Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I need some help with starting a social media app

Hello, I'm an 18 year old entrepreneur and I believe that I have a solid idea for a social media app, but don't know where to begin. Could a.

from I need some help with starting a social media app

Here's How To Win At Facebook Ads And Build An Audience FAST

Hey guys,

I thought I'd start by contributing something that has been working really well for me over the past 60 days when it comes to Facebook ads.

Many of you have a product or a service that requires some sort of education (you're a digital marketer, a consultant, a fitness coach, or you sell information, you provide services for clients, etc).

If that's your case, here's some good news...

You can leverage the social power of Facebook to grow your audience FAST (in fact, nothing can...

Here's How To Win At Facebook Ads And Build An Audience FAST

from Here's How To Win At Facebook Ads And Build An Audience FAST

2018 Fastlane Summit, Ticket Announcement! (Confirmed Attendees)

:star::star::star: SOLD OUT!!:star::star::star:

2018 Fastlane Summit Ticket

For the list of speakers and itinerary, please visit
Meetup - 2018 Fastlane Summit - Confirmed Speaker List

Dates: Friday, February 16th, Saturday February 17th. Ticket...

2018 Fastlane Summit, Ticket Announcement! (Confirmed Attendees)

from 2018 Fastlane Summit, Ticket Announcement! (Confirmed Attendees)

Let's Do This!

Hello everyone. My name is David. I am excited to join the Fast Lane family here.

My Story

When I was 7, I was gifted a box of Twizzlers, which I resold at my afterschool center then launched a snack business. That incited my entrepreneurship and pushed me to attempt to create income streams with various levels of failure throughout the years: distribution of multi-level marketing products, affiliate sites, sales of liquidated stock at markets, direct marketing, and others. I...

Let's Do This!

from Let's Do This!

Simplify it.

With so much noise in our culture today, from newsfeeds with an endless supply of memes to being bombarded with hundreds of advertisements every time you visit your favorite website -- sometimes it's better to just slow things down, take a good look at your value proposition and double down on what your customer's actually want.

Take a look at these bags that are currently on Kickstarter....

Simplify it.

from Simplify it.

My subcribers wanted me to open a coaching - I'm not really sure...

Hi warriors! My subcribers wanted me to open a coaching. I've never did this before I just know that coaching is i will teach them.

from My subcribers wanted me to open a coaching - I'm not really sure...

Why All Bloggers Should Offer Coaching (Yes, Even You)

You started your blog because you want people to read it.

You want your blog to connect with people. You want your content to reach a wide audience. You want to build a base of fans that gobble up your every word.

And yes, at some point, you also want to make money from your blog.  

Because let’s face it … as much as you love to write, you didn’t start your blog as a journaling project. (If you did, this article isn’t for you.)

But here’s the thing … if you want your writing to connect with people, you need to connect with them first.

And the best way to connect with anyone is to talk to them — as in, one-on-one.

That’s why every blogger should offer coaching.

Yes, even you. Even if you don’t think you can.

“But… My Niche Really Isn’t Coaching-Compatible…”

You sure about that?

Okay, I won’t lie — some niches do lend themselves to coaching more than others. Everyone’s heard of business coaches, dating coaches, and fitness coaches. And if you blog on those topics, coaching people will feel like a natural step.

On the other hand, nobody’s ever heard of a web design coach, an anxiety coach, or a travel coach. Those niches aren’t quite as compatible with coaching as the previous ones.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t offer a coaching-like service.

You don’t have to label it “coaching” if it doesn’t feel natural, but you can offer something that gets you one-on-one time with your audience.

For example:

  • If you blog about web design, you could offer website reviews and feedback sessions.
  • If you blog about anxiety, you could offer guided meditations or in-person teaching of techniques to calm down.
  • If you blog about travel, you could offer sessions where they tell you their dream trip, and you help them create the ultimate money-saving itinerary.

So let’s be clear: You don’t have to be a coach in the traditional sense of the word. The important thing is that you get to talk to (and help!) your audience in a one-on-one setting.

You do not have to be a coach in the traditional sense of the word.

“But… But… I’m Not Ready to Be a Coach!”

Let’s be real. Your first coaching sessions will always feel scary, and you’re not going to feel ready the first few times you do it.

But you shouldn’t wait to start coaching until you feel ready, because you won’t feel ready until you start coaching.

Jeff Goins started coaching early in his blogging career, and even he admits he was mostly winging it at first:

Early on in my blogging career, people started asking me to coach them. I had no idea what this meant or how to do this. So, of course, I said yes. I began meeting with people in person and on the phone and seeing how I could help them. When we met, I realized what Derek Sivers says — ”what’s obvious to you is amazing to others” — is true.
Yes, you read that right. One of the world’s most popular writing coaches had little clue what he was doing when he started coaching. He was just confident he could help people get results, so he said yes.

And that’s the point: Coaching clients don’t expect you to be perfect. They just want you to help them get results.

If you have enough knowledge to run a blog on a certain topic, you have enough knowledge to get people results on that same topic. Right? Right. (Otherwise, I doubt you’d have started your blog in the first place.)

If you’re uncomfortable charging people at first, that’s totally understandable. (And even honorable that you don’t want to take money without first proving your value.)

To get past this, go ahead and offer your first 5–10 coaching calls for free. You’ll not only gain experience running a coaching call, you’ll also gain the confidence to charge people for a session when the time comes.

3 Critical Reasons You Should Offer Coaching to Your Audience

Are you feeling convinced that you can offer coaching on your blog?

Good, then we can talk about why you should.

The truth is, coaching can be a godsend for your blogging business.

I’ve been blogging for almost four years now, and it’s only been in the last year or so that I got the readership, engagement, and profitability I’ve wanted all along. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I also started coaching about a year and a half ago.

Here are three ways coaching will benefit you as a blogger:

#1. You Gain New Insights and Create More Engaging Content

One of the coolest things about coaching is that clients will tell you their own specific struggles without you having to guess. I know that sounds uber-simplistic, but how many hours do you spend scouring the web for information on your audience instead of just asking them directly?

Coaching clients are incredibly forthcoming with what they need your help with, which means you’ll gather a ton of valuable insights for your content strategy.

