Thursday, December 31, 2020

Leaving the comfortable slow lane!

Hi everyone,

My name's Pete and I'm a 25 year old guy from Ireland. I've read both of MJ's books, which led me to this forum. To the outside observer I'm doing well. I'm earning 60k a year in a secure government job and I've never really wanted for anything. I own a nice car, I take holidays where I want and if I want something material (generally) I can afford to get it. I have no children, I'm single and I have a healthy amount in savings. I'm in a very fortunate position compared to...

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from Leaving the comfortable slow lane!

I Love My Work

“I love my work” is probably not a common line that most people use in their introductions on this forum. It’s true though – let me explain.

I’ve always been a passionately multi-disciplined person. When I was a child, I dreamed of building a robot. In pursuit of that dream, I dabbled in hobbies and chose an academic path that would teach me (among many things) about electronics, mechanical design, software and firmware development. I realized along the line however that my goal changed – I...

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from I Love My Work

Licensing idea?

Hello everyone,

this is my first post (to be honest isn’t first post ever in a forum).
So if I made some kind of mistake please don’t be rude and tell me what I can change for next time.

I came from Sicily (Italy) and I red the two books of Mj. I’m trying to find my path but at the moment I am in the deepest ocean.

I’ve been very interested when Mj wrote this simple phrase: touch millions of people to make billions of dollars.( i m not sure about the translation).
From that point my only...

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from Licensing idea?


I am in the process of writing a 2021 revision of my sourcing and importing book, but I thought I should post this extract now because it is so important.

With the onset of what became known as the Trade War between China and the USA, followed by the pandemic there has been a growing interest in sourcing from countries other than China. Many view it as essential in order to minimize their risks if their chosen products join the list of those on which much higher tariffs are imposed. Others...

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From working low paying jobs to a Junior DevOps Engineer at a Fortunate 100 company within two years and two months – My Journey

Janitor (June 4, 2018 - October 2, 2018)

Door to door salesman (October...

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from From working low paying jobs to a Junior DevOps Engineer at a Fortunate 100 company within two years and two months – My Journey

I just finished my first digital product for Clickbank, and could use some advice on a couple things.

I finally finished my digital product that I plan to release on Clickbank and put up on my blog, but I have a couple of questions.

1. First off, it's a 12-week program. Meaning, ideally, the customer would get one video a week automatically sent to them. Is this possible to do with Clickbank/WordPress, or would they basically end up getting all the videos at once? I assume it's possible, as I have bought digital products like this before and had them sent incrementally. One I believe...

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from I just finished my first digital product for Clickbank, and could use some advice on a couple things.

The Undercover Billionaire: Building a $1m business in 90 days

I'm currently watching a show on Discovery Channel called "The Undercover Billionaire."

The premise is they drop a billionaire in a random city with a truck and 100 bucks and he bets he can build a million dollar business in 90 days.

I thought that was cool and I should share.

from The Undercover Billionaire: Building a $1m business in 90 days


Hi, my name is Micah. I am currently blessed with a lot of time, an MBA, ability to live/move anywhere, and seed cash. I am looking for my next profitable adventure. Years ago, I had an SEO business employing people around the world. But now I need a new direction and in the field I enter, I really want an experienced mentor. I do not want to go it alone.

from Hello/hola!

Thoughts become things only if you raise your buttocks

Dear friends of Fastlaners, talking about ideas and execution of them, while reading the book of MJ DeMarco, I made to myself a series of answers about how I could create a service that could give the community a service and therefore to satisfy a need before to think my needs. I look for a common need and searched for a solution that could help people to find a real help in odonthiatric field. So, I invite you to visit my website...

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from Thoughts become things only if you raise your buttocks

Invented Product: Testing Market w/ Amazon Product Listing and Facebook Ads

Hey all,

I recently started a new ecommerce business venture. When I moved to a new house and installed by weight room in the basement. I realized the I-joist ceiling was the perfect place to hang pullup bars & monkey bars. I came up with a design that allowed me to create a pull up bar product with a piece of steel pipe and some 3D printed parts.

I have since filed a provisional patent, generated a ton of marketing content, and listed on amazon FBM and PPC the next day. I have...

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from Invented Product: Testing Market w/ Amazon Product Listing and Facebook Ads

KAK's Kill Bigger Radio Show

As I am sure you probably have already heard on @Vigilante s Mind Your Business.

I too am launching a radio show! I have been a bit of a troll with the new avatar for a week. :rofl:

EDIT! Here is episode ZERO for people that want to learn what the show is all about. Basically Ayn Rand meets actionable business content.

Kill Bigger Radio Trailer - Ep 0 by Kill Bigger Radio with...

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from KAK's Kill Bigger Radio Show

Don't Expect That 2021 Will Be Better

A lot of people can't wait for 2020 to end, as if all it takes to “fix” it is to get a new calendar.

Yay, 2021! I can finally forget about that big, bad, 2020!

For many, 2020 wasn’t anywhere close to what they would consider a “good” year. But it wasn’t bad because of its inherent nature. It was bad because of the personal judgment of those people.

When we judge events based on whether they unfold according to our tastes, we’re walking on the most unstable land there is. It’s the...

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from Don't Expect That 2021 Will Be Better

Procrastination cycle I can't break whatever I do (long read)

Hello all,
I'm sorry if this post looks edgy, but these kinds of posts are one of my last hopes left to become someone better.
My main issue is being trapped in a sort of depression-dopamine cycle I can't get out of.
Every time I'm trying to build a habit and become more disciplined, I only do that habit for a couple of days, after most likely a burst of motivation after some speech from a guru, and then it fades and I'm back to case 0. I've read many blogs, seen many videos on how to...

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from Procrastination cycle I can't break whatever I do (long read)

Hey everyone, I'm Davis. I run a SaaS company, and a community with over 1,200 members

Hey everyone, my name is Davis.

