Saturday, March 31, 2018

Lessons from a Kamikaze Entrepreneur...

Years ago I had a roommate that I regarded highly.

This guy was one of the smartest guys I'd ever met. He was in sales and could talk his way around and through any subject.

Because he was a couple of years older than I and looked the part of success I thought highly of him. He always had a bunch of free time and because I was jobless at the time I'd hang around and listen to him talk about creating the next big sale. You see, he would sell insurance to the military, organizations and...

Lessons from a Kamikaze Entrepreneur...

from Lessons from a Kamikaze Entrepreneur...

Master of My Own Fear

This Progress thread is for two things only.
  • Copywriting - UpWork + Website / Craigslist Hustle
  • Document weight loss

  • Read Ca$hvertising, Influence, Breakthrough Advertising
  • @SinisterLex Copywriting Course
  • I am on UpWork. Currently, my visibility is locked. Due to inactivity. That'll change.

  • Weight: 342.6 pounds
  • Goal Weigh: 185 pounds

The overarching goal will be this:
  • ...

Master of My Own Fear

from Master of My Own Fear

From 0 to $1.7 million with... socks

Just wanted to share an awesome story.

“It is possible," John said. "I have Down syndrome and it never holds me back.”

Man with Down syndrom starts million-dollar sock company

from From 0 to $1.7 million with... socks

How to start in CPA without website/landing pages?

I know its a steady process and it times I want to get started earning with some bucks. I got stuck in to select the best offers. My major questions are below and i am hoping for best replies ever. How to select more running/trending offer from these platforms? How to get traffic on that offers without landing ...

from How to start in CPA without website/landing pages?

Entrepreneur to IT Career back to Entrepreneur

Hi All,

I was born in Miami FL and I am a 29 year old IT professional. After owning two small businesses (DJ Productions and Convenience Store), I decided to pursue a career to spend more time with my family. Now I realize I was one the right track but doing it wrong. If I combine all my experience in running a business, technology, retail, customers service etc. I know I can gain independence. I want to start an eCommerce site focused on sales and rental of innovative tools and...

Entrepreneur to IT Career back to Entrepreneur

from Entrepreneur to IT Career back to Entrepreneur

Suggestion on video playback features

Hello Fellow Warriors, I would like to know if someone can help me out and give me some advice and suggestion on putting an a.

from Suggestion on video playback features

What is product liability, and how does it respond to a claim?

What is product liability, and how does it respond to a claim?

I’ve seen several older posts from members asking about product liability for their company and product line, so I’d like to elaborate on this particular line of coverage.

If you are a manufacturer, distributor, supplier, or retailer, please read this.

Product liability insurance covers businesses against claims for bodily injury or third-party property damage caused by your product.

More often than not, products liability...

What is product liability, and how does it respond to a claim?

from What is product liability, and how does it respond to a claim?

Should a Web designer use coding or just PSD/XD Template

I really need your help on this topic. I designing some PSD template websites and apps is this is the right web design or I have to code also? What responsive website means for a web designer is just create the same design for mobile, tablet... or the real meaning of the automatically changing weight for ...

from Should a Web designer use coding or just PSD/XD Template

One ring to rule them all...

One big site vs several smaller sites. I cant afford multiple domains. So I want to build one large affiliate marketing e-commerce site as a case study/free resource provider. In this way I'll cut down on having to fork out for multiple domains and can focus on one project for say the next three years. Any Tips ...

from One ring to rule them all...

Have you ever been fired? Share your story

I've been fired twice in my lifetime and quit a bunch of jobs. I think it's important to share these stories to let people know that the Slowlane is not the "safe" way. Plus it's a good opportunity to hear some humorous stories.

Here are my two stories (not too glamorous or funny but....):

1) Internship for a book publisher: Over one summer of my college junior year I had an "online internship" with a book publisher.

I was told large promises of how while it was a free...

Have you ever been fired? Share your story

from Have you ever been fired? Share your story

8 failures and still learning...

Hi guys, signed up today after reading both of MJ's books.

MJ's principle are amazing and i wish i found out about the fast lane right at the beginning.

I am on my 9th business idea since 2003 and still learning. Feels like maximum effort, minimal results so far. I have a first class degree in software engineering but instead of getting a job like my class mates i have worked small passive adventures to pay the bills so i have time to work on business ideas. Sacrificed missing out on...

8 failures and still learning...

from 8 failures and still learning...

Don't forget your small business insurance

Forum peeps,

For all of you engaging in any type of business that has some type or risk, especially personal products and consumables (I'm talking to YOU supplement guys) do NOT go without business insurance. Without it, you are gambling.

Over the years there have been dozens of posts here inquiring about insurance, do I need it? Where do I get it?

Well, there are two great sources for getting quotes on business insurance - and I have experience with both of them.

1) HISCOX: In my...

Don't forget your small business insurance

from Don't forget your small business insurance

Product Liability Insurance Recommendations?

I'm not sure if I even need this but sales are getting consistent and I think it's time to cover myself more.

I have started reaching out to companies for product liability insurance. I'm wondering if anybody here has any recommendations for a trusted/good provider.

My product is making sales and I have incorporated into an LLC.

More specifically, I need to insurance for two products in the pet niche. One is a spray that's applied to the dog's fur, the other is edible and applied to...

Product Liability Insurance Recommendations?

from Product Liability Insurance Recommendations?

