Friday, June 30, 2017
Time to kick into overdrive!!
So I've just finished reading the Fastlane book first time, naturally full of energy and vigor to fly towards my dreams as far and fast as possible. I'm an Aussie living in Vancouver, BC for the last two months and currently reaping the benefits of my reckless side-walking behaviour of living beyond my means. This combined with the high living cost of living in this...
Time to kick into overdrive!!
from Time to kick into overdrive!!
The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace - Search Results
from The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace - Search Results
What is the best testimonial you've ever received?
from What is the best testimonial you've ever received?
A REAL business that is highly fulfilling and extremely rewarding.
from A REAL business that is highly fulfilling and extremely rewarding.
20 years old and hungry
I've read MF cover to cover a few times since my senior year in HS and am halfway through UNSCRIPTED. I've binge read books on real estate and finance since freshman year. Longtime lurker on the forum, first time poster but I'm looking forward to posting my progress and receiving realistic criticism from veteran fastlaners. I've recently decided to drop out of school and have accepted a J.O.B. for a Jewelry Distributor after quitting my Job as a Chess Coach (Service based...
20 years old and hungry
from 20 years old and hungry
I'm gonna be a dad.. Did I just loose the Fastlane?
I've been reading along on this forum for quite some time now, picking up bits and pieces of advice and philosophies here and there.
While I've been trying to cook up my first business that matches the CENTS the last few weeks, I got this totally life changing news.
My girlfriend's pregnant with our first child.
That's right.
But since this is an introduction thread, I better introduce myself properly.
I'm a 31 year old guy from Austria with a passion for making...
I'm gonna be a dad.. Did I just loose the Fastlane?
from I'm gonna be a dad.. Did I just loose the Fastlane?
How would you delegate to a Virtual Assistant the job of hunting orb RFPs?
from How would you delegate to a Virtual Assistant the job of hunting orb RFPs?
Website gaming expertise guidance
There's one...
Website gaming expertise guidance
from Website gaming expertise guidance
A quick thanks
In this case I was with my brother at a BBQ. Outside of my brother's 9-5 he's an aspiring fitness model, and you can tell. Nothing pompous - but you look at him and it's very clear he works hard in the gym and lives a healthy lifestyle. The guy is cover-of-Men's-Health-ready at all times.
I'll spare you the details since you can probably guess where this is going,...
A quick thanks
from A quick thanks
[Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business
You can listen to Part 1 of the call HERE. (This is the chat.)
You can listen to Part 2 of the call HERE. (This is the review of the...
[Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business
from [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business
These Are The Headlines That Will Make You Go Viral
Great data dump from Buzzsumo about headlines that created interest and engagement.
Caveat: "We looked at the headlines of 100m articles published from March 1st, 2017 to May 10, 2017 and analysed those that gained the most social shares.I love email marketing even more than paid media." - Marketing methods change...
These Are The Headlines That Will Make You Go Viral
from These Are The Headlines That Will Make You Go Viral
First Impression
First Impression
from First Impression
Amazon questions
from Amazon questions
Web site that allows you to test demand by directly messaging users within your target market
Web site that allows you to test demand by directly messaging users within your target market
from Web site that allows you to test demand by directly messaging users within your target market
Reminder 9-5'ers; we are NOT safe!
After having an amazing fun filled Christmas.
A spectacular drunken New Years.
Leading into what looks like a very promising 2017.
This morning at 10-am my employer laid off 10 Engineers. Most of which did not have a rainy day fund, only a few had enough savings to hold off until they can find something else. Some just signed new leases. Some just bought new cars in December.
Needless to say this bothers me. While we are building our businesses or "Fast Lane...
Reminder 9-5'ers; we are NOT safe!
from Reminder 9-5'ers; we are NOT safe!
Getting Likes for a Facebook Page w/o Promoted Posts or Likes from Friends?
from Getting Likes for a Facebook Page w/o Promoted Posts or Likes from Friends?
Deaf and Daft, getting my first sale
Once again JP here, I joined a couple of weeks ago and introduced myself. After reading through this forum for a week and it feels like a good group of people on there that genuinely want to help, so I’m going to set up this progress thread. Also, I’m going to share a bit more about myself. I was born profoundly Deaf to very young blue-collared parents 27 years ago. Doctors and the medical community told my parents that I would not be capable of reading past 2nd-grade level if...
Deaf and Daft, getting my first sale
from Deaf and Daft, getting my first sale
Getting First Client in Fiverr?
from Getting First Client in Fiverr?
Lead Gen. - From Action Faker to €€€ - While Getting My Shit Together
I am not going to lie, my situation is pretty much the same as the guy in this thread....
Lead Gen. - From Action Faker to €€€ - While Getting My Shit Together
from Lead Gen. - From Action Faker to €€€ - While Getting My Shit Together
Getting Rid of Cold Calling Anxiety Using Brute Force
Inspired by @Fox's thread, I decided to "sell" websites. That being said, I can't build a site. I don't even know someone who could build one. Then again, that's not the point....
Getting Rid of Cold Calling Anxiety Using Brute Force
from Getting Rid of Cold Calling Anxiety Using Brute Force
How to get adsense approval after rejection?
from How to get adsense approval after rejection?
New to the forum
I've read a lot of different books in the past looking for the advice and insight that I have found in The Millionaire Fastlane, awesome book and love the no BS approach, thanks MJ.
I am from the UK and currently co-own a glamping business. For those unfamiliar with "Glamping" it is a popular pastime in the UK, glamorous camping. Our site has Mongolian Yurt's (tents) with nice comfy double beds, a power...
New to the forum
from New to the forum
When I see a link with a 404 error in search console how should I remove it?
from When I see a link with a 404 error in search console how should I remove it?
My Name is Bond, Claude Bond
from My Name is Bond, Claude Bond
Googles Huge $2.7 billion EU Fine, New Facebook Mission & More: Weekly Forum Update
This week’s biggest news was Google being fined 2.42bn euros by the European Commission after it ruled the company had abused its power by promoting its own shopping comparison service at the top of search results.
Below we highlight the most indepth discussion of the news you’ll be able to find online.
In other news, Facebook is shifting its focus towards its groups functionality and Google recommends moving sites from m-dot to responsive before the Mobile First Index Launches,
Members also discuss the benefits of having dates in URLs and reputation management for someone sharing a celebrity’s name.
Google hit with $2.7 Billion by the EU
As reported by the BBC, Google was fined an astonishing $2.7 billion after the European Commission ruled that the Google search engine abused its market position by promoting its own shopping service comparison service on top of search results.
In a record fine, the European Commission orders Google to comply with the ruling in 90 days or face further action, specifically additional fine per day that are 5% of its parent companys global earning.
The BBC, referencing Alphabets most recent reports, states that this may result in a potential $14 million in daily fees for non-compliance.
Webmaster World members discussed the decision from several different angles:
Anti-trust vs. Monopolistic abuse
Multipe members found it interesting that Google compares itself to other merchants in their formal response where Googles Gary Walker SVP and General Counsel states that,
“We think our current shopping results are useful and are a much-improved version of the text-only ads we showed a decade ago. Showing ads that include pictures, ratings, and prices benefits us, our advertisers, and most of all, our users. And we show them only when your feedback tells us they are relevant. Thousands of European merchants use these ads to compete with larger companies like Amazon and eBay”.
Members including Shadow, found this interesting because as Shadow suggests, the comment conflates the concept of “monopolistic abuse” and anti-trust, which the member differentiates conceptually using the following differentiating comments:
“’We’re not the biggest price comparison site’”
‘We’ve not been leveraging dominance in one field to distort the market in another field’”
Shaddow went on to state that these two are different in EU law, referencing the following article.
Member mosxu further noted the difference,
“I think google got it all wrong here thinking that they have competition from amazon or ebay which is not true it is about search where a monopoly exists in Europe and not what presses google internally and that is lack of buyer traffic.
50% of buyers type direct in their browser and buy there no need for a search in google. Another 30% start at ebay and other brands so google may be left with 20% of buyer traffic. To stay on the right side of the law they should have started and compete in the rankings like everybody else.”
Role of politics in decision
Brotherhood of LAN and mosxu mused about the roll of politics may have been in such an action. Brotherhood of LAN noted that,
“from the technical standpoint I’m sure many would agree that the law has been playing catch-up, and big tech over the past 10 years has been taking various liberties with market dominance, privacy and ‘fair’ taxation. Hopefully this is a good thing for the market/web in general wrt market dominance.”
Member heisje contrasted the aggressive European Commission action with regulation in the SU, claiming that
“I wonder when the U.S. authorities will stop Google from strangling the U.S. consumer and U.S. small business, by an abundance of “dominance abuse” tricks & practices. To date, U.S. authority inaction on this “elephant in the room” has been disastrous both for U.S. consumers and small / medium businesses – and truly disgraceful. Nothing less than dereliction of duty.
Breaking up data collection/storage and search presentation is the best way out of the nasty situation prevalent today.” .
Shepherd chimed in with concerns about precedence of this action, saying that “A slippery slope does not care if you are wearing the same shoes as the person who fell before you.” Shepherd also quoted was the following from the European Commission announcement (linked to above),
“Today’s Decision is a precedent which establishes the framework for the assessment of the legality of this type of conduct. At the same time, it does not replace the need for a case-specific analysis to account for the specific characteristics of each market.”