Currently reading Millionaire Fastlane, which is how I learned about this forum :)

I am the co-founder of OneUp, a social media scheduling tool:

I also run a community with over 1,200 members for discussing local SEO and Google My Business tips and strategies:

Happy to be here!

from Hey everyone, I'm Davis. I run a SaaS company, and a community with over 1,200 members

You Are One Call Away From Living Your Dream Life - LightHouse’s Accountability Program ⚡

...As long as it isn't a 1-900 number, right?!

Do you keep setting goals and writing tasks down that seem to never get done even though you are "busy"?

Maybe you are tired of going in circles every day and not feeling accomplished at the end of the week/month/year?

Are you struggling to make sales, sign clients or get more users to your product or service?


I know exactly how you feel. What you are experiencing is not...

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from You Are One Call Away From Living Your Dream Life - LightHouse’s Accountability Program ⚡

Building an eBook Writing & Publishing Business (Best Strategy to Reach US/UK/Canada Clients)

Greetings Fastlaners,

I hope you are all doing well during these turbulent and unprecedented times.

2021 has been learning, stretching and challenging one for my team and me. By the close of the year, I had a couple of opportunities to build other businesses besides my web design and digital marketing agency. One of them is creating ebooks to help businesses to generate leads via landing pages, opt-in-pop-ups, build thought leadership, or even generate passive income sources via Amazon...

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from Building an eBook Writing & Publishing Business (Best Strategy to Reach US/UK/Canada Clients)

A sculptor's journey towards the Fastlane

Week 1: FOCUS

Hi everyone!
I'll be documenting my progress here. As you might know, I'm a 30-year-old sculptor from Barcelona.
I've been freelancing for five years, and although everything is going better each year, it is hardly enough to cover my minimal living expenses.

I've never done any marketing effort seriously. All the customers have been people that know me personally, or acquaintances of them.
On one hand that's good because that means my product is good enough, on the...

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from A sculptor's journey towards the Fastlane

Facebook Antitrust Lawsuit - What is your intake?

Hello, everyone. I just woke up to the news of Facebook getting sued for being a social media monopoly and tried to look for a post here at the forum but couldn't find one. So, I started one to see what everyone here thinks about what is going on.

According to the NY Times:
"...The Federal Trade Commission and more than 40 states accused Facebook on Wednesday of buying up its rivals to illegally squash competition, and they called for the deals to be unwound, escalating...

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from Facebook Antitrust Lawsuit - What is your intake?

A Cautionary Tale About eBay

As many of you know, I have been a fan of eBay for years. I have been active on the eBay marketplace for over a decade both as a seller, and as a buyer. For those of you who follow(ed) our Mind Your Business podcast, we even had the eBay spokesman come on last Fall to talk about becoming an eBay vendor.

Well, a lot has changed on eBay. Over the years, the pendulum has swung back and forth between favoring sellers to favoring customers at the expense of sellers. Now seemingly they've...

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from A Cautionary Tale About eBay

The Video That Got Banned From YouTube. David Icke on Covid-19 and 5G

Hi Fastlaners.

Amidst the whole coronacrisis thing, I thought I spread some hope for the one who seek from London Real.

Full Interview:
This interview, which was posted on London Real, got banned 2 hours after releasing. There is some very interesting stuff being shared in this interview, that's why I think it's banned.

David Icke shares his opinion on how we should...

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from The Video That Got Banned From YouTube. David Icke on Covid-19 and 5G

What is Clubhouse?

I keep seeing people talk about it in my Facebook feed. I’m guessing it’s some new social media platform?

from What is Clubhouse?

I lost my job and starting all over again learning web development @ 40 years old.

I lost my high paying remote CAD job a year ago.
I thought that job would go on forever since the company seemed big, backed up by a billion-dollar investment firm, and has been in the industry for over 30 years.
I was wrong.
Without warning, we were told that it's shutting down.
I was shocked.
My wife also worked under me so both of us were jobless.
So we went from earning big to zero in a flash.
This is what happened when we put all the eggs in one basket.
I learned it the hard way.


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from I lost my job and starting all over again learning web development @ 40 years old.

[Introduction] Vaibhav Dwivedi

Hello, everyone.

My name is Vaibhav Dwivedi. I am 22 years old guy from Delhi, India. I am about to complete my Master's education in IT and start with my first job.

I have been building projects which has generated some revenue, at times. While I am totally into entrepreneurship, I believe I should do a job which can help me to fund myself and the businesses I want to build, in the inital times. Once I reach that financial freedom, then things can be re-assessed.

Lastly, I think...

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from [Introduction] Vaibhav Dwivedi

Thought Experiment: WWYD in Your Post Powerball Euphoria?

Interesting thought experiment...

Assume you won $1,000,000,000 (1 Billion!) in the Powerball.

What would you do in your post Powerball euphoria?

I'm talking about your daily day AFTER you reveled for a couple of years in riches...

I'm talking about AFTER you bought 10 exotic cars and drove them to death...
I'm talking about AFTER you traveled the world and saw everything to see...
I'm talking about AFTER you bought the dream houses speckled about the world...

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from Thought Experiment: WWYD in Your Post Powerball Euphoria?

Best Lead Generation Company?

Hi guys,

I am currently in the process of launching my business and badly need someone with great sales skills and Irish, British or neutral accent who could prospect clients on behalf of my company. I have spent a considerable amount of time hunting talent on Upwork and Freelancer and arranging a good few of interviews. However, I have a strange feeling it won't get me far in terms of what I expect. Has any of you (credible forum members) used some sort of Telemarketing or Lead Generation...

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from Best Lead Generation Company?