Dropshipping product liability insurance

I'm currently looking to get product liability insurance from a new dropshipping venture and am having a hard time finding a insurer. For those who are currently or have is the past (at a reasonable scale) done dropshipping - did you have product liability insurance? If you did, what I'm looking for is the following information:

1.) Who did you go with?
2.) How long did it take to set up?
3.) What other legal protections have you used (like descriptive TOS's)

from Dropshipping product liability insurance

If you are a digital product vendor... Clickbank Vs SoftwareProjects

Have a product we are doing okay with on our own.. but Facebook doesn't approve of our diet product.. Looking to move to ClickBank or Softw.

from If you are a digital product vendor... Clickbank Vs SoftwareProjects

Reusing content from 2 old sites on a new domain

I plan to do a 301 redirect from these three pages to the new domain and also take down these 2 websites. The redirect will be in the .htaccess file. Also another strategy I'm I thinking about is to submit to Google in my webmaster dashboard to de-index these two sites and reuse these 3 pieces of content ...

from Reusing content from 2 old sites on a new domain

Anyone sell medical tools to doctors online?

Hello WF, Long time, no see! I have a product that is traditionally sold person-to-person to surgeons. As you may know - this could take.

from Anyone sell medical tools to doctors online?

Some new ideas on making money from a marketing/mailing list

Sharing for fun….

Here is an interesting way to make money from mailing lists – become the connector, or the middle-person, the broker, and make money by connecting people who are on the SAME list.

I come from the real estate investing world where we regularly target mailing lists of absentee-owners (landlords who have a different address than the property they own). If your list contains the date the house was purchased – BINGO!

Any absentee owners who bought within the last 3 years are...

Some new ideas on making money from a marketing/mailing list

from Some new ideas on making money from a marketing/mailing list

My Story Of Success, Escaping Rat Race (admist cushy job)

My Story Of Success

This thread is about my journey through entrepreneurship. Very soon I will cross the #1 goal off my dream list. Therefore to me, it's a success story, and means everything to me.

I decided to place this thread outside the "Insiders" section, so that newbies can read it. I know there are a lot of hopeful entrepreneurs on this forum who are in the exact same position I was. Stuck in the rat race,...

My Story Of Success, Escaping Rat Race (admist cushy job)

from My Story Of Success, Escaping Rat Race (admist cushy job)


shanejohnston046 is a Warrior Member of Warrior Forum. Check to see what shanejohnston046 is saying about Internet Marketing.

from shanejohnston046

Unscripted Wisdom, Beliefs, Memes, More!

Follow me on Instagram here:
MJ DeMarco (@mj.demarco) • Instagram photos and videos

I figured I would create an ongoing thread here at Fastlane of the memes/wisdom that I've been posting over on Instagram.

I should be sharing content here FIRST, then over there SECOND. (Duh)

Feel free to share or comment of any of these.

I'll update as I get more.

On a side note, I'm finding that memes are proving to be a great catalyst at getting...

Unscripted Wisdom, Beliefs, Memes, More!

from Unscripted Wisdom, Beliefs, Memes, More!

17 Year Old Looking To Move Into The Fastlane

Hi everyone, I'm 17 years old from the UK and I am 100% positive that I want to become an entrepreneur. The idea of a 9-5 is something I can't see myself being able to live with. I already knew this before, but after having read TMF and UNSCRIPTED it definitely caused me to have a mentality shift and think "What am I doing, really?"

I know I'm still young and there isn't necessarily a rush to get started but I've only recently started thinking about how much time I am wasting sitting around...

17 Year Old Looking To Move Into The Fastlane

from 17 Year Old Looking To Move Into The Fastlane


Now that there's several hundred out there in the wild, guess it is time to start a thread for those of you who have read (or listened to!) UNSCRIPTED!

View attachment 14816

Hope everyone enjoyed it and found it to be a good "big picture" supplement for The Millionaire Fastlane!

To download the first (5) chapters: HERE
To learn more (website) visit:...


from I've Read UNSCRIPTED!

Describe your first sale

I love reading stories of how people got started, especially the turning point where people make their first sale and get hooked.

Let’s see if we can inspire other forum members to make their first sale.

What’s the story of your first sale?

How did you feel in that moment?

What changed from that moment onwards?

What has it lead to?

In hindsight:

What would you have done LESS of?

What would you have done MORE of?

What one piece of advice would you give someone about making that...

Describe your first sale

from Describe your first sale

What kind of mattress do you own?

Our bed is something we spend a third of our life on, it might as well be the best.

A good night’s sleep is essential to having a productive day, healthy lifestyle, & healthy profits.

What kind of mattresses do fastlaners sleep on?

I’m thinking of getting a Sleep Number.

from What kind of mattress do you own?

The final solution to all "I have some money what do I do?" threads.

It was definitely the most potent idea of Rich Dad poor dad, but it really didn't sink in until I read TMF because it was explored outside real estate in such a comprehensive way. It all boiled down to the answer to this one question...

We see it on here all the time: "I have a thousand dollars, I have five hundred dollars, I have ten thousand dollars..." and the inevitable conclusions: "Should I go to school? Should I buy a car? Should I buy a boat? Should I blow it on a vacation?"


The final solution to all "I have some money what do I do?" threads.

from The final solution to all "I have some money what do I do?" threads.

If you had 1 hour with MJ, or someone similar...

I thought this might be a good thought exercise for the forum. Especially if we get participation from both sides. Here's the deal..

If you are a new or growing entrepreneur (or just want to play along of course)

We all have some successful entrepreneurs we look up to and would love to know more about. After a while of badgering, phone calls, emails and generally hounding, MJ or <insert your chosen entrepreneur here> has finally relented and agreed to give you 1 hour,...

If you had 1 hour with MJ, or someone similar...

from If you had 1 hour with MJ, or someone similar...

How to track my website traffic source?

Hai, I have a website, I was placed my website link to another site. If I got the click from that site, that link will be added which source.

from How to track my website traffic source?

How do you come up with your URLs for your landing pages?

But unfortunately Wordpress won't let me create such a URL - it limits you to only 1 forward slash in the URL. Unless there is a way around this that I don't know about. So instead I end up with something like this: And that doesn't look very pretty or professional. It looks ...

from How do you come up with your URLs for your landing pages?

is google bias toward high Domains having DA?