Take Jacob McMillen, who noticed some tangible data differences after running his first coaching/mentorship program. He’d reached the six-figure mark as a writer, and wanted to know how he could help other people do the same.

I decided to mentor 10 writers for 3 months and see what would happen. I priced it at $200 per month to make it accessible and all 10 spots were filled within a few days. My hope was that, even if I wasn’t successful, I would get a more intimate understanding of what was really holding people back.
From mentoring only ten people, he already got a wealth of information and results. It was a lot of work, but worth it in the long run.

After the group mentoring experiment, he realigned his content marketing based on the information he collected, and saw the following results:

  • Average article views increased from 1,218 to 3,802
  • Average time on page increased from 3:38 to 6:21
  • Average shares increased from 72 to 99

After his coaching experiment, the insights he gathered helped him develop more compelling content for his particular audience, and as you can see, his engagement shot way up.

#2. You Can Start Earning Cash Right Away

One of the best parts of coaching is that you can make money right away.

As we saw above, Jacob mentored ten students at $200 a pop, which means he brought in $2,000 he wouldn’t have otherwise.

In my own business, I let people book one-off sessions ranging in price from $125 to $200, and sometimes I even book month-long programs for corporate teams for thousands of dollars.

It’s relatively quick and easy money, and you don’t even have to spend time creating a product. Coaching is something you can start to offer as soon as you get readers. (Or even sooner, if you explore other ways to score your first coaching clients.)

Even if you don’t start out charging $100+ per session, and even if you’re only getting the occasional client at first, it’s still cash in your bank.

Yes, even if you only book one session per week and only charge $30 to $50 for it, that’s still money coming in. (And it means you’re officially “in business” as a professional blogger.)

#3. You Can Validate and Refine Your Product Ideas

As Pat Flynn put it: “If you truly want to know whether or not a product will sell or not, you’ve got to get people to pull out their wallets and actually pay you for it.”

He’s right. You’ll never know if you’ve got something worth paying for until someone pays for it.

One of the most popular ways to make money as a blogger is through product development — but with the amount of time that takes, it can be a risky venture if you don’t validate your product idea beforehand.

And you can validate your product idea by selling coaching sessions aimed at helping people reach the same goal. You’ll already know people are willing to pay for it, so you’ll reduce most of the risk up front.

Not only that, but the insights you get from coaching will help you refine your product and maximize its effectiveness.

James Johnson based his entire first course on the results he got from coaching:

I was looking to find my first product to run through Freelance Writers School. I needed to find out what people needed, and what I could deliver to them in a small space of time.

So I asked around some freelance friends on Facebook, explained to them what I was doing, and offered to coach them for free on some of the problems they were having in their business.

James got one friend on board and asked him what his problems were. James then offered his solutions, and when they worked, he’d add them to his course as modules. When they didn’t work, he’d cut them and try something new.

When James was done, he’d helped his friend grow his freelancing business, and he’d assembled 90% of a course.

He then continued to test his solutions on paid coaching clients, noting where they hit roadblocks or had further questions. This helped him refine his course further, making it even more helpful and easier to navigate.

Start Coaching Right Now and Reap the Many Benefits

Your first coaching offer doesn’t have to be perfect, especially if you’re at the first stages of using it as a method of market research and a simple stream of revenue.

You’ll refine your offer(s) over time, and only experience with coaching can teach you how to become a better coach for your audience.

You’ll learn so much about your audience, build a better blog, earn some money, and gather the information you need to make your blog more profitable in the long term. (Plus, you’ll be helping people with your knowledge, which is rewarding in and of itself.)

It’s a win-win-win situation, and the world is waiting for your expertise.

So give it to them.

About the Author: Chelsea Baldwin is the founder of Copy Power, where she teaches copywriting and helps entrepreneurs make the kind of bang-bang impression that gets remembered. (Even days after people leave your site.) Use her free 3-part email course to learn how to write astonishingly memorable copy for yourself, even if you’re not a writer.

from Why All Bloggers Should Offer Coaching (Yes, Even You)

A Canadian who's WANTING to HELP!

Hello Everyone,

I just got back home from my workout. While I was at the gym, I thought to myself that maybe this idea that was bouncing within my head could be helpful to someone on this forum. I don't have that many skill sets that I could provide, but I figure this would be an excellent way for me to help some incredible people and possibly learn a thing or two. I honestly don't care what it is, even if it typing things out. I just want to help anyone here and give some value. I'm...

A Canadian who's WANTING to HELP!

from A Canadian who's WANTING to HELP!

How Do You See the Light When You Feel Alone/Stuck in the Dark?

Everyone ready to have an explosive 2018?

I feel 4 steps behind like I'm in 2014...

Just like @JackEdwards with the job he had in the late 80's/90's. 29, no career, no business, a shitty job that BARELY makes end meat, and life seems like a dark tunnel with no possibility of light. MJ said knowing is half the battle, and even though I understand fastlane principles, my execution has been worse than letting a 2 year old change the oil on a Ferrari.

Last year I started a...

How Do You See the Light When You Feel Alone/Stuck in the Dark?

from How Do You See the Light When You Feel Alone/Stuck in the Dark?

I haven't made a sale since i started cold calling last week, what am i doing wrong

I want to start off by saying thanks for everyone's input so far. Calling for me is not the hard part, i mean it was when i started but now i have a bigger challenge and that is making a sale. I am asking for help from people who cold call in the past, im not looking for people to recommend me to take another ...

from I haven't made a sale since i started cold calling last week, what am i doing wrong

Going for it. Ecommerce.

I've been on this forum for months now and have been reading non-stop just about every day trying to learn more and more about everything I can here. I'm done action faking and watching from the sidelines. I'm taking action.

Here are my why's:
#1. Freedom from going to college for the sake of going to college
#2. To shove it in every person's face that doubted and doubts me
#3. To become free at a young age....

Going for it. Ecommerce.

from Going for it. Ecommerce.

Hello Fastlaners

First of all I just want to give a huge thank you to MJ and everyone on the forum, I have learned a tremendous amount during the last year or so that I have been lurking here. Just astonishing the things you guys give away for free. Anyways this is an introduction post so I guess i have to tell you a little bit about myself.