Vaccines Required to Fly - The Beginning of More Intensive Government Control

Can someone smarter than me please explain how this won't result in the government using COVID vaccines as a means to oppress the general population? There's been talk that country-wide scaling of vaccines will take years. In the meantime, these bureaucratic dickheads are slowly building out our cages - using the vaccine as a proxy to control us.

from Vaccines Required to Fly - The Beginning of More Intensive Government Control

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Negative mindset.

I can't help but feel down by my lack of results financially. It is a perpetual insecure spot. And the thing is it wouldn't be that bad but it f*cks with me so much that it effects other parts of my life. I'm more prone to getting into fights and being angry creating more problems. How do you guys keep a even mind about this? How do I not attach my self worth to money? This insecurity will drive me to do really stupid stuff. This isn't new as there are studies that low income families have...

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from Negative mindset.

Financing options right on website

We sell tiny homes and about 10 or more times a day we get potential customers who inquire about wanting a tiny home, but they need financing in order to do it. Ive found financing options online that we refer them to, but 9 times out of 10 we never hear back from them. When they write in, I still provide them with a full quote, which does take some time.

What Im wondering is if anyone knows a financing option I could use, that the potential customer could fill out on our website? Id like...

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from Financing options right on website

For Anybody Running a Web Design Agency: How Do You find Your Customers?

What's up guys. I just started a full time job last week to pay the bills. It only solidified in my mind how much I want my entrepreneurial journey to start taking off.

This year I had moderate success with my digital marketing agency. I managed a few projects and made a decent amount of money but nothing that was constant cash flow. I found success with cold calls, a few references and family friends. In a nutshell, it supplied a bit of money on the side but it's nowhere near enough for...

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from For Anybody Running a Web Design Agency: How Do You find Your Customers?

The First Man In Jail From Covid (Vancouver)

Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

from The First Man In Jail From Covid (Vancouver)

Anonymous review site to bring light to a shady industry.

Three days ago, @Andy Black and I chatted it up for a bit. I told him something we hear in TFLF all the time: "I'm working on building [insert latest idea]" - in my case, a website.

In true Andy fashion, he brought me back to why we are all here in the first place: to add value. You can't add value without getting in front of people. He suggested I post something on FB and start engaging the market. I immediately felt afraid of posting the wrong thing or something less...

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from Anonymous review site to bring light to a shady industry.

So if you are born poor in a 3rd world shitpool, can you still make it? My Story.

In one his books, MJ makes a good argument: If you are born in a First World country, have a healthy mind and body, there is absolutely no reason for you to not be able to break through the chains of servitude. Now a question arises -- what if you are born on the wrong side of the planet? And you ain't too smart?

I had that puzzle to solve. I was born poor in a 3rd world country where corruption and cast-ism reigned strong. In early childhood, I experienced beatings on a daily basis because...

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from So if you are born poor in a 3rd world shitpool, can you still make it? My Story.

[RANT]: Raise the minimum wage! This is so unfair!

I see people posting this picture and similar ones all the time on my Facebook timeline all with the same message, but for some reason today it irritated me more than usual.

The simplest delta between the Slowlane/Sidewalk lifestyle and the Fastlane lifestyle is:



Wahh wahhh boo hoo.

The 99% needs to shut the f*ck up and get off their a$$ and create value so that you can be that "CEO" guy.

Technically, the...

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from [RANT]: Raise the minimum wage! This is so unfair!

How to become a better writer?

I want to learn how to become a better writer. In fact, I think it will be one of the most useful skills for me. I don't know how to make to make my sentences sound better. I would love to hear from MJ. Do you just read, read and read and you become better writer? My sentences sound like crap and I want to know how to get started. Thanks.

See? My sentences really sound like crap.

from How to become a better writer?

Hello, Im Eric

Hey Everyone,
As the title states my name is Eric, nice to make your acquaintance. So, a bit about me is that I’m on the path to try and make a better life. Just before COVID hit my life fell apart. I lost my home, my gf left me for another guy, I had health and financial issues, and the saddest part is that I had to find a new home for my Great Dane whom was my friend for 5 years (had him when he was a puppy)

But, it’s not a sob story. I’m happy that my former partner has found someone...

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from Hello, Im Eric

Hardcore truth opened my mindset.Need help on the way forward.

I am 24 years old from Kenya and also a University graduate with a student loan.I was not into reading books but there is a little voice that would tell me you need to seek knowledge.
I started reading different kind of books on self development until I came across MJ Demarco's books which hit me with real hardcore truth. Then I joined this forum and each day more truth continue pouring in.Actually this forum has opened my mindset and i wanna thank everyone for what you post it has really...

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from Hardcore truth opened my mindset.Need help on the way forward.

2020: Growing A Digital Marketing Agency And Achieving Financial Freedom As Fast As Possible!

Hi, name's Simeon and I'll be documenting my goals, failures and successes in this thread.

I come from a lower class family in Bulgaria where money has always been about survival.

I was born with a dairy allergy and had my first introduction to willpower at the age of 4. I was in kindergarten at the time where naturally kids often ate chocolates, ice cream and other sweet stuff. I couldn't, so I was the outsider kid that got to watch and drool instead. Once one of the nannies...

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from 2020: Growing A Digital Marketing Agency And Achieving Financial Freedom As Fast As Possible!

19 years old Italian student. I hate mediocrity

Hi everyone,
my name is Pietro, I'm 19 years old and I come from a small city in Northern Italy.

I don't know what I really like, I have a lot of passions, but I'd say that the biggest one is to learn things about every kind of stuff. I've learned English, almost all by myself, in order to be able to communicate with people from all around the world.
Last year I finished high school. My parents really want me to start college. So I spent the last years struggling to choose the best...

