat effectively on the forum lately, and I thought I'd give you my perspective and what's worked for me as well as past clients I had.

So here it is..


4 years ago, I used to be really chunky (well over 200 pounds of mostly fat and barely any muscle).

I had the hardest time losing "weight" and used to do hours of research, day after day hoping to find the...

The Last "Fat Loss" Advice You'll Ever Need

from The Last "Fat Loss" Advice You'll Ever Need

What do You do to assure peak performance?

Dear Community,

I am very interested in what you other fastlaners do, because I have noticed that a lot of the slowlaners have never heard of this topic. They don't do anything to enhance their performance except than to drink coffee.

The Actions in my day are the following:

When I get up in the morning, I do the Miracle Morning. For me that takes 60 minutes.

(For those of you who have never heard of that: You get up an hour earlier than normal, and in this hour...

What do You do to assure peak performance?

from What do You do to assure peak performance?

Don't believe the "Script" read this

If this isn't a FTE for anyone that hasn't had their own I don't know what is!

Holy sh*t, this woman is in her late 50's early 60's, married 36 years, husband cashed out their "retirement" saving of a whopping 50K and she's buried in dept. f*ck THIS!

My husband cashed out his retirement and, after 36 years, filed for divorce

from Don't believe the "Script" read this

Time to go on the fast lane (french guy)

Hello everyone,

I am Allan, 27, from France and my english may not be perfect.
The Fastlane millionaire is the book the closest to my way of thinking in business. I read the forum's posts since a few weeks and I can see that some members are experienced and provide good business advices.

When I started to earn money 8 years ago, I never educated myself and as a result, I have made so much mistakes! If I had made things properly, I would surely be a millionaire today.

Here are some facts...

Time to go on the fast lane (french guy)

from Time to go on the fast lane (french guy)

Blog post or static pages for blogging?

Hello! I am setting up a site for a local tour operator. I am wondering about the blog. Instead of naming the blog "Blog" I thoug.

from Blog post or static pages for blogging?

The Official 2018 Fastlane Summit Event Thread

Discuss the event here!
Post your pics here!
Comment here!
Happenings here!

Thread opens Wednesday February 12th!

from The Official 2018 Fastlane Summit Event Thread

Smoking vs Vaping

Hi Fastlaners,

I managed to stay smoke-free almost 23 years and however in the last 6 months I started to smoke and I already quit. After like 2 months of active smoking I made the decision of quitting as I was always against it.
However a huge help for me was a new hybrid ecig, so called iFuse which was launched here in Romania:

I also bought a vaping device and now I don't even want to...

Smoking vs Vaping

from Smoking vs Vaping

Is there an automated tool to check page authority?

Hi, I'm fairly new to SEO, but learning. My approach is to get lots of keywords related to a niche and then use the MOZ Bar Extension too.

from Is there an automated tool to check page authority?

WP Theme-ing: Secret Time & Money Saved Tactic?

Hello again WF! I was thinking to myself tonight - who would know the answer to my painfully specific question - you guys ALWAYS come in clutch for these, so, let's give it a shot ... I've noticed that more professional companies that create WP websites for businesses have these kind of "custom" themes.

from WP Theme-ing: Secret Time & Money Saved Tactic?

Excessive adrenaline


I was wondering if you have any personal methods of getting rid of excessive adrenaline?
I'm having way too much - causing me heart palpitations (it's really just from too much adrenaline), so really need to decrease it.

I tried meditating but that only helps while i'm meditating then quickly returns.
Exercise is supposed to help but i have a feeling it is just building up a stronger adrenaline response in the long term.

Maybe NLP would somehow help?
(i don't know - i'm just seeking...

Excessive adrenaline

from Excessive adrenaline

Going from freelance back to employee in sales? Should I...

Hi, I have been a personal trainer in the UK for a long time now. I was qualified back when there were not as many trainers about, so it used to be very profitable, and can still be, but the trouble with the business model is that it’s limited by time.