I'm a 19 year-old currently living in Stockholm Sweden and about 3 years ago I was at the brink of destruction. Addicted to weed, wasting most of my days...

Hello Fastlaners

from Hello Fastlaners

Talent comes from not giving up

Just a little bit of motivation to all of you on the grind and killing it!


Rene Descartes was a scientist and philosopher, considered a genius by many. He attests that his knowledge is the result of practice and hard work, not mere inborn talent.

Taking the fastlane route is usually a change of paradigm for many. You end up...

Talent comes from not giving up

from Talent comes from not giving up

How do you do your email marketing?

So a little over a month ago I begin doing email marketing. With close to 2 million in sales via ecommerce last year I figured there is no time like the present. I'm currently using klaviyo and have all of their recommended flows set up . (Abandoned cart, abandoned browsers, upsell/cross sell, multibuys etc.) I just did my first regular email campaigns this last weekend.

So here is the question/ discussion to all of you experienced email marketers. What if any additional automated emails do...

How do you do your email marketing?

from How do you do your email marketing?

No more false fighting.

Hello everybody. My name is Gabriel, I'm from Curitiba, Brazil.

I love the TMFL and UNSCRIPTED philosophy deeply. I see so much intelligence and power in both of them. MJ is the man. I recommend them as my favorite books! They carry so much truth and knowledge on them that's almost unbeliveable.

I must admit, though, that I am still a shameful action-faker =(

I've just turned 28 and I have a regular sad job that luckily allows me to make a good money and spend literally 90% browsing the...

No more false fighting.

from No more false fighting.

The coming recession

The stock market's current levels are crazy high, and we're already past-due, historically, for a recession. It is obvious to me that this bubble will pop and we will have a very large correction in the next few years (if I had to guess I'd say 2019 or 2020). What's not apparent yet is "the needle" / what mechanism will cause this to happen.

Student loan debt looks like one potential piece of the puzzle. But the implications for the economy of it caving in on itself are unclear.

I believe...

The coming recession

from The coming recession

How to arrive at a quote for a magazine writing/editing gig?

Hey all, I wonder if anyone can give me a bit a help on this as I'm totally at a loss concerning what to quote for what I feel is an exciti.

from How to arrive at a quote for a magazine writing/editing gig?

Cryptocurrency RED FLAGS Thread

So I'm not sure if everyone has heard of this recent exposed scam called BitConnect. It was a Ponzi scheme. And while I admit they should be prosecuted, what were the investors thinking? They just got greedy and failed to do their homework. In this thread I want to discuss some common crypto-currency red flags in order to protect and educate ourselves.

Bitconnect down 90% today (as of the posting of this): BitConnect (BCC) price,...

Cryptocurrency RED FLAGS Thread

from Cryptocurrency RED FLAGS Thread

Day Trading

Does anyone have a day trading course they have taken and can recommend?

Im looking to add more cashflow aside from my e commerce business and since Im on the computer all day, why not?

I've seen from Timothy Sykes but im not sure if thats a decent course or not.


from Day Trading


I'm using Instagram for lead generation purpose. I have a question: is there a site, a search engine, an app to know the most trending pi.


Ask Me Anything About SaaS ( I'm building my 7th )

Hello everyone.

A lot of you know me for my digital marketing Gold Thread here on the FLF ( see sig ), as well as other posts in the forum.

What you might not know is that I've successfully built 6 profitable SaaS programs either solely by myself, or with a single partner ( and with no other employees other than VA's ), and that I am working on building my 7th SaaS

I've learned a few things in SaaS over the last 7 years that span:
  • Handling competitors
  • Reducing churn
  • Fraud...

Ask Me Anything About SaaS ( I'm building my 7th )

from Ask Me Anything About SaaS ( I'm building my 7th )

Anyone have success trading Penny Stocks?

When it comes to Penny Stocks, there seems to be divided opinion about whether it's worth trying to trade in these stocks or not.

Just curious if there was anyone here that has done it and whether or not you had any success (profit)?

Or is it a waste of time?

from Anyone have success trading Penny Stocks?


What's goin on! I'm excited to be apart of this like-minded community and look forward to working with you all! I own and operate a digital & social media marketing agency. I'd love to work with you all to help me get on the FASTLANE! Lets do this!

from Hello!

SPI 303: How a Loan Signing Agent Built a $30K per Month Business

As outlined in my book, Will It Fly?, validation is key, and with me today are two guests who have used that strategy to build an incredible business: Mark Wills and Roman Rosario of Loan Signing System. [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you purchase through this link.] What started as a simple idea turned into a robust online business that’s changed the lives of tons of people, earning Mark and Roman over $30K per month as a result. This episode is a lot of fun, loaded with tips and strategies for online courses, validation, and building an online business organically.

How Mark and I connected is kind of a funny story—Mark was actually the agent who oversaw me signing documents for our first rental property. Through that meeting we discovered that we have a love of building online courses. I have both Mark and his business partner Roman on the episode today, and they’re going to be sharing the story behind how they started their online business, as well as YouTube and video-related tactics, strategies related to testimonials, and how the methods in my book Will It Fly? helped them on their way to success.

There’s a ton of great information here. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you’re in or where in the entrepreneurial journey you are, this is going to be super helpful, and a lot of fun. Stay tuned!

Next week, in Episode 304, I’m breaking down all it might take to build an online course. I’m giving you everything you might need to consider and have in place so that you really crush it when you put it out there. I’m just going to brain dump everything I know for you, so don’t miss it!

Thanks for Listening!

To share your thoughts:

To help out the show:

  • Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.
  • Subscribe on iTunes or download our mobile app.

Special thanks to Mark Wills and Roman Rosario for joining me this week. Until next time!