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from 19 years old Italian student. I hate mediocrity

The fastlane according to an italian

Hello guys, I’m Andrea and I live in Italy. I’m 38 years old. I’m the owner of a dental laboratory. Just few weeks ago I’ve finished to read “Millionaire fastlane”, a book that gave me big inspiration for the future. I’m very happy for having read that book. I’ve withdrown from this book great inspiration for the past, the present and the future. During my trip to gain money I hope that everyone can enjoy the trip and keeps smiling. Hope to be able to contribute to this community and that...

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from The fastlane according to an italian

Growing a Lifestyle Business – Freelance UX/UI + Web Design

Hi everyone,

I'm creating this thread to document my progress as a freelance UX/UI + Web designer.

Here's a bit about me:
I've been a full-time UX/UI designer for the past 2 and 1/2 years, mainly working on SaaS web applications. I think I'm a pretty good designer, and know that I have the skills to do great work as a freelancer. I've been doing freelance on and off for the past few years. Joined Fox's course back in November 2017. Had some early success with it, but wasn't...

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from Growing a Lifestyle Business – Freelance UX/UI + Web Design

Now or Never - Progress Thread

Hi everybody,

Long-time lurker. I will use this thread to document my progress but also to write down random thoughts and ideas.
Let me start by saying that I have been passively reading posts on this forum since around 2017 (!) and did only post once every blue moon with my old account. Maybe 10 posts in 3 years. I wanted to start fresh and therefore created a new account.

Can you imagine…? 10 posts in 3 years?

Actually, let’s try something. Please imagine this: Let’s say you have been...

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from Now or Never - Progress Thread

Taxes info

Hi guys!
I'm new here and I would like to create a website, but I had few questions to ask you because I'd like to understand if this is Italian problem or it's pretty much everywhere the same thing ahahah.
Basically in Italy if I want to create a website from scratch I should pay 7k of taxes per year even if I don't make money at all out of it, is it like this also in your countries? Because I wanted to start this website but I can't afford 7k in order to pay accountant, tax and other shit...

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from Taxes info

Any Greeks have interest in Fastlane?

Any Greek Fastlaners Out There?

from Any Greeks have interest in Fastlane?

Bonsoir à tous de France ;)

Salut à tous le monde!

Nous sommes un couple de trentenaire français qui démarrons cette nouvelle aventure sur ce forum.
Céline, 35 ans, je suis aujourd'hui salariée d'une administration publique, j'ai fais des études de droit pendant 2 ans dans le but de devenir Notaire, ce qui ne s'est pas fait car j'ai dû rentrer dans le monde du travail rapidement.
J'ai travaillé pour l'entreprise Carrefour pendant 9 ans et demi, puis 8ans dans les assurances à mon compte en Tant que commerciale


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from Bonsoir à tous de France ;)

Ambitious Pinoy


I am Ces Lorica, currently living in one of the poorest regions in the Philippines and the home of the Majestic Mayon Volcano.

Currently studying in High School, I discover this forum after countless researches of other topics like, “Napoleon Hill Fraud”, “Copywriting Challenge”, etc. and as a result of watching a video entitled “The Untold Truth About Money...”.

Aside from it, I discovered TMF, and Unscripted as I watched summaries on Youtube.

And as the Pandemic emerges and 4...

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from Ambitious Pinoy

Don’t forget sports! What did you do today?

Want to remember you all to make any kind of sport!
Now the days become colder and as it gets harder for me to start any outdoor activity, I feel, how my body suffers under not doing enough.

So I aks you all to make anything regularly.
You will improove all over.

What did you do today?

I ll write mine in the evening ;)

from Don’t forget sports! What did you do today?

You are a badass at making money - Jen Sincero? Is it worth reading?

I bought the book "You are a badass at making money" by jen sincero since I saw it was in the fastlane bookstore.

I been 1 hour into it. I find it boring. Is it worth reading? Is there anything valuable?

from You are a badass at making money - Jen Sincero? Is it worth reading?

When the wrong people tell you know you're doing something right.

Far too often I feel like people are easily discouraged by all the wrong people.

We shouldn't listen to those with a 9-5 mindset or anything similar because they aren't where we wanna be.

Of course they think our idea of passive income is stupid...they don't know what's actually possible.

Sometimes I like to flip the script on them and ask them how they think (fill in any entrepreneur here) got so rich without being born into it.

It's entertaining to see some of the responses.

from When the wrong people tell you know you're doing something right.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Buy Vacant Lot and Sell to Drive-In Restaurant?

I own a vacant rental house which borders a vacant lot of nice grass with a little cement driveway. This lot can be purchased for $250 + $50/yr tax only by a) me, b) the other neighboring landlord who used to own it and let it go back to the city or c) the guy across the street who could have bought it at any time but never has.

Negatives to buying:
1) My future tenant would have to keep the grass cut or I'd be fined (currently the 12 year old kid living in the...

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from Buy Vacant Lot and Sell to Drive-In Restaurant?



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Is it good time to buy some bankrupt businesses ?

Today I was looking at businesses for sell paper and noticed too many businesses are for sell, reason is clear, they no longer able to pay their bills, some restaurants are going half the price they would normally be sold for.
Is there anyone tried to get some business ? I see the benefit of buying the business for half price, but in the same time I ll be loosing money for unforeseen future since most likely the operations are almost halted.

from Is it good time to buy some bankrupt businesses ?



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Deja Vu

Hey guys and gals, nice to meet you.

I'm here because of that too.

I ran into this website today while looking for some copywriting advice. Why was I looking for advice? Not sure. At this point, you know more about me than I know about writing copy.

I have not read The Millionaire Fastlane, UNSCRIPTED, or every GOLD and NOTABLE thread, yet. I wanted to introduce myself as I am when I discovered this website. The few GOLD threads I've read have already changed the way I think about...