The second problem is that fitness is my passion, and doing this for a living takes away from my own fitness and training, as by doing it paid, I have lost a lot of my own passion for being motivated to do my own training. This problem about...

Going from freelance back to employee in sales? Should I...

from Going from freelance back to employee in sales? Should I...

"Put Down The FN Donuts!" (A Journey of Getting Healthy)

Well, here we are three weeks removed from the end of the Meetup and I'm just getting around to responding to the gauntlet thrown down by @LightHouse during his brief address to the Summit attendees.

He gently admonished us to not treat the Meetup as a "tips, tactics and tricks" conference but, rather, as an informal, quality networking opportunity that should be exploited - and I mean that in the best sense of the word - to its fullest capacity. (As an aside, via a...

"Put Down The FN Donuts!" (A Journey of Getting Healthy)

from "Put Down The FN Donuts!" (A Journey of Getting Healthy)

Master of My Own Fear

This Progress thread is for two things only.
  • Copywriting - UpWork + Website / Craigslist Hustle
  • Document weight loss

  • Read Ca$hvertising, Influence, Breakthrough Advertising
  • @SinisterLex Copywriting Course
  • I am on UpWork. Currently, my visibility is locked. Due to inactivity. That'll change.

  • Weight: 342.6 pounds
  • Goal Weigh: 185 pounds

The overarching goal will be this:
  • ...

Master of My Own Fear

from Master of My Own Fear

Speedway pass

How do you get a speedway pass?

I've got 118 speed points. Are these different from the kph needed for the Speedway?

from Speedway pass

Newbie questions about list building...

If what I've heard is true, then the way to make real money is by having a list, then marketing to these people over and over. Are there any consensus best ways to build an email list? It's been suggested that I write a short eBook and give it away for free in exchange for an email. First, I get on their good ...

from Newbie questions about list building...

Avengers: Infinity War Discussion

Hands down the best Marvel movie to date in my opinion. Mostly if not entirely because of Thanos. I think he's unquestionably the best villain that they've ever had. You could even argue that he's not really even a villain.The action for the most part is done well.Bigger Dinklage was a huge surprise .

God damn!!! Thanos is awesome!


from Avengers: Infinity War Discussion

How to block private message senders in warrior forum?

If you want to ignore someone so they can't send you a PM you can do so under Setting & Options -->Edit Ignore List. However, unless you cut off all PMs, you can't pre-emptively ignore people until you get their first PM. This also hides their threads and posts. If you do get unwanted, spammy PMs there ...

from How to block private message senders in warrior forum?

Friday, April 27, 2018

Domain Dilemma

Greetings! First off, many thanks to all of the forum members who have answered my queries, and also who have helped many others here. Here's my issue. I have 2 domains that I bought a couple of years ago, one of which I am using, but I have decided to go to a different name, and thought I might sell ...

from Domain Dilemma

Dropshipping - from China Vendor to USA market

dave_hermansen 5 hours ago. AliExpress is made for China to USA dropshipping. If you use Shopify as your shopping cart, you can use Oberlo to integrate the products on AliExpress with your store quite easily. You don't need a fulfillment center when you are dropshipping. Thanks; Reply. Signature.

from Dropshipping - from China Vendor to USA market

Here's your key to wealth.

See post title.

- Cheers

from Here's your key to wealth.

AliExpress: How do you deal with bulk shipping?

Hi guys. When sourcing from AliExpress or Wish, if a customer orders 2 or more items from your store and those items are from 2 or more sour.

from AliExpress: How do you deal with bulk shipping?

building website

Hey guys, building a media company and developing my own website. do you guys know of any good resources?

from building website

Facebook Ads Question

... try facebook ads, but every course I take gives the advice to look for targeted interests in my niche. My problem with that is that yes someone might be interested in cats, but they may not have a cat spray problem. Has anyone had success marketing a product that solves an acute problem on facebook?

from Facebook Ads Question

Grinding hard

Hey guys, my name is Michael N.
I am a 21 year old entrepreneur who is dropping out of college. I actually was struggling for a long time before i read "the millionaire fast lane"
For almost 2 years I have been dealing with massive amounts of frustration. I couldn't focus on anything, and I had no drive for school.
this made no sense to me, because I had been a diligent person my entire life. when I was in high school I got dead last in the Region for cross country and track freshman year,...

