from Critique of my original album "Ireland". Worth US$10 million?
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Critique of my original album "Ireland". Worth US$10 million?
from Critique of my original album "Ireland". Worth US$10 million?
Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)
As Bitcoin is slowly becoming the real deal. I wanted to give Bitcoin it's own thread containing just long-term & short-term predictions & any big crypto news to help any others who's trading, hodling, etc. a place to throw in your predictions & any actions you plan on taking.
I see the current stage of Bitcoin & crypto as the new Napster & Limewire. Industry bigs (middle-men) will do all they can to fight it & shut it down, but they will soon find out - You...
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from Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)
The Life of Rabbits - Can Humans Survive
Disturbed at the rapid growth in the world's population, Taylor set out to determine the effects of population increases, and because he could not use humans in his experiment he chose rabbits.
He built a rabbit paradise with everything a rabbit's heart could desire including an abundant food supply...
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from The Life of Rabbits - Can Humans Survive
Problems with falling asleep.
I had a similar experience about two years ago(it was due to overtraining in the gym, when that happens your heart has a irregular heartbeat). Or maybe it's because I'm working too much prior to bed time, so my mind is still in the work zone? Or maybe it's my diet. Perhaps it's a combination of many factors. I really don't know. Maybe I...
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from Problems with falling asleep.
Hyperinflation starting? What's happening in your area? Post your ground reports.
Meanwhile, the Fed continues to say inflation is under control.

I've extracted some of the posts from the other INFLATION thread -- please use this thread to POST YOUR EXPERIENCE in your area/country/city of higher prices.
The mainstream narrative is that...
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from Hyperinflation starting? What's happening in your area? Post your ground reports.
The Psychology of Color on Web Design
I recently got curious as to why most websites are bright colored with a lot of white. So I found this article and figured I'd share it with you guys.
Feel free to critique my website - I'm thinking about changing the color scheme, but I like how it's different than everything else out there.
from The Psychology of Color on Web Design
I would like to be in the business but ...
I am Isaac, new here, and a software engineer. I would like to start a business but I don't know where to start.
from I would like to be in the business but ...
The progress of Visionz
this is the progress thread of Visionz.
Visionz is a webdesign agency my business partner (@Ole1) and I launched in November of 2019.
The current state of the business is, that we are both working full time at it and are earning enough money to cover our living expenses. Last month (December 2020) was our first month to make more than 10k in sales (A big success for us).
But it should not stay like this. These are the goals for 2021:
- We want to...
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from The progress of Visionz
Access MARKETMIND in a matter of hours. Get feedback on your ideas/marketing FAST
You don't need to build an audience in order for them to help you with a development of your product
You don't need to come up with a witty post on reddit and hope it won't get banned or people throw rocks at you because it's against some BS sub-reddit rules
.. at least that's how I did it before
Have you tried the PickFu yet?
I knew about these types of services before, but was blown away by...
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from Access MARKETMIND in a matter of hours. Get feedback on your ideas/marketing FAST
Hey all! Farmer Matt - A new direction in Agriculture.
I'm Matt, a 29-year-old Precision Agriculture Marketing Manager based in Sydney, Australia.
Yes, I'm still a Marketing Manager... still working for the master script makers. All in due time.
This is the start of a new journey for me with thanks to a new perspective founded in books (needless to say - MJ's books being a huge contributor). Seth Godin, Simon Sinek, Steven Pressfield and Ryan Holiday also deserving a mention.
I'm excited, shit scared but armed with the Script...
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from Hey all! Farmer Matt - A new direction in Agriculture.
YouTube removes dislike button, potentially ruining the platform.
I am happy because now I have only them to let me know if the general consensus on something is negative. One less thing that I need to think about.
from YouTube removes dislike button, potentially ruining the platform.
Best way to get legal help for a startup?
I am currently working on my software startup but instead of going the VC/angel route, I decided to land clients for software development to generate cash flow, reinvest it in my startup and live off of it too.
I find myself needing to produce a variety of legal documents and I'm not sure how to go about it. These include NDAs, SOWs (statement of work, for software dev services/projects), consumer-facing terms of service, etc.