You'll Learn

  • What a loan signing agent does, and how you can become one.
  • Why Mark and Roman decided to build an online business around loan signing.
  • How the strategies in Will It Fly? helped Loan Signing System validate their business idea.
  • How Mark and Roman used Facebook advertising to get started.
  • How a simple webinar became the jumping off point for their online course.
  • Why having a live, classroom-style webinar can make a huge difference in your online courses.
  • How their Facebook group helps Mark and Roman build an online business community.
  • How Mark and Roman run their YouTube channel with less than $200 in equipment.
  • Why YouTube makes a huge difference when running an online course.
  • The strategy I learned from Mark and Roman that I currently use with my course testimonials.
  • The one critical strategy you should always use with YouTube calls to action.
  • Why testimonials have been crucial for Loan Signing Systems' advertising strategy, and more!


from SPI 303: How a Loan Signing Agent Built a $30K per Month Business

Achieve Laser FOCUS + PRODUCTIVITY With The System Legendary Fastlaners Use...

Do you constantly struggle to stay on task throughout the day?

Are you overwhelmed by the amount of things you need to do with your business or the launch process?

Have you tried "productivity" systems but fail to keep up with them or use them over time?

*Note: I am not selling you sh*t, so don't hit the back button yet; you WILL regret it.*

Background: You are a producer. You are working on creating something amazing...

Achieve Laser FOCUS + PRODUCTIVITY With The System Legendary Fastlaners Use...

from Achieve Laser FOCUS + PRODUCTIVITY With The System Legendary Fastlaners Use...

Is This Fastlane? (Uh, no, it isn't.)

Is this Fastlane?

Folks, the worst thing you can do after joining the forum is asking the question, “Is this Fastlane?

If you have been linked to this post, there’s a reason why.

From this point forward, I will officially ignore any post that contains any variation of “is this Fastlane?” And the sad fact is, most regular contributors here already do so. I thought I should speak up why I don't respond to these.

First, anyone who asks such a question...

Is This Fastlane? (Uh, no, it isn't.)

from Is This Fastlane? (Uh, no, it isn't.)

Should I Include An Email Opt In Page For A Clickbank Product

Hi guys, I have been wanting to market this product from Clickbank (it's a how to make money online course) using Facebook Ads. Now my quest.

from Should I Include An Email Opt In Page For A Clickbank Product

How To Create a nice Opt-in Form on Sidebar of blog?

I already added it by used Aweber code... But here's the problem: The Opt-in form look in Aweber is ok, but after i copy and pasted it to my blog, the opt-in form looks so funny, the distance of words, buttons... are so far away from each other. How can i solve this problem and have a nicer opt-in on blog?

from How To Create a nice Opt-in Form on Sidebar of blog?

#1553 ActiveCampaign founder on keeping a SaaS relevant

I’m fascinated by companies that leave a legacy. The truth though is that most software companies don’t really end up enduring. Which is why I was fascinated when I found out that ActiveCampaign was not just still around but growing and getting better and better. And so I’ve been trying for months and months and months to get the founder on here to do an interview. Jason VandeBoom is the founder of ActiveCampaign which lets you send out smart email and automate your interaction with customers.

Jason VandeBoom is the founder of ActiveCampaign which lets you send out smart email and automate your interaction with customers.

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More interviews ->
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from #1553 ActiveCampaign founder on keeping a SaaS relevant

Sourcing Manufacturers


I've seen a couple of people post now where they reference finding the exact manufacturer of a product they find to improve and using them to manufacture their improved product as well. All they say is that they do a little research to find them. I tried searching the forum on this, but couldn't find anything referencing this skill set. I was hoping someone could guide me in the right direction to where I would conduct this research?

Im completely new to importing,exporting, etc....

Sourcing Manufacturers

from Sourcing Manufacturers

For those that use Alibaba Trade Assurance

Hey guys. Hope everyone is doing well.

I know there's a lot of fastlaners that use alibaba for their businesses. I can imagine a lot of you use trade assurance as well, because it's 100% safe right? Well, no, it's not. As @Walter Hay mentions, there's A LOT of loopholes in the system and they generally tend to favor the seller. Here's our recent story.

One of my brands is a beauty brand. We sell accessories, tools, etc. Anyways, I was out looking for a supplier to...

For those that use Alibaba Trade Assurance

from For those that use Alibaba Trade Assurance

What Qualities to Look for in a Manager?

My business is at a point where I need to hire a full-time operations manager. I've never hired anyone before, except for temporary contrac.

from What Qualities to Look for in a Manager?

Does anyone want to develop the Chinese market?

I am a friend from China. I hope to find a partner. The cooperation includes website development, logo VI design and product sales cooperation for the Chinese market.
If anyone is interested, you can add my WeChat :zoog100

from Does anyone want to develop the Chinese market?

What's the best way to test/troubleshoot a Facebook ad?

I recently made a Facebook ad to promote my writing service. I spent two dollars a day and read the ad for one week. It received no clicks.

A friend of mine suggested testing the image. They told me to pick out four different images and use them on the same ad. They said Facebook would show the image that the audience responded most favorably to.

However, I can't seem to find a way to run the same ad with four different images. The only thing I can find is the carousel ad format. I don't...

What's the best way to test/troubleshoot a Facebook ad?

from What's the best way to test/troubleshoot a Facebook ad?

The "Astonishing Secrets" Thread

What’s up guys. Some of you may remember me from my thread in which I thanked zen******* for dropping wisdom bombs all over the world. If you haven’t checked that thread out, please take a look at it and get moving with learning copywriting so you can learn how to print your own money(legally).

I’m starting this thread because Z told me to share the ice cream with others. I have mad respect for the guy so naturally it had to be done. By golly, all I used to have was a little pint of ice...

The "Astonishing Secrets" Thread

from The "Astonishing Secrets" Thread

Web 3.0 (Ethereum) is happening, and most people have no idea what it even is.

Blockchain technology has been around since 2009. When most people think about blockchains, they think about bitcoin, a slow, expensive antiquated technology that is hard to scale, and is not innovating. Every now and again you will hear about bitcoin reaching new all time highs, yet nothing has really changed with the technology in years.

Then there are alt coins. Coins things like litecoin or dogecoin that are basically carbon copies of bitcoin, and coins like monero that are similar to...

Web 3.0 (Ethereum) is happening, and most people have no idea what it even is.

from Web 3.0 (Ethereum) is happening, and most people have no idea what it even is.