Fining based on earnings of Alphabet:
Shaddows questioned the legality of such a move, that there may be jurisdiction issues in fining using a percentage of Alphabets global earnings. Shaddows claimed that if Google is an LLC company, its misdemeanors would not not be passed on to the parent company.
Google News Makeover for Desktop
Webmaster World members shared their thoughts on Googles redesign of the Google News homepage. Overall members were ambivalent about the look and feel but they did have some interesting insights about what the redesign may suggest about Googles general direction and perhaps a reference for what to keep in mind for ones own website. Member goodroi, mentioned that by the mobile focused design changes, that the focus is mobile users and for creating a more “sticky” experience to increase time in-product.
Member glitterball noted that the new experience currently only shows title – instead of title and snippet. Glitterball suggests that Google may be getting nervous about regulators in the EU. Engine agrees and adds that,
“showing less of the story may help it comply with the many publishers that feel too much is repeated in the news serps.” .
Engine also makes an observation on the treatment of citation and references on the new homepage, adding that,
“There seems to be, roughly, the same number of stories, but the “highly cited” and “most referenced” appearing as a short headline and link, with no coverage for the others without clicking the down arrow.
“Editors picks,” and “spotlight” appear on the right, with plenty of white space everywhere. Ads coming?”
Facebook shifts core Mission to put new emphasis on Groups
Quoting a recent article on NPR, Webmaster World Member Robert Charlton noted a recent update to Facebooks mission to be more oriented around groups,
“Today, the CEO explained, Facebook’s mission will change to focus on the activity levels of users, and to support the most active so that they can keep building the digital spaces that draw in the masses. In official language, the new mission is to “give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.”
Engine added
“Reading between the lines, and that’s not really difficult on this, Groups are becoming more important, and the huge audience already on FB will see even more groups in their feed. It’ll encourage people to join more specialist groups, and it’ll profile users even more, making even greater opportunity for highly targeted advertising.”
Members weight the pros and and cons of community in a closed ecosystem. On the con side iwrkalot noted that
“Up until now FB, in general, has been a time draining necessary evil for me. Being a forum owner has become much more challenging because of it. The inability to monetize my groups, in any meaningful way, has forced me to tightly control the members that are allowed to join. It’s a PITA.”
On the pro side EditorialGuy mentioned the benefit for organization and groups that have struggled to create a forum style community,
“I’ve found some of the groups to be quite useful. For example, I belong to a professional organization that has struggled for years to attract members to its online forum. The forum has never been successful and is nearly dead these days, but the organization’s Facebook group is growing.”
Dates in SERP’s – Good or Bad?
Crea8asiteforum member xyZed asked about dates appearing in SERPs and if including the date in content is beneficial or not. In general, members seemed to agree that if you’re not able to frequently update your content, that you would lose out in SERPs by displaying date updated. Member waitwhiterabbit provided some specific considerations including:
- Health and medical content should consider including date updated
- Having date updated may be valuable for news search
A new member on SEO chat has the same name as someone famous and looks to the community for ideas on next steps to be able to owned his named search, including considering the possibility of using a pseudonym.
Members suggest using adwords but in cases like the one here, where it would be difficult to take over the search, a pseudonym may be best.
Google recommends moving sites from m-dot to responsive before the Mobile First Index Launches
In a recent Webmaster Google hangout, Googles John Mueller that people migrate their m. mobile sites [mobile subdomains] and move to a responsive template.
On Threadwatch, one member expresses a concern for what this will mean in terms of if content is different on mobile sites vs. desktop sites, even if they do not use a mobile subdomain and serve a very different mobile only experience by detecting the device from the browser.
Over on Webmaster World, member iamlost mentioned that the reason for this – as stated by several Googlers recently – is because the lack of backlinks compared to desktop.
Join in the above discussions to contribute your thoughts!
The post Googles Huge $2.7 billion EU Fine, New Facebook Mission & More: Weekly Forum Update appeared first on Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog.
from Googles Huge $2.7 billion EU Fine, New Facebook Mission & More: Weekly Forum Update
How do you deal with Haters?
Hater's including but not limited to: anyone that verbally talks shit about you/your product
Discuss please.
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Premium Paypal Manager wp plugin
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from Do we need to link from sub directory pages to website pages?
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Best practice: Adding new ads to existing ad sets?
from Best practice: Adding new ads to existing ad sets?
About CPAgrip.
from About CPAgrip.
Ownership Confusion
I've found myself in a inadvertent predicament.
There are 3 people here, player A, player B, and player C.
Player A and B are funding a business (business A) with player C. Player C is an important part of business A. Player A and B intend on creating a second business (business B) that is associated, but different, from business A. Players A, B, and C have all had a large hand in making business A. However, only players A and B will...
Ownership Confusion
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Facebook Targeting Optimization Question
For some reason, I'm really getting hung up on what to do with all of the data that I'm getting back with interests and demographics that are producing the best results. So here's my question.
Let's say that I find 3 interests that are converting great. Which of the following...
Facebook Targeting Optimization Question
from Facebook Targeting Optimization Question
Hard to Make Decision To Dropout..
I should have graduated last year but now I'm at my forth year of bachelor.. I feel lost and dead inside..
What should I do? suck it up and finish the bachelor or dropout and do something better?
I really can't see being only a programmer but I think about sales and marketing every day for 24 hours day
from Hard to Make Decision To Dropout..
[Progress] Graphic Designer Going Freelance & Fastlane
Reading this and that, writing up comments here and there.
It all seemed like a big buffet in the beginning. You came whenever you pleased and ate whatever you felt like.
Something didn't taste?
You left it on your plate and went to get yourself something else.
There was enough there, right?
The only problem with this approach is that you feel full before you can make it to the mouthwatering main dishes.
How To...
[Progress] Graphic Designer Going Freelance & Fastlane
from [Progress] Graphic Designer Going Freelance & Fastlane
Lambo pulls up buys civic type r
Yesterday a gray newer Lamborghini pulls up. I ask the sales manager who that is . He said ," he's the owner of a luxury dealer and is buying our only 2017 Honda Civic type R for his 8 year old son.
This whole situation just implanted even more how fast lane life is compare to my slow lane life As of now. Working on a few value creations for the world though
from Lambo pulls up buys civic type r
What is your favorite blog(s) to read?
What is your favorite blog(s) to read?
from What is your favorite blog(s) to read?
What is your favorite business blog?
What is your favorite business blog(s)?
from What is your favorite business blog?
What blog(s) do you read?
What are some of your favorite blog(s) to read?*
*It doesn't have to be about business.
from What blog(s) do you read?
#1465 What didn’t kill Colin Hodge made him stronger
Colin Hodge is the Founder of of Down (formerly Bang With Friends) which is a dating app that he sold to Paktor.
Sponsored byHostGator is your one-stop shop for all things web hosting. From design and marketing services to easy-to-use website builders, they are with you every step of the way. Thanks to their 24/7 – 365 days a year live support – which you can get via chat, phone and email – any and all questions you have can be answered in no time at all.
HostGator offers unlimited disk space and bandwidth, an easy to use control panel, one click WordPress installs and more.
Pipedrive is a sales management tool for small teams with big ambitions. It visualizes one’s sales pipeline and helps to make sure important activities and conversations won’t get dropped. Salespeople really like it because it’s easy to use and intuitive. Managers like it because they don’t need to nag their team to use their CRM. It also sports built-in forecasting, integrations with other software such as Google Apps, MailChimp and Zapier and a powerful API.
More interviews ->
Rate this interview ->
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16 and 2 businesses already made
thank you for a chance to tell here my story. I'm college age - 16 and have the same plans for the future as Fastlane map after reading TMF. Firstable I wanna say that I live in Poland, Europe so please don't pay attention at some English grammar and so on mistakes. I've made a process in any my earning money ideas but now I had to stop because of the parents which say that I can't do any Internet business until 18 - it's illegal here to make money on my own before having registred...
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Animated Video Explainer?
Thank you. - Bless
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Getting the MOST out of Fastlane (Required Read)

Getting the MOST out of Fastlane (Required Read)
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do what you love scam vs primary inclinations
Generally I read a lot, inspired about a year ago by Slight Edge book. During last year I've read about 50 books on personal development and bussiness and motivation and stoicism and psychology. Most of them seemed like great books at first (like for example Robert from Havaii

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Thursday, June 29, 2017
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Paid Subscription service??? Good or bad??, plus some questions
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50 Days of Fastlane
So I had what I later realized to be my FTE not long before I had any idea about the Fastlane. I am a project manager at a small company. I oversee all the new program implementations we do. Sales is not under my...
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Sales funnels
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Can We Talk About Gary V?
Not only that, but I think he usually gives out great advice. I'm a big fan overall, and you can get a lot of value from him.
But I wanted to get some forum opinions on some of the stuff he posts.. because sometimes it sounds like he's just selling the dream. I'd love to see other viewpoints on this.
For example, here is a short little fake text convo he had to illustrate a point:
Can We Talk About Gary V?
from Can We Talk About Gary V?