Any advice on how to get started with these?
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from Best way to get legal help for a startup?
Looking for IRA 401K rollover insight
from Looking for IRA 401K rollover insight

Hope everyone enjoyed it and found it to be a good "big picture" supplement for The Millionaire Fastlane!
To download the first (5) chapters: HERE
To learn more (website) visit: HERE
To order via Amazon: HERE
To listen via Audible: HERE
from I've Read UNSCRIPTED!
Angry? Irritable? Anxious? Depressed? You're Probably Magnesium Deficient
Deficiency is especially true for heavy coffee drinkers, as it affects Mag absorption (or so it seems):

Does drinking coffee interfere with magnesium absorption?
Magnesium Deficiency can cause many mental health aliments.
Supplementing it can help ease a lot of mental health issues (and also...
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from Angry? Irritable? Anxious? Depressed? You're Probably Magnesium Deficient
Thoughts on Tim Ferriss's method of attaining freedom?
While this lifestyle is not for everyone due to social and language barriers and it certainly caters to those who want FREEDOM above everything else.
Also this method is extremely useful for those with digital software businesses where they can simply use the low...
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from Thoughts on Tim Ferriss's method of attaining freedom?
What Are You Excited About?
Are you moving to a new cool place? Excited about new opportunities in your industry? Learning about a new business idea? Discovered a new fun passion? About to begin a new workout regime? Testing a new diet? Traveling to a new area or country? Found a new cool website, watched an awesome movie, listened to some great music, met a cool inspiring person? Whatever it is, feel free to share it here.
from What Are You Excited About?
What do you think of the alternatives to monday and slack?
How do you think it will succeed? offers users a distinctive communication model, similar to an instant messenger conversation, where business activity is based on discussing some issue with your colleagues. The main thing is to create a topic with a question and start a...
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from What do you think of the alternatives to monday and slack?
Do You Ever Reward Yourself With Consumption?
I don't have social media/Netflix either because that's an even worse kind of consumption. You consume stuff you can't even see in the real world. What's the ROI there? Just some neurons firing in your brains and forming useless neural pathways. At least if you buy a physical product, you can own it and...
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from Do You Ever Reward Yourself With Consumption?
Article Schema Generator
I’m working on this tool for 2 weeks & now it’s created.
You can use it & tell me about their working & any bugs if found.
please give some suggestions on this tool.
I completed this work in 2 weeks.
article Schema Generator Tool (JSON-LD) for Blog Posts & News | Incrementors
from Article Schema Generator
List marketing strategy
from List marketing strategy
Monday, November 29, 2021
There is an idea to help all e-commerce entrepreneurs...
And as an entrepreneur, the most important part of selling a product is to cut costs in the early stages. Spend the money where...
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from There is an idea to help all e-commerce entrepreneurs...
I start my idea today (eCommerce + POD)
So, I was wandering online, searching for a business idea for weeks, when I found a cool ad this morning. Basically, it's some kind of POD (Print on Demand), with additional value.
The ad was in english, the website too, and in USD. Since I'm French, I quickly checked if there was any existing business like this one in France, and found none.
For obvious reason, I'm not disclosing anything about it yet, but once it will be implemented (if it works), I guess talking about it won't be a...
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from I start my idea today (eCommerce + POD)
What Old Technology are You Still Buying | Warrior Forum
from What Old Technology are You Still Buying | Warrior Forum
Cryptocurrency GPU mining
I will add some more...
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from Cryptocurrency GPU mining
UK Residents How Are You Dealing With Brexit?
The first is in fashion and his supply and a portion of his customers are in mainland Europe and the extra taxes and tariffs are eating into his profits.
The second is a musician who plays a lot in mainland Europe and the length of time visa applications are taking means he is missing gigs therefore losing revenue.
The third has it worst, he sells vinyl as a side hustle and he has lost a whopping 75%...
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from UK Residents How Are You Dealing With Brexit?
CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days
I started my business in 2010. Since then, I reduced my own work load to less than 10 hours a month, lived in Mexico for 4 1/2 years, traveled to 15 countries, and am prepping to head to Scotland for 6 months in Sept - all together with...