Introduction of a business newbie

If preparation for starting a business counts, I have a solid foundation. OK, there are some missing pieces still, but I'm taking care of that.

But I'm 36 and I've decided it's time to ACT. The consciousness of having to work 9-5 until I'm crippled old without a choice is not something that amuses me. The Millionaire Fastlane is the first business book I read that hit the nail on the head for me so strongly, I cannot do anything else but ACT. Ideas and foundation are worth nothing without...

Introduction of a business newbie

from Introduction of a business newbie

Sharing my lifetime experience in export/import. Product sourcing specialist.

Through my eBook on safe sourcing and easy importing I have helped hundreds of people in 35 countries learn how to enter the high profit world of importing. Their questions through my support channel provide the subject matter for alt of what I plan on posting here.

There are myths and misinformation in abundance on forums everywhere. I am here to dispel those myths and correct the misinformation that I see being published daily in business forums.

A bold claim? Yes,...

Sharing my lifetime experience in export/import. Product sourcing specialist.

from Sharing my lifetime experience in export/import. Product sourcing specialist.

You can't steer a parked car

I collect quotes.

I love the advice from Amy Hoy to "Help the people in motion."

But I overheard an even better one by James Schramko in a podcast recently.

"You can't steer a parked car."

It makes us realise how stupid it is to help those who aren't in motion.

EDIT: Here's the podcast:

You can't steer a parked car

from You can't steer a parked car

What Should I Do At 17?

I'm currently 17 and in my first year in college. Picking up TMF and reading it through was undoubtedly the best choice I've ever made in my life. Had I not made that decision to get that book, my wealth strategy as an aspiring entrepreneur would have remained flawed.

So, I'm thinking of what I can start now to kickstart my Journey to freedom. I've already made up my mind not to get a corporate job after college. What are the choices that one can make at 17 that can lead one to success in...

What Should I Do At 17?

from What Should I Do At 17?

From PTSD to Product

Not a whole lot of it has been made since I began in August mostly due to the fact I am recovering from severe PTSD that at times prevents me from being able to read more than a few sentences at a time. It took me weeks to finish The Millionaire fast lane but I never gave up and I'm glad I didn't.
So now I am slowly working my way through Unscripted.
A bit about myself (Because ...yay backstory)
I was home schooled in my youth, started college at 15, graduated with an AA at 18...

From PTSD to Product

from From PTSD to Product

Scientist tired of trading time for money

... pretty much cuts it. 28, female, and want to contribute to the Science community at some bigger level than just pipetting something in my corner of the lab.

from Scientist tired of trading time for money

Setting up a Shopify store...

I've not started my online shop as of yet. I know the niche I want to enter, but some of the products will need to be drop shipped and some.

from Setting up a Shopify store...

youtube demonetization, worthy replacement for monetization of video is dtube. | Warrior Forum

so youtube recently demonetized users with small amount of views on their channel, i was affected by it, but thankfully there is , its a decentralized video upload platform that pays out in steem cryptocurrency, thats way cooler than youtube as the amount you make increases with the value of the ...

from youtube demonetization, worthy replacement for monetization of video is dtube. | Warrior Forum

Music that Motivates

For me, one of the things in my life that has always been there when I was down or needed a pick me up or a push, and many times that extra 'kick' to push me that one step further, is music. The messages and moods given by the multitudes of artists are countless, and there are way too many great and outstanding songs with positive and inspirational influence that I'm amazed that nobody else hasn't already started a thread like this here in such a positive and inspiring web presence.


Music that Motivates

from Music that Motivates

New SEO techniques in 2018 will be better to have some extra content on the home page so that the users gets an idea about your website when they land on your homepage. But over doing it might not be a good idea, as it will provide a bad user experience.. [ 0 ] Thanks; Reply ...

from New SEO techniques in 2018

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

What to do with $1 million?


I’m looking for ideas on what to do with $1 million. I want to do something where I can get a good return, optimally 10-20% through a business or other avenue. I’m under 40 so I’m hoping I can generate income off this for a long time.

Thanks for your suggestions.

from What to do with $1 million?

Providing Value in Exchange For Money

I'm almost done reading Unscripted. That chapter that talks about seeing money as value-vouchers has really changed my mind about money. Any cash I hold, I begin to imagine how that money came to me whether I was gifted or I worked for it. All I see is VALUE was exchanged for MONEY.

I found a watch, It was really cool and I purchased it. My money went to the watch seller and I got VALUE which is the watch. Once you begin to see MONEY as something that is exchanged for VALUE each and...

Providing Value in Exchange For Money

from Providing Value in Exchange For Money

I would like to give free products on the website I am building

I am setting up my website and would like to offer a free product in exchange for their email address. My website is about healthy eating.

from I would like to give free products on the website I am building

Episode 134: How to Follow Facebook Messenger Terms of Service in 2018 [Part 1 of 2]

Many marketers are going about Facebook Messenger the wrong way. Either they’re just going for the sale, or they’re treating it the same as their email marketing campaigns. Truth is, if you want to connect with your audience using Facebook Messenger, you’re going to need to approach it differently.

And you can do just that by following the Facebook Messenger terms of service. In Part 1 of this two-part series, Dan Gamito from ManyChat joins us to talk about the strategy you need to follow to maximize your Facebook Messenger marketing results in 2018 and beyond.


  • How to follow the Facebook Messenger terms of service to maximize your results over the long term.
  • Generate webinar signups using this Facebook Messenger strategy (« even if your customer never sees your landing page).
  • Why it’s not our job to help people solve their problems, and what we need to focus on instead.
  • Simple questions you can ask to segment your audience using Messenger.


Episode 80: Facebook Messenger Ads: Everything You Need to Know
Episode 133: 3 Ways to Scale Your Facebook Traffic (And Our Thoughts on Zuckerberg’s Announcement)

Thanks so much for joining us this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave us a review on iTunes!

The post Episode 134: How to Follow Facebook Messenger Terms of Service in 2018 [Part 1 of 2] appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

from Episode 134: How to Follow Facebook Messenger Terms of Service in 2018 [Part 1 of 2]

How I Blew Up A Business For Under $60

Hey guys,

It's been a while since I've posted, been hustling. Life is good.