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from Deja Vu

Moved to Scottsdale, Growing a Web Design Firm

Hey everyone,

It's been about one year since I joined the forum and thanks to the great advice of some members of the community, I've been able to completely change my life and move in a better direction.

To keep it simple, I was working at an investment bank in NYC and absolutely hated my life / how I was treated.

This week I just moved into my apartment in Scottsdale after making the cross country drive solo. A few months back I started my web design business with the help of Fox's...

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from Moved to Scottsdale, Growing a Web Design Firm

Acquisition Entrepreneur questions

Hello, I am very interested in the Mergers and Acquisitions arena. However, I am would need to start working on no money down deals. I have started reviewing business listings from online brokers. I will need to find a seller willing to carryback a portion of the sale and find a preferred SBA lender.

Does anyone here have any experience in this field? Especially starting off on a shoestring, like I am.

Wade Pennell

from Acquisition Entrepreneur questions

Becoming a millionaire (the ''secrets'')

Upon some reflection, I've failed at alot of things in my life. However, the reason for these failures isn't talent based, ability based or anything along the lines of that infact. This will be alot of verbal diarrhea I hope you enjoy while I listen to some heavy rock.

Looking back, the number one thing holding me back or anyone for that matter is definitely one key.

Discipline & Work ethic

Call me crazy, but my beliefs are that nearly everyone is equal, in terms of abilities or...

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from Becoming a millionaire (the ''secrets'')

Looking to learn and grow some!

Hi everyone. My name is Lydia, I started my Babysitting business two years ago and I ended up getting stuck. I have a bunch of new ways that I want to grow and expand it is just how to go about it that I'm stuck on. It was recommended that I come here. I hope to learn and grow some! Thanks!

from Looking to learn and grow some!

Self-Empathy vs Mental Toughness - Which One Do You Find More Useful?

It seems to me there are two main schools of self-development.

One is closely aligned with spirituality, self-empathy, self-understanding, kindness, etc. If, for example, you're struggling to lose weight, you seek internal psychological reasons why. You try to understand yourself without making yourself feel bad as self-kindness is a big aspect of this school of thought. The goal is to pursue goals in an "enlightened" way, honoring your limitations, not being overly harsh with yourself...

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from Self-Empathy vs Mental Toughness - Which One Do You Find More Useful?

Ippei kanehara Local Lead Gen Week 2 Update

So I know it isn't a friday...and it's been a week and a half since I last posted about it...but here's an update for you all.

Before I left for vacation in Florida I didn't hit the goals of prospecting / building out sites that I wanted to hit so I am going hard at it today.

That being said while I was on vacation, I had two people reach out to me out of the blue that I sent videos to previously with interest in what I can do for them.

That was a great Christmas gift for sure! I'll be...

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from Ippei kanehara Local Lead Gen Week 2 Update

Question about TMF

@MJ DeMarco

I just finished TMF (2nd time). My favorite book by far. I always recommend it to people.

I've been thinking about the part where your buddy says, "dude, find a way to turn those emails into money somehow!"

Your web service was already launched and providing value to people. Were limo companies paying you for ad space at this stage? If so, how did you price your service?

from Question about TMF

How Do You Convince A Business Owner That Just Because The Marketing Is Digital...Doesn't Mean It Should be free?

Some of these business owners I come across think I should be doing the work for free...which is kind of do you justify your prices to them?

from How Do You Convince A Business Owner That Just Because The Marketing Is Digital...Doesn't Mean It Should be free?

Things will never be the same.

Hello everybody,

I am Ivan from Bulgaria. I pretty much have done it all in sales - from mlm to online selling. My experience thought me the onliest way to have sustainable business is to create a system with very high levels of entry.
The very first time I read MJ’s book was in 2015. Few weeks ago my company have bought the rights of The Millionaire Fastlane and now we are distributing it in Bulgarian.

I believe today during the pandemic is the greatest time people can be alive for the...

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from Things will never be the same.

How I deal with distraction.

Hi! I'm new to the forum so for my introduction I wanted to impart some personal advice as I think this is the topic I see most soloprenuers people struggle with.


You know those days when you wake up ready to conquer the day? Your plan is set, maybe you've even taken the time to fill out some objectives on your shiny to-do app that you'll almost certainly forget about in a week.those days roll into weeks your months slip by and before you know it you're re-imagining...

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from How I deal with distraction.

Selling online courses


I've recently set up a website where I post weekly articles on personal development, and I've created a few paid courses for £9. They are text courses where I include about 10 articles and 10 exercises on topics like improving nutrition, not caring what people think, becoming a positive thinker.

I haven't got any sales yet but that's to be expected given that the website has only been running for six weeks

I'm just wondering whether I can market text courses for around £200 when...

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from Selling online courses


What am I talking about? We like freedom round these parts. We choose what we want to do & when. No boss breathing down our necks. We always have options. We're not beholden to anyone.


There it is though.

The first of the unfinished sentences we pretend is complete.

We're not beholden to anyone... else.

Once busyness & distractions & all the nonsense has stopped - even if it takes being laid up ill in bed to do it - we all eventually...

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Walter Hay's Business Books

Well, I have become a serial business book writer. Three down, with at least one more residing in my brain.

The 3 books so far are based on:
  • A lifetime of success in sales and marketing, while designing, copywriting, and structuring all of my own advertising in both major businesses I established.
  • Industrial troubleshooting involving solving problems that stumped the experts with letters after their names. One multinational, employing over 300 chemists worldwide had for several...

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from Walter Hay's Business Books

I am 19. Should I do what I want, or focus on the long term?

I am 19. Probably going next year to university.

But i have like $60 at hand now. Now this my not seem like a lot, but its worth alot in my local currency. What would you do if you had this money? In the past 6-8 months i have spent most of money on books, some gym equipment and fast food. I have focused more on my studies( but my grades are still quite average), lifted a lot and gained a lot of new insights.