A Perfect Example of Loss of Control (Amazon)
Multi Million Dollar Amazon Fraud Is Ongoing . . . My Family Needs Help - Amazon Seller Forums
"Hello Seller Community,
This thread is long but if you bare with me I can guarantee that you will have never read anything like this. I really need any help I can get. I have been going...
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15 Days to Freedom - Make Money Copywriting in 15 Days or Less
Make money copywriting in 15 days or less.
(Without writing a hundred Gary Halbert letters)
Everything you think you know about the way they’ve taught you to think about the way things are supposed to work…
…is a lie.
Consider what this sentence actually means.
Now think about whatever reasons (excuses) you've been verbally vomiting to yourself about why you’re not getting anywhere and why you’re not making progress. What...
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Escape the Borg! - My Journey to Freedom, Ecommerce
I would first like to take a second to thank @Ecom man and @Walter Hay. I know i'm not the first to say this, and definitely wont be the last, but you both really helped me to get motivated...
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How do you deal with disbelievers?
Both my parents and my girlfriend are as slowlane as they get - work boring jobs during the day and complain at night about how much they hate their jobs and hope to win the lottery. Ever since I have chosen the fast lane, my girlfriend and my dad have been on my case about quitting my cushy 70k a year marketing position, even though...
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From Portugal, with desire to learn
I'm Carlos, a 22 years old guy from Portugal, who is recently graduating in Mechanical Engineering.
I don't see myself as a Mechanical Engineer from here on until the rest of my life, and I want to choose a different path for me.
I came across the book UNSCRIPTED a few days ago, and it has been an eye opener for me.
Deep down, I did not know where to start to find guidance, and I think I can learn a lot from this community about discovering a new way to my life, since it...
From Portugal, with desire to learn
from From Portugal, with desire to learn
I will fix any problem in your life. Guaranteed.
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I am new and just about done reading the millionaire fastlane. I am truly enjoying it. I wake up every morning and "think there has to be something better than this"
I am so overwhelmed with what to do. I wanted to know if anyone does Network Marketing..I know that was mentioned in the book (doing the audio) but can't remember if that's considered and A, B or C idea!
Thank you
Tony Robbins Fans? Unleash the Power?
If not, is anyone interested in going? There is one in San Jose, CA on June 26-29th
General Admission $995 for two tickets = $497.50 per ticket avg
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The Best 10 Minutes of Your Life In Bed
I found myself afraid to cold call, go door knocking and entirely too concerned with peoples feelings. I realized that instead of giving strong guidance and advice to my clients, I was letting them run the show,...
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Greetings, friends
I'm 35, an IT support consultant and a programmer in my "free time". Husband, and father. We live in small town, and I make jack-shit wages even though I've a highly skilled technology professional. I'm sick and tired of selling my M-F for peanuts. My wife and I are determined to be financially successful, and we've begun to read and watch material to grow our knowledge on the subject. We identify that the internet is the most powerful vehicle to deliver the kind scale-able,...
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An useful advice
from An useful advice
How to Apply Fastlane to Farming
I've long wanted to become a farmer and I was wondering how could I apply the Fastlane philosophy into farming?
Particularly with livestock and such.
I think the Agriculture industry is open for innovation and forward-thinkers, most farmers are getting old and the youth generally stay away from entering the field.
from How to Apply Fastlane to Farming
Tweet This! How to Tweet Quotes: Tools and WordPress Plugins for Tweetable Quotes
I share almost everything I like and read on Twitter. I think Twitter is the link-friendliest network. I can share only 2-3 links on Facebook (not to be too annoying and linky) but Twitter is never tired of links.
But tweeting an article title is boring: More often, when reading, I feel like tweeting what it’s said in the body. Tweeted quotes stand out, they always trigger an active discussion and then make my stream more diverse.
Here are some tools for you to diversify your Twitter feed with tweeted quotes!
1. Easily Select Text and Tweet
The official Twitter browser bookmarklet does the best job here. Just drag and drop it into your browser bookmarks bar. Then, once you read a sentence you feel like tweeting, just select that text and click the bookmarklet.
The new pop-up will include the quote and the current URL:
Here are more browser bookmarklets you may want to check out.
2. Tweeting Visual Quotes
There are quote a few free tools that allow you to create visual quotes (here are a few). The one I am using most of all is
The reason I really like it is that it is very easy and efficient: No need to play with lots of templates you have no time too. I like it because it’s quite basic: Spending less time on each tweet is very essential for productivity!
It also has a handy bookmarklet, so you can highlight a quote on the page, click the bookmarklet and create the visual quote almost instantly!
WordPress Plugins to Let Your Readers Tweet YOUR Quotes
I think this is the oldest one. I’ve been using the plugin forever. It won’t work for all the WordPress themes. Also it doesn’t offer a huge customization variety. Here’s how the quotes-to-tweet look like:
This plugin is my recent find. It has lots of customization features and it looks very robust.
Here’s how the quotes-to-tweet look like:
3. Tweet Dis
This is a paid alternative but it is the best in terms of various way to customize the look. It’s better supported too and it’s very cheap.
Here’s how the quotes-to-tweet look like:
This one looks good too but it uses their own shortener which I never really feel confident about. What of their site goes down? All my links will be broken?
Here’s how the quotes-to-tweet look like:
This is another paid option which comes with slick social media sharing buttons and stylish-looking in-article tweetable quotes.
Social Warfare makes sense if you use its other functionality (like neat social media sharing count buttons), so you don’t need a separate plugin for click-to-tweet functionality.
Here’s how the quotes-to-tweet look like:
You can also see Social Warfare in action below.
Do you tweet quotes? Please share your tips!
Do you tweet quotes? Why not? HERE'S HOW!Click To TweetThe post Tweet This! How to Tweet Quotes: Tools and WordPress Plugins for Tweetable Quotes appeared first on Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog.
from Tweet This! How to Tweet Quotes: Tools and WordPress Plugins for Tweetable Quotes
Newbie without anything to offer here
I am new here the only thing I have to show for is my desire to be an entrepreneur and become
rich. I have no skills and currently stuck in a mental rut, but I hope to progress with the help
of this forum. I have silently read here and it`s awesome. You guys are honest but nice and supportive at the same time. There are a few millionaires here. Makes me feel like its not that
special and a reachable Goal for the average Joe.
I look forward to stimulating discussions,...
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[PDF Download] DigitalMarketer’s 101 Best Email Subject Lines of 2016 (…and 5 free tools you can use to amplify your email marketing!)
In 2016, DigitalMarketer sent 107,442,263 emails…
…emails centered around promotions, blog posts, charity, and certifications. And we learned a thing or two about what works in the process.
It’s safe to say for us, 2016 was “the year of the content mail.” DigitalMarketer has become much less reliant on promotional emails as our primary means to engage customers (we still run promotions, but they aren’t as essential for driving traffic).
Instead, we have begun to focus more on email as a content distribution platform, to help us segment and excite customers about our products.
What can you take away from that lesson?
Make sure you’re incorporating the value-first strategy into your email calendar, and not prioritizing promotions too highly over content. If your customers aren’t getting value, they aren’t opening your emails (and you’re missing tons of sales and relationship-building opportunities).
We went data digging and found our best 101 subject lines for you to swipe or use as inspiration. And as a bonus — we’ve also rounded up five FREE tools you can find online to help you make the most of your email marketing.
This is our fourth annual Best Email Subject Line Roundup, but there are 303 more subject lines for you to swipe here:
- 2015’s [PDF Download] Digital Marketer’s 101 Best Email Subject Lines of 2015 (…and our 3 best email split tests!)
- 2014’s 101 Best Email Subject Lines (…and our 10 worst!)
- 2013’s 101 Best Email Subject Lines
Before we dive into our 101 winners, let’s look at what common elements you might find in a subject line. There were eight different components we found again and again in our top performing email subject lines:
1 – Self-Interest
These are your bread and butter subject lines – you should be using them most frequently.
They are usually direct and speak to a specific benefit your audience will gain by opening the email. Self-interest subject lines also help pre-qualify openers by giving them a clue about your email’s body content.
2 – Curiosity
If self-interest subject lines work because they communicate a direct benefit of opening the email, curiosity-based ones succeed for the exact opposite reason. These pique the interest of subscribers without giving away too much information, leading to higher opens. Be careful though, because curiosity-based subject lines can get old fast and are the most likely to miss their mark.
3 – Offer
Do you like free stuff? Do you like to buy things?
So does your email list. When you are giving something away or selling something your subscribers would be interested in, directly stating that in your subject line is a great way to convince them to open the email and learn more.
4 – Urgency/Scarcity
This is the most powerful type of subject line you have at your disposal. Subject lines that communicate urgency and scarcity tell readers they must act now. Too many of these can lead to list exhaustion so use sparingly and, of course, only when there is truly a deadline, limited quantity or limited availability.
5 – Humanity
Don’t forget to remind your list about the person or people behind your products. Sometimes you need to thank your subscribers, tell them a story about yourself, or make a human appeal for their attention.
6 – News
Keeping your audience informed about new developments in your field builds authority and keeps your open rates high. These subject lines often work well when combined with a curiosity element.