For those that don't know my background; Fastlane changed my life, and helped me scale a biz from $2k/wk to $40k/wk in months. (Thanks MJ! You da man!)

Anyway, I made this video, I'd HIGHLY advise you take ACTION, and do this. It'll take you a few hours (max), and you have nothing to lose.

For those that are too busy to watch the video (if you lie to yourself about this,...

How I Blew Up A Business For Under $60

from How I Blew Up A Business For Under $60

Beijing Meetup

Who else is in Beijing and would like to meetup?

from Beijing Meetup

Grab Your Life by the Balls or Else...

Hi guys!

Before you decide to push forward I'd like to give a small introduction as to what this post is going to be about. So here we go...

This post is going to build on this thread I've posted couple of weeks ago. The results have been so dramatic that I decided to elaborate a little bit. I know how messed up my situation was, I also know that there are...

Grab Your Life by the Balls or Else...

from Grab Your Life by the Balls or Else...

Andy's AdWords Course - Get found by the people already looking for you

The AdWords Jumpstart

Want to get found by the people ALREADY looking for you?

There could be someone looking for your business on Google right now, and they are not finding you.

Google AdWords can help you get those people to your website. It’s a great tool for generating high quality leads, but it can be complicated to learn and easy to lose your shirt.

You could learn AdWords by reading a 400 page book or going through 18 hours of videos, but...

Andy's AdWords Course - Get found by the people already looking for you

from Andy's AdWords Course - Get found by the people already looking for you

Finding Billion Dollar Secrets

My Story Of Success, Escaping Rat Race (admist cushy job)

My Story Of Success

This thread is about my journey through entrepreneurship. Very soon I will cross the #1 goal off my dream list. Therefore to me, it's a success story, and means everything to me.

I decided to place this thread outside the "Insiders" section, so that newbies can read it. I know there are a lot of hopeful entrepreneurs on this forum who are in the exact same position I was. Stuck in the rat race,...

My Story Of Success, Escaping Rat Race (admist cushy job)

from My Story Of Success, Escaping Rat Race (admist cushy job)

Let's start a fastlane challenge in January 2018!

Hi Guys!

So glad to start posting here. I've been really struggling with my business for a long time. Despite I earn really OK as an employee, have a little business and invest with successes I fell it is not a top of my possibilities to make money.

Long working days, 1 day free per week, 28 years old... but no future views for passive income and early pension in a few years. So I begin to continue my work with my website with online courses (I started July in 2017, but I had a little...

Let's start a fastlane challenge in January 2018!

from Let's start a fastlane challenge in January 2018!

G-Man's Brand Creation/eCommerce

First, big thanks to @amp0193 @PTP and @Scot for helping me get started. These guys have given me tons of their time. I was going to wait a little longer to start a progress thread, but I've already got some questions for the forum hivemind, and if this doesn't work out, it will be easier to have an autopsy everyone can learn from.

The Goal: To create a branded product line for ecommerce in a space full of products that are...

G-Man's Brand Creation/eCommerce

from G-Man's Brand Creation/eCommerce


Can this website potentially be long-term Fastlane?

Which is niche is great for web design/platform?

from FastLane?

How to get visits from a remote location?

Good morning, I would like to know if anyone here know´s a way of obtaining visits to my website from remote locations. (eg. French Southern Antartic territories,Heard Island & McDonald Islands,...and others) It´s for a flagcounter group,so we would appreciate any insight. Thanks a lot. #main internet ...

from How to get visits from a remote location?

Optimistic, Personable Millennial Entrepreneur Looking for Growth

Greetings to all!

My name is AJ Massaro, founder and CEO of Positivity, Lifestyle brand Manifest Millennial, where our goal is to sell high quality clothing and merchandise to Millennials experiencing anxiety and depression, encouraging their quest for authentic happiness and support their struggles along the way.

I have been working full-time at a very prestigious University here in the U.S. for two years now and have been growing the brand...

Optimistic, Personable Millennial Entrepreneur Looking for Growth

from Optimistic, Personable Millennial Entrepreneur Looking for Growth

Thinking of Attending Traffic & Conversion Summit 2018? Here’s What to Expect…

We’re pumped about the 9th Annual Traffic & Conversion Summit coming February 26-28, 2018 in sunny San Diego, California. (STILL hoping to see Ron Burgundy.)

Hailed by Inc. as the “largest, and best, marketing event you’ve never heard of,” Traffic & Conversion Summit is the largest conversion conference in North America… and Traffic & Conversion Summit 2018 will be even bigger!

And this past T&C was no small gathering. Traffic & Conversion Summit 2017 saw…

  • 1,399 MORE attendees than 2016’s T&C
  • 32 NEW sessions – that’s 1,260 MORE minutes of actionable content shared from the stage
  • 3 photo booths, 2 caricature artists, 2 ice sculptures, and 4,500 glow sticks for receptions
  • $7,500 worth of prizes given away

…and so much more.

Thinking it might be a great idea to spend three days with us learning cutting-edge strategies and tactics to grow your business?

Have a look below to see 2017’s Traffic & Conversion Summit by the numbers and learn what you can expect…

And yes, we drink a lot of coffee. 🙂

Traffic & Conversion Summit 2017 Infographic

(NOTE: Want to learn from Daymond John, Mari Smith, and more? Then reserve your seat today for Traffic & Conversion Summit 2018 and SAVE 25%. But hurry! This discount is for a limited time. Learn more here.)
Reserve your seat today for Traffic & Conversion Summit 2018 and save 25%!

The post Thinking of Attending Traffic & Conversion Summit 2018? Here’s What to Expect… appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

from Thinking of Attending Traffic & Conversion Summit 2018? Here’s What to Expect…

Show us your mug!

I had the pleasure of meeting Steve and Kenric today for lunch in Scottsdale (SteveO and BioPhase) -- nice to put a face to the people posting.

So with that said lets get to know everyone ... lets see your mug!

Here is me and the GF (maybe the future wife?!?!)

from Show us your mug!