Why google ranks those websites having high DA and popular, even I use keywords that do not have in their sites. My content is more concise & relevant to that keywords, but Google search do not give value of my site. Why? I am a beginner in blogging field. My domain DA is 7. I am dying to see when ...

from is google bias toward high Domains having DA?

Kindle Ebook Marketing Advice?

Hi everyone, I've just published my first book on Kindle and I was hoping I could get some advice on marketing. I'm having a free promotion.

from Kindle Ebook Marketing Advice?

Facebook ads problem!

When marketing with FB... it is recommended to have an Ad-set for mobile traffic and a different Ad-set for Desktop. That way you can split test to see which traffic source is more lucrative. [ 0 ] Thank this user; Reply. Signature. 3 Tiers To Dominate FB Marketing: A 3-Step TechniqueThat Turns Losing FB ...

from Facebook ads problem!

Reddit Advertising

Building a lead pipeline by advertising on Reddit can pay off big-time, but it is not for amateurs. Never directly advertise your MLM company or even mention you are involved in network marketing. They have a well-known and active disdain for marketers and advertisers in general, and extremely so in ...

from Reddit Advertising

Where to sell my PLR that I produce?

Hello Friends! I have a question on where I can put my PLR products up for sale to other Internet Marketers. I have a complete media pack.

from Where to sell my PLR that I produce?


farasatkhan is a Warrior Member of Warrior Forum. Check to see what farasatkhan is saying about Internet Marketing.

from farasatkhan

Interesting Podcast How I Built This

How I Built This with Guy Raz by NPR on Apple Podcasts

from Interesting Podcast How I Built This

uama islais

uama islais is a Enduraflex of Warrior Forum. Check to see what uama islais is saying about Internet Marketing.

from uama islais

When does a Wantrepreneur become an Entrepreneur?

Is there a definite limit?

After the first sale?

When you hit some sales dollar amount?

Some less tangible measure?


from When does a Wantrepreneur become an Entrepreneur?

Sales funnels ideas...

I've over 60 blog articles posted right now and adding a few every week. My question here regarding sales funnel emails or ideas to keep my audience updated to the skin care industry and sell Affiliate products through. Any ideas please on to do this! thank you all for reading and care. #funnels #ideas # ...

from Sales funnels ideas...

Suaki zera

Suaki zera is a Warrior Member of Warrior Forum. Check to see what Suaki zera is saying about Internet Marketing.

from Suaki zera

I'm 20 Years Old and Trying to Find an Important Answer

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today.

My name is Saiful. I'm from Dhaka, Bangladesh(beside India). I'm 20 years old.
I'm commited to become a software developer. And then find a need in the market and fill this.
What I need to do every single day.

I have 12 hours free time everyday for the next 12 month. I have no valuable skill.

My Question is..
If you are only 20 years old have no valuable skills but have an entire year of free time what would you do every...

I'm 20 Years Old and Trying to Find an Important Answer

from I'm 20 Years Old and Trying to Find an Important Answer

How do you split test landing pages on google adwords?

I'm pretty sure google adword allows just one URL for your landing page. What if you want to do a split test with two landing pages? How d.

from How do you split test landing pages on google adwords?

No one will mentor me! Wait, no, that's too hard!

Friday, March 30, 2018

CPA Networks that offer Host/Post & Ping/Post

Hey guys, so we primarily deal in the local services provider (home improvement) industry, and we've partnered with Home Advisor, Thumbtack, Porch etc. We have used their API to set up ping/post for selling them leads. My question - Are there any CPA networks that provide or have a list of lead ...

from CPA Networks that offer Host/Post & Ping/Post

How to setup ClickBank affiliate commission for products in the long-time funnel

Hi. Is there anyone who sells on ClickBank as a vendor? I think I need some help... I read the available instructions, but they are not ver.

from How to setup ClickBank affiliate commission for products in the long-time funnel

Writing my first book

Well I am having a hard time sitting down to focus on the path I had thought was my fastlane of E-Commerce so have decided to roll with what I know from my current slowlane job and write a book on how to do it better. I am a store manager for a major retailer with over $475 million in retail sales under my leadership over 15 years so have a ton of knowledge to share with those looking to go down this career path. I have found the need based off of so many coming into these positions needing...

Writing my first book

from Writing my first book

Close encounter of the Cheetah kind

From Fox news - No one was injured ! Man survives close encounter after cheetah jumps into vehicle during African safari | FOX31 Denver "A CHEETAH has given some safari-goers the ultimate experience to get up close and personal with nature after it jumped into their car. The group of tourists, who ...

from Close encounter of the Cheetah kind

Expired domains for someone new to blogging

Here's what I need help with. I've started researching for potential options in my niche, however I'm confused on the results. For example: will show 1K+ BL's and 50+ DP's. Form there, I go to MOZ research tool and it shows 0 backlinks. My question: A: what exactly is ...

from Expired domains for someone new to blogging

Are you successful?

If you are, can you give me some tips?

At this moment I’m stuck with the “wantrepreneur” title: lots of ideas, some of them seems to be profitable, but little or no action at all.

So, my first question is: how did you get started?

Was it cold calling? Cold e-mail? Friends, family and fools?

You guys who made the jump from wantrepreneur to entrepreneur, how did you get started?

Right now I’m in the slowlane working from 7 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday, therefore...

Are you successful?

from Are you successful?

Guru Cults Exposed: The Tactics "Experts" Use To Pull You In & Suck You Dry

You're browsing Facebook when you see a post with a title like this:

The Biggest Mistake That Held Me Back From Hitting My First $1,000,000...
When I first started my business..........

It looks like a blog post. But you see a "read more" icon. So you click it and down pops a story.

No harm in reading a story, you think. So you read the first...