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from CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days
Sneaker Empire worth billions?
from Sneaker Empire worth billions?
1st Day of unemployment.
I've always wanted my own business yet my mind has been scattered on...
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from 1st Day of unemployment.
Audio/Head set Issue
In order to have audio recorded/detected, I need to play with the sound interface on my headset, where the wiring is.
And even then the sound is all choppy and unreliable.
However when I use the headset on my cell phones, I can record and be heard perfectly fine with no manipulating of the headset at all.
I already uninstalled and reinstalled audio drivers on my laptop thinking that might be the issue.
Any tech people on here who can offer a...
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from Audio/Head set Issue
#2160 Creating content for the fringe
Dave Nemetz is the founder of Inverse, which covers the latest news and advancements in science, entertainment, gaming, innovation, and the mind and body.
Sponsored bySendinblue – Sendinblue is the smartest and most intuitive platform for growing businesses. They will guide your business with the right marketing & sales tools and help you reach the right people and produce the right content. Mixergy listeners who sign up will get one month free with 100,000 emails by entering the coupon code SIBMIX at checkout.
HostGator – Ready to take your website to the next level? Whether you’re a first-time blogger or an experienced web pro, HostGator has all the tools you need to create a great-looking website or online store. A wide range of options includes cloud-based web hosting, reseller hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated servers. Founded in 2002, HostGator is the perfect web partner for business owners and individuals seeking hands-on support. Visit to see what HostGator can do for your website.
More interviews ->
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from #2160 Creating content for the fringe
So wtf are NFTs all about? Buying JPGs? Why can't you just right-click save? Is this a giant ponzi? Far from it...

I've noticed that there is an increasing number of people on this forum that are becoming aware of NFTs and are interested to participate, but rightfully cautious at the moment. After all, it sounds absolute bat-shit crazy to talk about NFTs today. Buy a $300,000 jpg of some pixels? Bound to get ridiculed by way of pointing at ponzis and tulips. In fact, this is how I feel every time I talk about NFTs to somebody that's only known of them from word of mouth with the real...
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from So wtf are NFTs all about? Buying JPGs? Why can't you just right-click save? Is this a giant ponzi? Far from it...
shoulder, neck, back pain and weakening of the body due to long hours spent working in a desk
Just would like to know if anyone suffers from body pains or body in-functionality due to prolonged hours of working in a desk or similar situation. I suffered from alot of neck and shoulder pain when i worked in sales for 6 years. Thankfully I managed to overcome them after studying to become a functional strength and conditioning coach. But I would love to hear what are other people's experiences when it comes to this issue?
1- what are the main bodily issues you suffer...
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from shoulder, neck, back pain and weakening of the body due to long hours spent working in a desk
Ask me anything about eCommerce (Ongoing)
- Google Shopping is now at the top of your search results, so ranking #1 for a specific term is not as valuable as before. I don't do anymore SEO.
- Big box stores like Amazon, Walmart and Target now dominate the...
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from Ask me anything about eCommerce (Ongoing)
Are 20-40 Years Old More Lonely Than Ever?
- In my hometown, I have 0 friends with whom I meet up regularly. I had one friend until last year when his son was born. He had been telling me all the time that nothing would...
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from Are 20-40 Years Old More Lonely Than Ever?
You're from where??
I have now linked this on google maps. It has public access, but please only edit your own dot if need be. I put the dots in the closest frame of reference you gave me.
Google Map...
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from You're from where??
Is there a solution for this?
from Is there a solution for this?
When should you attach your personal image to your business?
I am curious to hear some thoughts on the positives and negatives of doing this. As a somewhat private person I'm hesitant but not opposed to putting myself out there. However it seems like one of those things that can't be undone -- once you've plastered yourself all over the web it feels like you're there forever.
For those that have done so...
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from When should you attach your personal image to your business?
What Is the Online Equivalent of a "Boring But Stable" Offline Business?
What do you think is the equivalent in the online world? What kind of an online business is boring but stable, potentially lucrative, and with little risk of...