Last Chance to Start a Blog with Us Today

Last chance to start a blog with usHave you started a blog this year? Every year between Christmas and New Year our enquiries for starting a blog skyrocket. It must be something to do with New Year’s Resolutions and setting new goals. Blogs still seem to be on everyone’s mind, even though they apparently died years ago.

I know it’s only the end of January, but if starting a blog was your New Year’s resolution then what are you waiting for? ProBlogger’s FREE Ultimate Guide to Starting a Blog course closes today, so act now and enrol here.

The first ever International Start a Blog Day on February 7 is fast approaching. We’re closing our course intake temporarily so the ‘Class of January 2018’ can work through the seven steps to launching their blogs in time for this event.

So far, more than 1,000 pre-bloggers have started the course and are on their way to launching a blog. Many have already completed the course, and are getting into their blogging stride. It’s fascinating looking at these new blogs from around the world and across different niches. We’re looking forward to sharing them all with you on February 7.

Want a sneak peak at some new blogs?

To whet your appetite and give you a taste of what’s coming, we’d like to introduce you to a few new bloggers and their blogs right now.

  • Michelle is the baker, recipe developer, and food photographer behind – simple guides, tips, and easy macaron recipes all in one place.
  • Bob’s from South-Western Ontario, Canada and writes on taking a thrifty approach to personal finance on
  • Jon wants to help you crush the modern, solo lifestyle. On he shares tips, strategies, and benefits to living a fulfilling single life.

February 7 is International Start a Blog Day

International Start a Blog Day will celebrate the diversity of new bloggers around the world launching their blogs at the beginning of the year. It will provide a date every year where you can share your new blog, connect new bloggers, and help you get your first blog readers. If you enrol and use our course to begin a blog before February 7, you can participate in the first annual international Start a Blog Day.

International Start a Blog Day will feature:

  • A new blog honour roll listed by niche where you can share your blog’s URL
  • Live Facebook broadcasts with ProBlogger Darren Rowse
  • Spotlight profiles of new blogs and bloggers telling their story
  • Scholarship awards for new bloggers to undertake further ProBlogger training
  • Ongoing updates and progress reports on the ‘Class of 2018’ ProBlogger students

Here’s What Our Students are Saying

“I wish I had a course like this when thinking about starting my blog. The 15 questions asked in module one and two are so foundational to starting a blog, no course I have seen out there has done a very good job of it. Darren’s is the only one that goes into this detail about it and the foundation that he teaches.” – Darin

“I appreciated the ‘Why Blog?’ module. It made me realize that my ‘why’ is a bit self-centered. I know my strengths and interests but hadn’t thought through how my blog would meet the needs of a community and make an impact. Taking a few days to flush this out. Thank you!” – Jen

“Finished the first lesson, and it really made me think about my ‘why’. I didn’t know to do this with my old blogs, and I think it’s why I never really connected with my readers. Thinking about how I can make a difference is a whole different way of looking at it. And I’m looking forward to being able to help other people as well. Thanks for helping me to crystallize this!” – Darlene

“I just want to say how much I am enjoying the process (I am on Step 2), and how much I am learning about my core beliefs on the ‘why’ of my blog, and its true mission and my purpose. It is evolving from what I originally thought/saw as its role, and I am okay with that. I will tell more when I have it a bit more understood in my own heart and mind, and will be excited to share it. Until then it is great to see so many others along for the journey and sharing. I have my blog ready to start creating and look for it to be up and going no later than next weekend.” – Sheyla

Already Got a Blog?

If you already have a blog, you can still take part in International Start a Blog Day by providing your support and encouragement to the new and emerging bloggers. You may even find inspiration from these fledgling bloggers and their enthusiasm and new angles on your own topic or niche. Interestingly, we’ve also had great feedback from existing bloggers who have participated in the Starting a Blog course, saying the material covers some concepts of blogging they haven’t encountered before, and that it has sharpened their focus.

We’ve also got you covered with our next course coming out in March – “31 Days to Build a Better Blog”. The title may sound familiar – we’ve taken our best-selling book, updated it and beefed it up to help bloggers who are either in their first 30 days of a new blog or really need to breathe new life into an existing blog. If you’re interested, make sure to check out the outline of the course here and sign up to be alerted when it becomes available.

2018 is shaping up to be an exciting year.

The post Last Chance to Start a Blog with Us Today appeared first on ProBlogger.


from Last Chance to Start a Blog with Us Today

What would you do at 16?

What would you do if you were 16 right now?
What skills would you learn? Would you start a business? Would you go to college after graduating?
Answer these and drop any more helpful info. Hopefully this thread can help out some young entrepreneurs out there.

from What would you do at 16?

Grabbing Life by the horns

For years I've been interested in getting something going, but the time is now to do it.

I have my grown up job as an engineer, but I started my adult life as a musician, this is something I’ve kept going ever since I started, over 26 years ago now. While I eventually got my electrical engineering degree at 30 after working a lot of dumb jobs, ever since getting my “real” job, I’ve constantly been thinking, “When are you going to grow up and do something with your life?”

I have a fairly...

Grabbing Life by the horns

from Grabbing Life by the horns

Question About Domain Experience

@MJ DeMarco

I'm 2/3rd's of the way done with Unscripted. I'm enjoying it better than TMF.

My question is why "idea extraction" is knocked. I was following along and then lost your train of logic. About 10 minutes earlier in the book you list several "trends" that were started in society. I take issue with the "BigCommerce" listing.

It feels like part of the book was punted.

BigCommerce the multi-billion dollar company was started by idea extraction, not domain experience....

Question About Domain Experience

from Question About Domain Experience

Why All The Secrecy? Here's Why...

So I was reading a great entrepreneur thread over at Reddit that @JasonR provided and the topic got downvoted pretty bad because he wasn't very forthcoming with his website address and his product. Of course, the "Redditors" called it a calamity, and even some sorted to say he was in some type of MLM.

Years ago when I owned my business, I used to frequent another forum. Back then, the business was routinely generating 6-figures monthly in profit. (PROFIT, not revenue)....

Why All The Secrecy? Here's Why...

from Why All The Secrecy? Here's Why...