Guru Cults Exposed: The Tactics "Experts" Use To Pull You In & Suck You Dry

from Guru Cults Exposed: The Tactics "Experts" Use To Pull You In & Suck You Dry


Giving you what you need to take your internet and digital marketing to the next level since 1997. Join the community of 1+ million other marketers today.

from start-a-online-business

Affiliate Niche Site without Social Media Follow. Possible?

Hey guys, I just made a niche affiliate site where I promote affiliate products, so should I make social FB, Insta, Pinterest, Twitter pages and ask people to "like and follow us"? Asking because isn't there a good chance that people will bounce off when they see that the site has zero social media followers ...

from Affiliate Niche Site without Social Media Follow. Possible?

Being in Business and still being "Scripted", it's possible!

Hello Fellow Fastlaners

I've been lurking for a few months and thought it's about time I introduced myself. I've been running businesses from the time I graduated except for a 12 month stint in a job just after graduation to learn the ropes of a business that I wanted to get into. During my school and university days, most of my free time was spent helping my businessman dad for some pocket money so I had constant exposure to a business environment and helped me develop a business mindset....

Being in Business and still being "Scripted", it's possible!

from Being in Business and still being "Scripted", it's possible!

Offering a valuable service for B2B, and I would like your feedback

I am looking for feedback and recommendations on a service that my agency is offering.

TL;DR - The service produces inbound B2B leads (These leads are reaching out and asking to set an appointment, so that they can learn more about our clients product/service). Resulting in 15-30 inbound leads each month minimum, and is scalable from there. What industries would benefit most from having something like this?


My agency utilizes automation on LinkedIn for B2B lead...

Offering a valuable service for B2B, and I would like your feedback

from Offering a valuable service for B2B, and I would like your feedback

Wordpress issue - can anyone help?

Hello all, I've encountered an issue with my Wordpress site today. It seems my last post ONLY, titled "top 10 characteristics of a successful entrepreneur" is not displaying on the post page. It displays the excerpt on the home page, but when clicking the more button or getting ...

from Wordpress issue - can anyone help?

Enlarge Images When Mouse Hover

Is there an HTML code that I could use on my site that could enlarge images when a viewer hovers over the image with their cursor? Thanks.

from Enlarge Images When Mouse Hover

Searching For A YouTube Software

Anyone know of a software that will search for monetized videos in YouTube by keywords. I know there are a couple but they are monthly. So I.

from Searching For A YouTube Software

The Value Add Challenge

In the spirit of continual fastlane mentality development, the concept of providing value should permeate everything around you. Friendships, customers, jobs, business, you name it - there is value to be served on a platter.

Interestingly enough, providing interpersonal value follows a similar template to providing value in business. Many members of this forum embody value adding until it bleeds through their pores, but for a large portion of the population, it is not a natural response....

The Value Add Challenge

from The Value Add Challenge

What's your privacy setup?

I'm usually not the paranoid/conspiracy guy, but it recently started freaking me out to realize how much I was being spied on. From FB messenger scanning my conversations to offer me products, to websites installing keystroke spyware on my mobile and the realization that apple owns our fingerprints, voice print and soon face scan...

Currently in the process of cleaning up my stuff and doing a lot of "ungoogling";

  • Using a external hard drive instead of gDrive (until I find...

What's your privacy setup?

from What's your privacy setup?

I am here to learn, and to provide value to others


Glad to join the Fastlane Family!

I'm very excited to gain insight and learn from some of the great minds that make up this forum.

A brief synopsis of myself:

I am 26 years old, I attended UCF where I studied Business.
After graduation, I landed a position as an International Territory Manager for a large sports supplement company, where I managed Canada, Asia, South Africa, and England.

After one year in this strenuous position, I transitioned into the Real Estate industry,...

I am here to learn, and to provide value to others

from I am here to learn, and to provide value to others

Facebook Big Brother Is Watching You


Today I was on a web site checking something out.

A few hours later, I logged into Facebook.

There, in the Facebook advertising on the right column of the page, was the company and item that I had visited earlier in the day, with a 10% discount coupon. Photo of the exact item I had been researching, from the web site I was researching it on.

So, Facebook has access to the cookies from web sites I visit off of Facebook?

Someone smarter than me please explain to me what the hell...

Facebook Big Brother Is Watching You

from Facebook Big Brother Is Watching You

Shuhari from Germany

Hi Fastlaners,

I am Shuhari from Germany. I am a Engineer in my mid-thirties, married with two kids. Have been employed in Academia and Industry and started a business with my wife last year.

Our personal motivation for being an "entrepreneur couple" is that we want to be free. Free to chose to work on what we want, when we want, how much we want, with whom we want, for the customers we want.

My goal is to transition from employee to full-time entrepreneur as soon as we hit our business...

Shuhari from Germany

from Shuhari from Germany

SEO/PPC Newbie help

I am wanting to learn more about making a profit with PPC and get some general information on where I should research SEO more. I feel like.

from SEO/PPC Newbie help

What can I do on a daily basis to grow as an entrepreneur?

Hey guys,

I've always wanted to know what Every Entrepreneur should to do on a Daily Basis to Grow and Achieve More Success.

Let me have your point of view on this.


from What can I do on a daily basis to grow as an entrepreneur?

Why don't my keywords appear on top google

Hello everyone ! I SEO my website for several months. Before, I have spammed a little backlinks and then my keyword disappear on top 10. The.

from Why don't my keywords appear on top google

Copywriting, Failing and Readjusting

A while back I made a Fiverr gig to start building up my copywriting experience and portfolio.

After 2-3 months of having no luck (not a single sale) and rewriting my offer/testing dozens of times, I knew that I needed to try something new.

I didn't put much though about how saturated Fiverr is for copywriters, and I figured "hey, as long as I put up my services, I'll get a piece of the pie too."