So, i planned $20 on a vape i have long been thinking of buying( not a smoker...

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from I am 19. Should I do what I want, or focus on the long term?

Backlink Maker Tool

How does a backlink maker tool generate backlinks? Do backlink makers actually generate new backlinks or do they only show existing backlinks? How many backlinks can I get at a time?

from Backlink Maker Tool

DealHunters: Looking to Buy a Business? We'll Help Find your Next Dream Acquisition!


Welcome to DealHunters, a paid newsletter where we hunt down and send you high-quality, pre-vetted deal reports weekly.

*What is DealHunters?*
If you’re new to Buying Businesses, you’ll find that Deal Sourcing comes with many challenges:
— Scams & Low-Quality Deals are rampant on low-mid market sites like Flippa.
— Brokers...

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from DealHunters: Looking to Buy a Business? We'll Help Find your Next Dream Acquisition!

Grant Cardone Admits: "The American Dream is way harder than I've been writing about in books and talking about from seminar stages"

I just came across this article on in which Grant Cardone shares lessons he learned from is 'Undercover Billionaire' Challenge (Build the American Dream With $100 and a Truck).

Bottom line up front: What did you learn by starting a business with nothing in a place you didn't know?​

The American Dream is very hard--way harder than I've been writing about in books and talking about from seminar stages. This was the hardest thing...

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from Grant Cardone Admits: "The American Dream is way harder than I've been writing about in books and talking about from seminar stages"

Monday, December 28, 2020

Bitcoin / cryptocurrency crash #2

When do you guys think it will happen? Personally, all I know is that when it all drops off again, I'll actually buy some this team for the 3rd wave.

from Bitcoin / cryptocurrency crash #2

Dressing For Success... Stop looking like a fool.

It has come to my attention that few people give this enough thought.

A common theme of my posts is thinking big and leadership. Both of these REQUIRE interaction with other people. Sure you can build some onepreneur super outsourced company and make good money... But the VAST majority of the extremely wealthy got that way by making strategic deals, establishing influence and leading others.

Which brings me to LOOKING THE PART. It's popular, and often considered a badge of honor, in...

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from Dressing For Success... Stop looking like a fool.

Mr. Trash's journey to shakeup Private Equity (Trash Panda Capital)

Hi all,

I have been debating posting this thread for a few days, but here it goes.

I've been an Ideapreneur/Wantpreneur for a while. I'm 27 and have worked in the Salesforce ecosystem for about 5 years on and off (More about that here). After spending time at Non-Profits & PE owned companies running a single Salesforce organization, I took a leap into Consultancy late last...

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from Mr. Trash's journey to shakeup Private Equity (Trash Panda Capital)

Longevity Resources & Websites

Two years ago I posted a lie in the biggest lie I ever believed most of my life thread.

My lie was: That death is certain.

Since then several members have messaged me for more information, and I've posted a few times about the possibilities the future holds and a little bit about current research. Now I think it's time for a thread that brings...

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from Longevity Resources & Websites

New book

Anyone know when MJ’s new book is coming out?

from New book

When did you realize the system is rigged?

Sometimes I feel like my company sat on the committee to write The Script.

In many ways, I can defend the pharmaceutical industry in good faith. But there are days when I know thegood things we do don't outweigh the reality of it all.

I was so enamored by my job.

I was a rock star.

Walk into an office with Starbucks in one hand and a briefcase full of drugs in the other hand. Cute receptionists smiling big and waving at me. A nurse gives me a big hug and grabs her venti skinny soymilk...

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from When did you realize the system is rigged?

Riding in the Fastlane with Imposter-Syndrome

Hello everyone, it's great to be here!

I’m 25 years old, I live in Europe and pursue a career in Human Resources. Besides working I am currently studying for a bachelor’s degree in Business Psychology (estimated time of graduation: April 2022). From my initial short description you may have already realized, that I have been a “Slowlaner” all my life. It’s something that I have been taught and getting rich and making millions was always for others, but never reachable for me. So I didn’t...

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from Riding in the Fastlane with Imposter-Syndrome

How I lean startup’d my way to $240k+ on the saturated App Store

This is a long needed followup to this post. Some of y'all have been pinging me about this, so HERE WE GO.

I cofounded a social app startup at age 22. Because I was gonna change the world, DUH.

If you could believe it, our private social networking app, our BABY, never found product market fit...

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from How I lean startup’d my way to $240k+ on the saturated App Store

Getting the MOST out of Fastlane (Required Read)

Welcome to the Fastlane Forum! As a new forum user, we'd like to acquaint you to the forum, its rules, and how to maximize your membership. REVIEWING THIS THREAD IS MANDATORY.

:bulb:#1: READ THE BOOK(S)
First and most important, this forum and its philosophies are predicated on the two best-selling entrepreneur books, The Millionaire Fastlane and...​

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from Getting the MOST out of Fastlane (Required Read)

Where to Set Up First Office in Canada or U.S. (for NA Business Expansion)

Hi everyone,

I have a question about what a good place might be to set up the first North American office of a German company wishing to further its development into Canada and the U.S.

As context:

I am Canadian but have been working in Europe for many years. I have recently been approached by this company wishing to offer me an important business development/management position that quite interests me. I am now being invited to a second interview. The company is into tailoring "Internet...

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from Where to Set Up First Office in Canada or U.S. (for NA Business Expansion)

Why All The Secrecy? Here's Why...

So I was reading a great entrepreneur thread over at Reddit that @JasonR provided and the topic got downvoted pretty bad because he wasn't very forthcoming with his website address and his product. Of course, the "Redditors" called it a calamity, and even some sorted to say he was in some type of MLM.

Years ago when I owned my business, I used to frequent another forum. Back then, the business was routinely generating 6-figures monthly in profit. (PROFIT, not revenue)...