[Progress] Sanctus Nutrition - Supplement Company (and first real entrepreneurial pursuit)

You can see my introduction thread here for more on my background. This will focus solely on my company, Sanctus Nutrition.

Background - Why I started a nutritional supplement company
  1. I got the idea from a startup incubator I was a member of in Fall 2016. My...

[Progress] Sanctus Nutrition - Supplement Company (and first real entrepreneurial pursuit)

from [Progress] Sanctus Nutrition - Supplement Company (and first real entrepreneurial pursuit)

Help me promote my YouTube channel

Hello Guys,

Here's what I need your help with: a few months ago, I've started a YouTube channel. At the moment of writing, I have 16 videos and will try to publish two per week from now on.

My best video currently has 5,244 views, the second most popular one is at 3,849 and I have a few right around the 1,000 view mark. Not too shabby, especially for a channel that hasn't been promoted properly yet but I want to take things to the next level.

When I'm not actively promoting the channel,...

Help me promote my YouTube channel

from Help me promote my YouTube channel

Overcoming Your Fear(s) .....

We all have to deal with fear (especially as
Entrepreneurs/Marketers) ... However the fear you
experience cannot stop you from becoming
successful or achieving your goal(s). As Bruce
Lee (and Susan Jeffers) famously said:

"Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway!"

Personally something I'm somewhat anxious about
is integrating Facebook and Twitter with my
(Personal Development) Website. However I know
that whatever happens I will deal with it. (And that
the vast majority of our fear(s) never...

Overcoming Your Fear(s) .....

from Overcoming Your Fear(s) .....

Making a Book, Blog or Podcast? Start Here!

We see a lot of entrepreneurs who have great ideas but they keep getting stuck in the ‘how’ of their business and losing sight of the most important elements.

Here’s what I mean:

Let’s say you wanted to make a book (for podcast or blog) on “mindfulness and parenting.”

The common big mistake is to rush into thinking about your HOW. How you’re going to be different than others out there. How you’re going to teach people your truths. How you’re going to setup your website.

Like I mentioned above, we see this happen very often AND IT’S A BIG MISTAKE.

Why is it a big mistake? Because you can spend weeks/months/years thinking about the HOW of your business only to have that business fail… because you didn’t set the right foundation.

You have to set the right foundation!

If you want your blog or podcast or book or instagram account or youtube channel to be successful, you have to focus yourself in the beginning on what matters most…

… And if you want to learn about that, then get yourself a cup of coffee and strap in, because you’re about to learn one of the most important lessons in modern business.

This lesson is more important now than ever before because you have more opportunity to succeed than ever before.

So, if you want your business dream to actually become a reality, you’ll want to get a notepad ready to take some notes…

… because this lesson may change how you think about business forever.

Maybe you weren’t planning on listening to a podcast here. Maybe you wish you could just skim through the content…

… well, maybe your business idea needs more than just a skim at this point. We hope you’ll dive in and give it a listen because the results are likely to make it WELL worth your while.


Subscribe (how to)   iTunes   Overcast   Pocket Casts   Stitcher   Google Play   RSS  

“Making a book, blog or podcast? Set the right foundation!”

Download your customer journey map

The Customer Journey Map Guide will help you set your business up with the right foundation because it helps you discover WHY people want what you offer them.

  • It helps your business idea get better
  • It helps your marketing resonate deeper
  • It helps your content reach more people

Get Your Customer Journey Map

You’ll get the guide immediately and any supporting content necessary for growing your busines.

Show Notes & Links:

from Making a Book, Blog or Podcast? Start Here!

19 Year Old Who is Aspiring to Become an Entrepreneur

Hi everyone! My name is Kayla and I am 19 Years old, turning 20 in February. I'm super excited to be apart of this forum to connect with awesome, likeminded people!

To start off, I am a Makeup Artist located in Columbus, Ohio who aspires to become an entrepreneur. I have a passion for makeup and the beauty industry and I love transforming the way people look and feel about themselves. I've been doing makeup on myself for almost 6 years now, but I just started freelancing not even a year...

19 Year Old Who is Aspiring to Become an Entrepreneur

from 19 Year Old Who is Aspiring to Become an Entrepreneur

A Deaf Guy Starting a Telemarketing company survey

Hey guys, Jp Here,

If this survey breaks any rules or whatever, just let me know. I'm working on some validations of my business model so if you guys just fill out this survey, The average time is around 2-4 mins so it shouldn't take long. Maybe in the future I'll share the results once things are in motion so I can be as transparent on how this business grew! Thanks!!

Heres the survey!

A here's a short preview of the inside...

A Deaf Guy Starting a Telemarketing company survey

from A Deaf Guy Starting a Telemarketing company survey

Time to Add some Value

Hey there

Been on the forum for a while but never really posted much before. Read TMF about 18 months ago and currently reading Unscripted. After reading Unscripted I realised I still have a long journey ahead of me and some of my past attempts at entrepreneurship missed the mark.

For the last few months I have been working on a review site that focuses on courses that teach business and entrepreneurial skills. My aim for this was to generate income by getting instructors to pay for the...

Time to Add some Value

from Time to Add some Value

Best Explanation of Bitcoin


from Best Explanation of Bitcoin

15k Tax Dept With 21

i am trying to make this as short as possible.
I was earning a good amount of money in 2016.
I also put the tax money on a separate bank account so i cant accidentally spend it.
But after half a year my money was spend and nothing new was coming in anymore.
So i started to use the tax money to buy food etc.

Now i am at a point where the money is gone and i don't know what to do.
The E-Mail that i have to pay the tax money could basically come every day and i don't know what to

15k Tax Dept With 21

from 15k Tax Dept With 21

So you want to flip used items and make cash? Cool!

You want to start a company, but you don’t have any cash?


Today you will learn how to knock that problem to the ground.


We’re going to sell used stuff for a profit.

“But I don’t have any money to buy stuff that I can flip for a profit”

Alright, let’s start here.

How to get money to get started

Open your eyes and take a look around. I bet you have plenty of items you can sell for starting cash.

Don’t believe me?

Is that a television in the corner...

So you want to flip used items and make cash? Cool!

from So you want to flip used items and make cash? Cool!