7 – Social Proof
A fundamental characteristic of humans is that we look to the behavior of others when making decisions. You can leverage this in your email subject lines by mentioning individual’s success stories, familiar names, or highlighting how many people are already using a product or service.
8 – Story
Telling a story, or at least teasing the beginning of one, in your subject line is a unique way to highlight a benefit and get the open rate you’re looking for.
Ready for the subject lines? As is our tradition, we’ll start with our top 10 best…
- How “Ryan Deiss” became “DigitalMarketer”
- Content: Blog Post
- Open Rate: 14.61%
- Analysis: This subject line appeals to people’s human nature. It promises a compelling narrative, DigitalMarketer’s origin story, and reminds readers that a person started this company, emphasizing a human connection.
- Don’t buy this from Amazon!
- Content: Invisible Selling Machine
- Open Rate: 14.64%
- Analysis: This is an old standby, and has worked time and time again. It’s a perfect example of what successful curiosity-based subject should do – generate an emotional reaction without giving away the email’s purpose.
- [DOWNLOAD] 15-Point Landing Page Audit
- Content: Blog Post
- Open Rate: 14.97%
- Analysis: This kind of subject line (and email) is the very definition of value-first content. A free download that is intended to give audiences the opportunity to self-identify as interested in this topic.
- I called. You didn’t answer.
- Content: Blog Post
- Open Rate: 15.05%
- Analysis: Just reading this subject line makes me feel a little guilty! While it doesn’t take something away, it creates a sense of urgency similar to an expiring offer. And of course, using “I” in a subject line is a great way to humanize email copy.
- [DECLASSIFIED] DM’s 2016 Planning Meeting
- Content: Blog Post
- Open Rate: 15.44%
- Analysis: What’s your reaction when someone let’s you in on a secret? For most people, it’s to lean in a bit and give them your ear. This subject line takes a traditional (but great) blog post and gives it a bit of mystique.
- Announcing: The 7th Annual Black Friday Bootcamp
- Content: Black Friday Bootcamp
- Open Rate: 15.71%
- Analysis: This subject line needs no frills and no complex hooks; it relies on people’s familiarity with our annual Black Friday Bootcamp workshop. When leveraging the familiar, a direct, clear offer works wonders.
- 13 billion emails analyzed [Infographic]
- Content: Blog Post
- Open Rate: 15.79%
- Analysis: This subject line uses a classic technique, featuring an odd number that stands out to readers in an inbox. And highlighting the content type, an infographic, assures readers that this massive amount of information will be easily digestible.
- Steal these email templates…
- Content: The Machine
- Open Rate: 16.16%
- Analysis: Making a direct offer, “download this,” “grab this,” is a strong hook for any email. And this subject line does a great job of amplifying what’s already working with more surprising language.
- 5-Point Paid Ad Audit
- Content: Blog Post
- Open Rate: 16.25%
- Analysis: This is a great subject line to appeal to intermediate and advanced marketers, which comprises most of DigitalMarketer’s list. It’s a direct offer, and one that speaks to people who are knee-deep, and trying to make the most of their efforts.
- Your new favorite marketing tool…
- Content: Blog Post
- Open Rate: 16.57%
- Analysis: This subject line touches on a broad interest for the audience, marketing tools, and promises positive change. Finding new software or strategies means faster, better processes, which marketers are always looking for.
Those may be the cream of the crop, but with nearly 108 million emails out the door, we saw a few other good ones, too. Here are the next 90 subject lines that had the highest open rates and a breakdown of the elements that compose them:
- Facebook’s New Pixel: What You Need to Know – News | Self-Interest
- G + L + F = 2X Your Sales – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- I’m in this new book… – Humanity | Curiosity
- Google Compliant Landing Page Checklist [Download] – Offer
- 28 ways to increase organic social traffic – Self-Interest
- Yep, that just happened… – Curiosity
- BRAND-NEW certification released today… – Curiosity
- These 6 skills will pay the bills… – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- [BLOG] How an unknown podcaster generated 100,525 organic downloads in 80 days – Story | Self-Interest
- Did you get your book yet? – Curiosity
- She sold 122 subscriptions for $97 each. Here’s how… – Story | Self-Interest
- New for 2017: 2 ways to master marketing… – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- 15 killer content marketing tools – Offer | Self-Interest
- [Download] Customer Avatar Worksheet – Offer
- 10-week live training and certification – Offer
- What do Google, YouTube, Amazon and Pinterest have in common? – Curiosity
- All Execution Plans 75% off! – Offer | Self-Interest
- Is “ISBO” the future of search marketing? – Curiosity
- Ultimate Guide to Facebook Video Ads [2nd Edition] – Self-Interest
- Facebook Ad Targeting (The Complete Guide, 2nd Edition) – Self-Interest
- ANNOUNCING Recommended Agendas and “learning tracks” – News
- The Complete Guide to Google Tag Manager [Part 2] – Self-Interest
- Better than T&C? – Curiosity
- Become a Certified Digital Marketing Professional – Self-Interest
- Your Content Campaign Planner (Google doc) – Offer
- Ryan Deiss #TCS2016 Keynote: What you need to know – News | Self-Interest
- Happy Birthday to… …DigitalMarketer! – Humanity | Story
- How to generate FREE, organic traffic! – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- ⏰ Are you In or Out? – Urgency/Scarcity | Curiosity
- Great News — new T&C tickets released! – Self-Interest
- Bad news…closing down – Urgency/Scarcity | Curiosity
- [DOWNLOAD] 8-Point Lead Magnet Success Checklist – Offer
- Why “Yes” Kills and “No” Can Make You Rich [part 3 of 3] – Story | Curiosity
- ⚡️ [FLASH SALE] Our Facebook ad plan (and best templates)… – Offer | Self-Interest
- Huge Announcement: Brand new event… – News | Curiosity
- 3 proven Facebook campaigns to run today… – Self-Interest | Offer
- T&C 2016 in Tahiti? – Curiosity
- [RANT] Why I HATE Business Cards! – Story | Humanity
- Lethal Combo: AdWords Remarketing + Google Analytics – Self-Interest
- Reach your audience… without their contact information. – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- Open up for our best content – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- Secret FB campaign gets 23,247 leads in 30 days… – Self-Interest
- Case Study: 7-figure eCommerce Funnel – Social Proof
- 49 Split Tests that (Almost) Always Win – Self-Interest
- Our Paid Traffic Playlist – Curiosity | Offer
- Meet me in San Diego? – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- [Flash Sale] A 7-Step ”Paint By Numbers” Process for FB Campaigns – Offer
- Forget GroupOn — this stuff works! [Case Study] – Curiosity
- Swipe our eCommerce Email Marketing Roadmap – Offer
- [Case Study] $25,865/mo in recurring revenue – Social Proof | Story
- Are you a victim of manipulated data? – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- The power of empty pockets – Story | Curiosity
- New business model — this is the future of business… – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- [Last Call] For the Ultimate Email Marketing Game-Plan (PDF) – Urgency/Scarcity | Offer
- [Save $500] Become a Search Marketing Specialist – Self-Interest
- Watch T&C in your underwear… – Curiosity
- ✈ Meet me in Orlando – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- ⚡️ [FLASH SALE] My 6-Step Market Research Plan (and workbook) – Offer | Self-Interest
- [DOWNLOAD] 10-Point Blog Post Audit – Offer
- Finally, track social media ROI – Self-Interest
- Community Manager vs. Social Media Manager: Which is right for you? – Self-Interest
- [SWIPE] This email got 6X open rate… – Offer | Curiosity
- Stand out in your customer’s inbox – Self-Interest
- Pokemon GO: 3 Marketing Mistakes, Millions of Users Lost! – News | Curiosity
- [Free Gift] Our Facebook ad targeting checklist… – Offer
- 3 wicked AdWords tactics to increase your ROI – Self-Interest
- This is what’s truly essential… [part 2 of 3] – Curiosity | Story
- $4 Million in Ad Spend (Here’s what works) – Self-Interest
- Measure ROI by traffic source – Self-Interest
HUGE Announcement (another big change at DM) – News
- Marketing Showdown: Hillary Clinton vs Bernie Sanders – News | Curiosity
- [Case Study] Local Facebook Advertising – Self-Interest
- Does anyone even WANT what you’re selling? – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- [Last Chance] 75 percent off all our Execution Plans ends TOMORROW! – Urgency/Scarcity
- Turn your assistant into a marketing rockstar – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- The Ad Grid: 20X your success rate – Self-Interest
- Aducational Video + Remarketing – Curiosity
- Lowest price on T&C – Self-Interest
- ANNOUNCING: Marketing Mastery Class – News
- There is still time… – Urgency/Scarcity | Curiosity
- T&C hotel almost SOLD OUT! – Urgency/Scarcity
- A tested and proven framework… – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- ✔ [Checklist] Your Split Testing Guide – Offer
- [TODAY] Our Facebook ad targeting plan (3 pm Eastern) – Urgency/Scarcity | Offer
- CLOSING down soon! (Don’t get locked out) – Urgency/Scarcity | Curiosity
- Why I (kinda) HATE surveys… – Humanity
- $7 today, $47 tomorrow – Self-Interest | Urgency/Scarcity
- How an electronic retailer surged their revenue by 60% – Story | Self-Interest
- New DigitalMarketer event for Bloggers! – News
- [ICYMI] Everything you need to know about Facebook’s new pixel – Self-Interest | News
5 Free Tools You Can Use to Amplify Your Email Marketing
Now that you’ve got some subject lines to get you started, I want to hand you just a few more free resources going into the next year that you can use to improve email open rates, clickthrough rates, and even deliverability rates.