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from What Is the Online Equivalent of a "Boring But Stable" Offline Business?
Let's Get MJ on Andy Frisella's Podcast
Kinda sums up the despair that is going on. Very @Kak 'esque.
Here's a guy who has a wildly successful financial and self-development podcast, and had to switch formats to address that idiocy that is sweeping the world.
Andy Frisella's episode with you would be the most epic thing ever.
If you'd be interested, I think we could...
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from Let's Get MJ on Andy Frisella's Podcast
Need an Accountability Partner? Find One Here...
It is also best to post your closest major city as well as any request...
I just posted a text on this in the Unscripted Text Network...

(Yes, I see the misspelling.)
from Need an Accountability Partner? Find One Here...
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Fastlane routes: Stability vs Risk?
It's the startup process. And not the startup process in the business/fastlane method. But the startup to the startup. AKA capital. Getting money to start the process.
Just hit my mid-late 20s and I feel much older. Idea after idea. City to city. Saving and investing and failing, repeat. It's all on me, I admit. But...
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from Fastlane routes: Stability vs Risk?
My Path to Trading Business
I started in my "intro" but I will continue posting here.
Here is my Intro thread: INTRO - On the path
We are investors, not traders. We buy assets - dividend-paying companies. We...
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from My Path to Trading Business
Informal Dinner at Underdog's BBQ in Erie, PA (Undercover Billionaire's Restaurant)
Who is in?
I am inviting Glenn too. We will see how that goes.
from Informal Dinner at Underdog's BBQ in Erie, PA (Undercover Billionaire's Restaurant)
AMA - I built a software compay worth 8 figures
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from AMA - I built a software compay worth 8 figures
Books on Storytelling?
Anybody read any good books on how to be a better story teller?
from Books on Storytelling?
Famous YouTuber creates a second channel anonymously to prove a point
I thought this was extremely interesting and reminded me of a lot of what I read from Unscripted. YouTuber 'Ludwig' created a second channel and without using his name, challenged himself to get at least 1,000 views in his first day. He said if he didn't garner 1k views, he would delete his main channel. While I thought this was extremely bold, I recognized it as confidence shortly after.
His strategy to...
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from Famous YouTuber creates a second channel anonymously to prove a point
How are you all doing?
Tell me about all of your great achievements since reading the millionaire fastlane. Dont be afraid of comming off egotistical either...
from How are you all doing?
Deciding On a Concept and Executing my First Business!
The time has come for me to break free from the Slowlane.
I’ll be leaving my current remote job when they’ll require me to work from the office starting in several months. While this position has provided some good domain experience, my financial growth is limited because my earnings are tied to time and intrinsic value. So, it’s time to move on and accelerate the process of achieving my dreams through entrepreneurship. Progress in this area between now and when I leave my job...
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from Deciding On a Concept and Executing my First Business!
In search of recommendation
from In search of recommendation
I am new here from Texas. Definitely looking forward to receiving and sharing information.
from Hello
I've Read The Great Rat-Race Escape !
I'm happy to announce that my next full length book (444 pages, 16 hours Audible) is now available with a release date of Tuesday June 29th, 2021.
- Audible Audiobook
- Amazon Paperback
- Amazon Kindle
- Google Play
- Kobo
- Apple
- Barnes And Noble
UNSCRIPTED - The Great Rat Race Escape: From Wage Slavery to Wealth, How to...
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from I've Read The Great Rat-Race Escape !
Dave Ramsey being asked how to get rich
Clearly not what made him rich in the first place.
from Dave Ramsey being asked how to get rich
Fed Up With Your Country? Where Is Left to Go?
I feel like everyone I speak to wants to leave their home country lol.
Slim pickings to pick from...
Tyranny everywhere.
I was just thinking the same thing, the level of disdain and hatred for world governments is at an all time high and people are getting fed up, from AU, to CAN, to Malyasia, to Italy, to the US -- people are tired of being managed like cattle.
When people say they want to leave, I say, where? Georgia? Estonia? Costa Rica? Mexico?
Who appreciates...
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from Fed Up With Your Country? Where Is Left to Go?