After a little bit of research and completing Sinister Lex's copywriting course on...

Copywriting, Failing and Readjusting

from Copywriting, Failing and Readjusting

3D Printing as a business...does it make CENTS?

While I was exploring ways to get prototypes made for a product I discovered 3D printing and love the potential 3D printing has. I've searched the forums looking for threads about 3D printing as a business but haven't found many. I know @Vick has a thread on the Inside, but unfortunately, I'm not on the Inside yet. There are threads and posts about using a 3D printer for your business, but I couldn't find one about 3D printing being your business. So my apologies if...

3D Printing as a business...does it make CENTS?

from 3D Printing as a business...does it make CENTS?

Kentucky/Louisville Meet Up Interest

So posting this here for those near and interested.

I'm in the Louisville and Meade County areas myself, but I know some people are near and around like

@James Thornton

If you know anyone else on the forum in the area, tag them to this post.

Who would be down?

Thinking EOM April or start of May.

from Kentucky/Louisville Meet Up Interest

How many action fakes can the fastlane come up with??

First one - "lets make a pitch deck"

from How many action fakes can the fastlane come up with??

I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

Now that there are over 100,000 copies out there in the wild, multiple language translations, etc. this is the thread to let me know that you've read The Millionaire Fastlane.


If you read the book, post here and you will get an icon under your screenname and...

I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

from I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

Quote of the Day - QOTD

I noticed MJ changed his avatar and it displays the following quote.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Friedrich Nietzsche

That's gold.

I figured a "Quote of the Day - QOTD" thread would be a good thing to start. It might...

Quote of the Day - QOTD

from Quote of the Day - QOTD

DON’T PANIC! Facebook’s Ad Targeting Updates Aren’t as Scary as They Seem

Facebook has found themselves in a bit of a pickle.

Not only are influencers and brands abandoning the platform, Facebook has made a few announcements that leave us, digital marketers, a bit uneasy.

First, they are pausing their app review process making it impossible for businesses to create new Messenger bots. Second, they have stripped out access to third-party data for advertisers who create targeted ads on the platform.

Sounds scary, right?

Don’t panic just yet! We sat down for a conversation with Dennis Yu, Chief Technology Officer at BlitzMetrics, to talk about these issues, and he assured us that all is not as bad as it seems!

Here’s what he had to say:

Don’t feel like watching the video? Read the full transcript below!