1. A/B Significance Tester
Split testing is one of the best ways to figure out not just what works in email marketing, but what works for your audience. You could read a dozen articles on email tips and tricks but at the end of the day, what you need to know is what the subscribers who have opted in for your materials are interested in.
Unfortunately, when dealing with split testing large audiences, it’s sometimes hard to get a sense of what actually worked. That’s why it’s so important to see if your results are statistically significant – basically, how likely is it that if you ran the test again, you’d get the same results.
I’ve used this free resource from Kissmetrics for more than two years because it’s simple, free, and easy to use to get a read of whether or not your split test results matter.
2. Bulletproof Email Buttons
Responsive buttons are a great way to make the CTAs in your email copy stand out.
In fact, in last year’s subject line roundup, I talked about how DigitalMarketer saw some amazing results from buttons in emails – a 38% higher earning per click for emails with buttons.
But if you aren’t a coder, you’ll need some other resource to help simplify creating these – otherwise, you run the risk of screwing up your email templates or breaking your links.
Luckily, Campaign Monitor has an awesome free solution for creating buttons of all shapes, sizes, and colors. With this tool, creating a button is easy and doesn’t require any special knowledge of CSS or HTML.
A pro tip for slightly more advanced users: you can easily increase the font size as well by changing the value for “font-size” from 13 pixels to whatever your heart (or email template) desires.
3. GifRocket
This one’s for Mac users only, but boy is it a doozy. If you’ve ever seen an email with a “video” in it, most likely it was actually an email leveraging gifs. Gifs are graphics that store and show a series of images, creating an experience similar to a short video.
For most people, making gifs requires finding a graphic artist or hiring out the task on Fiverr or TaskRabbit, a slow and often painful process.
But with GifRocket, anyone with a Mac and a video can create their very own gifs. Here’s an example (which took under two minutes to film and gif-ify):
Combining this software with your smartphone camera can create some magical moments, no technical skill required. All you need is a dash of imagination!
4. Headline Analyzer
If you just can’t quite decide if a subject line you wrote is good enough, maybe you need to test it out “in the lab.”
CoSchedule created a free tool that helps you evaluate the efficacy of your headlines. All you need to do is post your headline in their analyzer and they will give you a score for how well you did, and how likely the headline is to get your audience clicking.
The program identifies what kinds of words are used and how effective they are at evoking an emotional response, or how eye-catching and “powerful” they are.
Feel free to take their advice with a grain of salt – I tend to find them overly critical of short subject lines which have been shown to work well. But it’s a great resource if you’re looking for a second opinion.
5. Sender Score
This one’s a bit technical but is a must-use resource for anyone wanting to make the most of their email marketing.
Do you feel like your emails don’t make it to the inbox as often as they should?
The IP you use to send emails may have a bad reputation, literally.
With Sender Score, you can see the sender reputation that your emails have, and figure out what mailbox providers like Google think of your mails. This free tool from ReturnPath is a great way to keep an eye on the more technical elements of your email marketing. After all, with
After all, with poor delivery, even the best subject line isn’t going to get many opens. So go sign up for a free account and remember to keep an eye on your score.
Don’t stop there!
Read on to Learn DigitalMarketer’s 101 Best Email Subject Lines of 2015 (…and our 3 best email split tests!)
First, here are our ten best emails subject lines of 2015…
10. Seriously, get this book.
- Content: The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth (James Altucher’s book)
- Open Rate: 16.91%
- Analysis: This subject line is pretty direct – seriously means no fooling around. But the blind reference to an as-yet unidentified book demands the recipient take a look inside and see if it’s a good fit for their library shelf.
9. I’m pulling the plug…
- Content: Blog Post
- Open: 17.13%
- Analysis: This subject line uses negative language to great effect. What does “pulling the plug” mean for DigitalMarketer subscribers? Is this bad news (or as it turned out, great news)? Only by clicking through can you find out.
8. 7 split testing mistakes
- Content: Blog Post
- Open: 17.34%
- Analysis: Do you like making mistakes? Neither do we (though it happens). So when someone promises to show you pitfalls to avoid before it’s too late, no one wants to miss the opportunity to do so.
7. How HostGator does retargeting
- Content: Blog Post
- Open: 17.40%
- Analysis: This subject is simple and to the point, with a clear value proposition (learn how to leverage their retargeting strategy). The social proof of leveraging a well-known brand helps validate the information contained within the email.
6. TRAFFIC (on a “shoestring” budget)
- Content: Blog Post
- Open: 17.79%
- Analysis: All caps can be pretty polarizing – no one likes to be yelled at digitally. But when you pick a word business owners love, the results are more positive. And offering a cost-friendly solution to a problem never hurts.
5. 11 sneaky email tricks
- Content: Blog Post
- Open: 17.83%
- Analysis: This subject line uses a number that stands out (11) and a compelling adjective (sneaky) to hook the audience. And everyone loves simple to implement strategies, as implied by words like “trick,” “hack,” or “shortcut.”
4. Facebook Ads (Your first 3 steps)
- Content: Perpetual Traffic Episode
- Open: 17.87%
- Analysis: If you’ve wanted to try something new, like Facebook ads, one of the biggest barriers to entry is not knowing where to start. This subject is clear, direct, and helps people who aren’t sure if they’ll be able to use the information.
3. The YouTube Gold Mine
- Content: Blog Post
- Open: 17.90%
- Analysis: Have you ever discovered a gold mine? Probably not, but it sure would be nice to do so. This subject line combines a high-value proposition with intriguing but vague details. Open up!
2. Thank You!
- Content: $1 Trial Offer
- Open: 17.99%
- Analysis: This is a subject line that works so well we sneak it into our mails every year and it never fails to disappoint. People love recognition, and acknowledgment of what they’ve done (if you swipe just one subject line, make it this one).
1. 23 bizarre products selling online
- Content: Blog Post
- Open: 18.71%
- Analysis: This was one of our experiments for 2015, seeing how some lighter, less actionable content would fare, and the fact that subject line took our top slot shows that this strategy works. This subject promises a fun twist on studying just how crazy ecommerce can be. And lists with odd numbers always catch the eye.