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from Why All The Secrecy? Here's Why...

Is SEO even worth it?

I run a tutoring business and our website is a simple one-page site, but I've gotten mostly good feedback on it.

We also run Google Ads to dedicated landing pages which are even simpler. The goal is to simple get a phone number lead, or engage them with the on-site chat, and get them on the phone to build trust.

Today, I spoke with a friend who is a digital marketing manager for a larger company.

He was suprised I didn't have a "proper" website with nav menus, blog, etc etc.

He said he...

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from Is SEO even worth it?

Digital signage software. Room for more?

Hi, friend and I are thinking of creating a digital signage software solution which would utilize cheaper hardware (existing smart tvs, raspberry pis, etc..) to provide the customer (we're thinking restaurants, coffee shops, gyms) with simple setup and simple to manage solution for their menus, ads and content in general.

Similar solutions exists, just to name a few there is: piSignage,, screenly etc..
The reason we think there might still be a need for our solution is that...

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from Digital signage software. Room for more?

How to sell services that people are unfamiliar with?

I'm reading The Millionaire Fastlane after having read Unscripted and in chapter 2, MJ mentions that he started selling leads to people who were unfamiliar with Web leads during that time.

I'm faced with this same problem right now. I sell web design and landing pages to capture leads but in my country, people aren't familiar with Websites or lead generation. They only know of word-of-mouth marketing and what I call lack-of-better-choice marketing where there's no competition and the...

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from How to sell services that people are unfamiliar with?

Google My Business Listing

Does anyone know how to change the keywords your Google listing ranks for?

When I get our monthly report, it's ranking for useless keywords that seemed to have been chosen by default from Google.

Yes, I have been to Google itself to search for this answer, but the answers are regarding how to optimize your listing, not how to change the keywords it ranks for.

from Google My Business Listing

Current YouTuber working for something bigger

Hello everyone, I’ll be going by OUZUI on this forum. Nice to meet you all, I’m excited about what this forum might have to offer, and what I might be able to bring to it. I’ve heard about this forum and the millionaire fast lane since around 2017 through a cousin, now I finally am joining it.
Some background on me is, I’m currently simply a YouTuber. I have one channel over 100k subscribers, and another with 300k+ subscribers. In January I’ll be launching my third channel and I’m looking to...

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from Current YouTuber working for something bigger

Building streams of income from scratch

Hi, I'm 16 years old, I have learned HTML, CSS and halfway through learning JavaScript. My strategy is to first go on Upwork and earn some money as a front-end web developer. Then invest money which I have earned into Fox's web school and a copywriting course. Then launching my web designing agency and also creating another enterprise applied to C.E.N.T.S

To be continued.

from Building streams of income from scratch

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Self-Help is a CULT!

before I picked up MJ's TMF, I was DONE with self-help books.
I think we all know why, everything that MJ's speaks of, everything you notice if you actually think about it.
from the regurgitated useless advice to the unrealistic unreasoable promises...

I got TMF just because so many people (with real results to their names) recommended it.
at first I was skeptical: "another self-help book about getting rich and about freedom?, yea sure", but - Here I'm :)

anyway I can't believe MJ's books...

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from Self-Help is a CULT!

The road to wealth is simple: Drive a crappy car

Very rarely do I agree with Marketwatch's personal finance tips but I agree with this one.

Early in my entrepreneurial journey, my lust for fast cars really set me back in many ways.

Each time I was burdened with payments which forced me to work crappy jobs. All for an above average car that was merely a mask to an identity that I haven't yet achieved.

The nice car...

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from The road to wealth is simple: Drive a crappy car

Advice on Selling Mobile Home: $800/mo Positive Cashflow

Hi, guys. I tried to find the correct forum to post this but nothing relates. And, selling this isn't a get-rich idea, but it's an appx +$800 cashflow idea for the next 2 years.

Backstory - I live 90 miles from my desk job, which I haven't been to since March 17 and don't anticipate going back until 2021 or 2022 due to COVID-19. Two years ago I bought a $3500 mobile home near work, spent about $2000 in materials, and got it half-way fixed up. I was staying there Mon-Thurs night with my...

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from Advice on Selling Mobile Home: $800/mo Positive Cashflow

Introducing... WEALTH EXPO$ED, A Short Story By MJ DeMarco


I just launched a short story on Kindle (FREE if you have Kindle Unlimited)! After several weeks of modifications, I put my short-story up on Kindle. You might be familiar with it -- it is the heavily modified (and extended) version of the argument I overheard as a limousine driver. (This Kindle version is 4 times longer with 4 times the smackdown!)

Here is the synopsis:

Can a short 18-minute conversation I overheard from a millionaire make you a fortune...

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from Introducing... WEALTH EXPO$ED, A Short Story By MJ DeMarco

The Ultimate Guide On What Books To Read

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from The Ultimate Guide On What Books To Read

Does this idea have wheels? Need feedback.

Hey guys, lately I have been thinking about an idea I have regarding selling some kind of guide or training for the job field I am in.

So basically I work in a field that is fairly niche and the earning potential is +100k/yr. It doesn’t require a college degree and is relatively easy to get into this field and get hired on.

Now with this field being niche, not too many people know about it or assume that it requires a degree. I have been considering somehow selling a guide or something of...

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from Does this idea have wheels? Need feedback.