Garrett Holmes: Well, thank you so much for joining us, Dennis. This is kind of a crazy time for all of us in the digital marketing world right now. So to start things off, if you could kind of just tell us what Facebook is doing. Kind of explain it like we’re five.
Dennis Yu: So Facebook is under pressure from the government and from consumers and the media because of this outrage. And Facebook’s been very sensitive to the fact that when people say bad things about Facebook because you can target gay people or black people or the KKK, or there’s the hint that the Russians maybe have used Facebook to manipulate the U.S. general election, or any kind of nonsense like that, Facebook’s natural reaction is to try to pull back from a PR standpoint. And also, I know having met Mark Zuckerberg a few times, he actually does want to do what’s right for the community. So what you’re witnessing now is two things. One is that the media and the government regulators are saying, “My goodness, something must be done. Our data is not being protected. There’s Cambridge Analytica where they’ve got 50 million user profiles, where there’s other people that are nefarious that are using our data, or there’s a data breach.” None of those things is actually true in the extent of what the media is talking about.
The second part is Facebook’s reaction, which is how they’re pulling back a lot of the targets. So they’ve pulled back the third party partner category targets, which is Acxiom, Epsilon, Datalogix, and the other partner data that’s related to that. They’ve pulled back a lot of job title targeting, they’ve pulled back certain kinds of interest targeting. They’ve pulled back a lot of targets, and they’ve also stopped all messenger app approvals, as you guys know. And that’s a response to make sure that they can get ahead of the regulation. You probably know, in Europe, there’s GDPR, which is about getting consumers opt-in to be able to be targeted with someone else’s data. And so by pulling a lot of the data that we used to be able to use, some marketers are freaking out saying, “This is the end of Facebook. It’s no longer useful. My ads are getting disapproved.” And other people are saying, “Hey, it’s business as usual. Everything’s just fine. We can rely upon the algorithm to do the work for us. I wasn’t using those kinds of targets anyway.” And the truth is actually in the middle.
So for those of us that maybe aren’t doing Facebook ads for a living, that maybe aren’t talking to Facebook multiple times per day and working closely with them, here’s what you need to know. If you are running Facebook ads, make sure that you do not do anything that violates the terms of service. Facebook is cracking down on people that are doing things that maybe you were able to get away with before, but now, I’ve seen messages just in the last week, other people saying, “Dennis, my ad account’s disapproved. These ads, they used to be working for a long time.” Yeah, well, they should’ve been disapproved before.
‘Cause there’s two and a half million advertisers on Facebook. Can you imagine? I think Facebook has five thousand people that are there trying to do account management and ad approval, that whole policy group. Five thousand people trying to take care of ads that are being submitted by two and a half million advertisers. So that’s probably five hundred, six hundred thousand ads per day to be handled by just a few thousand people. That means they literally have just a few seconds to handle each ad as it comes through. So often, they’re going to accidentally disapprove an ad that should have been approved, and they’re going to approve an ad that shouldn’t … They’re gonna make both kinds of mistakes.
So, first off, make sure you understand policy because when you get an ad disapproved multiple times when it happens enough times, they will shut your account down and you won’t get it back. So, number one, right, don’t let your account get shut down because then it’s really hard. Then all you try to open another account. There’s all these different tricks people try to do. Just please don’t go there. That’s number one.
Number two is let’s try to do things Facebook’s way. Let’s create one-minute videos where we’re entertaining and educating. Let’s bring people through the awareness engagement conversion stages, which we know has always been right. Those are the fundamentals. And if we do that, we don’t need to rely upon all this crazy kind of targeting. A lot of people, they screw up their Facebook ad account, not because Facebook is difficult or disapproving ads, or things are changing and Power Editor’s going away. It’s not because of that. They’re screwing themselves. Most Facebook marketers, they get in the way of themselves by trying to over target. ‘Cause if you set a certain kind of targeting in your ad, then Facebook has to honor that. And then they will sub-target within that group that you select, which is what oCPM does. It does automatic bidding and automatic sub-targeting. So actually if you set up things properly, you have that three by three grid of awareness, engagement conversion, nine pieces of content, three times three, and then you set up lookalikes in the right way, you set up custom audiences in the right way, you actually don’t have to touch things in terms of micro-targeting. You can let the system do the work for you.
Most people are creating too many ads. They’re going straight to trying to sell off of a cold audience. If you try to convert lookalike audience, that gets low relevance score. So all the things that you were able to get away with before are now starting to become higher penalty. So maybe you had ads that were converting that were relevant score two, and high negative feedback, but it was still … Even though users didn’t like it, but it was still profitable enough that you kept going with it. You should look at trying to fix those ads, ’cause there’s a chance you’ll get disapproved on those.
The third thing is if you are running targets that … Let’s say you’re an auto dealership and you are using partner bulk data that’s tied back to Acxiom on auto and tender. People who are in the market to buy a car in the next six months, people who currently have an Acura and they want to buy a new Acura, maybe. Or people who have an old BMW and maybe they want an Audi. You need that kinda data? All that data’s going away. The behavioral data that’s related to point of sale, to loyalty programs, to registration, all that stuff from Acxiom, Epsilon, Datalogix, which is owned by Oracle now, all that data will not be available progressively until October 1st. So it’s not being pulled away right now. You’ll still see a lot of it there right now. So if you are reliant upon that data because you are in a particular niche where you just have to have that, then you’ve got to get creative in terms of the targeting that you have. You have to be able to step, move one step up in the funnel, right?
The thing that Facebook announced three days ago, which I think most of us knew was coming … Actually, they mentioned it, I think, in our developer group a month ago, they pulled away reach estimates. You remember when you have a custom audience, it’ll say, “Well, you should be able to reach this many people. 10,000 people or 100 people or whatever it might be.” And so they’re pulling away all of the different estimates on how big that audience might be, which is actually really key If you’re doing planning. So inside Audience Insights, inside the Ad Manager, other places where it estimates how far an audience would reach on custom audiences. So what do you do about that? You have to test smaller. So you have to start with a dollar a day. Because if you don’t know what it is, the last thing you want to do is put a budget what’s ten times what that audience will sustain. Then your frequency goes too high, and then you’ve burnt out that audience, and then the relevance score quickly rates low, high negative feedback, which causes your CPM to go up and then you burn out that whole ad. So that means you’ve got to be more careful about your testing. That means you start with a dollar a day, and if it’s working, you can extend it.
Here’s another thing that people aren’t using, but they should be thinking about now, because of these changes and how fast they’re accelerating. ‘Cause Facebook’s gonna continue to pull more targeting. They’re gonna continue to ban ads, ’cause they’re gonna do anything … They don’t care about the extra million or two dollars that you might have, let’s say. “Oh, but Facebook, they’ll care about my million dollars of ad spend.” No. Actually, they make 17 billion dollars a quarter. They don’t care about that. So what you have to do is be more progressive in the way that you test. And here’s one thing that almost nobody’s using on Facebook, but is super powerful, automated rules.
Have you seen how automated rules work? It’s inside your business manager. If you click that hamburger menu, “All Tools.” Scroll over to the bottom towards the middle right, middle bottom, and automated rules allows you to set up when you turn ads on and off. If the frequency is too high, if my cost per action or cost per conversion is above a certain amount, then decrease the bid. If it’s working well. If my CPC is below this, then put another ten dollars a day against it. Or increase my total budget, or increase my bid. Or all of these actions to turn things on and off and change bids and send me an alert. For example, I have an alert set up that any time an ad has a higher CPM than $25, I want to see an alert, because that’s a sign that something’s not right. ’cause my ad should be about a six to a seven dollar CPM in the United States. And if it’s higher, that means I’m violating 20% text rule, I’m getting high negative feedback, the audience is too small.
So when you use automated rules, that’s gonna help prevent you getting in trouble with Facebook, because more disapprovals … I think they’re gonna be more sensitive. It used to be you could get away with a lot more disapprovals, but now you’ve got to be more careful. And the other thing is that, with more ads being there in the system, the more competition there is, the more expensive things become, the more important it is to prove that something’s working organically, and then do dollar a day boosting, and then rely upon custom audiences built off of those video watch audiences. You don’t need that third party partner data except to kick things off, ’cause once it becomes an email address, once it becomes a custom audience, once it becomes a video watch audience, which all those are custom audiences, you don’t need those targets. Then you’re relying upon oCPM and the system does the work for you. You’re home free at that point if you can build those audiences.
So all the more emphasis on one-minute videos, on one dollar a day testing, on not relying upon tricks. There was an article that came out a couple days ago about a guy who ran a cloaking network that spends a billion dollars a year on Facebook where you can send people … cloaking is when you send people to … If Google bot or Facebook’s bot comes, you send them to one page, but if it’s another user, you send them to another landing page. So you’re trying to trick Facebook and Google’s ad disapproval system. And I, unfortunately, know a lot about that kinda stuff, but those sorts of things you don’t want to mess with. Increasingly, the penalty for using tricks will get you in trouble.