Those may be the cream of the crop, but with 134 million emails out the door, we saw a few other good ones, too. Here are the next 90 subject lines that had the highest open rates and a breakdown of the elements that compose them:
- Think like a Facebook ad pro… – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- 29 Landing Page Reviews (Plus…) – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- Get your Facebook advertising plan – Offer
- How to Build an Unstoppable Business (2nd Edition) – Story
- The 3-step Content Marketing plan – Self-Interest
- [SWIPE] 10 Best Customer Survey Questions – Offer
- This is embarrassing but… – Curiosity
- Facebook Ad Case Study [listen to Part 3] – Self-Interest
- … this failed miserably – Humanity | Curiosity
- How to get paid [Literally] – Self-Interest
- Still doing it the old way? – Curiosity
- Sales ⬆︎, Refunds ⬇︎, Retention ⬆︎ – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- How Emily Faith got 76,974 YouTube views in 10 days… – Story
- Facebook Video Ads | The Ultimate Guide – Offer | Self-Interest
- Avoiding the “Facebook ban hammer” – News | Curiosity
- How to sell tickets to live events – Self-Interest
- Don’t buy this from Amazon! – Curiosity
- Finally! Facebook releases… – Curiosity | News
- Split Test This, Not That – Self-Interest
- My Gift to you… – Curiosity | Offer
- New tool changes webinars forever… – News
- The PERFECT traffic platform? – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- I’m closing it down! – Urgency/Scarcity
- Join me in congratulating… – Story | Curiosity
- Inverted Web Analytics? – Curiosity
- The ideal length of everything online – Curiosity
- The PERFECT Facebook Ad – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- BIG news from YouTube – News | Curiosity
- This critique gets uncomfortable at times – Curiosity
- [Leads] Scaling from 50 to 5,000+ – Self-Interest
- Rice, gasoline and website traffic? – Curiosity
- The AdWords Remarketing “Easy Button” – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- Private Invite – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- Big Celebrity Announcement – News
- [SWIPE] Our best email copy – Offer
- Answers to the Facebook Pixel Madness – Self-Interest
- 2 killer blog post templates – Offer | Curiosity
- WANTED: Professional Content Marketers – Curiosity
- Read this before clicking “Send” – Self-Interest
- Can’t Buy FB Traffic? – Curiosity
- This has nothing to do with marketing… – Curiosity
- Meet me at ICON (and save $300)… – Offer
- [TEMPLATE] Cold email anyone and get a response – Offer
- [Podcast] Frank Kern on Paid Traffic – Story
- Traffic for the eCommerce biz – Self-Interest
- “I just want the recordings…” – Curiosity
- Twitter Traffic (In an hour a day) – Self-Interest
- Paid traffic not converting? Download this… – Offer
- MAJOR announcement! (big changes at DM) – News | Curiosity
- Become a “Customer Acquisition Specialist” – Self-Interest
- 3 proven FB campaigns to run today… – Offer
- 2 BRAND-NEW certifications launched today – News | Curiosity
- Start with this funnel – Self-Interest
- I was wrong… – Humanity
- Use THIS to become an Authority (in ANY market)… – Self-Interest | Offer
- $100 or $100.00? (It makes a difference) – Curiosity
- Blog posts that sell (A complete guide) – Offer
- I LOVE this little tool! – Curiosity
- T&C 2016 closing soon? – Urgency/Scarcity
- Limited-time open enrollment… – Curiosity
- ①⓪① ways to boost email open rates – Self-Interest
- New DigitalMarketer Training Center – News | Curiosity
- Conversion vs. Content – Curiosity
- 21 landing page mistakes – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- Facebook’s New Lead Ads (What you need to know) – News | Self-Interest
- Copy and paste these 72 headlines [Last Chance] – Offer
- How to hire a content marketer – Self-Interest
- Get your first 1,000 blog subscribers – Self-Interest
- Stop writing NEW blog posts. Here’s why… – Curiosity
- [TEST RESULTS] 2,689 leads from “On Site Retargeting” – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- A visit to Facebook (Here’s what we learned) – Story | Curiosity
- My 2016 business plan… – Offer | Curiosity
- 5,219% ROI from new traffic source – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- The Remarketing Grid – Curiosity
- [Case Study] Numbers don’t lie – Story | Curiosity
- Score your landing page – Self-Interest
- Create the perfect marketing calendar – Offer
- Reach 6,372,857 people with zero ad spend – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- A 15.2% lift (but we were shocked) – Curiosity
- My favorite automation tools – Self-Interest
- A very direct (and some might even say, “RUDE”) email – Curiosity
- [CASE STUDY] AZ shoe store 20X’d sales by sending what? – Story | Social Proof
- Download This Social Media Swipe File (PDF) – Offer
- Turn ice cold prospects into buyers – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- My favorite business model – Curiosity
- The Ultimate Course on Paid Traffic – Self-Interest | Offer
- My new book! (and a big mistake) – Story | Humanity
- Double sales (Get the formula) – Self-Interest
- Dirt cheap Facebook leads – Self-Interest
- ⬆︎ Social media traffic (Your 6-step plan) – Self-Interest
Now it’s your turn — Post in DM Engage or tweet us with #101!
(NOTE: Want a plan for truly effortless automated email marketing? Check out DigitalMarketer’s Email Marketing Mastery — on sale for 90% off! Generate at least 200% more sales and conversions from the list you already have… even if it’s tiny! Learn more now and take advantage of this sale!)
Should you test that?
Now that you have our best subject lines of the year, you should be ready to up your own game and start sending some emails.
We’re going to give you just a little bit more information to help you get an extra bump…Here are our three top performing email split tests of 2015.
1. Highlighting a Pain in the Subject Line
Open rate can lie about performance.
That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t look at the metric because you definitely should. It’s one of your top four email metrics to watch, along with click through rate, unsubscribe rate, and earnings per click (EPC).
But here’s a great split test that shows why you can judge a campaign by a single metric.
We ran this subject line split test in March of this year. These were the two subject lines.
The “Little _______ = big sales [QUIZ]” beat out the other one, but the results weren’t significant. So at first glance, the test was a wash. However, on closer examination, the subject line “This is why your prospects aren’t buying” actually had more clicks.
A LOT more.
We saw a statistically significant lift of 18% in click-throughs for the second subject line. The reason? The other headline pre-qualified openers by highlighting a pain they were feeling in their business.
That’s one of the risks with curiosity headlines – they drive more opens but people don’t know what they are getting into when they open. So for more complex or expensive offers, direct and pain-based subject lines can produce better results. Don’t overdo it on the doom and gloom though; a little bit of negativity goes a long way and too much can turn subscribers off your emails.
2. Use CSS Buttons in your email
Setting yourself up for mobile wins has never been more important, as more and more people are using their mobile devices to read email, browse the web and make purchases.
Because of this trend, we decided to experiment with CSS buttons during our Black Friday promotion. We tested emails using buttons for the CTA against emails using just text hyperlinks, which had been our standard practice.
Here’s a glance at what each one looked like:
We figured the button would win, but we had no idea how incredible the results would be. The email with buttons had a 22% higher click through rate, no small feat and definitely a sign that this test was a winner.
But that’s not the mind-blowing part of the results.
We also compared the performance and found that the earnings per click, the amount of money we made for every person who clicked through the email, was 38% higher for the email with CSS buttons.
3. Use Unicode Symbols to Highlight Emails
We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again — using Unicode symbols in your subject line is a great way to generate a bump in opens.
These symbols are the little pictures that show up in your inbox, including ☼, ★, ☂, and ①. Since Unicode symbols are coded in computer systems like alphabet characters and numbers, they can be displayed on multiple browsers and devices.
Across all kinds of topics and subject lines, we’ve found that Unicode symbols produce a consistent 8% bump in email opens. So these can be a great way to squeeze everything you can out of a big promotion or help push visitors to a particularly strong blog post.
You can grab a swipe file of some of the best Unicode symbols here.
Don’t stop there!
Check Out Our 101 Best Email Subject Lines of 2014 (…and our 10 worst!)
We start with our top ten email subject lines for 2014…
10. [WEEKEND ONLY] Get this NOW before it’s gone…
- Product: AuthorityROI
- Product Type: Course/Information Product
- Open Rate: 9.49%
- Analysis: This is a great example of a flash sale subject line. It combines the urgency of limited availability with an element of mystery. Keep in mind that these work best in very small doses.
9. The Facebook Slap is coming…
- Product: Twitter Ads EP
- Product Type: Execution Plan
- Open Rate: 9.51%
- Analysis: Personally, just rereading this subject line has me digging through my email archives. It combines the curiosity and news elements, and speaks to a penalty the entire digital marketing industry will want to avoid.
8. Steal these email templates…
- Product: Email Templates
- Product Type: The Machine
- Open Rate: 9.53%
- Analysis: This one is simple and direct, and makes a clear offer. The phrase “templates” works particularly well with Digital Marketer’s email list.
7. Your 7-figure plan goes bye-bye at midnight…
- Product: AuthorityROI
- Product Type: Course/Information Product
- Open Rate: 9.64%
- Analysis: Are you willing to wave goodbye to 7 figures? Most people aren’t – this is another great example of curiosity and urgency working in tandem to raise that open rate!
6. Is this the hottest career in marketing?
- Product: eCommerce EP
- Product Type: Execution Plan
- Open Rate: 9.77%
- Analysis: This one is all about curiosity. Using questions in your subject line is a great way to open a loop that your audience will want to close by checking out the email’s contents.
5. A Native Ad in 60 Minutes or Less
- Product: Blog Post
- Product Type: Lead Magnet
- Open Rate: 9.78%
- Analysis: Quantifying how long it will take a subscriber to realize some benefit in the subject line is great – it feels manageable and promises results, making even inactive members of your list curious. This offer feels bite-sized and achievable.
4. 212 blog post ideas
- Product: Blog Post
- Product Type: Lead Magnet
- Open Rate: 9.94%
- Analysis: Another great offer example – it communicates the email’s value in just four words.
3. Check out my new “man cave” [PICS]
- Product: eCommerce EP
- Product Type: Execution Plan
- Open Rate: 10.24%
- Analysis: This is a fun blend of curiosity and humanity – it directly addresses some value Ryan got, a sweet new “man cave,” in the subject. Not only does this spark interest, but it reminds readers about the human connection that brought them to DM in the first place.
2. [URGENT] You’ve got ONE DAY to watch this…
- Product: AuthorityROI
- Product Type: Course/Information Product
- Open Rate: 10.79%
- Analysis: Once again, curiosity and urgency team up to create a compelling subject line. If you are careful about using these sparingly, you’ll find that they just work.
1. How (and why) to calculate Average Customer Value
- Product: Blog
- Product Type: Blog Post
- Open Rate: 10.91%
- Analysis: Our number one email subject line, this blends all of the good stuff. It gives you a metric that can improve you business, inspires curiosity about why this number matters, and offers to help you figure out how to calculate it.
(NOTE: Want a plan for truly effortless automated email marketing? Check out DigitalMarketer’s Email Marketing Mastery — on sale for 90% off! Generate at least 200% more sales and conversions from the list you already have… even if it’s tiny! Learn more now and take advantage of this sale!)