NEW: The Best School for Going Fastlane (50% Off Deal Now On)
Hey everyone,
I have a big announcement to make about how we are going to be working with several well-known names on these forums and elsewhere to start teaching even more skills/business models and just in general giving a ton of extra value.
But more about that in just a minute.
Before we get into the fine details, let me just say thanks to everyone for the support (especially @MJ DeMarco ) over the last 2 years. We are now over 300 students, tons of...
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from NEW: The Best School for Going Fastlane (50% Off Deal Now On)
Got a few CENTS, got my WHY, here to turn them into $$$$
I joined back in Feb with intentions to blitz the forum whilst on a necessary trip to HK. However, for reasons you all now know, I high-tailed after 4 days instead of 11.
On return I self-isolated whilst most of the western world was making toilet paper jokes, but I digress.
Dec 20 2019 I bought TMF on recommendation of a YouTube video I watched, A Lux, don't laugh I'm not an A Luxer, something to watch whilst eating at the kitchen table.
My initial thoughts here GOLD! - I've Read...
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from Got a few CENTS, got my WHY, here to turn them into $$$$
[30.3.2021][Gyra] My records of moving from A to Z
This is a thread I made to record my journey. Nothing more, so please go back if you like

I'm Leona, born 1983 in Vietnam. After reading Uncripted and thinking hard for a week, I realized MJ and I have almost nothing in common so even if he gave me a compass, I had no idea how to move from A to Z. There seems to be no Fastlaner around me too, so I made this thread as a seed, I hope to grow it into a tree in...
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from [30.3.2021][Gyra] My records of moving from A to Z
Advice from you
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from Advice from you
What's your Lambo? (What are you working for?)
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from What's your Lambo? (What are you working for?)
Growing a video marketing agency
This week I signed up a new Google Ads client who is also our first paying YouTube Ads client (funny how we've got a client for something we're not "experts" at eh?).
The client had a great looking 53 second video created by an agency a while back.
There's a few issues with the video though:
- There's writing at the bottom at the beginning that's too long -...
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from Growing a video marketing agency
Building Email list - strategies, tools, tips & tricks
Here is one from me:
Create Email Marketing Your Way - MailerLite - You can create you first email campaign for free, super beginner friendly and does not require credit card. For starters it's probably the best solution.
For wordpress, use "Popup maker" plugin for free popups, you can integrate MC4WP plugin on it and connect it to your Mailchimp account. Mailchimp has advantage in terms for number of...
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from Building Email list - strategies, tools, tips & tricks
What would you tell your 18 or 25 year old self?
from What would you tell your 18 or 25 year old self?
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Good nice for a web developer? | Warrior Forum - The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace
from Good nice for a web developer? | Warrior Forum - The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace
When to form an LLC
I’m a sole proprietor now. I couldn’t come up with a valid argument.
What do you guys think?
from When to form an LLC
Looking for a UK Partner
I'm currently looking for a partner based jn the UK for my new partnership.
from Looking for a UK Partner
Which MJ Demarco book is it recommended to start with?
Which of his next two books is it suggested we read next? I'm not quite clear.
from Which MJ Demarco book is it recommended to start with?
The Start of a New Start
It has been around 4 years since I read the Unscripted book and I have been hooked to this mindset since. I was 18 years old. 1 month ago I turned 22. Reading my old posts was half cringing but also have proud of where I am today, and how much I have left to go. I am here to tell you my story and also to get advice from you guys, since although it has been a long time since I posted anything here, there is no where else I would like to come and get advice.
I dived into coding...
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from The Start of a New Start
The Big Dating Apps Are Alienating Their Stakeholders
About 15 other guys and even a few women chimed in with similar tales, and others talked about suddenly going from a steady stream of matches and likes to like 1 a week.
This caused me to be slightly curious and look at the reviews for Tinder on Apple's App store. Boy does it look like a treasure...
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from The Big Dating Apps Are Alienating Their Stakeholders
To DIY Content Marketing or Hire?
On the other hand, I also understand...
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from To DIY Content Marketing or Hire?