I think that’s the main thing people have to realize is that Facebook says, “You know … ” So Facebook in their … I don’t want to say they’re naive, but let’s say … I’ve been doing ads for 11 years, Facebook, and they just kind of trust. They’ve had this naive trust of advertisers, where they just give you all of these features. The whole idea of move fast and break things, which is stuff that’s made by 23-year-old engineers, ’cause I was one of those, too, 20 years ago, was “Hey, here’s some cool features. Let’s just give this kind of targeting out to people and see what they can do. Let’s release this new functionality.” And so they trust that we as developers and marketers, we’re not going to abuse that. So there are people who will build …
When Facebook launched the F8 platform in May of 2007, anybody could build an app. Which then, “Oh, your friend would like to invite you to play this game and also wants your friend’s information, the friend and fan information.” Okay, cool. But they didn’t anticipate the kinds of things that would happen with people abusing that data coming through, ’cause they didn’t think about all the nefarious things that would happen in the affiliate world and all that kinda stuff. So by releasing all this amazing functionality, which has created, arguably, well, not arguably, the world’s number one targeting system. World class. Nobody can argue that. Because they’ve created all of this massive power and all this sort of buffet of options. I like eating at the Wynn Buffet when I’m in Vegas because there’s all these options. Some people say that Caesars is better. You can argue with that. But the fact that there’s all these options, A, creates overwhelm. B, it creates media opportunities for people that want to say, “You know what? I can target all the people by job title where they say KKK leader.” But that’s not actually their job title, ’cause people can say whatever they want. They can say that they’re married. They can say whatever they want on Facebook.
So what Facebook’s doing is they’re moving away from, “Here, let’s just trust the community. Let me give you all these different things.” And they’re pulling most of it back. And so you see a lot of people that are freaking out, and they kind of have to because of things like GDPR, because you could find … Just think about all the millions of different things that you could target off of, how any one person … For example, there’s an article, I think it was in the New York Times yesterday on how you could … If you were a landlord and you were renting out apartments or something, you could basically target black people, or target white people and exclude black people and handicap people. Cause you could exclude all the people that have a disability that are members of the union of people who are handicapped. Or there’s all these different groups. You could exclude people that like the NAACP, which is probably gonna be black people.
So they’re suing Facebook by saying, “Well … ” Just because someone could do this kind of targeting, how can Facebook possibly police all of this stuff? They can’t. So Facebook’s pulling most of that stuff back. Because they don’t want the government to come in and regulate. I think it’s too late. The government’s gonna come in and regulate because they can’t not do anything, if you know what I mean. So they’re gonna have to do something. So Facebook’s trying to say, “Well, if we preempt them by just self-regulating, like pulling back some of these targets, maybe they won’t slap us quite as hard.” Kind of like the cigarette industry where they said, “Well, don’t regulate us, and then we just promise not to run ads on TV.” Things like that. Like maybe we can get ahead of the regulation, because if we do it now, it’ll be better than if they come in and try to say, “All right, well, Facebook we have to break into three different companies.” Or nonsense like that.
Garrett Holmes: Right, right.
Dennis Yu: Now, from our standpoint as marketers and advertisers, we’re trying to drive sales of our products. This is what you need to know. Most of these things don’t matter. It’s noise. The stuff about data and Cambridge Analytica using data from some third party app. They couldn’t use that. All of us who are data people know that that wasn’t possible because all custom audiences were based on app-scoped IDs meaning only that app itself could have used that data as custom audiences. No one else could. But the media doesn’t know, and actually, most people who are marketers, they don’t know that’s the case. So there was no privacy breach. I’m gonna defend Facebook on national TV in two days talking about this on CNN. I’m flying to Atlanta tomorrow to talk about this. I don’t even care about that. That’s all a red herring. That’s just politicians and the media trying to make a story out of what they want to believe as opposed to what the actual facts are.
The fact is if you’re trying to drive sales, what you need to lean on is oCPM. That’s really where the AI and the algorithm power is. Where if you set a good audience, not super, super tight, but a general audience, that with enough room for Facebook’s algorithm to kind of figure out how to sub-target, the system does the work for you. That’s the power of Facebook’s algorithm. It’s not us setting all these targets. It’s us putting in the ingredients into the machine. We have to put in the ingredients are goals, content, and targeting, our three by three grid, our custom audiences. We’re putting all of these things into the machine, closing the lid, pressing the button for the thing that we want.
So I like to hang out at the Admiral’s club. You ever go to the Admiral’s club like at airports?
Garrett Holmes: Yep. Yep.
Dennis Yu: I’m gonna hang out there tomorrow. I like to go to the airport a little bit early, ’cause I can eat their food.
Garrett Holmes: Yeah, I do the same thing.
Dennis Yu: But the Admiral’s Club, my favorite thing there is they have this coffee machine. But they have a really fancy coffee machine, and when you press the hot chocolate button, the thing whirs up and it’s not just using powder stuff, but it actually puts in real cream, and it’s the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had of any of these other places. ‘Cause it’s not just some crappy powder stuff. Something they do is really, really good, and I think of Facebook as like that, where you put your cup under the thing and you press. Do you want a latte? Do you want a hot chocolate? Do you want an espresso? Do you want whatever? And if you put the things into the machine and you press the button for what you want, the machine is doing the work for you.
So we think about the fact that Facebook’s taking away a lot of these targets really doesn’t matter because most people who think they’re all smart about targeting are really just screwing things up and making it harder. They should let Facebook do the work. It’s like trying to beat the computer at chess. The computer will kick your ass at chess. The computer will kick your ass now at Go and World of Warcraft and all these things that people didn’t believe the computer could win at. And that’s how Facebook is. Their system is so smart. You literally have to … The main reason why people fail on Facebook is they do not have their content organized into that three by three grid, the funnel. The awareness to engagement to conversion, and sequencing from awareness to engagement, and sequencing from engagement to conversion. That’s the thing that we’ve been preaching for a long time. And now, because of all this nonsense that’s occurring with Facebook, we have all the more reason to finally get back to these fundamentals. Why? Because if you don’t, you’re gonna get penalized.
Garrett Holmes: Wow. Very, very well put. I had a bunch more questions, but you answered everything, everything on the list. And to kind of wrap this up, one of the things that I was gonna ask is, “Should we panic as marketers?” And it sounds like the answer is absolutely not.
Dennis Yu: No. Because why would Facebook intentionally hurt the machine that drives revenue? Now, some people are gonna get hurt along the way, and those are bad actors. But how many of us here were really using job title targeting? And what percent of Facebook’s revenue do you really think job title targeting and partner targeting was? Maybe 3% or 4% in total of all that micro-targeting? Just because you can target teachers that live in Santa Monica and are 35 years old, just because you could do that, what percent of all ad spend, of every dollar that’s being spent, how many pennies do you think is being used toward stuff like that? Maybe a penny.
So from Facebook’s earning standpoint, it doesn’t really matter. So they get to get most of this huge PR nightmare, government regulation, privacy data breaching stuff off their shoulders by just removing that. It doesn’t hurt the revenue, and it gets rid of a lot of this outrage. And frankly, it’s gonna reduce a ton of people that are submitting crappy ads that are only gonna spend five cents anyway.
There’s hundreds of thousands of ads per day, maybe even a million ads per day that are coming through Facebook’s system, and the majority of them are micro target ads that are gonna spend nothing. So should that even go through review? That’s why Facebook has minimums. The reason why … Okay, well, if it’s a boosted post, then you can spend a dollar a day, which is why we talk about a dollar a day, but if you’re trying to drive to a website for conversion, you’ve got to spend five dollars a day. Who knows. Maybe they’ll increase that to ten dollars a day. ‘Cause back in the days when I ran analytics at Yahoo, we said, “Well, why are we gonna have this minimum ten cents bid? Why don’t we just allow there to be no floor? Allow people to bid two cents, three cents, allow the market to do it?” Well, the reason why is that we didn’t want crappy ads, and we didn’t want tons of ads coming through for review, ’cause there’s a cost to try to review these ads, ’cause somebody might say something racist.
Facebook has automation to detect whether there’s images or whether there’s nudity. There’s all these different things that Facebook has. But even still, you’re gonna see, they’re gonna be tighter about that. So I don’t think there’s a lot to worry about, unless you’re trying to trick the system.
Garrett Holmes: Gotcha. Gotcha. Well, it’s good news to hear. In a world where the news is kind of blowing this up and making us kind of all kinda look to each other and go, “What’s next? What’s happening here?” This is a little bit of a relief to kind of hear that this is not as big of a deal for us as marketers as the media’s kind of making it out to be. So I really, really appreciate you taking the time to sit down and explain this to us.
I know I learned a lot today. We all in the room learned a lot today. So thank you so much. And as kind of a last thing, where can we learn more about you? And where can we watch what’s going on in your world?
Dennis Yu: Best place is follow me on Facebook. So Google my name. Facebook my name. LinkedIn my name. Send me an email, I put a lot of stuff out there on Facebook, ’cause why not? If you’re talking about Facebook, you should be putting it on Facebook.
Garrett Holmes: That’s right. That’s right. Awesome, Dennis. Well, thank you so much for joining us. We’ll talk to you soon, all right?
Dennis Yu: Awesome. Thanks.
Garrett Holmes: All right. Thank you.