Here are the next 90 emails with the highest engagement and what elements they used:
- [FINAL CHANCE] 7-figure blueprint gone tonight… – Curiosity | Urgency
- How to write a promotional email – Self-Interest
- Steal our best subject lines – Offer | Self-Interest
- Weird traffic test… – Curiosity
- How to craft a guarantee that sells – Self-Interest | Story
- [SECOND CHANCE] This weekend only… – Curiosity | Urgency
- The Machine is coming… – Curiosity
- It’s landing page magic… – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- [NEW POST] How To Build an Email Marketing Machine – Self-Interest | Story
- THIS disappears at midnight! – Curiosity | Urgency
- A simple sales copy formula – Self-Interest
- Gold In Your Mailbox – Curiosity
- [RESULTS] My Facebook Case Study – Curiosity | Story
- This is working on Facebook right now – Self-Interest | Story
- Two Words: Cheap Traffic! – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- [FLASH SALE] 51% off sale ends tonight… – Curiosity | Urgency
- I made you a video… – Curiosity
- How to write bullets that sell… – Self-Interest
- Facebook is cracking down… HARD! – Curiosity | News
- Thank You! – Humanity
- [Case Study] Copy & paste this $10 million business… – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- Swipe my Email Game-Plan (PDF) – Offer | Self-Interest
- [FREE PDF] Ultimate Email Marketing Game-Plan – Offer | Self-Interest
- The 10-Minute Bloggers Editorial Plan – Self-Interest
- What are you doing this weekend? – Curiosity
- 212 Blog Post Ideas (PDF) – Offer | Self-Interest
- Is email marketing dead? – Curiosity
- C’mon – everybody’s waiting for you… – Curiosity | Urgency
- I LOVE this amazing little tool! – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- 3-Part Followup Series [Download] – Curiosity | Offer
- A quick YouTube hack – Self-Interest
- Find writers for your blog – Self-Interest
- Facebook Ad Targeting Options [A Complete Guide] – Offer | Self-Interest
- [NEW FORMULA] Cheap, Targeted Facebook Traffic – Self-Interest
- 4 emails with stellar click-through rates – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- Step up your video marketing game – Self-Interest
- Want to look at our email stats? – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- Native Ad Hacks? – Curiosity
- 198% ROI on Twitter Ads – Self-Interest | Story
- [URGENT] About today’s traffic training… – Urgency
- Do NOT sell on Amazon without this $10 tool… – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- How to Stop Ho-Hum Marketing – Curiosity
- Would You Do THIS For Money? – Curiosity
- 2 huge mobile marketing opportunities – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- Twitter is the new… Facebook?! – Curiosity | News
- [PART 2] See how I got $0.10 email optins… – Self-Interest | Story
- My business model… on a napkin? – Curiosity | Story
- We beat up this landing page – Curiosity
- [Gone Sunday] Your traffic training replay is available.. – Urgency
- Don’t make these 7 AdWords mistakes – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- My Gift to you…– Offer | Curiosity
- Zero to 30K Page Views in 11 Weeks… – Story | Self-Interest
- This sucks, you lose… – Curiosity
- Should you follow your passion? – Curiosity | Story
- Low Conversion Rate? Fix These 6 Elements. – Self-Interest | Story
- Are you missing one of these FIVE steps? – Curiosity
- Copy and paste these 72 headlines [Last Chance] – Offer | Self-Interest
- How to craft a winning 3-part followup series – Self-Interest
- 32 split testing ideas – Self-Interest
- Less _______ = More Sales [SURVEY] – Curiosity
- [Template] Create engaging Facebook images – Offer | Self-Interest
- No blog comments? – Curiosity
- Download this Social Media Swipe File (PDF) – Offer | Self-Interest
- Presenting: “Funnel 2.0” – Curiosity
- 321% higher conversions using THIS… – Curiosity | Story
- This guy makes 6 figures per month? – Social Proof | Curiosity
- Amazon app cherry-picks hottest products for you… – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- Unlimited penny traffic… – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- My Twitter Ads Cheat Sheet – Self-Interest
- Still haven’t launched your funnel? – Curiosity
- Our top Facebook ad campaigns – Curiosity
- “Borrow” all my checklists… – Offer | Curiosity
- SEO is dying (a slow and painful death)… – News | Curiosity
- ☠This is rated aaarrrgh! (details inside) – Curiosity
- Does your marketing smell funny? – Curiosity
- Do you HATE money? – Curiosity
- (time sensitive) Last night’s Funnel training… – Urgency
- [Case Study] $188,674 from a dead list – Social Proof | Self-Interest
- [ONLY $7] My “cheap traffic” plan – Self-Interest
- Get More Email Newsletter Clicks – Self-Interest
- Reduce shopping cart abandonment – Self-Interest
- Create opt-in pages that convert like crazy – Self-Interest
- My Facebook retargeting plan – Self-Interest
- This gets my highest recommendation – Curiosity
- Better than Facebook? – Curiosity
- 28,507 leads in 45 days – Self-Interest | Social Proof
- A slick mobile lead gen funnel – Self-Interest
- The Machine is LIVE… here’s your link – Curiosity
- Pounce on these shifts in digital marketing – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- Uncomplicate your analytics – Self-Interest
- I do THIS for traffic… – Curiosity
But don’t do this…
We’re also sharing our top 10 worst emails of 2014 and picking them apart to find why exactly they didn’t work.
Our Top 10 Worst Emails
For these, we looked at emails with the highest unsubscribe to open ratio. Not only did these miss the mark, they drove our audience away! We’re going to work backward, starting with the 10th most unpopular email.
10. [85% Discount GONE] Blog launch “checklist on steroids” price increasing…
- Promotion: Blog Launch EP
- Promotion Type: Execution Plan
- Unsubscribes / Opens: 1.78%
- Analysis: This subject line is trying to do too much at once. The framing of the price increase is presented as both a disappearing discount and a price increase. While these mean the same thing, it can be a little confusing and makes the subject line too long. Sticking with short, sweet, and clear is best.
9. Last chance to be a whale…
- Promotion: The Whale Method
- Promotion Type: Course/Information Product
- Unsubscribes / Opens: 1.90%
- Analysis: This curiosity subject line is cute, but it’s a little too cute. We’ve found that trying to be too clever or funny with subject lines often hurts an email’s performance. This varies by industry, but for educational authorities, it tends to hurt performance.
8. 321% higher conversions using THIS…
- Promotion: Video Sales Letter Formula
- Promotion Type: Course/Information Product
- Unsubscribes / Opens: 1.93%
- Analysis: This subject line isn’t terrible – it combines curiosity with self-interest and makes an exciting promise. So I looked at the body as well. A key issue was that the body was even more blind than the subject line – the promise got lost in the open.
7. uh oh
- Promotion: Napkin Project
- Promotion Type: Course/Information Product
- Unsubscribes / Opens: 2.01%
- Analysis: This is a great example of a curiosity subject line that completely misses the mark. It’s too vague and sets a negative tone. Be very careful when using curiosity subject lines, especially when you don’t mix them with other elements.
6. 3-Part Followup Series [Download]
- Promotion: Native Ads Academy
- Promotion Type: Course/Information Product
- Unsubscribes / Opens: 2.09%
- Analysis: One of the big issues with this email was that it didn’t explain exactly what kind of follow-up series was being offered. By not giving the audience enough information, those who opened it and weren’t interested in an email follow-up series were turned off.
5. Free traffic SUCKS!
- Promotion: Whale Method
- Promotion Type: Course/Information Product
- Unsubscribes / Opens: 2.21%
- Analysis: This subject line strikes a negative tone right off the bat. While that can be very effective way to get opens, it also sets audience members up to feel frustrated. When you go negative, it’s important to really focus on putting a positive spin in the email body.
4. 43% discount GONE at midnight…
- Promotion: Video Sales Letter Formula
- Promotion Type: Course/Information Product
- Unsubscribes / Opens: 2.46%
- Analysis: This subject line isn’t particularly bad on its own – it combines curiosity and urgency, which is often very effective. However, the subject line is nearly identical to the one sent the day before. Using the same elements in a subject line two days in a row can make your emails seem stale and leave your audience bored. And bored audiences become unengaged very quickly.
3. This sucks, you lose…
- Promotion: Whale Method
- Promotion Type: Course/Information Product
- Unsubscribes / Opens: 2.67%
- Analysis: Another example of a negative curiosity-based subject line. It has a similar issue to the other one – it didn’t spin the tone of the communication enough and left readers with a bad taste in their mouth, leading to a high unsubscribe rate.
2. [GONE TONIGHT] Native Ads training OVER at MIDNIGHT
- Promotion: Native Ads Academy
- Promotion Type: Course/Information Product
- Unsubscribes / Opens: 2.94%
- Analysis: This subject line is a little too urgent – overdoing capitalization in the subject line can feel like shouting. And no one wants their email inbox to yell at them. Capitalization is a great way to draw attention but works best in small doses.
1. C’mon – everybody’s waiting for you…
- Promotion: Native Ads Academy
- Promotion Type: Course/Information
- Unsubscribes / Opens: 3.05%
- Analysis: This email actually had one of our top 100 email subject lines, but it’s a great example of the double-edged sword of curiosity hooks. The email went to audience members not already planning to attend a webinar. This subject line puts some pressure on the reader which, for those clearly not interested in the webinar, is an, unfortunately, effective way to drive them off your email list.
RELATED: Generate more sales by sending fewer emails with our Ultimate Email Marketing Gameplan.
Still here? Great!
We’re sharing our 101 Best Email Subject Lines of 2013 below!