Envision - Real Estate Progress Thread
Current Situation:
Currently, I work a full time job (VP of Operations of a real estate holdings company), run my e-commerce business, attend school full time (just 1 year left), and...
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from Envision - Real Estate Progress Thread
Travel bans in times of a pandemic don't work
from Travel bans in times of a pandemic don't work
How much does it cost to make an app like Tinder?
I'm interested in getting into this space. There's tons of complaints about Tinder. It's about time for a rival

from How much does it cost to make an app like Tinder?
I Make $15,000/month - 3 Hours of Work Per Day
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from I Make $15,000/month - 3 Hours of Work Per Day
Hyperinflation starting? What's happening in your area? Post your ground reports.
Meanwhile, the Fed continues to say inflation is under control.

I've extracted some of the posts from the other INFLATION thread -- please use this thread to POST YOUR EXPERIENCE in your area/country/city of higher prices.
The mainstream narrative is that...
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from Hyperinflation starting? What's happening in your area? Post your ground reports.
First online project - Website teaching music
My first project is based on music. Expressed as simply as possible : a website offering information on how to acquire the skillset in a way that is also entertaining.
If it gets some traction I'd monetize it with the promotion of the products I'm actually using or by having an e-com section on the website... That would be in quite some time down the line though.
Pretty low expectations to be honest, but I think I...
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from First online project - Website teaching music
Creating a YouTube Channel to Document my Challenge of building a SaaS business in 12 months
I haven't been very active on this forum, but thought I'd try to contribute by sharing my latest adventure.
A Short Introduction:
My name is David, 32 and currently I’m living in Vienna, Austria (at least for now and no, I don’t speak any German... haha). I've spent most of my life in Canada, but have lived in a few places around the world. I’m currently working as a developer (hence the SaaS business desire).
At the start of the year, I set out a lot of...
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from Creating a YouTube Channel to Document my Challenge of building a SaaS business in 12 months
So wtf are NFTs all about? Buying JPGs? Why can't you just right-click save? Is this a giant ponzi? Far from it...

I've noticed that there is an increasing number of people on this forum that are becoming aware of NFTs and are interested to participate, but rightfully cautious at the moment. After all, it sounds absolute bat-shit crazy to talk about NFTs today. Buy a $300,000 jpg of some pixels? Bound to get ridiculed by way of pointing at ponzis and tulips. In fact, this is how I feel every time I talk about NFTs to somebody that's only known of them from word of mouth with the real...
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from So wtf are NFTs all about? Buying JPGs? Why can't you just right-click save? Is this a giant ponzi? Far from it...
YouTube removes dislike button, potentially ruining the platform.
I am happy because now I have only them to let me know if the general consensus on something is negative. One less thing that I need to think about.
from YouTube removes dislike button, potentially ruining the platform.
What we gonna do now?
If you look around, you will see that almost everyone reads a self-help book, tries to open a business and so forth.
Now, to achieve something you need to do something radically different.
And I think that reading more books is not going to help. let's take a look at an old example when...
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from What we gonna do now?
Feedback on SaaS in MVP stages (for anyone who teaches information and wants better client results)
I will add the promo video below
The funnel will be 1$ for the standard plan and an optional upgrade to pro ($97) and enterprise ($297)
But I will make it much sweeter for our fastlaners, who want an enterprise account for free?
- You are selling or want to sell information/coaching/consulting
- You share our belief that information is pretty much worthless without...
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from Feedback on SaaS in MVP stages (for anyone who teaches information and wants better client results)
Launch & Learn
Imagine building the two sides of a bridge towards each other, to find they don’t meet in the middle?
That’s going to be sooo expensive to fix.
Engineers know how to build bridges. It’s been done many times before, and there are steps that need to be taken in a particular order.
I imagine they would be something like:
- Gather all requirements
- Come up with a design
- Build the foundations
- Build the next bit
- etc…
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from Launch & Learn
Can’t find needs
I have been looking for an idea to start my own business for a while now,but I am struggling quite a bit on finding what is that people actually need/want.
Probably I am overthinking it but I don’t know what to do to go forward.I looked on Twitter,kept my ears open with a producer mindset but I can not find complaints.