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Good thing is I have disciplined myself to not attempt chasing them all at once.

Since I never made an introduction post in my 2+ years on the forum, here is a...

Financial App Idea (and more)

from Financial App Idea (and more)

Financial App Idea Dump (and more)

Long post incoming!! I apologize in advance.

As we all know, ideas by themselves are pretty useless, without the right execution.
Except if you're in the business of selling ideas, of course. :cool:

Like any entrepreneur, I have multiple ideas running through my head each time I see a need. A solution-oriented worldview.

Good thing is I have disciplined myself to not attempt chasing them all at once.

Since I never made an introduction post in my 2+ years on the forum, here is a...

Financial App Idea Dump (and more)

from Financial App Idea Dump (and more)

Looking for some You-Tube recording help

I use a laptop with Windows 10 and I checked out the XBOX game recorder that's included with Windows. It records the screen fine but editing options are limited. I tried a couple of free options but they would watermark their logo on the finished product. Can't blame them really they need to make money ...

from Looking for some You-Tube recording help

the infuriating “noopener noreferrer” links in wordpress 4.7.4

Hi since WP 4.7.4 now when you post a link it adds these two instructions for security reasons. Check the original thread in the WP forum.

from the infuriating “noopener noreferrer” links in wordpress 4.7.4

Postcard Mailing Questions

I recently started a mailing campaign. We are mailing 1000 people - six times - a month apart. The first mailing went out 4 weeks ago.

from Postcard Mailing Questions

Does At WIll employment even mean anything?

so i worked 33k job for 2.5 weeks. My friend hooked me up with interview for much higher paying job this morning. I did interview and during lunch i get call that i got the job, 50k salary, starting 2 weeks from now.

I tell HR dude at the end of day that in 2 weeks i gotta be out, i can stay and help with work for 2 weeks at most.
One of the companys partners is there and giving me a death glare.
HR dude says i must give 30 day notice according to contract.
im like what... oh sh*t so i say...

Does At WIll employment even mean anything?

from Does At WIll employment even mean anything?

Which revenue model should I be going for?

I'm currently developing an App to link trades people with customers .

Basically a customer will enter details about jobs they need done and get quotes sent to them from local businesses.

Originally I was going to charge a fee to the customer and take a cut of the total bill from the business .

This leaves me processing payments, both incoming and outgoing, although I feel this could make more money per transaction .

Now I'm toying with the idea of charging the business for the service...

Which revenue model should I be going for?

from Which revenue model should I be going for?