In 2013, our best email subject lines were all made up of one of the 8 all-important elements we outlined at the top of this post…
Perhaps more importantly — NONE of our best email subject lines were:
- Cute
- Clever
OK… almost none of our best are cute or clever. Every once in a great while a cute or clever subject line will work… most of the time they will get low open rates.
For the most part it pays to be direct and clear.
OK… let’s take a look at our top email subject lines.
We begin with the 10th best email subject line…
10. Breaking News…
- Product: Black Friday Webinar
- Product Type: Webinar
- Open Rate: 7.6%
- Analysis: This subject line promises that the reader will find something timely and unknown if they open up.
9. Facebook traffic is dead?
- Product: Facebook Ad Power
- Product Type: Course/Information Product
- Open Rate: 7.6%
- Analysis: This subject line creates plays on a reader’s self-interest — particularly those that are using or are considering using Facebook for business.
8. Everybody’s waiting for you…
- Product: Funnel Webinar
- Product Type: Webinar
- Open Rate: 7.7%
- Analysis: This is a clever way to use urgency in an email subject line. This email was sent a couple of minutes after we started the webinar it was promoting.
7. Kindle bestseller in 4 days?
- Product: Facebook Ad Power
- Product Type: Course/Information Product
- Open Rate: 7.8%
- Analysis: This subject line promises a benefit in a short amount of time — a good example of a self-interest subject line.
6. Watch live? From anywhere?
- Product: Traffic & Conversion Summit (Event)
- Product Type: Event
- Open Rate: 8.0%
- Analysis: This subject line creates curiosity. It creates the following question in the reader’s mind: “Watch what from anywhere?”
5. Facebook closing down?
- Product: Facebook Ad Power
- Product Type: Course/Information Product
- Open Rate: 8.0%
- Analysis: This is a curiosity subject line that implies that something of self-interest to the reader might be going away.
4. I feel kinda sorry for you…
- Product: Facebook Ad Power
- Product Type: Course/Information Product
- Open Rate: 8.2%
- Analysis: This subject line plays on the reader’s ego and creates curiosity.
3. How to scale your business
- Product: The Amazing Selling Machine
- Product Type: Course/Information Product
- Open Rate: 9.5%
- Analysis: This is a clear and direct self-interest subject-line.
2 . Good news for people who love bad news…
- Product: Traffic & Conversion Summit (Event)
- Product Type: Event
- Open Rate: 9.6%
- Analysis: This one creates curiosity through a cute and clever use of word play.
1. Can’t Make The Trip?
- Product: Traffic & Conversion Summit (Event)
- Product Type: Event
- Open Rate: 9.8%
- Analysis: This curiosity subject line asks a question
Ok… that’s the Top 10. But there’s more… here are the next 90 email subject lines that enjoyed the highest open rates.
- Your funnel is broken… – Self Interest
- [New Video] 1,000,000 customers in 11 months? We have proof. – News | Self-Interest
- Need my help? – Self Interest | Curiosity
- Ahhh, San Diego! Spanish for… – Curiosity
- I LOVE this little Facebook tool! – Self Interest
- [URGENT] Emergency Gmail Webinar Tomorrow, 7/24! Urgency | News
- The Story of “The Vagabonds” – Story | Curiosity
- My favorite market research tool – Self Interest
- Get your business funded in 2014 [Case Study] – News | Self-Interest
- Copy & paste this $10 million business… – Self Interest
- (time sensitive) Last night’s Funnel training… – Urgency
- The Ultimate Facebook “Cheat Sheet” – Self Interest
- Create your own digital magazine (no iPhone/iPad required) – Self-Interest
- Will this KILL your business in 2014? – Curiosity | News | Self-Interest
- Questions about War Room? – Self Interest
- [TONIGHT] My proven funnel system revealed… Urgency |Self-Interestt
- [Last Chance] Create the perfect funnel… – Urgency | Self-Interest
- [PROOF] How to get 10 cent email leads from Facebook… – Self Interest
- [Free Book] The $10 million discovery (limited) – Self Interest | News | Scarcity
- Boost your email clickthroughs by 200% – Self Interest
- No more discounts on T&C! – Self Interest | Scarcity
- Facebook sucks – Curiosity
- [FLASH SALE] This is how we get traffic from Amazon – Urgency | Self-Interest
- [Open NOW] The Digital Publishing Blueprint is LIVE! – News | Self-Interest
- The Perfect Webinar Funnel – Self Interest
- Tim Ferriss says “Hi” – Social Proof
- Pulling FBAdpower DOWN… – Scarcity
- LAST CHANCE for Livestreaming… – Urgency
- New site and new sales in 3 days or less?! – Self Interest
- 1 cent CLICKS?! (open up)… – Self Interest | Curiosity
- I hope they’re not mad… – Curiosity
- [Closing Tomorrow] Don’t get shut out… again! – Urgency
- Good News… Your 1st sale in 3 days… – Self Interest
- How I get dirt-cheap, high-quality traffic… – Self Interest
- [FINAL PLAYING] Emergency Gmail Webinar! Urgency | News
- Will 2014 be better than 2013? – Curiosity | News
- T&C CLOSING! Only 61 spots left! – Scarcity
- Facebook “panic” is great news for you… – News | Self-Interest
- [CLOSING TONIGHT] T&C tickets GONE tonight… – Scarcity
- [JUST RELEASED] More T&C Tickets Available… – News | Urgency
- Software cherry-picks the hottest leads for you… – Self-Interest
- Free 68 page book Interview With A Mega-Bestseller – Self-Interest
- [FLASH SALE] Get targeted FB leads for dirt cheap… – Urgency | Self-Interest
- [Finally] Get this Proven Digital Marketing Blueprint – Self Interest | News
- 85% sale ends today – Urgency
- You an Amazon Bestseller? – Self-Interest
- Last chance – T&C Closing at Midnight TONIGHT! – Urgency
- Important letter for you – Curiosity
- [NEWS] EmailWorld 2013 Sept. 24th and 25th in San Diego, CA – News
- Announced 306% increase in FB traffic? – News | Self-Interest
- Facebook OWNS Google… – Curiosity
- [Almost Gone] New T&C Tickets going fast… – Scarcity
- [IMPORTANT] Gmail Webinar TODAY! – Urgency
- Only open if your business will do at least 7-figures this year… – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- Apple Newsstand training is CLOSING – Urgency
- FW: Did you miss this yesterday? – Curiosity
- Merry Christmas to You! – Humanity
- Can I help you build your sales funnel? – Self Interest
- “Panda” update for Facebook? – Curiosity | News
- Press Releases More Powerful Than Ever? – News | Curiosity
- Last chance for Apple Newsstand training [FREE RESOURCE] – Urgency | Self-Interest
- Interact with the industry’s brightest minds at the QuickSprout Forum – Self-Interest
- You on Facebook? – Curiosity
- Turn Ideas into Million-Dollar Products – Self-Interest
- 100,000 unique visitors PER MONTH… – Self-Interest
- The “Mystery Man” Behind 500 Product Launches… – Curiosity | News
- This 1 “weird trick” is worth the trip – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- Arrested for printing money? – Curiosity | News
- Can we meet in San Diego? – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- Bad news and good news… – Curiosity | News
- T&C is selling out! Only 32 seats left! – Scarcity
- Ex-construction worker earns $309/day with… – Story | News
- This Free book changed my business… – Curiosity | Self-Interest
- The free books are all gone… – Curiosity | Scarcity
- [NEWS] 5th Annual Traffic & Conversion Summit OPEN – News
- [80% Discount] Game-changing software… – Self-Interest
- Content idea generator [Free Resource 1 of 3] – Self-Interest
- [RESULTS] My Facebook Case Study – Self-Interest | News
- THIS Increased Conversions 24%?!? – Self-Interest | News
- FINAL NOTICE: Only 11 seats left! – Scarcity
- Only 187 free copies of Frank’s book left… – Scarcity
- No list & NO partners = sales in 3 days?! – Self-Interest | Curiosity
- Your “On Demand” bootcamp replay… – Self-Interest
- Happy Thanksgiving! – Humanity
- How I “busted-up” Google’s monopoly… – Curiosity | News
- [SPOOKY NOTICE] 82% off T&C Tickets (CLOSING 24 hours) – Urgency
- Your DEADline is tonight! 82% off dies at midnight… – Urgency
- If I had to start all over again… – Story
- Wanna pick an $80 Million brain… – Curiosity |Self-Interestt
- [REVEALED] Turn Likes into email subscribers fast… – News | Self-Interest
RELATED: Generate more sales by sending fewer emails with our Ultimate Email Marketing Gameplan.
(NOTE: Want a plan for truly effortless automated email marketing? Check out DigitalMarketer’s Email Marketing Mastery — on sale for 90% off! Generate at least 200% more sales and conversions from the list you already have… even if it’s tiny! Learn more now and take advantage of this sale!)
The post [PDF Download] DigitalMarketer’s 101 Best Email Subject Lines of 2016 (…and 5 free tools you can use to amplify your email marketing!) appeared first on DigitalMarketer.
from [PDF Download] DigitalMarketer’s 101 Best Email Subject Lines of 2016 (…and 5 free tools you can use to amplify your email marketing!)