Would be nice to see what you guys have to say about this topic.
from Can’t find needs
Friday, November 26, 2021
(Radio interview) How to quickly get started in business
Interested in your takeaways...
What will you do differently going forward?
Here's the second interview with Mary:
Freedom, Motivation, and Grow What You Know
(For other recordings click HERE.)
from (Radio interview) How to quickly get started in business
Achieve Laser FOCUS + PRODUCTIVITY With The System Legendary Fastlaners Use...
Are you overwhelmed by the amount of things you need to do with your business or the launch process?
Have you tried "productivity" systems but fail to keep up with them or use them over time?
*Note: I am not selling you shit, so don't hit the back button yet; you WILL regret it.*
Background: You are a producer. You are working on creating something amazing through a business you...
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from Achieve Laser FOCUS + PRODUCTIVITY With The System Legendary Fastlaners Use...
Can't take his advice anymore...
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from Can't take his advice anymore...
Going "All-In" on ONE cryptocurrency... which?
Your life depends on your decision.
Pick ONE crypto currency that will survive and then thrive. Time frame, within 5 years. Die = goes way of eToys.
Pick correctly you live.
Pick incorrectly you die.
Which do you pick?
And why?
from Going "All-In" on ONE cryptocurrency... which?
Songs you never get bored listening to...
How to create a good Website?
From what I saw, the design doesn't matter too much, sure it can look fancy with all the animations, but most of the business owners dont care about the look, because they want users who visit their website.
So, personally I've settled with Wordpress and I can work with Gutenberg blocks, Elementor, Divi and Bricksbuilder, I also don't have a problem with creating dynamic data such as creating a...
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from How to create a good Website?
How do I scale this digital offer?
What steps would you take and in what order? What would you do next?
How much net profit should someone be targeting?....etc...etc..
Basically how would you scale this?
Digital Coaching Offer targeted to the US market, females 25-65
Been testing paid traffic to our target audience and since there are 100 million women 25-65 in our demographic casting a wide net isn't our issue.
Front end product...
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from How do I scale this digital offer?
Subscription or one-time payment? | Warrior Forum - The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace
from Subscription or one-time payment? | Warrior Forum - The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace
get my art and craft store a kick | Warrior Forum
from get my art and craft store a kick | Warrior Forum
Fed Up With Your Country? Where Is Left to Go?
I feel like everyone I speak to wants to leave their home country lol.
Slim pickings to pick from...
Tyranny everywhere.
I was just thinking the same thing, the level of disdain and hatred for world governments is at an all time high and people are getting fed up, from AU, to CAN, to Malyasia, to Italy, to the US -- people are tired of being managed like cattle.
When people say they want to leave, I say, where? Georgia? Estonia? Costa Rica? Mexico?
Who appreciates...
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from Fed Up With Your Country? Where Is Left to Go?
Keep doing the right thing, the results will follow

Some advice I gave to a client who gets a bit excited, disappointed, or impatient:
Professional poker players are dispassionate about the outcome. They tuck losses and wins away as learnings as they figure out how to win the game. They could get all-in with their two aces against a fish who calls with a rubbish hand. They don’t get excited because they’re ahead. Neither are they disappointed if they lose. They keep grinding it out and grinding down their opponent.
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from Keep doing the right thing, the results will follow
Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)
As Bitcoin is slowly becoming the real deal. I wanted to give Bitcoin it's own thread containing just long-term & short-term predictions & any big crypto news to help any others who's trading, hodling, etc. a place to throw in your predictions & any actions you plan on taking.
I see the current stage of Bitcoin & crypto as the new Napster & Limewire. Industry bigs (middle-men) will do all they can to fight it & shut it down, but they will soon find out - You...
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from Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)
Stocks as a business
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from Stocks as a business
From 9-5 employed developer to freelancer and then entrepreneur - my journey
I would start a business right now, but I don't really have an idea and I haven't found a pain bad enough...
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from From 9-5 employed developer to freelancer and then entrepreneur - my journey
I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!
If you read the book, post here and you will get an icon under your screenname and additional forum privileges.