Need advice for business

Hello member,

I am 22 years old guy trying to make business. I live in country called Lithuania. Studied finance but decided to stop because I didn’t saw anything i like. Was expecting konwledge about world economics and so on. Created cleaning business but it’s dying. Reading book about business like (rich porr dad, think and be rich, the fastlane...). Can anyone give advice or recommend any business idea?


from Need advice for business

Looking Accountability Partner ASAP

HI there, I'm looking to find another entrepreneur that could use someone to hold them accountable. I currently run a farm operation, trucking business and equipment sales venture. I have trouble sticking to what I need to do and staying focused. I'm looking for someone to share goals and habits so i keep on track. We could use an app like "with peers" and even do a weekly check in zoom meeting. If this interests you, let me know so we can get started right away.
Thanks Jordan

from Looking Accountability Partner ASAP

Ask me anything about eCommerce (Ongoing)

Alot has changed since my Ask me about Ecommerce AMA from 2012, so I thought I'd do an updated AMA as some of the answers in the previous thread are now outdated. The online marketplace has shifted greatly in the past couple years. Some examples of what has changed:
  • Google Shopping is now at the top of your search results, so ranking #1 for a specific term is not as valuable as before. I don't do anymore SEO.
  • Big box stores like Amazon, Walmart and Target now dominate the...

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from Ask me anything about eCommerce (Ongoing)

Starting to work my way out of the slowLane

Hello again, I haven’t posted since my introduction. The reason is because I realized, all I was doing was action faking and not moving the needle at all. So I wanted to wait until I knew had taken some real action to moving out of the slow lane before making another post. Hoping I get some feedback as I have much to learn. I’d like to try and do a progress report weekly on what I’m doing to move towards the unscripted life. Okay so I’m a farmer and a truck driver. Been farming my...

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from Starting to work my way out of the slowLane

The 19 year old that's gonna go from nothing to EVERYTHING

Hello everyone!

Thank you for letting me join this forum! I am super excited about everything omg. I've just read The Millionaire Fastlane and WOWWW, this is one of those books that I know can change your life. I've only had one other book that has also changed my life that I'm currently implementing to become my best self because one of the things I've learnt is that...

“Our outer world will always be a reflection of our inner world. Our level of success is always going to...

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from The 19 year old that's gonna go from nothing to EVERYTHING

(Video) Google Ads Audit

I recorded another audit. Here's the link to the unlisted video on Youtube:


from (Video) Google Ads Audit

How much do you pay per word when the writer does its own research?

Hello everyone,

I run a website, which is getting bigger and bigger. I do all the topic and keyword research and I also prepare the articles for my two writers (I copy/paste bits and pieces from different articles that I like). I occasionally do some writing on my own, which is then proofread and edited.

However, I'm noticing, that I'll have a hard time growing the site if I continue to run it like this. There is also a growing list of old articles that need to be updated.


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from How much do you pay per word when the writer does its own research?

Dad of two striving to provide a better life for his family

Hi all,

My name is Miguel from beautiful BC, Canada . I'm 33 years old, married, and have two kids under 5 with another on the way.

I'm a professional web and graphic designer that's worked as a 9-5 employee within marketing teams for most of my career.

The pandemic forced me out of the slowlane (lost my job). After reading "The Millionaire Fastlane", I'm ready to make the switch and pursue entrepreneurship.

I always felt like I never fit the mould, working for the man. I've always had...

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from Dad of two striving to provide a better life for his family

How was your 2020? What will your 2021 look like?

So how was your 2020? Please vote!

Did you have a good year?

Did COVID-19 set you back? Cause you to reevaluate your priorities and/or business model?

Looking back, I had a pretty damn good year.

I expect 2021 to be full of change for myself, from building a house to moving to a new state. I also have a new full-length book that should be out in early 2021!

from How was your 2020? What will your 2021 look like?

Hello, Im Eric

Hey Everyone,
As the title states my name is Eric, nice to make your acquaintance. So, a bit about me is that I’m on the path to try and make a better life. Just before COVID hit my life fell apart. I lost my home, my gf left me for another guy, I had health and financial issues, and the saddest part is that I had to find a new home for my Great Dane whom was my friend for 5 years (had him when he was a puppy)

But, it’s not a sob story. I’m happy that my former partner has found someone...

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from Hello, Im Eric

Envision - Real Estate Progress Thread

I've been thinking about ways to bring value to the forum and I think creating a progress thread about my real estate business and investments could provide alot of insight to members interested in investing (especially at a young age) and also help myself stay accountable to doing what I need to do.

Current Situation:

Currently, I work a full time job (VP of Operations of a real estate holdings company), run my e-commerce business, attend school full time (just 1 year left), and...

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from Envision - Real Estate Progress Thread

The Millionnaire Fastlane and Unscripted read by a French

Hello everyone, I'm Florian. I'm 32 years old and live in France. I am Attorney in Real Estate Law and Contract Law since two years.

I read the Millionaire Fastlane and Unscripted, both in english at first, then both in French to better understand the subtleties and details - (sorry for my english, I read and learn english to improve!).

I recommand anyone who read this post to read :

- The Millionnaire...

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from The Millionnaire Fastlane and Unscripted read by a French

Removing Social Media from my life, in particular Facebook

Hey, Been a member on here around 3 years, but have been slow to participate. Over the past year, I've come to realise just how much time I've wasted looking at Facebook and other social media.

I've removed myself from Twitter, Snapchat etc. I had already turned off notifications for the Facebook app on my phone. And then finally removed the app completely from my phone.

But in the past 2 months have noticed just how little I'm actually getting done work-wise despite spending so much time...

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from Removing Social Media from my life, in particular Facebook

I just went back 8 years of my life - Do you visit your past on a regular?

I just spent a couple of hours to, finally, clean up my private email. 8 thousand emails got sorted. Took a good couple of hours.

It sucked big time.

Towards the end I came to my oldest emails, dating back to 2011-2012.

That was a sad read.

I've never forgotten the struggles of the past, but going through those sent and received emails was more intimate. I could remember the anxiousness, hardship and general struggle of my whole situation.

Basically it was loads of emails applying for...

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from I just went back 8 years of my life - Do you visit your past on a regular?