Grinding hard

from Grinding hard

Envision - Real Estate Progress Thread

I've been thinking about ways to bring value to the forum and I think creating a progress thread about my real estate business and investments could provide alot of insight to members interested in investing (especially at a young age) and also help myself stay accountable to doing what I need to do.

Current Situation:

Currently, I work a full time job (VP of Operations of a real estate holdings company), run my e-commerce business, attend school full time (just 1 year left), and...

Envision - Real Estate Progress Thread

from Envision - Real Estate Progress Thread

Fastlane Methods to get Money Now?

So I started an ecommerce shop and spent a great deal of money and talked about it in the Insiders, but not making any money at all so starting a new product for development, but what I learned that ecommercce and building your own brand is the most arbitrary thing ever, no guarantee.

Currently, emailing back and forth with manufacturer and saving up for production if I end up getting a positive response from the market that the product is good. This could be close to another 6 months or...

Fastlane Methods to get Money Now?

from Fastlane Methods to get Money Now?

The idea for the website. What's next ?

Hi. As in the subject .. I have an idea for the website (not a small one), I just do not know what to do next. I can not program, I do not know it, but it's all over my head. My site will be in the style of a website such as, that is, a collection of all offers from other websites, some of the largest from each country and the introduction of these offers to my site. These are not sales offers but rather something like information offers. If someone has experience on this topic...

The idea for the website. What's next ?

from The idea for the website. What's next ?

Real Estate School - May have just avoided a mistake

Last week, I had decided that I would try to open up new opportunities by going to Real Estate School so that I could learn more about Real Estate.

This evening was the first class. I didn't know what to expect until:
  • Upon receiving the 560 page book of Modern Real Estate Practice.
  • A thick note book full of contracts/forms.
  • Requirement to successfully complete the Pre-Licensing 60 hour course with Letter of Completion (pre-req to taking the actual Exam)
  • Eventually a...

Real Estate School - May have just avoided a mistake

from Real Estate School - May have just avoided a mistake

Ten Phrases Every Marketer Needs to Know

"You won't find another business coach like her" 6. "I recommend him and his company with no qualifications whatsoever" 7. "His writing skills are nothing which should be laughed at" 8. "What his product did for me was only a fraction of what it is supposed to do" 9. "This service won't do anything which ...

from Ten Phrases Every Marketer Needs to Know

Earl Bakken/Medronic

Inventor lets tinkerers get hands on junk | The Honolulu Advertiser | Hawaii's Newspaper

I wanted to share this story, I was thinking about this the other day on my road trip to the "Cliffs of Moher" Ireland.. learning my brother's wife is having heart problems made me think about this fascinating person, years ago I came upon the family home one beautiful and unexpected day a day I somehow was dying of thirst...

Earl Bakken/Medronic

from Earl Bakken/Medronic


Who else is here?

I'm in Phuket.

from Thailand

Scaling Donut Business

Hello everyone !

My name is Vincent, I am 23 years old and I live in Montreal, Canada.

I started my 1st business 4 years ago. I was selling residential paint contracts door to door. Then I hired painters and planned the production. I hated production and the process of it, but was really good in sales. I did this for 2 years.

After closing my business, I wanted to gain more experience in sales and I did a couple door to door sales job for different product (HVAC, merchant processing and...

Scaling Donut Business

from Scaling Donut Business

Bangkok Chiang Mai or Cebu Meetup

Hi I am relocating to Asia from the US. I am currently in HK but going to be in Thailand in the Philippines. If anyone is in these locations over the next month let me know and we could meet up.

from Bangkok Chiang Mai or Cebu Meetup

Is PLR still practical and profitable for noobs?

As a writer, I have accumulated a number of unused articles over the years (I haven't counted, but there are probably at least two hundred)

from Is PLR still practical and profitable for noobs?