Feel free to post your comments about the book as well!
Thanks, MJ
from I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!
Figuring out explainer videos
I thought the first should be a favourite from MJ. This one is created in Doodly.
To do:
- Figure out where to post/host these. It's only on my personal YouTube channel temporarily.
- Figure out a thumbnail?
- Add sound (music? voiceover?).
from Figuring out explainer videos
Forum brainstorm: Make money from written content
Let’s say you’ve already had some success selling that content or using that content to sell other services or products.
Imagine we’re in a brainstorming session where no idea is too crazy and where we suspend critical feedback.
What suggestions would you have for such written content creators to help them leverage what they’ve already created, and maybe go where the puck is heading...
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from Forum brainstorm: Make money from written content
Darren's Dilemma
I previously posted about feeling caged and not being surrounded by the right people, I got the answer of basically buy your way into these circles by attending the most expensive gym I did I joined and guess what, its as simple as that. Not only now do I see people who are ahead of me, I use the gym...
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from Darren's Dilemma
There is an idea to help all e-commerce entrepreneurs...
And as an entrepreneur, the most important part of selling a product is to cut costs in the early stages. Spend the money where...
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from There is an idea to help all e-commerce entrepreneurs...
Idea: Remote controlled automatic plant watering
okay, this isn't really something new, but during this summer vacation I felt a need for the following item that I would actually buy:
It would be really nice having a cheap automatic plant watering, where there is also the opportunity to control it from remote. I have a lot of sunflowers on my balcony which are quite thirsty in the summer months, needing watering every day.
The idea would be something like I lie somewhere at the beach, open an app on my phone, take a look...
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from Idea: Remote controlled automatic plant watering
What are you buying for Black Friday 2021?
What if you've never had your FTE?
What do you think are ways to induce this for those who have not had their FTE? Is there a way to purposefully make it "hurt bad enough" so that you finally get off the "nail"?
I apologize in advance if my English words are not correct, it is not my first language.
from What if you've never had your FTE?
Production in China: tips and advice request
A few months ago we changed our supplier and switched from Europe to China. All of this is new to us so we are learning as we go.
We made arrangements with a manufacturer to have custom products made, based on our own designs.
The custom samples were OK and we started.
Here's where the problems came in: during these months one product required changing materials, because they...
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from Production in China: tips and advice request
Thursday, November 25, 2021
New Blockchain idea
if I had a new business idea, on a project that uses the Blockchain, who could I contact?
from New Blockchain idea
Would you guys like to see a re-design/re-creation of the forum?
I won't do it for a while though, I'm still learning how to use adobe products to create assets for my applications. Just think of it as...
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from Would you guys like to see a re-design/re-creation of the forum?
Warm wishes to all community
from Warm wishes to all community
Life's Gumball Machine, Creating Your Own Luck
There are 2 ways to change your luck:
1) Keep throwing action into the gumball machine
2) Change the contents of your gumball machine.
from Life's Gumball Machine, Creating Your Own Luck
CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days
I started my business in 2010. Since then, I reduced my own work load to less than 10 hours a month, lived in Mexico for 4 1/2 years, traveled to 15 countries, and am prepping to head to Scotland for 6 months in Sept - all together with...
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from CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days
Jim from Ohio
We also want to create something to sell so we can impact larger numbers than we can through home inspections and campsites.
from Jim from Ohio
You're from where??
I have now linked this on google maps. It has public access, but please only edit your own dot if need be. I put the dots in the closest frame of reference you gave me.
Google Map...
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from You're from where??
Hey anyone know where to get coronavirus supplies wholesale?
I’m thinking of buying up coronavirus products & reselling them online because I’ve been looking at the trends, & I have a feeling that this coronavirus pandemic is gonna be the “big one” we’ve been fearing. This is because:
1. MSM telling us to keep calm: Wisdom tells us to do the exact opposite of everything the MSM tells us. When the MSM, which is notorious for hyping up every little thing as Armageddon, is telling us to keep calm, it’s a sign to panic.
2. Virus infection rates...
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from Hey anyone know where to get coronavirus supplies wholesale?